Game 1460: Normalville Mafia
Moderator: ac1983fan
Current Update: Mafia Win
PeregrineV, Town Bodyguard, lynched Day 2
Darthe, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 1
Slandaar, Town Neighbor, died Night 4
Grimgroove, Town Neighbor, died Night 5
Ztife, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 3
Shamrock replaces Nachopappa who replaced thegooner, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 6
Baezu, Town Odd-Night Cop, died Night 3
Nachomamma8 replaces Kattaze, Vanilla Townie, died Night 1
ChannelDelibird replaces Red Dragon, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 4
StupendousMan replaces Miss Stranger who replaced BP, Mafia Neighbor, lynched Day 5
Lucky2u replaces chernobylcitybus, Vanilla Townie, endgamed
Elyse, Town Miller Jack of All Trades, died Night 2
SunnyDays replaces Future, Mafia Two-Shot Roleblocker, survives
Game 1463
Moderator: N
Current Update: Mafia Win
yessiree, Town Gunsmith, died Night 4
Generic, Mafia Neighborizer, survives
Mutleyddmc replaces levio, Vanilla Townie, endgamed
Kid A, Vanilla Townie, died Night 5
DCLXVI, Town Bodyguard, died Night 1
Bub Bidderskins, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 2
Alabaska J, Town Even-Night Vigilante, died Night 3
NotThePope, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 1
TMTOLBTWNTOF, Vanilla Townie, died Night 2
Smudger, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 3
RadiantCowbells, Vanilla Townie, died Night 2
Alduskkel replaces absta101, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 6
Om of the Nom replaces Kingsrush, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 5
Mini 1511: Insurgency Emergency
Moderator: JacobSavage replaced Fegelein
Current Update: Mafia Win
Elyse, Mafia Doctor, Survived
Albert B. Rampage, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Day 1
aphix, Mafia Goon, Survived
Titus replaced Ant_to_the_Max, Town Neighbour, Died Night 3
Skelda, Mafia Neighbour, Lynched Day 3
Kublai Khan, Vanilla Townie, Died Night 3
implosion, Two shot Vigilante, Died Night 4
Humble Poirot, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Day 4
Fusion, Town Jailkeeper, Died Night 1
EspeciallytheLies replaced AzBlueM, Vanilla Townie, Endgamed Night 4
evilpacman18, Town Gunsmith, Died Night 2
havingfitz, Vanilla Townie, Endgamed Night 4
RachMarie replaced gorkat, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Day 2
Mini 1666: The Reds
Moderator: pisskop
Current Update: Mafia Win
dragonspawn, Town Tracker, lynched day 2
MonkeyMan576, Vanilla Townie, died night 1
Prolasped Brain replaced Zerediah, Mafia Roleblocker, lynched day 3
Riabi, One-Shot Bulletproof Townie, died night 4
Kitty Galore, Mafia Neighbor, survived
Titus replaced VictorDeAngelo, Town Cop, died night 3
RandomActs, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 4
TheSoldier, Town One-Shot Vigilante Neighbor, endgamed day 5
Lapsa, Vanilla Townie, endgamed day 5
Terrador, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 5
Drixx, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 1
Slandaar, Town Neighbor, died night 2
Shinobi replaced Keybladewielder, Mafia Godfather, survived
Mini 1685: BooneyToonz II - Looney Tunes
Moderator: Boonskiies
Current Update: Mafia Win
Pegasus30 replaced DrDolittle, Town Innocent Child, endgamed day 5
Aneninen, Town Vengeful Neighbor, lynched day 2
BlueBloodedToffee, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 4
pisskop, Town Neighbor, killed day 2
massive, Mafia Neighbor, survived
Varsoon, Town Neighor, survived
Zebulin, Town Neighbor, lynched day 1
Salamence20, Mafia Goon, lynched day 3
RadiantCowbells, Vanilla Townie, endgamed day 5
Mainez, Town Jailkeeper, died night 3
T S O replaced Big Bad Bull, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 5
BBmolla, Town Neighbor, died night 4
evilpacman18, Mafia Encryptor, survived
Mini 1733: Jurassic Monkey
Moderator: Monkeyman576/Farside22
Current Update: Mafia Win
Scorpious, Town Commuter, lynched day 3
Wanderer-nl, Mafia Neighborizer, lynched day 5
The Archmage Ludicrous, Vanilla Townie, endgamed day 6
pistachi0n, Vanilla Townie, lynched day 6
All Alone, Vanilla Townie, died night 5
MarioManiac4, Vanilla Town, lynched day 2
ICEninja, Town Cop, died night 3
Garmr, Vanilla Town, died night 2
Syndesis, Town Innocent Child, died night 4
3dicerolling, Mafia Godfather, survived
Davsto, Mafia Goon, lynched day 1
Firebringer, Vanilla Town, died night 1
Alchemist21 replaced Diego1487, Town Universal Backup, lynched day 4
Mini Normal 1897
Alive (3)
Boonskiies, Mafia Goon, survives and wins.
Something_Smart, Mafia Goon, survives and wins.
horrordude0215 Jinzou, Mafia Neighborizer, survives and wins.
Eliminated (10)
Transcend, Town 1-shot Weak Friendly Neighbor, lynched Day 1
TwoFace, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 1
I Am Innocent, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 1
aronagrundy, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 2
Eddie Cane, Town 2-shot Vigilante, killed Night 2
hapahauli, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 2
eagerSnake, lmays1999 Town Watcher, lynched Day 3
ThinkBig, Vanilla Townie, endgamed Day 3
Darkshadow64540, Vanilla Townie, endgamed Day 3
rb, Vanilla Townie, endgamed Day 3