This has been a long time coming …
Of course it isn’t real. Have you ever played with Shotty before?In post 23, zakk wrote:p-edit: welp i wonder if thats real
Of course it isn’t real. Have you ever played with Shotty before?In post 23, zakk wrote:p-edit: welp i wonder if thats real
You aren’t zakk … but anyway ..In post 37, copper223 wrote:Nope, never. How likely do you think he is consciously faking his own meta?
No, you aren't. You know you aren't so stop puffing out your chest like Big Bad Leroy Brown.In post 47, drmyshottyizsik wrote:I'm harder to read than... well something hard to read.
Links if they can be provided please.In post 205, Titus wrote:@Ircher, What you saw isn't a legit 3p claim. I saw it too but Seth likes baiting and drama.
What specifically do you like about it?In post 132, TehBrawlGuy wrote:+1, I like this post.
Well given that half the wagon on Ircher was driven by calling him scum for badly mangling statistics I can’t see this as valid at all. Why not anyone else. Brawl, who you are floating as Town, is just as guilty as Nos in my mind.In post 169, copper223 wrote:I voted Nosferatu cause correcting Ircher on statistics is something that a townie looking for scum is less likely to do.
Any reason you didn’t wait until everyone in that group had actually posted?In post 181, copper223 wrote:@Seth
Alternatively you can tell me which one, if any, of {Robert, I am Innocent, Magma} is also scum.
On an initial basis I have to say I disagree with your meta read on Shotty. I have two specific markers I read for in him and he’s really not showing either to this point. And it is very early.In post 210, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:My read on shotty is actually based on a tell I believe I found while doing pre-game research. I found a town game and a scum game and I read ISOs of both looking for differences in tone/attitude/tendencies. If anyone is interested, I suggest you do the same and come to your own conclusions, as I would rather not taint impressions if you can figure it out yourself, plus #effort.
shotty's most recent completed scum game that i looked at
Another scum game i checked out to test my theory on the tell. it applied.
shotty's most recent completed town game.
another town game i used to test the tell; it applied. however, this game is kind of old and i wasn't able to find a more recent town game, but i believe it is a valid tell for him.
Persivul is my first town read so far, only because I feel like he'd just be a dick to me if he wasn't.
Well seeing this I think your flippant “Pers is scum because he would piss me off” Town read is nonsense then. You acknowledge that he seems more seasoned as a player. Which would include both his Scum and Town games. Yet you are happy giving him a snap Town read based on him not pissing you off. Which is based on the old Pers not the new. There’s a pretty wide disconnect there.In post 236, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:like, would i trust his reads/observations if i felt he was town enough? probably not, but that's more a comment on my own misplaced arrogance than on his actual skill level. to be real with you, i dont know. i haven't really played in a while and i dont recognize a lot of the names on this list. the last time i played with persivul, he was scum, i caught him, he pissed me off and then i just modded games for a long while (not related to him pissing me off - i got busy with school). i think he was pretty new then? he seems different now, more mellowed out, more seasoned, and i'm sure he's learned things along the way as he's probably played more while i've been gone.
i've just rambled a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. but ihope it answers your question.
EBWOPIn post 248, MagnaofIllusion wrote:Well seeing this I think your flippant “Persisn'tscum because he would piss me off” Town read is nonsense then
To be fair it is more about reading you than agreeing or disagreeing that Pers is scum.In post 250, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:ok. it's based on my last experience with him, which was only a few months ago, and he was aggressive as scum. you're free to ignore my read on him if you like, but yeah i'm happy to give him a gut town read, because that's how i feel, and i mentioned why so others could make their own determination about whether they agreed or not. you disagree. ok. you don't have to agree with me.
Ok, thanks. I guess I have to do legwork on my own then.In post 258, Titus wrote:I meant that I only see that Zakk is scum if copper is scum. That got pretty garbled.
And links cannot be provided.
Do you have experience with zakk that supports this? I understand your point but you know very well that playstyle tends to drive behavior not alignment. I can think of a number of aggressive styled players who would come out swinging in RVS. I’m sure you can too. I’ve got zach very Null right now.In post 275, Titus wrote:Analysis of what happened. If you don't think Zakk was doing anything, we interpret things differently. I think every post, every word, everything has meaning. I don't see Zakk sheeping. He's pushing too hard to be a sheep. The last is the answer. I've been told I shoot down ideas though. I was never reaching Zakk scum based on his opening without Copper scum but I've been told that I am very dickish in approaching things that way. So I tried saying it another way.
No, it isn’t. Why do you think it is? Personally I absolutely want that answer from zakk.In post 278, Persivul wrote:The question seems clearly rhetorical to me.
Um so did Brawlguy (102). So did Killthestory (96). Now I grant you that there is only 2 pages of play for them as opposed to three for Nos. I just don’t see why you are ignoring those two to look at Nos.In post 304, copper223 wrote:Nos started the game focusing on that aspect, which is a key difference.
Put yourself in the shoes of scumhunter extraordinare Nostradamus who has a few pages to sift through and look for alignments, does pursuing Ircher's understanding of statistics seem like a priority to you? On the other hand scum extraordinaire Nostradamus likely wants to look for crumbs, determine which players may be dangerous for him and look to be active while doing nothing, especially if he can join a ready made wagon from Titus, he also appears to be debating the Ircher issues without really giving a read about it.
Meh. I think you are blowing minor differences out of proportion personally.In post 308, copper223 wrote:You are again comparing posts that are superficially similar in the wording but appear to come from completely different mindsets, 102 and 104 are players (BGT and KTS) saying idgaf about statistics, back to the real game please, Nosferatu took the time to examine what Ircher wrote and comment on his ability to do so correctly, now there are reasons why town Nos would do so as well but it is less likely compared to scum Nos doing the same thing hence the vote on him in particular.
