Hi drixx!
VOTE: oxy for being first!
Is this vote serious?
I feel like activity is NAI in general. For some specific people, lurking is a scumtell, but I don't think that tell works on everyone in general.In post 15, ruru wrote:1. How is lurking not a scum tell?
Yes, but if he hasn't been on site between now and then, how would he know that you voted him? Like I don't really get the point of voting someone who hasn't been on-site in ~8 hours or whatever it is in an attempt to get them to post when:In post 15, ruru wrote:2. If I wanted to hear from people who've been "afk for a long time", I wouldn't vote on him. I voted on him because he recently logged in, but hasn't posted, and if he is in fact lurking then it will get him to post.
Why?In post 20, Oxy wrote:I have a slight town read on both ofrhz and ruru for this interaction, but that is more than anyone else.
OK, I think I get what you're getting at now, especially since you said you're more familiar with games with shorter days.In post 21, ruru wrote:It was a random vote with the added benefit that *if* he is lurking and not just AFK, that it might get him to talk. That purpose has already been somewhat derailed but now we have new information anyway.
Why do you think this is scummy?In post 21, ruru wrote:ofrhz's "I don’t think lurking is a scum tell" is by far the scummiest thing I've seen so far.
We were, but we're out of it at this point I think.In post 22, ofrhz wrote:Also are we even in rvs? Genuine question
Are you trying to use the fact that you went to the effort of making that image as a reason to townread you?In post 30, Oxy wrote:And then I looked at everyone's last time online, realized how long it had been since they had logged in, and decided to switch RVS votes to someone more likely to be active early.Scum!Oxy would have likely used the original image, had he bothered to make an image at all, since it would give him an excuse to passively wait for his RVS target to show up.
I don't understand why you think this is town-motivated. Or, more specifically, I don't get why you think voting for someone because they *aren't* here makes it more likely that you'll be able to engage with them than voting someone who demonstrated they *are* here (ie people who posted already). I guess what I'm trying to say is that your reason for townreading ruru (laying their first vote on someone they'll be able to engage with) doesn't really match what ruru actually did (voting someone because they *weren't* here).In post 30, Oxy wrote:In reality, Ruru had checked other members of the game, found the person who had been active most recently, and chose them. This is super town motivated because it increases the chances that Ruru has to actually engage with the person they vote on.
I was thinking the same thing actually.In post 30, Oxy wrote:7 has a carefree attitude that I like in response to an RVS vote, and that I especially like coming from someone not comfortable with RVS generally.
In your own words, the two of them continued to misrep/misunderstand each other even after ofrhz said he misread the post, so I'm not sure why you're giving him townpoints for 'never bringing it up again' when the argument continued after.In post 30, Oxy wrote:18 apologizes for the misunderstanding, and proceeds to never bring it up again <--- townie
After this point in the thread there seems to be mainly misunderstanding/misrepresenting between the two of them.
It's in the OP - bolded names have confirmed.In post 39, Oxy wrote:How do we know who has confirmed/who hasn't?
Right, agree with you on the unconfirmed newbies; they'll get replaced if they don't post in a couple of days.In post 42, ruru wrote:So out of those three I will be most suspicious if Drixx doesn't post today. It does not bother me that he hasn't posted yet.
And say lurking is actually a scumtell (like I said earlier, I kinda disagree with this premise). Why is ofrzh scummy for saying it isn't? Yes, I agree that lurking is anti-town. But why is it *scummy* that he thinks that lurking isn't a scumtell? Why isn't he just town who holds a different opinion on lurking than you?In post 42, ruru wrote:Because as an unqualified statement it both encourages poor town play and also helps lurking mafia avoid pressure.
I'm not townreading you right now. I'm not explicitly scumreading you either, but you're definitely not a townread.In post 50, Oxy wrote:@skitter30
However you get around to town reading me is fine. I don't have a preference.
Do the later misunderstands affect that read?In post 50, Oxy wrote:As for Ofrhz, the misunderstandings later are not related to the one I'm giving him town cred for. He did not bring the first one back up.
Oh, I never said that lurking was good play or pro-town behavior. I just don't think it's *inherently* AI - townies can and do lurk too, for a variety of reasons: they don't find the game interesting, trying to avoid the nk, busy irl, in a timezone that makes it hard to post, etc, etc, etc. Lurking is anti-town, sure. That doesn't mean that it's scummy.In post 51, ruru wrote:At this point three people are saying that lurking is not scummy. Considering that it is three and not two, maybe I'm just wrong about what is good play. But to me the idea that lurking is completely neutral is strange.
I mean, I guess theoretically? But in practice at any given moment you don't know who all the non-VT players are (ie if you're town you don't know who scum is), so lynching at random within that group is kinda difficult given that you don't actually know who's in that group.In post 51, ruru wrote:so lynching a random non-VT player should be a good thing.)
Why not? If I understand correctly, you're townreading them for dropping an argument after they realized they misunderstood something. But you say that they later started/continued an argument because of misunderstandings, so why doesn't that affect anything?In post 53, Oxy wrote:@skitter30
Their misunderstandings have not caused me to change my reads on them.
Getting slight townpings from this (but I wouldn't go so far so as to call this obvtown - 70)In post 62, ruru wrote:Based on this and other responses I don't find you particularly scummy, not enough to leave my vote overnight.
I don't really know if doing so will accomplish much; they'll get replaced if they don't post in a couple of days.In post 76, ofrhz wrote:I actually agree with this
All's good!In post 88, Oxy wrote:@Skitter30 I apologize if I used the wrong pronouns. I'll do my best not to let it happen again.
VT cuz then I don't have to play around trying to avoid the nk.In post 89, ruru wrote:Also, I have a question for everyone here. If you could choose your role at the beginning of the game, which would you prefer?
Sorry if TB's newbie contributed to thatIn post 91, Drixx wrote:Had a series of really intense and time consuming games through most of 2017 and just needed to unwind from that.
I just explained that my vote is no longer RVS. It doesn't mean that I'm confident you're scum, but it does mean that you're giving me scummy vibes, and you're the scummiest person I've seen so far. I don't really like that you're kinda trying to brush off my vote by misrepping it as an RVS vote when I just said it wasn't RVS anymore.In post 95, Oxy wrote:P-edit @skitter30 It's about time you move away from that RVS vote.
I'm definitely trying hard. Newb? =( The truth hurts.
I'm not actively trying to look scummy (obv), but I don't think I'm focusing on avoiding missteps, either. Hmm.. Will evaluate in postgame.
I'm not interested in reevaluating my two town reads D1. Nope, not happening. Day 2 and onwards? You bet I will.
What are your thoughts on Eth0s?
Hmmm, ok.In post 100, Oxy wrote:I'm just glad you're out of RVS.
In post 95, Oxy wrote:It's about time you move away from that RVS vote
Me in particular, or a town-player in general?In post 100, Oxy wrote:It took you longer than I expected it would have as town.
Out of curiosity, which game did you read?In post 102, Oxy wrote:It was ambiguous. You are right about that.
Town in general. I've only read one of your games.
