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Echo Bay Grits SEO [game over]

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:48 pm
by xyzzy
welcome to Echo Bay Grits SEO! here's a list of players:
  1. the worst
  2. Taly
  3. Ausuka
  4. Ramcius
  5. Sando
  6. McMenno
  7. Chickadee
  8. Iconeum
  9. Momrangal
  10. Aristophanes
  11. Not_Mafia
  12. Almost50
  13. Davsto
  14. Austerity
  15. Creature
  16. Srceenplay
  17. randomidget
  18. Varsoon
  19. Kokichi Oma
  20. hebichan
  21. SnarkySnowman
  22. Vaxkiller
  23. CheekyTeeky
  24. TheBrie
  25. Lovebird
  26. Harambey180
  27. StefanB
  28. light_ganski
  29. Theta Alpine
  30. Eddie Cane
  31. Nero Cain
    (replacing katokashi)

  32. Toranaga
    (replacing Archwing)

  33. Nexus
  34. Gorkington
  35. hyung
  36. Ankamius
  37. wingedcatgirl
  38. Gammagooey
  39. Bins
  40. MagnaofIllusion
    (replacing BBmolla)

  41. ooba
the following players are still alive:

Spoiler: living players
  1. Davsto
  2. light_ganski

the following players are no longer alive:

Spoiler: dead players

important game events:
  1. beginning of day 1
  2. Nero Cain replaces katokashi
  3. Toranaga replaces Archwing
  4. MagnaofIllusion replaces BBmolla
  5. end of day 1
  6. beginning of day 2
  7. end of day 2
  8. beginning of day 3
  9. game over

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:04 pm
by xyzzy
  1. site rules:

  2. obey all site rules. you can read the site rules here.
  3. do not discuss the game in any capacity outside of this game thread unless your role gives you explicit permission to do so. if you are allowed to do so, I will provide you with a private topic where you can do so.
  4. do not harass other players in this game. while a certain level of confrontation and argumentation is typical in Mafia games, do not bring personal vendettas or outside influences into the game. additionally, do not harm or threaten to harm any person.
    game conduct:

  5. play to win. there is a chance that you will lose the game, but do your best to avoid that, and do not deliberately throw the game.
  6. do not use the color #8C0000.
  7. do not use any sort of cryptography, hidden text, or other similar methods to hide information in the game thread unless your role explicitly states that you may do so. if you are unsure of what is not allowed, PM me for clarification.
  8. do not quote any private correspondence you receive from me in the game thread unless your role explicitly states that you may do so.
  9. do not quote information from private threads unless your role gives you explicit permission to do so.
    joining the game, leaving the game, and activity:

  10. you should have received a PM with a role from me when the game began or when you replaced in. please respond to this PM with a message that includes your alignment, any non-vanilla attributes of your role, and any mention of any other players. if you have any questions about how your role works or you need a new copy of your role PM, please PM me.
  11. if you will be away from the site for a set period of time, please post in the thread letting the other players know this and PM me, and update the "Vacation / Limited Access" info in the User Control Panel. I will be more lenient regarding inactivity if you are V/LA, but I may need to replace you if you will be gone for an extended period of time. if you are regularly V/LA at certain times (such as during the weekend), you only need to do this once.
  12. if you do not post for 72 hours or more, I will prod you (or send you a reminder to check in when possible if you have announced that you are V/LA); failure to respond to prods or needing to be prodded repeatedly throughout the game might result in a replacement.
  13. if you need to be replaced for any reason, you may message me with information to be passed on to the player who replaces you. this isn't mandatory, but if there's strategic advice you'd like to offer to whomever replaces you, you can do this.

  14. the game is divided into day phases and night phases and will begin with a day phase.
  15. each day, each player may write
    shoot: playername
    , and the named player will die. if another player has already used this ability and I have not resolved this action yet, further attempts to use this action will be ignored.
  16. if you do not wish to use this action on a given day, you may write
    shoot: abstain
    , and you will lose access to this action for the rest of the day. this is irreversible.
  17. if you have died, please do not post in the thread anymore. you are not officially considered dead until I announce your death in the game thread.
  18. if one week passes without any kills, the day will end.
  19. night phases will last 48 hours plus however much time it takes me to update the thread and unlock it.
  20. at least one person has the role posted at the bottom of this post.
  21. between 0 and 41 players have an X-shot bulletproof modifier, which means that the first X kill actions during day or night that target that player will be prevented (unless the player who performed the kill has an X-shot strongman modifier with remaining shots).
  22. between 0 and 41 players have an X-shot strongman modifier, which means that the first X kill actions they perform that would be prevented by a bulletproof modifier will succeed.
    moderator responsibilities:

  23. I will not edit your posts unless your post breaks the rules in such a way that information needs to be removed from it or quotes a post that does that, or you ask me to edit it to fix a broken tag. I will provide a brief explanation of the edit and, in cases of fixing broken tags, will end the post with a spoiler containing the complete original text of the post.
  24. if you have a pronoun listed on your account, I will use that to refer to you. otherwise, I will default to referring to you as "they"/"them". if you do not have a pronoun listed on your account but wish for me to refer to you using some other pronoun, message me to let me know.
  25. I will do my best to keep the game running as smoothly as possible, but there will be times when I'm not around. I should be able to update the game at least once a day, and I will let you know if I believe that might change.
  26. I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time if necessary.
  27. thanks for vibing and keeping it tight. if you need me, I'm on my mobile.

