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Read Posts in Announcements

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 8:55 am
by wgeurts
Is it just me or do some posts in announcement threads not mark as read thus bringing you to an already read post if you click "first unread" when someone posts a new one?
It bugs me to no end at least.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 9:19 am
by Alchemist21
I've noticed that too.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 9:19 am
by SleepyKrew

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 8:27 pm
by zakk
due to how forums/topics/posts are marked as read/unread in phpbb, the global threads spanning multiple forums circumvents the resource-saving methods phpbb employs and while it may seem like a glitch, it's the last unread time of that global thread's ghost/clone thread IN THAT FORUM since you last read it, etc.


same thread (66545)
different forum (7 vs 8) = different "last read/unread" timestamps

the tl;dr is that it COULD be done correctly via much, much, more programming, and doing things on a more granular level in the fundamental way that tool works, but phpbb (and indeed most forum softwares) use a sort of a shortcut which causes "bugs" when people use multiple features together in ways they weren't expressly designed for (which may not necessarily be a bad thing, given the nature of what usually constitutes a Global Announcement -- it's a Big Deal, and is commensurately treated as such, without regard to the normal being-marked-as-read confines by which mere peasant Normal Topics abide).

disclaimer: i really have only a fundamental understanding of this myself, here's a code-related topic i read once with more info on the general idea of this here, if you're interested further (you're probably not, unless you're a coder, and that's okay too): ... pics-posts

hope that explains it well enough, if i didn't.