I played a lot of mafia in high school during study hall. Those games weren't very high skill. I've been watching DailyMafia and mafia all stars on twitch for a number of years now, on and off. I've also been reading games on mafiascum, very on and off, for that same period. I've always wanted to play, but I've never had remotely enough time to actually play one. I've read a few games on other sites, those forum mafia championship things they ran (still run?). I've always felt lost and bewildered reading fast day phase games, so I never tried playing.
That would be open 711, stack-the-deck, I think.In post 110, Oxy wrote:I don't remember the game. I read it before this one started, so when we started playing, I noticed your name. I remember you (town) getting wrecked by a super lurker/trolly mafia team with not mafia. I also remember having similar reads to you, and then finding out that you had some of the best reads of town. I can search for it if you want?
Nah, you're fine.In post 116, Oxy wrote:It seemed like paranoid town working down the wifom rabbit hole. To rephrase 94: He has stated reads that agree with the reads in my head, and he is saying the "correct" (read: pro-town) things. He must be faking it!
There's some sarcasm there. Please don't take offense. IMO, to ignore the possibility of wifom is foolish. To go down the wifom rabbit hole is madness... Game ain't easy =/
What does this mean?In post 128, Oxy wrote:started to think that I had pocketed myself for her while analyzing her read on me.
Getting townpings from thisIn post 125, eth0s wrote:I will say there seems to be a lot of scum hunters in this game which I am not used to, especially in newbie queue. I think this game will be a head scratcher
I actually think this is a fairly interesting bit of info tbh. If someone believes someone to be a stronger player, they'll read them differently than if they think they're a weaker player; the perceived capability of a player often affects the read.In post 127, Scioness Sajj wrote:I don't really see much usefulness in knowing what Drixx thinks of players capability.
Again, it's still fairly early day1; I'm not too worried about people not contributing overly much yet. If he hasn't posted much in like a few days irl from now, I'd maybe be down for that.In post 145, Oxy wrote:Sorry for multipost... I'm hesitant to really pressure eth0s because he is sick and there is plenty of time in D1 for him to get better first. If people are interested in putting a few votes on Drixx to give him incentive to post, I would be for that.
I'm getting some really bad gut pings from this but I don't know how to articulate it right now.In post 128, Oxy wrote:started to think that I had pocketed myself for her while analyzing her read on me.
I don't know how he wants to use that info, but I don't think it's an irrelevant question. For me, it would help me figure out if someone's reads are natural - if player A is expecting a high standard of play from player B, who's relatively inexperienced, and scumreading them for not playing up to that standard, I would find that odd, and question that read. Or if player A thinks player B is experienced, but is brushing off scummy things B is doing, I would find that odd. etc, etc, etc.In post 150, Scioness Sajj wrote:Alright I understnad that, but how is it going to help eth0s solve the game? Is this meta related?
Idk, it seemed kinda genuine to me, like he wasn't expecting the game to be this hard. Also he's already said he isn't paying that much attention atm cuz he's sick/busy, so I don't know why he would need to fake-contribute like that at this juncture when he has an excuse for not contributing.In post 160, ruru wrote:I don't like this very much at all. Similar to "wow, that sucks" after a PR gets NKed, it just seems too easy for scum to post about how hard/confusing the game is without contributing much.
Is it AI if he doesn't share his thoughts on you? And if so, why?In post 166, Scioness Sajj wrote:I believe his thoughts on me are developing he just don't want to share them.
So, I noticed this dynamic as well. Namely, Scioness appears to be misreading some of Oxy's posts and is coming to conclusions I don't think he intended. Once I noted that, the next thing to do is to figure out if she's doing that on purpose. From a few of Scioness' posts, I had gotten the vibe that English may not be her first language, which she has since confirmed (@Scioness: your English is quite excellent; I only picked up on it cuz I was looking for it in this context). So, I think a lot of the misreadings/misunderstandings might be stemming from there. I don't think she's doing it maliciously, or is trying to be difficult to understand. I think a lot of this thing comes down to the two of them not communicating with each other well, and that they are talking past each other and are just in general misreading the other's posts.In post 178, ofrhz wrote:I just spent a ridiculously long time going through Oxy v Sajj; it was hard to follow because there was so much talking over each other. From Oxy's side, part of this is understandable because Sajj's writing style is friggin hard to follow.
On the other side, Sajj makes leaping assumptions about what Oxy says and is at points putting words into his mouth. Considering this is a text-based game and figuring out what each person is trying to say is important, I generally think this is suspicious. However, Sajj's defensiveness comes off as genuine. I'm inclined to think this is a massive town v town spat at this point.
Not particularly? Where are you getting that from?In post 180, Oxy wrote:It feels to me like Sajj is playing with the goal of not being scum read rather than playing with the goal of finding scum. Does anyone else see it that way?
Is it accurate to say that you think he's deliberately ignoring you? IE that you don't inherently have a problem with someone not sharing thoughts, but you dislike it when people avoid direct questions, which is what you think he's doing?In post 182, Scioness Sajj wrote:2. I don't think not sharing thoughts has to be AI, but the manner he goes about it bothers me. Example in spoiler in 172, which he also ignored and went stright to scumreading me and he has found 170 to have a vote on me, but it seems like an excuse for a vote more than a reason.
That's just a phrase I use when I think a post (and/or player) is super townie and just comes from like an obviously town mindset.In post 183, ofrhz wrote:Are you implying something here?
I don't understand the conclusion you're drawing. Specifically, what's her scum plan?In post 187, Oxy wrote:If it wasn't clear, I'm saying I think she told us her scum game plan, and then she executed it.
Can you show me specifically where you think the bolded is happening?In post 202, Oxy wrote:I feel like ever since I initially FoS'd her,Sajj has spent the vast amount of her posts trying to get me to town read her,and then getting frustrated when I wasn't. I get that town wants to be town read, but I feel like town's focus should be on finding scum. I feel like Sajj is a good enough player and smart enough person to expect this focus from town!Sajj.
Like I'm not asking you to be telepathic, but you kinda have to give me a plausible and reasonable explanation for why she, as scum, would publicly telegraph her plan of setting you up as a mislynch if you want me to entertain the idea.In post 202, Oxy wrote:It is reachy, but I'm not telepathic. Maybe she did it subconsciously because she knows that it's a good scum strategy and as such she found it an easy way to throw some shade that might stick. Maybe she's running on putting on airs after being praised for her successful scum game in her previous game, and thought she was invincible. Maybe it was something else. Let's ask her in postgame.
In post 217, Scioness Sajj wrote:I don't have a people with people wanting to keep information to themselves. But when they wiggle around it it makes me think that they don't want to refuse outright becuase they are concerned with it appearing as scummy. They are more concerned with how they will be precived by players than actually solving the game.
I don't really understand why you don't think his posts come from scum. Can you explain again?In post 226, Scioness Sajj wrote:The newst posts from Oxy make me thing he is tunneling me and really want to be right. Ie he had a gut read and thinks he has found a scum slip and is building a case from this POV. I don't think he has tried to actually sort me in this game and he is appealing to the crowd by adding onto his gut read. The case is weak. Too weak for scum on day 1 I believe. I won't be voting him.
