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Transformers Mafia - Dinobots STRONGEST!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:09 am
by SpyreX
The Rules:

1.) Votes must use the <vote> tag and be at the start of a line. If we don’t see it, we wont count it.
2.) Unvoting is nice, but not necessary.
3.) Once a majority is reached, that person is lynched.
4.) If there is no majority at deadline, plurality lynches.
5.) Day 1 will have an approximated deadline based on when the game starts – it will be no less than a week. All following days will have a deadline of 7 days.
6.) Nights are instantaneous. All actions must be in before lynch.
7.) Do not talk about this game outside the thread unless your role allows you to.
8.) When you die, you are dead. Stay that way.
9.) Do not edit posts. Do not use invisible text. Do not use small text.
10.) Do not quote any communication from the mod (that includes PMs) in the game thread.
11.) If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, please let me know. See rule 12.
12.) If you do not post for the equivalent of a full game day (at least 7 days long) you will be force replaced immediately at the end of the day. Further, you will be blacklisted from any future games using the BaM ruleset. Keep in mind that there are no replacements for flaking in a BaM ruleset game. Other circumstances requiring replacement are up to the mods discretion.
13.) If you notice mistakes aside from the vote count, PM me. Bold notification about vote count issues in the thread.
14.) Play to win.
15.) Play with the spirit of the game in mind.
15.a.) This means ASK before you do something you think I might question. Questions are good. Modkills are bad. See rule 12.
16.) Have fun. Remember that everyone playing are actually real people and treat them as such.
is our color. Don’t use it.
18.) Night actions are determined using Natural Action Resolution
19.) Have some experience. BaM is NOT the right answer if you are new to mafia. See #12.

Game Specific Rules:

The following ability types exist in this game:
A.) This is an active ability.
P.) This a passive ability.
E.) This is an Energon ability (see below). You only have access to this if you've gathered Energon from a source. This may be an A, P or E ability.
S.) This is a Scrap ability (see below). You only have access to this if you've gathered Scrap from a source. This may be an A, P or E ability.
F.) This is a factional ability.
W.) This is your win condition.

You may use, unless otherwise noted, one A. ability during a cycle. A cycle is a day/night phase. So you CAN do something N1 and D2 for example, but not D1 and N1.

The town win condition is:
You win when all threats to Decepticon rule have been eliminated.

Duel Mechanic:

All players, unless noted, have the ability:
A.)Duel - You may post once per day "Duel: Player Name". At this point, only votes counting for you, the player you have dueled, or for neither will be counted. At the end of 48 hours or when one category has a majority OR deadline would activate, the category with the most votes wins the duel and all other parties are killed and the day ends. This does not count as using an active ability during the cycle and can not be blocked.

The Winner of a Duel has one of two options:
- Energon: Turn the body into Energon. This will allow them access to any E. abilities they possess.
- Scrap: Pilfer the body for usable Scrap. This will give them access to an S. ability based on the person killed.

Please PM the mod during the duel which of these choices (and any conditionals) you would like to pursue.


Because I hate counting votes so much, I'm going to try this sweet website:
So this is its rules:
Use the official VOTE: and UNVOTE: tags. For example, If you wanted to vote for Thesp, you would type VOTE: Thesp.
Avoid abbreviations. Spell out the player's name that you are voting for.
Don't use the word "Vote" with a colon unless you are actually voting. Even better, use the VOTE: tag!
Don't use the word "Unvote" in bold, unless you are actually unvoting.
Don't vote for multiple different people in the same post.

Living PlayersCreature
Papa Zito

Dead Players
DrippingGoofball -
Laserbeak, Decepticon Mini-Cassette Reconnaissance