I did not like the response. Overall his activity and focus on a few different topics seem Town. Yet his response was “Well, it’s a gut read and you can disagree” seems like a fall-back when I asked him to explain . I generally don’t listen strongly to opinions driven by claimed gut only reads as I don’t find them relatable. Without reasoning to analyze it’s basically “Meh, trust me” which is very antithetical to my personal Mafia philosophy. If you’ve got gut that’s fine but you have to be able to show me something that tracks from a logic standpoint if you want me to buy in. In that case the logic in his response (Pers developed as a player) went directly against his gut read.In post 315, Egg wrote:Magna, you said you were trying to read ETL with that question. What did you decide?
Ok then. Do you have any game experience with faked Dayvigs then?In post 349, zakk wrote:(and lol. chill. no i haven't played with shitty that i can recall. and i think i'd recall.)
Interesting. I’d already stated I thought ETL’s meta read was incorrect but this puts a new spin on it.In post 444, Nosferatu wrote:the last game is a scum game.
I don't know how to feel about shotty literally not clicking on any of these links except the last one.
Dislike, dislike, dislike. Because in thread coaching would require there to be no Daytalk. Yet there is no way to determine whether scum have daytalk of not at this stage. I direct everyone to the wiki for Normal Standards … post 464, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:This reeks of coaching. I take it scum don't have daytalk, eh?
Rules don’t specify Daytalk. But there is no way right now to know if there is an Encryptor or not in the set-up. So drawing conclusions on Daytalk and linking reads to them is poor.The Wiki wrote: Mafia may have daytalk without an Encryptor as long as it is announced in the game's rules beforehand.
Oh so you’ve drawn a relation tell on Titus that hinges solely on coaching which requires Ircher to be scum. And you’d rather vote Titus as she’s “more dangerous”? I don’t recall any other Titus scum-read posts from you. Did I miss some?In post 468, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:Titus I suspect you and Ircher are both scum together, and of the two, you are the more dangerous. I'm happy to vote Ircher as well if it comes to that - he certainly seems like someone you've been trying to keep alive.
Didn’t you just knock Titus in 516 as scummy for leaving her options open to jump to different lynches? Because I read this response as being exactly what you are damning Titus for.In post 516, TehBrawlGuy wrote:I could've just said nothing and been able to jump on them if I wanted to. I did want to potentially vote either of them down the line. I thought it read like SvS. I still think it reads like SvS. No shit I'm going to want to vote people I think could be Scum.
This is the first post of Ircher’s I actually read as coming from scum.In post 512, Ircher wrote:You neeed to elaborate on your scumread on me. Cuz, your explanation so far is not convincing to me nor lynchworthy.
Not that I’m going to share at this stage. If I absolutely need to make a case on Shotty and I see scum indication from my tell-markers (and I’m not currently) I may do it. I’m not outing them now as they are them rendered useless going forward.In post 484, Aneninen wrote:Any explanation on this?
Explain this read in detail. Lurky, slide-by Kill is scum kill. His ISO has no depth to investigating the game-state and trying to find scum. It is pretty much 100% “Lolz U stupid for suspecting me” and even then he draws no read on Egg while doing it. How is this Town?In post 487, Aneninen wrote:Killthestory (no change on him)
Point to a single post that shows scum-hunting.In post 490, Aneninen wrote:Do you mean meta on KillTheStory? No. His posts show genuine scumhunting plus paranoia.
1. Do you find it a scum tell?In post 558, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:Also, Egg - I don't particularly find the peacemaker routine a town-thing generally.
God this is bad. I’ve already explained why.
Who else did you meta research?In post 212, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:EBWOP: to clarify - i only got through about 4 people in pre-game rsearch before i got bored, and shotty's tell was the most solid, so i ISO'd him to see if it was here, and it is.
1. Are you incapable of doing research? You’ve presented that you are a competent player. The first time I had the “What are the Normal standards on MS” since I returned this year I immediately went the Wiki to actually look at the Normal standards. Pretty obvious course of action I think. Yet you are leaning on “I don’t player Normals” pretty damn hard.In post 605, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:I assumed no daytalk because Titus' posts to Ircher looked like in-game coaching. I think that's pretty clear... like.. THAT is where the assumption came from... yet you somehow come up with some cockamamey roundabout explanation that I must have known such-and-such.. ya know, despite the fact that I do not play Normals, ever.
1. I think you are specifically splitting hairs on what is and what isn’t a Townie way to present suspicion of multiple players.In post 603, TehBrawlGuy wrote:No, you misunderstand me. I don't think it's scummy to say "here are the three lynches I support". I think it's scummy to say "here are the three lynches I support, I'll be on whatever's biggest" rather than "here are the three lynches I support, and I currently prefer _____ Lynch". The former says to me that you don't have any actual scumreads, because if you did, one would naturally be the most appealing for some reason.
The whole "you're dead" thing and the stats discussion coming off each other are both pretty dumb, and the stats discussion comes from nowhere. It reads to me like they wanted to distance early D1, and after the daykill thing started to lose steam they had to come up with something else, and that spawned the stats argument. Go read the first 5 pages and tell me that Ircher/Shotty don't fit the description of two scum who decided on a hard distance gambit.
So now I can be added to your "Scum with Titus and Ircher" pool. Gotcha.In post 610, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:although magma is probably scum trying to move the focus off Titus and richer and onto me. that rarely works out well, just so you know
Links please.In post 612, TehBrawlGuy wrote:I have personally done that, and on more than one occasion. It looks a lot like this.