I don't particularly want you to find her scummy. I do want you to come to some sort of a stance, and if you can't, at least try to sort her, which I don't really see you doing. You seem fine settling for calling her hard to read and finding her posting style affected, without doing much about it.In post 227, ruru wrote:Hmm... I think my post is calling her difficult to read, not particularly scummy. It's interesting that you read it that way. Do you want me to think she is scummy? Would you like to see a wagon on her? If I took your post as motivation to vote, even though you don't find her scummy, would you be held accountable for the wagon?
OK, if scioness is a last resort, who would you feel more comfortable lynching? And like I feel like I've been sharing my reactions as I've had them. (There's one or two things I've neglected to follow up on cuz I want to see them develop naturally.) And if there's something in particular you want me to address, lmk.In post 227, ruru wrote:She's been under pressure all game, but it hasn't helped me develop a read. Personally I would lynch her only as a last resort if we don't accomplish anything before then. And since we have a lot of posts on Oxy vs Sajj, I would be much more interested in seeing reactions from someone else at this point. Like you!
I feel like you want to find her scummy.In post 228, Oxy wrote:Welp, that's what I get for not reading the game. As I've stated previously, I read your ISO, I read the PT, and I read some post game comments. I also looked at the first post and it has you listed as still alive. so I figured you had won. I didn't actually read the game itself. fine. you lost the game. Everyone still thinks you did a great job and that you're competent scum.
Why not SvT?In post 232, Drixx wrote:I believe that Oxy vs. Sajj is a TvT. There's a lot of indicators there of that. There's an off chance that they are the scum team and putting on quite a lot of theatre, but generally it's crazy risky to go to the extent they have, and I just don't get that vibe.
Welcome!In post 240, pinturicchio wrote:Ok guys its really late here in Chile and I tried to read everything but somewhere in between became really difficult, and I already convinced myself that Oxy is scum and that his partner is either ruru or ofrhz because of the early towncred to both. A lot of scum motivation there, gives free credit to his partner by giving credit to two players instead of one. The towncred he gives to both is so random I really can't see any other explanation. Also his 1v1 with Scioness seems like building the first mislynch of the game, and he's doing quite good, but nah, you're scum.
Which post?In post 254, Drixx wrote:If Ofrhz is scum, then Oxy almost certainly is. That was a pretty blatant post connecting them at the hip. I suppose it could be an intentional fake out... but that would require a tremendous level of self awareness to realize how he would react if he was paired with Oxy and someone pointed it out and then actually react exactly that way and hit all the right notes.
If ruru is scummy independantly of oxy, why are you voting oxy and not ruru? I get that oxy's flip will help you read ofrhz, but you still think that ruru is scummy irregardless of oxy's flip.In post 261, pinturicchio wrote:BUT! The thing is, you've been acting scummy either if you're Oxy's partner or not. What I mean is, if we lynch Oxy today and he flips scum, both you and ofrhz would be in my lynchpool for D2; but if Oxy flipped town, you would still be on my lynchpool and I would townlean ofrhz.
I kinda feel like on day1 we should just be aiming to find scum instead of team-hunting on pre-flip associatives.In post 274, pinturicchio wrote:If we lynch Oxy and he's scum, ofrhz is his partner; if Oxy flips town, ofrhz is prob!town. If we lynch ruru and she's scum, nice! But who's her partner? Could be Oxy; if she's town, back to plan A with Oxy and ofrhz being partners in crime.
From my point of view (as biased as I am with this trio), lynching Oxy is the best way to go.
Tbf, he did say English isn't his first language; I wouldn't really weigh word-choice for him as much as I would with native-English speakers.In post 282, Oxy wrote:I don't like the phrasing of this at all. First, it implies the same sort of early read on someone that he calls me scummy for. Second, "to convince" is a strange verb to use when describing how one comes to have a read. Scummy posts "ping" a town's radar. Town "notices", "picks up on", "catches", and "finds" scum clues. All of these describe the instantaneous nature of realization. Scum, knowing that they must deceive others, must "convince" themselves that others will find an argument believable.
Bolded - still feels super LAMIST to me :/In post 282, Oxy wrote:I know Sajj has posed questions for me, but I'm just going to ignore them for the moment.My town reads remain unconvinced that she is scum, and that is enough to give me pause at this point.Don't misunderstand me. Sajj is still my #1 lynch today. I just don't think it's pro-town to continue going back and forth with her right now.
I'm kinda getting some buddying/pocketing vibes from him doing this tbh.In post 284, Scioness Sajj wrote:he is kissing up to you because of respect he has gained from that game he has read.
Thing is I kinda feel like oxy's interacting with everyone, not just ofrzh, that way. I don't really feel like those posts particularly point to a coordinated oxy/ofrzh team.In post 288, pinturicchio wrote:Basically your interactions with him is giving him the option to create content so he can get towncred from everyone else.
This however I find troubling because he's resistant to re-evaluating these reads and I don't really get why.In post 293, ofrhz wrote:--> Oxy continues to townread ruru and me throughout game
At the time you developed the read, you were effectively town since you didn't know anyone's alignment, including your own. If you're scum you didn't have to fabricate the read out of whole cloth - you might just be building on a read you developed before you knew anyone's aligments.In post 302, pinturicchio wrote:I'm a little lost, why is this relevant? Yes, I read the thread before replacing in and the dynamic trio pinged me, but I thought that my Oxy/ofrhz was a really long shot since there was two players missing. Now that I know my alignment, the possibilities grew. Don't get me wrong, it's still a long shot, but is the best I can do with the information provided at this point.In post 297, skitter30 wrote: @pin: did you read the game before you replaced in? What I'm getting at is *when* did you convince yourself oxy was scum - before you replaced in, or after?
You don't have to do a whole ISO on me or whatever; a sentence or two works.In post 305, Oxy wrote:I'm still working on that ISO for you, Skitter. In the meantime, this is for Pinturicchio.
Does this seem super likely to happen to you atm?In post 305, Oxy wrote:I'll tell you what I definitely don't want, and that is for a Ruru lynch to happen before we hear a lot more from Eth0s, Drixx, NSG, and Pinturicchio.
OK, why?In post 306, Scioness Sajj wrote:- not in for a ruru lynch or putting her on L-1 so I'm hopping off the wagon
Your slot is a newbie-slot that site-flaked before they even confirmed their alignment. Not really sure what you're expecting people to read into that?In post 308, northsidegal wrote:one thing i will say from doing a thread search is that it's interesting how nobody seems to have mentioned my slot beforehand. i really don't know what it means yet, if anything. if i had to guess i'd say it might cast the SEs/IC in a more suspicious light, but that's just speculation.
I think assemble is a pretty good mod and I trust him to handle prods and replacements in a timely and responsible fashion without me reminding him about it, as he has.In post 310, northsidegal wrote:i didn't expect people to "read into it", it's just the fact that my slot seemed to have just been ignored, and it was 4 whole days before it was replaced. it's just strange to me – i would have expected at least a few more mentions than i've found. my baseless theory is that the more experienced players who perhaps should have called for it to be replaced or prodded earlier didn't because an empty slot benefits them as scum, but like i said – just speculation.