Echo Bay citizen

you're just a regular citizen of Echo Bay, Maryland; you remain unsure of how all of this commotion came about, but you just want it all to come to an end, and will do whatever it takes to ensure this.

you win when only members of your faction are left alive.

during the day, you may write
kill: playername
in the game thread. the named player will die.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:05 pm
by xyzzy
sending role PMs now. the game will begin when 80% of players (33) have confirmed.
please follow the instructions on how to properly confirm -- simply saying "confirm" is not enough!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:53 pm
by xyzzy
the massacre started at 12:22 pm on April 27, 2018. three employees of Echo Bay Munitions Co. had been sent to a small Midwestern town on a simple mission: retrieve company property. this was hardly the first time something like this had happened, of course; leaks happen, and it's the responsibility of any large government contractor to ensure that these leaks do not spread any further than necessary. this was different, though. there was a revolution of a sorts coming, and the company anticipated massive profits assuming they kept this plan under wraps. therefore, a failsafe was set in place: the town would be sealed off, and a countdown would be given to return the company's property. the problem with this plan was that the town was never actually informed what the countdown was for, merely that they would die when it ended, and furthermore, the "Three Operatives", as they would eventually be known, were not informed in advance either. forced into a desperate situation, they realized their only choice, the only way they could escape, was total massacre.

and they succeeded, with perfect clarity. they laid waste to the town, and they had recovered something new and special. something that would change the world. something they didn't fully understand, but something that they knew would upset the balance. they were understandably very unhappy with the position they had been put in. the company had tried to convince people that this was all totally fine, and that the Three Operatives should be lauded as heroes. the company tried to prepare for their return, to ensure that they would be happy with the way things had gone. but of course, you can't just leave someone for dead and expect them to be fine with it. you can't put someone in a death trap and expect that no consequences will ever come to you.

as midnight approached on April 26, a plan was set in motion: there was far too much bureaucracy and secrecy in Echo Bay Munitions Co. to prevent the Three Operatives from carrying out their mission; no one had ever anticipated that someone might do the thing they were about to do, which meant that by the time anyone properly worked it out, turning things back was impossible. this was a company built to make small changes over a long period of time, so three very determined people making one very big change over the course of a single night was something that could not be controlled.

and so an automated drone delivery system delivered an identical package to each home throughout Echo Bay. the packages were plain and unmarked, something that probably should have alarmed most of the citizens, but unfortunately, each and every person took the bait. inside was what looked like some kind of futuristic handgun, and a brief letter explaining the contents. this, the letter explained, was the Echo Bay Munitions Co. SmartGun, designed to operate exclusively with the proprietary Echo Bay Munitions Co. SmartBullet. the SmartGun automatically paired itself to the fingerprints of its user, and each one could be fired just once a day. when someone wished to use their SmartGun, the SmartBullet itself would automatically fire itself at the intended target, and only one SmartBullet was required for everyone who wished to use it. this, the letter continued, was a safety precaution to ensure that it would be impossible for one person to kill more than a single person each day, and that eventually the SmartBullet would become the standard for consumer firearms across the nation. an exclusive trial of the SmartBullet was being conducted right here in Terrier Beach, California. this strange, obviously incorrect detail probably should have tipped off the citizens of Echo Bay, Maryland that something was amiss, but when the first shot rang out at 12:22 pm, the specifics of how this had happened ceased to be relevant.


off somewhere else in town, Toby Determined regretted his decision to move to Echo Bay, Maryland. he had come here with the plan that he would face far less violence than his previous home in the neighboring town of Tibbiddee, Maryland. he had started a new job a few months ago at the Echo Bay Grits company, where he inspected packaging to ensure that it met quality standards. it wasn't the most exciting work in the world, but he was glad to no longer be in the sort of place where people died all the time. the grits manufactured here were sent to supermarkets all across the East Coast, and ensuring a consistent visual appearance for the packaging displayed on store shelves had been proven to have a positive effect on sales. he heard the first gunshot at 12:41, and he immediately knew this would be a terrible day. luckily, he had a plan of escape, and he made it out alive; within 30 minutes, he was on a flight to his sister's home in Terrier Beach, California. there, he was sure, things would certainly be alright.

but one thing was certain: the population of Echo Bay, Maryland was almost certainly no longer on the rise. when he had moved here, there were 45 citizens. by the time he left, that number had already dropped. it would continue to drop.

living players and unused shotsthe following players are still alive: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Ramcius, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Aristophanes, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, CheekyTeeky, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, Eddie Cane, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

the following players have not used their shot for day 1: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Ramcius, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Aristophanes, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, CheekyTeeky, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, Eddie Cane, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

mod notes: please remember to confirm if you have not done so yet!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:56 pm
by Theta Alpine

i think my confirmation may have been what got us over 80%

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:03 pm
by Eddie Cane
kill: ramcius

vla sick

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:04 pm
by Varsoon
At the very least, this game will serve as a litmus test for who is a garbage person.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:04 pm
by Varsoon
Garbage player*


Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:05 pm
by Aristophanes
Hahaha eddie eith the shot iff the bat!