I might. Currently I’m wrestling with the concern that his join date means overwhelmed Newbie as opposed to brazen scumbag. At this stage I think his wagon is better than Ircher’s but I’d prefer Brawl or Kill at the moment. Give me a couple days to keep grinding.In post 614, Titus wrote:Hey magna, You should totally join me on Cy.
Then why bother making empty statements like “I do it as scum” if you can’t show that to be true?In post 616, TehBrawlGuy wrote:I'm not going to go back through 4 years of games on my homesite to link you.
So your whole "Caught scum with my epic trap" play on Cy was what exactly again?In post 623, zakk wrote:the cy wagon has gotten stale of late, it's a bunch of me-toos, and a cy flip will tell us too little
I think you are jumpier than a jackrabbit on meth. I'd have to ISO you but I'd guess you've had your vote on at least 5 different people. Which is at this stage a big fat null.In post 629, zakk wrote:see who jumps on, see how cy acts, see how much steam it gets, see what happens
currently dissatisfied with that prospect, and pushing another direction
what are your thoughts about that?
Far from useless. I’m getting a baseline for the amount of fluff you are willing to just throw around. For example – there was absolutely no reason for a micro-second to believe that Shotty’s fake dayvig was real (nor likewise Ircher’s later reply in kind). Yet you were willing to go right with in and tell Ircher he couldn’t vote he was dead. So either you are a complete moron (I don’t think this is the case) or are willing to be Jokey the Joker who Jokes. Which isn’t in and of itself alignment indicative but will be helpful to judge later interactions you have with.In post 638, zakk wrote:why are you asking me useless questions? what do you hope to discover?
This reeks of classic distancing. Kill flips scum as I think he will and Matt should be next up against the wall.In post 640, projectmatt wrote:The further this game goes on, the more I become suspicious of Killthestory/of the belief that he very well might be scum. I initially kind of read his aloofness as coming from a town place, but it looks like he's using it to coast. However, I'm only not super inclined to vote him primarily because him flipping would give us very little information, since his actual stated reads/interactions are generally pretty small.
Yes. To both questions.In post 778, Titus wrote:Magna, you down for an ETL wagon? Magna, if not, vote TBG?
You don’t have enough data to determine that Titus was coaching Ircher either but that didn’t stop you from long-jumping to that conclusion earlier. Yes, so you don't feel the need to make some smart-ass commment about it, I find that inconsistency scummy.In post 781, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:I don't have enough data to determine that at this time. There's just as much possibility of multiball as there is for single-team mafia. At the moment, I have several scumreads and I'm voting them as I feel more or less confident as the day goes on.
I’d be pleased to see this.In post 789, projectmatt wrote:Admittedly, this is partially my fault for keeping a lot of notes to myself in my head but not outlining them very well on paper. I've been considering Seth - I actually initially read him as newbie town. However, I felt prompted to give him another look, as you can see in 567. After reading through again, I actually considered him to be more likely to be scum. I'll try to expand on that and my other reads in a compiled "big wall of text post" with all my thoughts and reads together.
No, it's a buzzword. A game-valid buzzword but still ... you could always say "development"In post 802, Titus wrote:Trajectory is also not a buzzword. Trajectory is the line of a person's thoughts from the start of the game until the end. Basically, how the reads evolve.
Everyone should read this carefully - it is a tidy little summary for why ETL is solidly scummy.In post 798, Titus wrote:Her reason for scumreading TBG no longer was valid. She was voting Ircher without a scumread on him. She accused me of being scum, with her townread, solely bc I defended him. You also highlighted inconsistencies with her votes. They make zero sense throughout the game.
I know ETL exactly from this thread. I know she has a fairly high opinion of her own play level (236). I know she’s claimed over 70 games here on MS and her join date indicates seasoned player.In post 822, Aneninen wrote:Erm... you seem to know a lot about ETL. Yet you had no information that ETL's a woman.
No your statement is IIoA. You wrote “Shouldn’t you know her gender if you have so much information about ETL” which is meant to imply it is scummy not to. Yet it is clear that ETL doesn’t have a gender option listed and long time players have in the past specifically made it a mystery (Vi the most famous example off the top of my head). And you don’t draw any actual conclusion … you just leave it hanging there. Which is IIoA to a tee – lots of words that sum up to not a bit of game-releveant content.
People shouldn’t have to proactively ask about reads you do have when you have the time to make that Malkavian roleplay post. Which is why I find that whole sequence scummy. 7-8 players you are conflicted on means 13 to 12 players you do have reads on. Why didn’t you post those instead?In post 834, Aneninen wrote:I know "being conflicted" is not a useful thing.
That'swhy I posted this too:
It's bad that I had to look at Page 1 to actually see Desmond is a player in this game.
This is bad. Just terrible. Of course people can be held up to scrutiny for votes with little or no reasoning. Suggesting that a lack of reasons in ETL’s personal ISO for the Brawl vote should be excused because others have listed valid reasons doesn’t make sense.In post 835, Persivul wrote:If she's saying that enough evidence had been given at that point for a person to reasonably vote TBG, then she doesn't have reason to scum read ETL for voting TBG. You don't need to regurgitate everyone's previously given reasons in order to vote.
This is a whole lot of questioning of reads from someone who themselves hasn’t gone out of their way to justify theirs very much …In post 866, Aneninen wrote:As for your reads.
Why is Magna and KTS town? Who the dancing little nymph is Fedora Chick? Why is Zakk and Heuristic lean town? Why is Copper still scummy? Aaaaand why is Persivul scum?