OK, and what's your current read on her slot?In post 311, Scioness Sajj wrote:My mind didn't really change, I had a pressure vote on her. It gave me some answers I was looking for and that's it.
Ofrzh wasn't wagoning her there and I kinda feel like if people unvote every time a wagon gets to L-2 we'll never get anywhere. Also my L-2 vote wasn't exactly an indication that it was time for her to claim.In post 313, Scioness Sajj wrote:304 more than skitter, feels like people are coming around to voting her and no reason to put her into claiming theritory just yet.
Cuz it's a newbie game and I wanted to indicate what I think good practice is wrt things like lurking and using activity tells in a general sense. Trying to be a good example here lol.In post 316, Oxy wrote:You had a lot of hollow content early where you explained things like why someone might lurk, etc. I was looking for them to die down as we got rolling, and they have. +town points
I mean, if eth0s, drixx, and NSG haven't caught up, ruru isn't lynching herself, and there's only three votes on her, I'm not really sure where the lolhammer would come from even?In post 318, Oxy wrote:I think it was decently likely in a world where Sajj doesn't unvote and I start critically evaluating Ruru. You and Ofrhs have this under control. I'll be watching and cheering you on from the sidelines.
Cuz the 1v1 between scioness and oxy has been a major part of the game and I kinda expect everyone to take a stance on it; there's certainly enough content to do so. You're just like avoiding it and almost trying to distract from it, which I'm finding really weird. Like you're just settling for calling scioness hard to read and not doing anything about trying to sort her.In post 321, ruru wrote:Why does sorting SS matter more to you than sorting any of the other players? She's not the most suspicious to me.
OK, why is that suspicious?In post 321, ruru wrote:I meant reactions to pressure, not to the game; you haven't been under pressure at all this game and that alone makes me slightly suspicious.
Yeah, I agree that the 1v1 wasn't particularly interesting and that it was a slog to read-through, and I can understand why you might not have read all of it. *However* I don't really like that you're not doing much to try to sort scioness. (oxy you've come to a conlusion on). Like you're responding to questions she has for you, but you don't really seem to be trying to interact with her outside of that. Now that I think about it, you seem to be playing a pretty reactive game. (ie as opposed to proactive)In post 321, ruru wrote:Yes, I am. I feel like the 1v1 is not the most interesting topic. I think it is likely a TvT because I think Oxy is pretty towny and SS is something like 3/4ths town. And if SS is scum, I think it will be easier to find out through game developments than by spending all of day 1 on her. Also on a personal level I'm not having that much fun reading so much of what feels more like Oxy and SS arguing about nothing and less like deduction (is day 1 always like this when there's a 2 week deadline?).
He's saying that my posting style is probably hard for me to fabricate as scum so if I'm not posting like this at endgame there's a fairly decent chance I'm scum. Like if I need to vote somewhere to promote a scum wincon but the vote is out-of-place given the posting style I've had thus far.In post 337, ruru wrote:Could you explain this a bit more? Does scum have to act scummy before or during lylo?
It's not that I particularly want to go somewhere so much as I feel like people are being overly cautious of L-2, and that since wagons are being unvoted kinda prematurely imo, the target might not feel pressured to actually respond to them.In post 353, Scioness Sajj wrote:Where do you want to get with five people playing the game right now? I feel like I have answered that in 351.
I guess it's cuz besides for your eth0s vote, you're mostly just responding to people say about/to you, and you just seem super cautious. Idk. I kinda feel like your eth0s vote was a distraction and that you're playing reactively otherwise. I don't know how to explain it better right now. Like it feels like an empty vote that was kinda irrelevant to the current gamestate, and was kinda a pressure vote, and just kinda felt like you were using it to avoid taking a stance. Idk, that vote gives me bad vibes.In post 354, ruru wrote:I did read it, I just didn't enjoy it. I'm confused that you think I could be trying to distract from SS vs. Oxy, but also that I'm playing reactively rather than proactively.
Do you think moving on from SS vs. Oxy is pro-town or anti-town?
I still don't really understand the connection between scum!oxy and scum!ofrzh.In post 363, Scioness Sajj wrote:Oxy - since I have made my post with reasoning on my townlean he has been proving me wrong. If one is scum so is the other imo.
This basically. If he's busy irl I don't really think wagoning him will make him do much. Like I don't think a vote on him will change his behavior so I don't see the point in voting him. I do think that if he thinks he can't participate he ought to replace out.In post 367, ofrhz wrote:I don’t really understand the eth0s votes, is he more likely to make this game a priority if we wagon him? Also are you guys comfortable with policy lynches?
Idk, both of the bolded feel kinda stretchy/reachy to me; I don't really feel like either of these statements are particularly conclusive tbh.In post 369, Oxy wrote:"Drixx has no reason to lurk" is too definite.It's like she knows that Drixx has no reason to lurk because scum lurks and Drixx isn't scum.On the other hand, "eth0s is inactive in both of his games." feels like cornered scum who checked his activity because she's frustrated he isn't here to help.Again, it could be the opposite. I will say, if Sajj flips scum as I expect her to, her partner is probably in these two. There's also like a 1/100 chance that her partner is Ruru, which is why she might have been overly cautious of that wagon. I don't subscribe to this theory, though. I don't really subscribe to any of these pre-flip.
I don't really think this post comes from scum.In post 370, Oxy wrote:I also called it because I want to swag in post game if I'm right.
Idk if he's exactly trying to control the narrative so much as trying to understand what you're referring to.In post 372, Drixx wrote:Why are you trying to control the narrative like that?
Also I don't really understand the implication you're making here. Why is this significant?In post 372, Drixx wrote:Interesting that you want to narrow the options down to a post on the first page or one of a series of posts you made preceding my post.
I still don't really feel town!ruru right now, but I'm kinda interested in pressuring drixx atm. He makes a really, really vague post, fails to explain it, and then accuses ofrzh of 'trying to control the narrative' when he tried to get clarification.In post 379, Oxy wrote:Okay, team town (Ruru, Ofrhz, Skitter30), I think it would behoove us to coordinate our pressure. My preference for targets would be, in order, Eth0s, Drixx, Sajj, NSG. That's not in order of scumminess, but rather of priority. I would be happy with any of them! Ofrhz seems to prefer drixx. Ruru and I are already on Eth0s.
Idk if I want to commit to hammering someone right now.In post 379, Oxy wrote:Plan? I think we should put them at L-1, give them 24 hours to post something that isn't garbage, and then hammer them if they don't. End of day is not really all that far away, and right now I'm worried that we're going to disperse to our own corners and sit on our thumbs.
Feel betterIn post 385, pinturicchio wrote:Here's something funny: the last time I ate pesto I got intoxicated; this was on February of 2017. I said I would never eat pesto again because I started to feel nauseous everytime I smelled it. Today I ate pesto again, and I got intoxicated yet again... Listen to your body, kids.
