Changes to Normal Games (update September 2022)

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Jack of All Trades
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Jack of All Trades
Jack of All Trades
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Post Post #148 (isolation #0) » Tue May 29, 2018 6:45 am

Post by Zachrulez »

In post 9, northsidegal wrote:
In post 7, chamber wrote:I personally don't see them as losses. normal games shouldn't be unique. The experience can be unique because of the players, the setup should be somewhat standard.

And they said why they were making the changes, to streamline the review process.
You and I seem to have very different philosophies.

I think all games should be unique or put something interesting forward in some way. Having a "standard" setup doesn't mean that it can't be unique, or that it has to be uninteresting or anything. Most graylist roles are some sort of combination of existing whitelisted roles anyways - I can think of very few examples of a game deviating in any serious fashion from
basically normal.

Like, in the strict sense of the word it is a loss.

Did non-standard role PMs and rulesets really add a significant amount of time to the review process? If so, I guess I'll stop talking on that point, but it doesn't seem likely to me.
I don't mind standardized role pms. People putting their own personal touches on roles has led to some roles with the same name functioning significantly differently. That is no longer possible.

Standardized rulesets on the other hand is not something I'm in favor of and I'm not even sure why it's necessary. I've tweaked my ruleset over the years to patch up various problems and I have huge doubts that the site can adapt to those kind of problems or even agree on how those problems should be addressed nearly as quickly.
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