Suspect that you suggest I didn’t answer your question when you then directly reference my response to your question (which I bolded for ease of reference).In post 880, zakk wrote:you demand i answer your questions but you neglect to answer mine
so answer those and here are some more.
why are you talking to me about how you are going to be able to read me later?[b/]does it look like i care? you should be happy that you'll have more to read, but it looks like you're trying to make me feel guilty for being a "jackrabbit on meth"
you think me pushing the ircher wagon even though he thought i was town is a null tell? really?
what did you learn from that, about him, and about me? anything?
what is your opinion on pursival? on titus? on ETL? what do you think about the relationships between them?
do you think copper or ircher is scum? if so, why? if not, why not?
Wait Oceanwind is a Pers alt?In post 904, Titus wrote:When I caught Oceanwind scum
Please explain how that ISO is lean Town. There is very little content there. Literally my fact when I saw this was …In post 904, Titus wrote:Nosferatu - lean town. I disagree with Nos on Cy scumclaiming, but only through my own experience. I see where he gets it from. I like 444. I highly think Shotty just selectively responded rather than clicking on just a solitary link. I would like to hear more from Nos.
Are you floating the concept that Ircher’s wagon was not being pushed very hard? The fact that it has gone away doesn’t mean it wasn’t strongly fueled.In post 908, drmyshottyizsik wrote:The fact that these wagons aren't getting pushed very hard is indicative of the fact that there aren't many or any scum on your or ircher's wagon.
Thanks, that clears that up.In post 928, Persivul wrote:No, I was scum with Oceanwind and Ranger. Titus pushed Ocean D1, but I got Titus lynched instead.
Agreed … I just have a hard time seeing lack of possible scum motivation in that Iso. Meh, not really worth debating I guess since Nos is way down the ladder on my suspects list as it stands now.In post 945, Titus wrote:@Magna, When I look for town, I look for unlikely to be scum. Townie behaviors can be faked. Having less scum motivation cannot. Sometimes, there's a rare flash that screams "this is town" but that's few and far between.
I’ve also (sorta, she was in a Hydra) played with Titus as scum and she has not handled this game nearly like she did that game. The interaction with ETL have been charged enough that I feel comfortable with her as Town.In post 927, Persivul wrote:In a game in which we were both scum, she took pressure D1 and played poorly, just going after someone for suggesting a PL, and she got lynched.
I see this as perhaps an oversimplification of the realities of how a game this large plays – there is always a possibility under your circumstances Town never reads Ircher as scum and thus doesn’t show up. Also you gloss over the competing Ircher / Cy wagons. Here’s a quick refresher –In post 935, drmyshottyizsik wrote:My point is people are saying the same scum on Ircher's wagon jump over to titus. I think it is much more likely that this is town jump from scum to another scum. If it were scum jumping around the wagons would have waited for town and pushed really hard. It's not that the wagons weren't fueled strongly, it's that enough of the town had other reads and scum wasn't going to start bussing yet.
In post 529, SirCakez wrote:cytheflyguy (6) - zakk, Titus, projectmatt, SethYazura, heuristically_alone, Ircher
Ircher (5) - TehBrawlGuy, Egg, cytheflyguy, Persivul, drmyshottyiszik
For at least some period of the day both wagons got to more or less halfway home. Don’t you think if Ircher is scum as you think (which I disagree with) that a push would likely take place there?In post 590, SirCakez wrote:Ircher (6) - TehBrawlGuy, Egg, cytheflyguy, Persivul, drmyshottyiszik, EspeciallyTheLies
cytheflyguy (5) - zakk, Titus, SethYazura, heuristically_alone, Ircher
In post 1009, Egg wrote:Getting sick of people shying from wagons because "lol no info". That's bullshit. If someone is scum, lynch them. If not, don't. Who gives a fuck about info. We'llworry about that the next day.
This is Town.In post 1009, Egg wrote:Ok, now we are comparing each other to children and talking about the sizes of our dicks. Someone call me when we are playing mafia again. Yeah, fuck this. I'm gonna read later.
I think the most polite way I can respond is to say "Not much really".In post 1012, Titus wrote:Magna, what do you think of Nahdia?
Fine.In post 1022, Nahdia wrote:lamers and tryhards
hi manga how r u man titus is trying to set us up i think
Not really. I’m not interested in debating you on the finer points of your read which I know from my own perspective is wrong. That’s not useful as it isn’t going to sway you just as much as you aren’t going to convince me I’m scum.In post 1023, Nahdia wrote:ok manga do u want the cold harsh truth as to why i am scumreading u?
Are you seriously trying to peddle that including yourself as Town in a reads list is scummy behavior?In post 1082, copper223 wrote:Translation: I am making a readlist to show you how town I am.
Disagree. Copper up until his recent jump back on Ircher (after I made that comment, BTW) was more of less focused on routing players to Seth. And I can’t find any evidence of a scum read from him outside of Ircher and Seth. Both of which have drawn attention today.In post 1093, Aneninen wrote:Why? That description, I think, fits more players.
No. I asked Shotty that specifically for a reason. I wanted to see if he would look critically at it. His response at 1051 completely ignored the implications and went off on his current multiball theory instead.In post 1093, Aneninen wrote:Did you mean this: If Ircher were scum the Cy-wagon would have been pushed harder. – ?
What read do you have on Heur, Nahdia, Lowell, and Copper then? I’d like to know how you disagree with him specifically on these players.In post 1095, Aneninen wrote:Ircher's readlist. 1065.