Yeah, specifically I was wondering if scum!ruru might be trying to avoid the 1v1 cuz your partner was involved and you didn't really know how to react to it, which is why you voted elsewhere; that was the best explanation I came up with for the bad vibes I had from the vote. But yeah as I wrote the bit that you quoted I realized that this logic is pre-flip based which I know isn't such a good thing for me to base reads on day1. I think a lot of the scummy vibes I got from you was cuz that vote. I don't know if I find you scummy independantly of that; I think that some of the things that I'm reading as scummy (the reactiveness) might be a playstyle/personality thing. At the same time, I don't really find you townie either though; I think I need to spend some more time coming to sort you.In post 394, ruru wrote:This does make more sense to me on why you're sussing me. I still wonder if scum!skitter30 wants town!SS mislynched, but there wasn't enough support, so this would be another reason to want to flip SS on day 2. But that wouldn't really be consistent with your earlier posts where you seemed to indicate that Oxy's case on SS was too weak.
This kinda pefectly sums up how I feel about mafia in general lol. And somehow I still enjoy itIn post 394, ruru wrote:I mean the game is hard, I'm not always confident in what I'm doing, I don't know what else to say really
This feels like you're setting up Pin to want to hammer. And if you're scum it's kinda pocket-y, trying to get him to want to join the CoolKidsTownBloc (TM). And it worked too:In post 379, Oxy wrote:P.S. @Pinturicchio I'm not giving you a team jersey yet, but you can drop the hammer if/when it becomes appropriate.
--------------In post 385, pinturicchio wrote:and obviously, I want my jersey please...
I don't get why you're pushing for a lurker lynch instead of a lynch on your scumread - like you dropped the scioness thing to support the drixx thing.In post 390, Oxy wrote:And at some point we may have to lynch someone for lack of activity. Otherwise we're going to sit here for another week waiting for posts that won't come.
This feels pocket-y and kinda like you're trying to insinuate yourself into a townbloc.In post 391, Oxy wrote:Alternatively, anyone in my town circle could just lead this game to victory and I'll play good soldier. Just don't try to lynch inside the town circle til tomorrow. The time for us to work together is now.
And what if scum is in this group?In post 398, Oxy wrote:I feel like if I were scum this game, and neither my partner nor I were in {Oxy, Ofhrz, Ruru, Skitter30} my game plan would be to stall this day out as long as possible and make town scramble for a good lynch at the deadline. I think the counter play for this is to be just crazy enough to hammer 7 days before the deadline. I think if we're pressuring town!drixx he is experienced enough to find a way to show us town rather than get mislynched for inactivity in his IC game.
The wagon didn't exactly go away, and it's not like I said I wouldn't vote him - I'm not comfortable keeping my vote on him now when I kinda feel like you're pressuring people to vote him before he has a chance to talk, when you seem to be wagoning him for lurker-ness, and not necessarily scumminess.In post 405, Oxy wrote:skitter I love the paranoia, you're playing super town, but why in the world would scum!Drixx give us anything substantial if he knows this wagon is just going to go away.
Also like this post seems to be emphasizing a town-bloc and how a drixx wagon might cause it to fall apart -> like the emphasis is on a townbloc and not drixx almost. Like even the town!drixx case has this negative outcome of the town bloc breaking apart; the implication seems to be we don't want that to happen. I kinda almost feel like you've been pushing this wagon in an attempt to forge together a townbloc, with yourself in it. I don't really feel like it formed naturally.In post 410, Oxy wrote:well, I think one of a few things will happen
1) Drixx shows us why experience matters, convincing us that he is town and breaking this beautiful town circle to shreds
2) Drixx starts flailing/stays inactive, and his partner does their best to break this beautiful town circle apart (chainsaw argument)
3) Drixx starts flailing/stays inactive and his partner makes a case on someone outside the town circle but in our null/scum reads, again trying to break up this town circle
4) Drixx starts flailing/stays inactive and his partner stays inactive and we lynch scum
there are probably some other possibilities. It's a dynamic game. Trust your instincts. If one of those scum teams exist, this is where they will start to make mistakes.
And like if you're scum this is setting up tomorrow's lynch irregardless of what drixx flips.In post 412, Oxy wrote:they could also lol hammer him for town cred, but you lynch the lol hammer-er regardless of drixx's flipp just on policy.
To make sure that pin keeps that townread. Also I didn't have a chance to check for a pattern of pocketing, but it's possible that pin *has* the townread because of pocketing in the first place.In post 419, Oxy wrote:--Why would scum!oxy need to pocket someone who has a hard town read on him?
Yes I think that your asking helped but I don't really feel like it was a pro-town vote.In post 419, Oxy wrote:--ruru is being a team player and it is absolutely pro town vote. Also, I like to think that my asking her helped.
The reasoning for the wagon was that if scum is outside of the group they will try to stall out the day in an attempt to force town to compromise on a bad wagon, and that the counter-tactic was to lynch early. -> I don't get why lynching early is necessarily a countermeasure, and I don't get how this would help if scum was in this group. Like I feel like this logic is kinda wonky.In post 419, Oxy wrote:--What if scum is in this group? Will that change town!drixx's ability to express town?
It doesn't feel natural to me and it's making me paranoid that you made a townbloc so that you could make sure you're in it. And I feel like you're setting up pin to want to join it.In post 419, Oxy wrote:--yeah I'm proud of the town bloc. My entire game plan from the start has been to find town, and then lynch scum with my town breathren.
Yes and I don't really think auto-lynching someone who lolhammers irregardless of the flip is a good idea.In post 421, Oxy wrote:no it isn't skitter, it only sets up the lynch if someone lol-hammers! That's just standard play?????
I don't get how threatening to lynch drixx if he doesn't post in 24-hours will help get posts out of NSG/eth0s, especially if the day ends.In post 424, ruru wrote:Do you agree that we need more posts from eth0s/Drixx/NSG? Is there a better way of doing it?
Like this one feels super town to me.In post 419, Oxy wrote:--I'm not pushing any lynch. I'm saying that L-1 is not something to be scared of, and the possibility of a lol hammer is not something to be scared of either because it gets us a scum lynched either way. If you want to lynch scioness sajj I am 100% for that. 100%. I'm not pushing that because you all know where I stand on her, and NONE of my THREE town reads seem to have any interest in that lynch.
Right, but the implication of your post is that town!drixx is a bad thing:In post 428, Oxy wrote:I answered you on this one too quickly (im too riled to sleep right now)
This was in response to a question by Ruru. She asked what would happen if the scum team was Drixx +eth0s/NSG. That's why, by definition, this assumes all 4 of us are town.
(Um, sorry for riling you up so much that you couldn't sleep. And sorry for not responding last night; I feel asleep.)In post 410, Oxy wrote:1) Drixx shows us why experience matters, convincing us that he is town andbreaking this beautiful town circle to shreds
You said this:In post 429, Oxy wrote:The counter-play I suggested was to be WILLING to lynch early, not to lynch early. Big difference.
