Im on your side NSG.In post 9, northsidegal wrote:You and I seem to have very different philosophies.
I think all games should be unique or put something interesting forward in some way. Having a "standard" setup doesn't mean that it can't be unique, or that it has to be uninteresting or anything. Most graylist roles are some sort of combination of existing whitelisted roles anyways - I can think of very few examples of a game deviating in any serious fashion fromentirelybasically normal.
Like, in the strict sense of the word it is a loss.
Did non-standard role PMs and rulesets really add a significant amount of time to the review process? If so, I guess I'll stop talking on that point, but it doesn't seem likely to me.
I don't think Greylist roles caused an unbearable amount of time. My option its that having to get a pass from 3 people makes it take more time.
you have 2 that are happy and 1 who isn't. When you change something to make the one happy someone else becomes un happy.
i don't think its fair to blame it on grey list roles but thats just my experience.