ETL, Zakk, Matt, TheBrawl, Heuristic, Nahdia, Lowell, Seth, Copper, Egg and Cy. I disagree with all of these. 11 players. I still don't think Ircher's scum but even if I get the reasoning behind in certain cases (ETL, Zakk, Copper, Cy) I think he missed a couple of facts.
You need to explain how you reached this conclusion because I’m starting to see what just looks like “fling new links together and assess the set-up based on what my current dejour reads are”. Earlier you were selling “Titus and Ircher as scum together” (591 as way of example). Now they are on opposite teams? How does that jibe with your earlier reads that were predictaed on them being teammates defending each other? I don’t see much of a train of read development coming from you.In post 1051, drmyshottyizsik wrote:My new theory is 2 scum teams. Copper and Titus/Ircher and Zakk.
VOTE: ircher these last 4 pages were awful.
These look fabricated as hell –In post 1052, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Reads updates:
Nahdia's first posts were really good, but the whole trying to be cute and lack of any explanation on the switch to copper has me confused - lean town
The points made against KTS are valid and I don't read his tone the same as I used to. He reads to me as intentionally obstinate as a meta-gambit which is inherently null. (also AntiTown, but null)
No update on Heur. His posts since my vote don't have anything substantial in them to sway me one way or the other.
This is a pretty blatant mis-rep. Titus clearly didn’t say “I’m not posting this major scum-post made” yet Brawl jumps to assert that it was a major point. Scummy.In post 1079, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Shotty's voting you, not Zakk. Regardless of the fact that the bold is iffy logic, not highlighting a major scummy thing that one of your supposed scumreads is not Town behavior at all. This whole post reeks of an excuse for getting called out on inconsistently applied logic.In post 1064, Titus wrote: Shotty is a scumread and bussing. I'm not going to interrupt that to pointlessly say they're both scum again. Shotty voting Zakk helps town's wincon. I cannot highlight every single scummy thing y'all do.It would drown the fuck out of town. I've made that mistake before. My job now is to coordinate the rest of the town to get you people lynched.
Um that’s not an accurate assessment. At that point I was Town-reading Ircher and the persistence of the wagon (which formed for stupid, stupid reasons at best) reinforced my read.In post 1102, Egg wrote:Page 32:
Magna, you said you are townreading Ircher because his wagon hasn't faded. Who on the wagon do you think is scum? I expect more than one name if that's a reason to town read him.
In post 529, SirCakez wrote:Ircher (5) - TehBrawlGuy, Egg, cytheflyguy, Persivul, drmyshottyiszik
In post 590, SirCakez wrote:Ircher (6) - TehBrawlGuy, Egg, cytheflyguy, Persivul, drmyshottyiszik, EspeciallyTheLies
Brawl obviously is a clear scum read for me. Outside of that I only see Egg as solid Town in the rest. Not sure if a 5-6 person wagon necessarily has to have multiple scum on it but I’d not be surprised given my Null to leaning scum range of reads on the remaining voters.In post 738, SirCakez wrote:Ircher (5) - TehBrawlGuy, Egg, cytheflyguy, Persivul, drmyshottyiszik
Yeah it is ridiculous. Doesn’t make it scummy at all and the fact you tried to float it as such is scummy.In post 1108, copper223 wrote:t's ridiculous to put yourself in a read list, so what's your motivation for doing so?
Speaking of peddling, explain to me again how I'm interacting only with LHF's and why you think that would be scummy?
So your pool of players you accuse of going after low-hanging fruit is Heur, Seth and Cy (who are low hanging fruit themselves so that accusation really doesn’t apply since it only is useful in reading well seasoned players). Hell looking at Nahdia’s join date I’d likely throw her in that pool as well.In post 1112, Aneninen wrote:Heuristic, Seth, Zakk, Brawl, Cy, Nahdia.
As far as I remember all of these have performed at least one lazy-vote on wagons with momentum. I'm not saying all of them are essentially scum because of this or all of the wagons have been bad, but the description fits them.
I think given the whole conversation around my read on ETL for no looking up Normal standards that the process by which he asked the question and then looked for himself look calculated as opposed to natural.In post 1112, Aneninen wrote:What do you think of TheBrawl's Multiball question?
This is posted from the perspective of someone who doesn’t think scum could be voting him. Because a significant wagon on Town just might be a solid place to look for scum. Yet he dismisses that right out of hand.In post 1178, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Why the hell would I comment on my own wagon? FMPoV, it's a wagon on town. I'd rather discuss wagons on potential Scum. If I get you off of me, but you just ML someone else, I don't gain anything.
I’ll be waiting for the many examples from you that support your supposition.In post 1179, copper223 wrote:Bullshit, in many cases it's scum trying to behave like town and failing, in this instance it turns out to be quirk of how Ircher plays.
If you are Town? Absolutely. There is no such thing as an untouchable player. You see scum you go after it regardless of reputation. You on the other hand are happy to avoid the ‘hard targets’ to instead hunt among new players who don’t have any more likelihood of drawing scum as anyone else.In post 1179, copper223 wrote:Do you think my time would be better spent going after untouchables or incredibly hard to read players? You are not going to lynch don Corleone on D1 but you might screw him if you find the weak link and that's why more of my pressure has been on newer players that I find scummy.
Um whut? That you avoided one person who is low hanging fruit that means you are excused from the accusation? And your supposition that Low Hanging Fruit are a great place to scum-hunt Day 1 is bad given the realities of scum-Town make-up in games. Low Hanging Fruit are more likely to be Town as a whole than scum and are much more prone to being mislynched if Town.In post 1179, copper223 wrote:I haven't however touched cyto. so LHF is not the determinant, your problem here is that you are accusing me of going after LHF when some LHF are a subset of potentially scum and the intersection is the perfect place to scumhunt D1.