Which to me reads like you want to hammer someone if they don't post content in a 24 hour deadline. I don't really think that prioritizng lurkers over scummy players is a good idea.In post 379, Oxy wrote:Plan? I think we should put them at L-1, give them 24 hours to post something that isn't garbage, and then hammer them if they don't. End of day is not really all that far away, and right now I'm worried that we're going to disperse to our own corners and sit on our thumbs
Cuz I thought we were still talking about it and I don't really think that threatening to hammer someone if they don't post in a 24 hour window is a good idea. I was not expecting the wagon to go to L-1 that fast, and I don't' really want to be on this wagon right now.In post 445, Oxy wrote:I was somewhat surprised, though. I laid out exactly what I wanted to do, and then the moment I did it she was like, "woah! Where did this come from?" and I'm like
OK I read the posts and I don't get why you're characterizing them as bs? I don't necessarily agree with her pov but they don't particularly seem fabricated to me.In post 449, Oxy wrote:The most frustrating part of this game for me is reading the stream of bullshit coming from Sajj, and having none of my town reads see it.
That's not meant to be an insult, by the way. It's excellent bullshit, and I'm impressed. It's still bullshit, though.
In post 454, Oxy wrote:I've never had the thought that town!drixx is a "bad thing." Bad for whom/what? There must be a miscommunication somewhere.
Town!drixx leads to a 'beautiful' townbloc 'breaking to shreds'. The connotation is that this is a bad thing. (ie something beautiful has been destroyed). I don't know why you're framing it this way and I really see a connection between 'town!drixx posting townie things' and 'townbloc getting destroyed'.In post 410, Oxy wrote:1) Drixx shows us why experience matters, convincing us that he is town andbreaking this beautiful town circle to shreds
In post 454, Oxy wrote:and more saying that "In the absence of quality town content and in the face of someone else's stated intent to hammer, I won't unvote."
I for the most part understand her thought process. I don't know if I agree with it but I never really got the vibe that she's fabricating things tbh.In post 454, Oxy wrote:At her most townie, Sajj is doing superficial scumhunting. At her most scummy, Sajj is throwing vague shade around the room with little to no analysis of how she reached her conclusions. In the middle of those extremes she is adding to game confusion with answers to wrong questions and other hollow content.
I read that post and assumed it was eth0s's promised catch-up that he didn't finish for whatever reason. It wasn't a wtf-y post to me, and I don't get why not having that reaction is scummy and exhibits a 'lack of town curiosity'.In post 454, Oxy wrote:e.g., When Ruru, myself (and I'm sure others) were looking at Eth0s recent post and thinking, WTF???, Sajj was like, "oh yeah I think that's eth0s."
Not really; see the spoiler above for why I don't really like it right now.In post 457, ofrhz wrote:@skitter, assuming nothing else in the game changed, would you have felt more comfortable with this wagon if it dragged out over 3 days versus 3 hours?
I'm still not sure if I get what you're trying to say. Are you saying that if drixx is scum but convinces people he's town and enters the townbloc, the townbloc will be destroyed cuz scum infiltrated it?In post 464, Oxy wrote:Again, this is in the context of a hypothetical question from Ruru, the premise of which is that Drixx is scum, and that all four of us, you, me, ofhrz, and ruru, are town. If scum!drixx convinced town!us that he was town, and in the process made us more suspicious of one another, that would be a bad thing. This is not a post saying what I believe the results of a drixx wagon will be in this game. It is an answer to a hypothetical question that presupposes both his alignment and our alignments.
Tbh the bolded I actually understand - if I feel like I find obvscum but I can't get people to agree with me I'll stop pushing it but make sure to mention it at every oppurtunity to make sure that people don't forget so that they'll eventually come around.In post 468, Scioness Sajj wrote:1. Town reads don't agree = they are wrong. So instead of actually making better case on me he went into buddying you and every now and then just posting how scummy I am without even providing what he is referring to.He just makes sure you don't forget how scummy I am.
2. This reads to me that he refuses to re-evaluate. I highly doubt he ever wanted to re-evaluate or consider anything I wrote from town!sajj perspective because:
Yes I kinda agree with this - once I've said I don't agree he's kinda dropped it and isn't really trying to explain his POV that much to try to convince me otherwise, but is instead just kinda settling for calling you scummy and telling me because I don't agree he won't bother explaining - like maybe I'd agree if he'd explain.In post 468, Scioness Sajj wrote:I don't remember him trying to convince you or get into a convo why you don't find those things suspicious were he had me as obvscum on me, I don't remember him discussing it with anybody)
Yes, I've said this before; I don't' understand why he's so confident on his reads and why he's so resistant to reconsidering them today.In post 468, Scioness Sajj wrote:So he is either extremly confident he is right and I see no reason for town!oxy to be so confident especially when he subscribes to the paranoia theory.
Huh. Yeah I can kinda see this happening. He kinda did it last night when I get paranoid of the drixx wagon and his immediate response was to tell me how townie I was and try to talk me into staying on the wagon.In post 468, Scioness Sajj wrote:He keeps skitter in high regard because her reads were good and they also covered with his. What happens when her reads don't cover with hers? They make him pause, not reconsider if he is right. Just stop his case he so strongly believes in. He just has to keep telling skitter how towny and a good player she is and at some point she will start listening to him. In the meantime he can try to lynch a lurker. That's scum trying to presuade another player not town resonating with someone.
Yeah I'm still not really understanding why he's focusing on the drixx/eth0s/nsg group instead of trying to convince his townreads that you're scum. Like I feel like he gave up on pushing you so he's just going for the easy lurker lynch instead.In post 468, Scioness Sajj wrote:He can't look for a partner in his town team so yeah. But why in the first place would he look for my partner in bearly active people instead of pushing a lynch on me. He is sure I'm scum, but he backed off as soon as he saw townteam isn't going to follow. He apparently cares more about his townteam comfort than solving and winning the game
Instead of getting into another 1v1 with her can you just give a tldr case addressed to everyone else?In post 476, Oxy wrote:I just couldn't resist. It's so tempting to argue with you ;P
I'm still not really sure if I understand that tbh.In post 483, ruru wrote:I find it somewhat odd that this is being misunderstood multiple times. I thought Oxy was fairly clear. (Whether or not you think that town needs a polarizing leader type)
It's anti-town but I don't think anti-town == scummy.In post 483, ruru wrote:I feel like it is anti-town to post something that a) could plausibly affect the day 1 lynch and b) nobody understands, and then come back to the thread and just post something weird instead of explaining even though everyone is asking for an explanation. This is the kind of thing that wastes time and as mentioned already, wasting time does seem like a viable strategy for scum at the moment. Like it's not just lurking (and I've been null-reading Drixx all game).
Idk, I don't really know what you think I'm missing so if you figure it out lmk and we can talk about it.In post 483, ruru wrote:I feel like you're missing something but I'm not sure how to say it
Also, how would you propose to determine the day 1 lynch? Who do you think is scummy?
I actually kinda think the opposite, that it's easy for scum to be overconfidant cuz they already have all the answers. Like they can seem overconfidant pushing something because they know what they're pushing. Like I think it's harder for scum to fake indecision than overconfidance. I don't particularly think this is a towntell.In post 486, pinturicchio wrote:Overconfidence is a townie treat, because scum can't be overconfident in their reads. Why? Well, because scum knows who is town and who is scum, of course. That's not overconfidence in their reads, that's knowing for sure that their reads are good or bad. And simulating to be overconfident is really really hard, or at least keep playing like that during the entire game.