Inb4 scumpartners distancing

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:06 pm
by Varsoon
Anyone who shoots blind is a rubbish player, imo.
Shoot me if you disagree.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:07 pm
by Eddie Cane
kill: varsoon

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:08 pm
by xyzzy
Ramcius, Echo Bay citizen, has died!

living players and unused shotsthe following players are still alive: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Aristophanes, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, CheekyTeeky, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, Eddie Cane, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

the following players have not used their shot for day 1: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Aristophanes, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, CheekyTeeky, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

mod notes: please remember to confirm if you have not done so yet!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:19 pm
by Varsoon
Lol why even post a rolecard when someone dies

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:23 pm
by CheekyTeeky
Kill: Aristophanes

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:30 pm
by Chickadee
Oh, I see we're off to a lively start.

I agree with Version, but please dont shoot me.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:35 pm
by xyzzy
Aristophanes, Echo Bay citizen, has died!

living players and unused shotsthe following players are still alive: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, CheekyTeeky, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, Eddie Cane, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

the following players have not used their shot for day 1: the worst, Taly, Ausuka, Sando, McMenno, Chickadee, Iconeum, Momrangal, Not_Mafia, Almost50, Davsto, Austerity, Creature, Srceenplay, randomidget, Varsoon, Kokichi Oma, hebichan, SnarkySnowman, Vaxkiller, TheBrie, Lovebird, Harambey180, StefanB, light_ganski, Theta Alpine, katokashi, Archwing, Nexus, Gorkington, hyung, Ankamius, wingedcatgirl, Gammagooey, Bins, BBmolla, ooba

mod notes: please remember to confirm if you have not done so yet!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:45 pm
by Taly
Ugh, 2 town deaths already? What the fuck

To avoid mindless killing that really does not serve anything but to create WIFOM; I suggest we all vote normally as if we were to lynch people.

After a certain amount of time, like a week, or if a person(s) acquires a certain vote threshold (close to majority or majority), we can use our daykills on a pool of people where there is a strong consensus on who is scum.

This gives much more information to the town, and strengthens the ability for town to communicate.

Plus the shitstorm of killing without anybody truly being able to play the game is frustrating and generates apathy. -_-

I'll create a vote count.

VOTE: Eddie Cane
Why did you just automatically shoot someone? :igmeou: Was the
shot seriously based off being VLA?

Same goes for you too,

Vote Count 1.1
Eddie Cane (1)
- Taly

May 1st, 8:45 PM Central Time
(I don't know how to accurately make a timer for countdowns :facepalm: )

But May 8th, 8:45 PM Central Time could be our deadline for shooting those who are wagoned/widely scumread.

*This date is not set in stone yet*

With 39 people; the majority vote is 20.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:52 pm
by Taly
are giving me townvibes.

I like that they're taking a pause before creating a line of chaos for no stated reasoning.

I encourage voting as if it were RVS, or at the very least, if people are serious on a read.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:10 pm
by Sando
In post 16, Taly wrote:To avoid mindless killing that really does not serve anything but to create WIFOM; I suggest we all vote normally as if we were to lynch people.
Using your shot early means you're no longer a threat that day and thus not going to get shot, given there's no alliances set up yet.

That said, anyone who shoots Taly gets shot by me, so yeah you'd best shoot me first peeps.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:11 pm
by Vaxkiller
Vaxkiller pauses too!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:11 pm
by Vaxkiller
But i so want to shoot taly for the lulz

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:11 pm
by Vaxkiller

Who would Varsoon shoot?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:14 pm
by Sando
@Taly, let's make a townbloc mmmk.

You state you'll shoot anyone that shoots me, I've stated I'm shooting your shooter. As people join townbloc we create a circle of protection via mutually assured destruction. People without a shot left can't join, since they can't "protect" anyone else.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:15 pm
by Chickadee
In post 18, Sando wrote:
In post 16, Taly wrote:To avoid mindless killing that really does not serve anything but to create WIFOM; I suggest we all vote normally as if we were to lynch people.
Using your shot early means you're no longer a threat that day and thus not going to get shot, given there's no alliances set up yet.

That said, anyone who shoots Taly gets shot by me, so yeah you'd best shoot me first peeps.
For this post, you can go in my town pile.

Also not shooting Karen (Taly)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:15 pm
by Eddie Cane
In post 16, Taly wrote:1) Why did you just automatically shoot someone? Was the Ramcius shot seriously based off being VLA? ... #p10144946

why are yall so serious this is a meme game lol