In post 1289, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Off the top of my head, the read walls as she was catching up. I don't really see a scum motive for that, when she's very clearly not playing for townpoints in every other post. The fact that they hardly changed is indicative of a real reads list to me, as I think she if she were faking it, she would have been more apt to change her "reads" more.
To be clear – you are Townreading both Brawl and Shotty? (or were back then?)In post 1231, Egg wrote:Magna posting the Ircher wagon makes me even more sure Ircher is scum. I'm townreading the entire wagon from it's height except Cy. Cy's wagon on the other hand has Seth, heur, and Ircher as vote 3-5 at that point. Ew.
Um Egg I think you are solid Town but this is terrible, terrible logic. He can easily ‘pretend’ to be doing that as scum, especially after the mini-back and forth ETL and I had on looking up Normal standards in an attempt to mine Town cred.In post 1273, Egg wrote:The fact that he decided to look up whether it's considered normal to have two scum teams shows that he doesn't have inside knowledge on whether we're dealing with that or not.
In post 1241, projectmatt wrote:What's hypocritical about #1178? It looks pretty solid to me.
Three whole minutes to back away from his twice strongly stated Brawl Town read. Brawl flips scum and Matt should be first up against the wall following him.In post 1243, projectmatt wrote:I also now see your reasons for disliking #1178 after looking again, but I don't find them particularly solid.
In post 1267, copper223 wrote:I have a town read on every player on the Aneninen wagon so if I don't come up with anything better after reviewing tomorrow this is where I'll vote.
So you Town read Nahdia, Lowell and Matt?In post 1235, SirCakez wrote:Aneninen (3) - Nahdia, Lowell, projectmatt
If you want clarification on something please drop a post number.In post 1337, Expedience wrote:I still don't properly understand what MoI was saying before though, his posts are too thoughtful about small things.
So you don’t know where you vote was? And why did it take actual prompting from Titus to actually moveIn post 1324, Persivul wrote:If I am it's pretty old.
Very much interested in what ELT has found slip-wise (or thinks she has found).In post 1360, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:also anen is scum. he slipped but I'm mobile so find it yourself.
Do you think that you should not be able to scum-hunt multiple players at a time? You seem to be angling that if I am not voting you and shouting for your lynch over my other scum reads that it is a “smear campaign”. That makes no sense at all to suggest I can’t have a scum-read on multiple players and investigating such while keeping my vote on my strongest scum-read and that I do so I’m simply looking to “smear” you (and by inference, any player I am not currently voting who I am scum-hunting).In post 1301, copper223 wrote:Further for someone that he is investigating as scum he made quite a few inaccurate statements about what I posted (re. Nosferatu and Egg), and if he really felt genuine about the points he is making I would expect a vote on me and trying to rally support, cause I would expect that would be a strong indication of me being scum in his mind, instead as I said at the time this looks more like a smear campaign (if he is scum and I was pushing a buddy of his) or probing (if I'm on the wrong track and he thinks he might be able to lynch me after a few flips).
Why exactly should Egg be worried about a Naked Vote from you again?In post 1323, drmyshottyizsik wrote:@egg why ignore my vote?
You are spinning this in a way that either comes from scum OMGUSing getting called out or complete lack of understanding of my point.In post 1432, copper223 wrote:Given the above I find it hard to swallow that your accusation that being a LHF is a determinant for me going after a certain player comes from magma_town.
Being an LHF and being scummy is a determinant for how much pressure I will put on you, that's true and I already explained why that makes sense.
I strongly disagree that LHF is alignment indicative, if you consider anecdotal evidence proof (which is a fallacy) it is actually scum indicative in my games sample size.
So you are going to hide behind a semantics argument (word choice isn’t proper) and some buzz-word terminology to suggest that the point is invalid?In post 1432, copper223 wrote:How do you know what my state of mind is while doing something? That sounds like narrative peddling from scum, if you think I'm scum based on my play don't introduce elements like how happy or sad I am about doing something as those are unverifiable by definition.
Anecdotal evidence from a single game isn’t really relevant to this game. Should I find counter-examples where strong Mafia suspects getting suspected and lynched / Vigged breaks the game open for Town as a counter?In post 1432, copper223 wrote:The rest is nicely worded but and idealistic if true but not the way to go. In Shaman, a game Egg was in, Brian skies knew I was scum from the middle of D2, he wasted his time arguing with me which resulted in most of the rest of town calling it a TvT and helped me cover for my other teammate TTH (whom Brian also had a scumread on, in fact he decided I had to be her teammate because I was sabotaging his push on her, which was true). If he had gone about it in the proper order, first gain support to lynch TTH, and only then, once you have shown the rest of town that they can trust your reads tackle copper, he would have likely won the game, as is he lost despite his good reads.
If you your bolded stance is true why bother to use it above?In post 1432, copper223 wrote:Anecdotal evidence is once again not proof(at most it may show why I may be biased and call it a tell when it may be null and in that case wgeurts did it as newbie scum in the first game he played on site, off the top of my head), given the opposition and the remarks that some players do it as a quirk I've read I may have to can the tell in the future though.
It starts at 464 where ETL started her “Titus is coaching Ircher” with the assumption scum don’t have daytalk.In post 1436, Egg wrote:Magna, yes I've townread drmy and Brawl all game. My read on drmy has weakened somewhat and my townread on Brawl has strengthened, but they've both been town reads all game. Can you quote the back and forth between you and ETL or at least tell me where it was? I don't remember it and scum don't usually think to fake things like that. It's not like it's the basis of my read anymore or anything but it would be nice to know the full context of it if I've missed something.