She went to oxy before I voted drixx - ie before the drixx thing happened.In post 488, pinturicchio wrote:Oxy RIGHT NOW is the best timing for doing it, since skitter stopped voting Drixx and started to have suspicions on Oxy's motivations. So you building a case on Oxy now is well-timed and a great scum strategy.
I read 'scumclaim' in that context as 'not keeping up this posting style throughout the game since at some point scum!me would likely have to drop it to pursue a scum agenda', and yeah I agree with that. I have a lot of trouble of posting like this as scum and I tend to lurk a lot; I panic-lurk under pressure. (tbf I haven't rolled scum since like august so I'd like to imagine I'd be better at that now.) But yeah I can't really maintain this posting style over long periods of time, and I have a lot of trouble maintaining arguments that make sense in a holistic sense if I don't believe in them, so yeah I think that's a pretty fair assessment. If it looks like I'm lurking or like I'm avoiding conflict I'm probably scum tbh. (not posting while I'm v/la doesn't count; I go offline sometimes for religious reasons and I don't post during those times at all and it isn't AI.)In post 491, ruru wrote:skitter30: I know the reasoning here has been explained previously, but I'd also like to know if you personally agree with said reasoning.In post 316, Oxy wrote:tl;dr Skitter30 is playing a very townie game. If Skitter30 is scum, I expect her to basically scum claim by Lylo.
Pocketing doesn't inherently mean scum; sometimes town can pocket too, but yeah atm I kinda think he's scum who's pocketed you - he's trying to make you want to join his townbloc, and to make you want to do what he wants.In post 495, pinturicchio wrote:Could you explain? I feel I've given my own reads and content with enough explanation, and pocketing implies that he's scum, right? Because if I follow his lead and he's town, it would be sheeping and not pocketing, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm having trouble with translationIn post 494, skitter30 wrote: Also I really think he's got pin pocketed.
I don't really know how to explain this. Sometimes player do things that aren't pro-town (ie like lurking), but it isn't an inherently scummy behavior.In post 502, ruru wrote:I'm having a really hard time with "lurking isn't scummy" + "posting in an anti-town manner isn't scummy".
Goodposting. I'm getting townpings from this.In post 507, ruru wrote:3. I'm unconvinced that anyone is conftown on day 1 and this plan basically relies on people being conftown.
3. If one of your reasons for TRing skitter is that given her current playstyle she will be obvscum later by having to push poor lynches, but we already decided on those lynches, then I don't think the original logic applies.
Suppose scum is eth0s+skitter or pin+skitter and skitter busses her partner and then just gets to lylo automatically by following the plan (first 2 days would be 3 town + 1 scum dead, then day 3 2 more town die, then day 4 it's 3-way lylo unless PRs save us). And 3-way lylo seems like a big diceroll to me, especially if scum hasn't had to do anything scummy all game. I mean I guess it's 2/3rds win in theory but even that's assuming there are three 100% conftown.
2. I actually think that I'm going to let her respond to your case before I go through it line-by-line.In post 519, pinturicchio wrote:1. Ok, I get your point too, so not going to insist with my point!
2. Fair enough, but what do you think on my case on Scioness in general? I know this will be difficult to you because we are on different sidewalks, but from my point of view, town!Oxy took the bait and now is townreading Scioness because of the AtE. Why do you think scum!Oxy would do this? If Oxy was town, do you believe Scioness would be town too?
3. Ok, of course i don't feel pocketed because I feel my reads are not affected by him, but I get your point and it makes sense from your point on view. I simply think Oxy is town and that happened before the "pocketing"
Idk, I kinda feel like I'm pushing people as I see things to push.In post 531, eth0s wrote:@skitter in your 388 you talk to ruru about her playstyle being pretty defensive and talk about how she only plays reactively. Well I could draw parallels to your gameplay. You haven't been playing reactively necessarily, but you mostly talk about ongoing stuff that isn't about you. There haven't been a lot of people going after you because you exude towniness, but I think that maybe you should force interaction with people if you think they are coasting. It doesn't have to be you calling them out but simply trying to understand people's reasoning (which you have done with ruru) is a plus. I'm not trying to call you out here, I'm kind of using you as an example. You haven't had to say much about things other than the 1v1, but when you do it has been thought-provoking stuff to help us look at people objectively. Major town points still. I do kind of wish you would help start a push, because people seem to trust you so far and your talent could be used to lead town.
No, this was not clear to me. It looked to me like Oxy wanted to lynch Drixx if he hadn't posted after 24 hours and I don't support that and I won't be on an L-1 wagon pressuring someone like that.In post 587, ruru wrote:I feel like pressuring Drixx was significantly +EV and I don't like that she was so against it when, from a town POV, it should be clear that nobody was actually going to lynch Drixx in 24 hours (which I was trying not to say, but I guess I will say it now since the strategy is pretty much done).
He literally hasn't logged in since before I voted for him - like his response or lack of a response isn't AI. It just means he's busy. The number of votes he has on him doesn't make it more or less likely for him to post if he literally hasn't been onsite to see them. Like the statement 'the longer he has votes on him the more likely we are to get information from him' literally isn't true if he isn't here at all.In post 587, ruru wrote:The longer he has votes on him the more likely we are to get information either from him or from people's reactions to the wagon. If he's town and scum makes the mistake of hammering him then we found scum, and I don't believe a town player who wants to win would ever hammer given the context of the wagon. I think the pro-town play would be to unvote closer to the deadline, not to do it immediately, and I feel like a town player should be able to figure that out I guess rather than make some arguments about why lynching him in 24 hours would be wrong.
It looked to me like you were grooming pin to want to hammer if drixx hadn't posted in 24 hours.In post 593, Oxy wrote:@skitter30 please explain to me how you thought that deadline was enforceable.
Okay, what are your thoughts on this, Ruru?
No I don't understand what this post means or what you're trying to say here. IE I don't understand where my analysis is wrong when you literally said the case wasn't there in 579 as I was writing a post stating I felt like you unvoted pin cuz you realized you couldn't substantiate that case.In post 585, Oxy wrote:ebwop: 581 is what I was talking about when I said you're reasonable in your analysis even when you're wrong. So why couldn't you wrap your head around a simple hypothetical? You understand what I was getting at now, right?
this is @skitter30, btw
When it went to L-1 that fast I got some gut vibes of something being wrong but I didn't know what it was so I just unvoted so that I'd have some room to think through the wagon. I realized after I unvoted that one of the things that was specifically making me nervous is that you were indicating you wanted pin to hammer a wagon on {nsg/eth0s/drixx} if it had gotten to L-1.In post 597, Oxy wrote:Don't you think you could have just unvoted after pin gave intent to hammer if you felt the lynch shouldn't go through?In post 596, skitter30 wrote:It looked to me like you were grooming pin to want to hammer if drixx hadn't posted in 24 hours.
And didn't realize it was a direct response to ruru.In post 402, skitter30 wrote:I also kinda feel like oxy almost wants this hammer to happen?