I’ve now had time to review your ISO. If you thought that was a slip why didn’t you vote when you posted your thoughts?In post 1440, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:Looks like you are catching up so I assume you will come across the quote I made later on, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding of language.
So wait … it’s a Large game where more votes are required to get strong wagons going. And you’ve parked your wagon much of the day because “no good wagons are forming”?In post 1441, Persivul wrote:I don't know if it's larges in general or this game in particular, but no wagon has come close yet to actually putting pressure on someone, so my vote didn't concern me that much. In minis or micros I usually make sure to have it where I want it.
Ok - game aside I so want to sig the bolded because you gave me the first out-loud laugh in a long time with that ...In post 1477, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:You honestly wanna know the truth?And then I went to bed cuz I was exhausted. By the time I'd gotten back to the thread Titus and Anen had discussed it and I realized I misread it, so I didn't bother.
I was pooping.
Um I have my vote placed on a scum suspect and know where it was the whole time. You just said your vote isn't important and had it parked on someone without apparently knowing it was there or even scum-reading said player for a signficant amount of time. Two absolutely separate circumstances.In post 1479, Persivul wrote:Aside from RVS, I voted you in 283, ircher in 491, Titus in 792, and ETL in 1326.
You voted brawl in 232, KTS in 596, then back to brawl in 797.
So if you think vote parking is bad, look in the mirror.
Your wagon becomes more viable than Brawl's? In a heartbeat.In post 1486, Persivul wrote:So vote me.
Town!magna would vote me as a scum read.
Scum!magna, not so much. The hood is now known and the idea (which I agree with) that it probably contains 1 scum is out there. Liger is being town read. So, killing me would tkae it down to you and copper.
Um, whut? Lol. The point is as scum you are staging it to be a scummy reaction no matter how I react.In post 1495, Persivul wrote:It's only no-win if I'm town, and you seem to know I'm town.
If I'm scum and you lynch me, that's a scum down and the three other neighbors looking very townie. How is that not a win?
Don’t really buy the “Oh, it didn’t show up in my search”. Game isn’t long enough that you can’t scan through the whole ISO.In post 1542, TehBrawlGuy wrote:>pushed him over the edge
>has literally never indicated suspicion of me
a+ job on the lazy scumwagon
Why did you leave the escape hatch in that initial post?In post 1540, copper223 wrote:I also thought there was likely 1 scum in the hood and that's why I asked Seth which of those three was his teammate (I thought he was very likely scum and showing him I also had another name in my list would smash his confidence even more).
I’m curious to see because you preemptively gave him an out to say no-one in the question as you phrased it.In post 181, copper223 wrote:@Seth
Alternatively you can tell me which one,if any, of {Robert, I am Innocent, Magma} is also scum.
Where did I say that was required at all? You can focus on multiple players at a time in Mafia. Heck in a Large it is pretty much mandatory.In post 1540, copper223 wrote:@Magma
It doesn't make sense to me to focus mostly on player a) but vote player b).
6 would require Town to be loaded for bear on PRs. Not out of the question but something that will have to be assessed as claims and flips occur. The existence of a 4 person Neighborhood has me leaning initially to 5.In post 1510, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:how many scum are we looking for realistically? max of 6 I would think? allows for 2 teams of 3 or maybe one team of 5. that's what I'm thinking.
Please explain because I can’t understand that at all – he’s one of my strongest Townreads.In post 1511, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:egg in the scum pile.
So no read on Copper our other Neighborhood member?In post 1539, Liger_Zero wrote:Getting my footing in this game is troubling, though I am reading Titus and EspeciallyTheLies as town right now.
I have no idea on my neighborhood buddies.
Zakk I don't like his reasoning on his pushes on players, but I am midlly townreading him.
Persivul and Magna I am unsure of, if one is scum I think its more likely Persivul, but that has no basis than just the general vibe of the posts.
Thor will be greatly insulted if he sees this …In post 1509, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:magna reminds me of Thor with all his annoying questions. still not alignment indicative.
And this is why you are scum. There’s been a reason I’ve been pressing Copper so hard – the quicker I can sort whether he is scum before the hood opens the better off it is for my ability to parse his neighborhood activity and reads. Same reason I've been questioning you also. And your "Not interacting with the other members" doesn't hold up to scrutiny given your early vote for me re: Lowell's early push.In post 1585, Persivul wrote:My initial thought, and supported by the wiki, was that there was likely a scum in the hood. My plan was to observe the other participants without interacting with them much and decide which was most likely to be scum. I didn't want them to be on guard with me in the hood. Then, in the hood thread, talk about other people and form some associatives.
Can you explain this short-hand? I've seen it several times from you and can't parse it to save my life.In post 1611, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:LAMISTy
I like how you cropped your response to weed out the pesky part where I laid out why it made no sense for any of the Neighbors to be immediately at ease with the rest and thus renders this response moot.In post 1610, Persivul wrote:The part you're missing is that your pressure on Copper is likely to affect his neighborhood activity and reads.Someone who thinks they're being scum read might simply minimize hood activity in order to avoid giving associatives.OTOH, someone who thinks they're safe with the neighbors is more likely to open up and give more information. So, it's better to sort the person through their interaction with other people, rather than pressing them yourself.
In light of what I just wrote above … does that change your mind at all?In post 1604, Egg wrote:Magna vs Persivul is clearly town vs town. They aren't afraid of being in a smaller scum pool. So it looks like if there is exactly one scum neighbor, it's Copper.
Ok. Did you form enough of a personality read to make an assessment of what that reaction meant before he replaced out? Clearly I thought the question was suspect when you asked it given Robert had not even posted and IAI was basically a ghost … I didn’t think you could possibly get any meaning ful reaction with those facts in play.In post 1620, copper223 wrote:If his personality was of the type that instinctively defends his teammates and he quickly replied nobody, that would have been a nice little scum slip (how is seth_town supposed to know there are none?), so I was happy to give him that out (quickly answering nobody not only would have confirmed him as scum, it would have strongly indicated there was at least one there).
It did not appear to faze in him at all.
Ok. I personally don’t get twigged on his posts as being forced or LAMISTY but that in and of itself isn’t something that has ever been a big scum signal for me.In post 1611, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:Egg read is totally gut. I can't place my finger on it but the ISO feels really off. A lot of the "discussion" comes across as forced and LAMISTy, and definitely "peace-maker"-y, which rubs me the wrong way as I don't really see town functioning that way so early on.
I think the term that might best describe Thor and my old relationship is “A Mix of Grudging Respect and Annoyance”. In the old days we used to get into it strongly based on strength of personality. I think time has mellowed us both.In post 1617, EspeciallyTheLies wrote: Does he not like you? The both of you are very similar in play-style to me. Also I ♥ Thor
Actually that would be helpful ... if only collating the active Multiball theory espousing players.In post 1667, Titus wrote:I'm looking forward to the results of this. If you'd like, I could help in the task as well. That does seem like a harder task to accomplish but very worthwhile.
Sure. May not get to it until tomorrow.In post 1670, Titus wrote:I'll take the top half and search multiball, you take the bottom half?
In post 1671, Persivul wrote:copper/liger - one of these is scum
Wait. So you are saying you are Town and cool with being lynched for associatives. And relaying this to Copper who has (I don’t recall a read from you on his slot recently) a 50/50 shot at being scum?In post 1672, Persivul wrote:@copper:This is why I'm cool with a lynch. I think there are clear associatives to be drawn.In post 1628, zakk wrote:but if pers is town is town then I feel even more confident in ETL scum
Um wasn’t the Firebringer who was the Neighborizor in that game scum?In post 1678, copper223 wrote:@Titus
1/4 makes sense for a lot of reasons design-wise but those are not the odds of hitting scum.
In Gumball someone was quoting a TTH game where Kagami played well by recognizing the whole neighborhood was town, I'll have to check if cakez was part of that one when not on the phone.
Yes. I do. And I’m so damn tired of people giving him and his herp a derp posting a pass for “tone”.In post 1690, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:Magna do you still think this applies? What are your current feelings about KTS?
Agreed but I absolutely do not want a single scum flip from the Neighborhood to make people go “Whelp, X confirmed Town now” where X is the number of other living players from the neighborhood. That’s the kind of lazy thinking and assumption that loses games for Town.In post 1695, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:@magna - If there's multiple teams, then perhaps the idea of more than 1 anti-town member of the hood is possible but I think that's more of an outside theory at this point, since we don't have any indication one way or the other, but even that scenario means there is at least one anti-town in the hood. considering the existence of at least one is reasonable at the moment and something we can work on deducing.
Well I can try help you with your feelings. My opinion of the interaction comes from a completely different point of view. I’m Town reading Ircher and soft Town reading Titus at that stage. I see you posting that Titus is coaching Ircher which requires several leaps that were not knowable at that stage – specifically whether scum has Daytalk or not and a lack of an Ircher scum read. In fact you had him as Newbtown at 324. To my mind you were making non-supportable assumptions and trying to scum-read players for reasons that didn’t make sense to me - especially Ircher.In post 1695, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:And honestly, rereading your ISO kind of makes me mad about the whole "Titus coaching Ircher" thing because first of all, it absolutely read as coaching, and absolutely coaching happens in games where scum do not have daytalk. My thinking on it went like this: "Why is she telling him what to do? Do they have some kind of outside connection? If they are scum together, it could be coaching, which means scum probably don't have daytalk." I voiced my opinions, mentioned that it depended on the existence or lack of daytalk, and also that it changed my read on Ircher if Titus was scum. So I voted Titus and people went all "BLEEEEH WHY YOU VOTE TITUS AND NOT IRCHER" which still makes no fucking sense to me since ircher's alignment in that scenario depended on Titus being scum which would give credence to the coaching issue in the first place. I do not understand why anyone had such a hard time following that line of thinking. Whether a person agrees or not is one thing but to be all "that means you're scum because I disagree with your conclusions" that's so dumb to me.
That conversation isn't evidence as far as I am concerned. You may be passionate about it but that passion isn't hitting my gut ... I just don't see it such. Again we have a different base of experiences - I can't recall ever seeing coaching as you are preaching it to me in any game I can ever recall. Yes ... I understand where you are coming from.In post 1704, EspeciallyTheLies wrote:This is not true. I did have enough data, in that the conversation was in the damn thread. But to ask me if I thought Titus was bussing TBG, and I said - I don't have enough data - there've been no flips or nothing, and I didn't see any connection between them in the conversations/posts, so why the hell would this apply to my conclusion about Titus/Ircher in any way!!? It didn't and it doesn't. Apples and oranges, man. The Titus/Ircher thing was in plain sight, in words, with very clear meaning. My impression was that it looked like coaching. YOu can't make the same conclusions about TBG/Titus at all, they don't have the same interactions, and I didn't, and still don't think TBG is scum really. I was kidna waffly about him but I honestly don't get the case on him (I didn't see a single one really, but I'm not done re-reading). Also my scumreads are mostly independent of each other on D1 unless there's an obvious link like the one I felt I saw between Titus/Ircher. I try not to make associations before a scum flip because that has only ever led me to disaster in the past.