In post 604, Oxy wrote:I actually didn't make this assumption which is part of the reason I'm having trouble understanding why skitter30 would react that way.In post 601, pinturicchio wrote:I didn't give intent to hammer at all. Y'all assumed I would vote Drixx because I said that Drixx and Scioness were the scumteam, but I said specifically that I wouldn't vote Drixx nor Scioness without making a case on them before. The closest thing I remember saying is that I intended to vote him, but I said immediately that I wouldn't vote for him without my case.In post 597, Oxy wrote:Don't you think you could have just unvoted after pin gave intent to hammer if you felt the lynch shouldn't go through?In post 596, skitter30 wrote:It looked to me like you were grooming pin to want to hammer if drixx hadn't posted in 24 hours.
This looks to me like you wanted pin to hammer.In post 379, Oxy wrote:P.S. @Pinturicchio I'm not giving you a team jersey yet, but you can drop the hammer if/when it becomes appropriate.
YeahIn post 605, Oxy wrote:So you understand it now?In post 603, skitter30 wrote:I initially thought 410 was a response to:
And didn't realize it was a direct response to ruru.In post 402, skitter30 wrote:I also kinda feel like oxy almost wants this hammer to happen?
Right, but telling me that you're town doesn't really change the fact that from my POV that was a scummy vote/unvote since it looks like you started a case that you dropped cuz you realized you couldn't follow-through on it.In post 599, Oxy wrote:Oh, you're analysis is wrong because I'm town. The analysis is reasonable because I can understand a reasonable person seeing that as a scummy set of posts.
I called it 'grooming' before -> the 'team jersey' bit made it look to me like you were trying to make him amenable to doing that. Like he's got you as conf-town - you telling him he'd get a 'team jersey' if he hammered looks to me like you were trying to make him want him to do that to join the town bloc you were forming.In post 614, Oxy wrote:Is it possible that I really meant the part where I said "If/when it becomes appropriate" or did I unequivocally want him to hammer?
I didn't say you were trying to change my mind about the case? I don't understand what this post is trying to say.In post 615, Oxy wrote:I wasn't trying to change your mind on the case. I'm pointing out the difference between you being the reasonable, level headed thinking skitter30 I wrote a read about, and the actions I'm talking to you about in other posts.
Like I read them but didn't make the connection, yeah. I don't know why I didn't.In post 617, Oxy wrote:@skitter30 If I'm understanding you, you're saying that you read each of the posts I quoted above, and continued to believe that my original post was not a response to ruru?
Yes it's possible you were being sincere, but the way the whole thing played out to me looked like you were trying to push the wagon with me/you/ruru/ofrzh, and that one of the ways pin could earn townpoints was by hammering it. Yes, I get that you said 'if/when it became apropriate', but like it shows you were already planning for hammer at a time when the only vote on the wagon was ofrzh, which is why I got nervous that you wanted him to hammer, since you made that post to him in the context of hammering a wagon comprised of me/you/ruru/ofrzh, which is exactly the wagon that happened.In post 619, Oxy wrote:I did not say he would get a team jersey if he hammered. You've clearly read this post a number of times. Is this another misunderstanding?
Again, is it possible that I was being sincere when I said, "If/when it becomes appropriate?"
I mean, your immediate reaction to my unvote was to strongly townread me for it so I'm not really sure why you're now wondering if it was a scumclaim.In post 623, Oxy wrote:To bring it back full circle, I'm trying to figure out if your reaction to the Drixx wagon and the posts that followed it were the "scum claim" I said I expected scum!Skitter30 to eventually make.
Maybe I wasn't clear - my initial vote on drixx wasn't an implicit approval of the L-1 deadline thing. I didn't like drixx's post ,so I voted him to pressure him. Concurrently, I thought we were talking about maybe putting someone at L-1 to pressure them to post in 24 hours, but thought that hadn't come to a conclusion yet. My vote wasn't particularly related to this.In post 626, ruru wrote:This still doesn't address why you would remove your vote instantly rather than closer to the deadline. Drixx can't get hammered at 24h if he's not at L-1 in 24h. Like unless everyone actually wants to lose there would at least be an extension of the deadline to argue about it.In post 624, skitter30 wrote:Also we appear to have different of what constitutes 'apropriate'. I don't think hammering that wagon if drixx hadn't shown up within a day is 'apropriate'. I don't know what pin thinks about that - he was waiting until he felt better so that he could post his drixx case and I don't know if he would have hammered after 24 hours. I don't feel comfortable being on that wagon.
Like the posts leading up to the drixx thing were very pocket-y and 'make my townreads feel comfortable wagoning someone'-y.In post 628, Oxy wrote:@skitter30 Your unvote isn't what I find unreasonable. My read on you is that you read a post and ask yourself, "is this alignment indicative beyond a reasonable doubt?" If the answer is no, you would discount it when making your reads. You told me that was a good description of your town game. When you read my posts leading up to that wagon and conclude that it's scum getting ready to pressure Pin to make a bad hammer, I don't see the level of charity I believe indicative of your town game.
Why can't the following be sincere? Why is the narrative of scum!oxy blatantly leading a wagon into a quick hammer the most reasonable explanation for what happened?
In post 464, Oxy wrote:I don't think I've said anything to imply that this[THE PLAN TO WAGON SOMEONE]is to be set in stone and nothing could change. In fact, I've called for input and leadership from other players multiple times. Regardless, I'm not going to be party to a lynch a person if they are just straight up away from the site for 24 hours. I also would suggest holding the hammer if they were to be like, "Hey, I really can't post today but if you give me until X time I promise that I'll get you what you're looking for." In that situation, I'd suggest turning the wagon towards someone else for the time being. If they didn't follow through on that promise, I would have no qualms being involved in that lynch.
I kinda feel like ruru mentioned she was suspicious of me and you had indicated you would no longer be supporting a sajj wagon and that you realized you couldn't push pin for pocketing you so you're now probing to see how much support there might be for a wagon on me. Like you're free to explore it but I find the timing odd.In post 629, Oxy wrote:You don't understand why I'm wondering if your recent play, by which I mean the stuff we have been discussing, is a departure from the read I gave on you? I'm not saying I'm convinced that you're scum, but I think it's a reasonable avenue to explore. Do you disagree?In post 627, skitter30 wrote:I mean, your immediate reaction to my unvote was to strongly townread me for it so I'm not really sure why you're now wondering if it was a scumclaim.In post 623, Oxy wrote:To bring it back full circle, I'm trying to figure out if your reaction to the Drixx wagon and the posts that followed it were the "scum claim" I said I expected scum!Skitter30 to eventually make.
I can understand why you'd think that but that isn't what was happening.In post 632, ruru wrote:If you were indeed working under the assumption that people will sheepIn post 630, skitter30 wrote:Maybe I wasn't clear - my initial vote on drixx wasn't an implicit approval of the L-1 deadline thing.you(and not just your vote), starting a wagon with no credible threat behind it sounds like it could be a good way to distance scum!skitter from scum!Drixx while also making it very unlikely that he will ever get lynched D1 (due to a recent wagon on him disbanding) and not making him feel any pressure to post. Let's say scum!Drixx was AFK and scum!skitter wasn't sure whether or not he would be comfortable with having more serious pressure on him. It could also explain why scum!skitter was interested in voting on scum!Drixx at first but panicked after realizing Oxy's plan was still occurring.