Firebringer -
Onslaught, Combaticon Strategist

Katsuki -
Dirge, Seeker Doppelganger

Fate -
Swindle, Combaticon Profiteer

RadiantCowbells -
Bombshell, Insecticon Neutralizer

Princess Celestia -
Snarl, Dinobot Warrior

Antihero -
Kickback, Insecticon Nihilist

Fundamental Theorem -
Brawl, Combaticon Warmonger

MariaR -
Soundwave, Decepticon Chief Intelligence Commander

Garmr -
Ravage, Decepticon Mini-Cassette Infiltration Expert

stungun0404 -
Ratchet, Autobot Chief Medical Officer

Brian Skies -
Vortex, Combaticon Aerialist

Skygazer -
Starscream, Decepticon Air Commander

the worst -
Hook, Constructicon Protector

Lady Lambdadelta -
Astrotrain, Decepticon Transport

Gamma Emerald -
Blast Off, Combaticon Apprehender

Toogeloo -
Viewfinder, Decepticon Spymaster

Spiffeh -
Swoop, Dinobot Bombardier

Porkens -
Wheeljack, Autobot Engineer

Prof Fridays -
Long Haul, Constructicon Worker

dramonic -
Trypticon, Decepticon Cityformer

Vaxkiller -
Blitzwing, Decepticon Executioner

rb -
Optimus Prime, Autobot Commander

UnrealSeal -
Thundercracker, Seeker Merchant


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:52 am
by SpyreX
A sample PM:

"I am Glorious Supreme Leader President Untrod Tribot."

You are
Untrod Tribot, DEFCON 4.0 Survivor

P.) MIA Listmod - You do not appear in this game because you're at basic training or something.
E.P.) Deplorable Trumpeteer - This is where an Energon Ability would go if you were acutally in the game. Sorry mate.

You win when all threads to Decepticon rule have been eliminated.


Do Energon abiltiies use energon?

Unless otherwise noted, once you get Energon, ALL Energon abilities you posses are active for the rest of the game.

Can I give Energon to other people?

Unless otherwise noted, you can not.

But what do I do with a second Energon?

Revel in your Energon fueled opulence.

What is instantaneous night?

All actions for the night must be put in before Night begins. I will close the thread and process and immediately re-open.

But my target died, now what?

You can put in conditionals for your night actions.

I dont have any scrap abilities, this is stupid.

Scrap is gained
based on the player killed
. You will have access to the ability at that point.

But I don't have a scrap ability, checkmate.

Ohh, you do, you just dont know what it is. :P

I won a duel, now what?

PM me if you want Energon or Scrap

But the day ends, RIGHT?? so I dont get to use my stuff??

Conditionals are allowed, so you could do If I win I want Energon and then use X on Y. Scrap takes a minute or two to incorporate into your matrix, so scrap active abilities would not be usable.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:55 am
by SpyreX
Thread will become active once a majority have confirmed.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:55 am
by SpyreX


For 42 billion astrocycles we have suffered under the oppression of the cowards. Under those who would see us be servants to inferior races, weak willed yes-men dedicated to a vision only held by the corrupt. After valiant struggle, we were able to finally break free. Now, I am proud to stand tall for my home.

Cybertron, heart of the Empire.

However, resistance to the future always is present. Like junkions, these cells infest every dark corner, every crevice and threaten to undermine us. But, they underestimate us.

The underestimate the will of the Decepticons, and now and forever, they will be purged.

Until only the strong survive.

Deadline: Friday, 7.27 11:30 PST

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:57 am
by UnrealSeal

VOTE: RadiantCowbells

hello again.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:58 am
by Prof Fridays
VOTE: UnrealSeal

You bastard! I wanted to be first!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:58 am
by stungun0404
hey, VOTE: radiantcowbells

i see a future where you’re glowing red

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:58 am
by Spiffeh

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:04 pm
by UnrealSeal
In post 5, Prof Fridays wrote:VOTE: UnrealSeal

You bastard! I wanted to be first!
all hail the F5 key

game start PM's are for the weak

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:06 pm
by RadiantCowbells
hi this is an exciting event

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:08 pm
by Princess Celestia
Hey everyponye
Hello everypony!!!!!

Excited to play with you all!

VOTE: gammagooey

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:08 pm
by UnrealSeal
RC and Spiffeh no votes

clearly scum partners

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:10 pm
by DrippingGoofball
VOTE: MariaR

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:11 pm
by Spiffeh
DGB I missed you

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:12 pm
by Skygazer
Hi I claim miller

I can guaruntee I'll die before lylo tho

VOTE: the worst

ducklings cant play mafia

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:13 pm
by RadiantCowbells
lemme just lynch my scumpartner

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:13 pm
by Creature
Oh so this started

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:14 pm
by Creature
VOTE: Spiffeh

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:19 pm
by UnrealSeal
>double posting
>actually posting at all

creature already locktown

sick hot meta reads

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:20 pm
by Brian Skies
In post 14, Skygazer wrote:Hi I claim miller
Our second sacrifice!

VOTE: Creature

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:22 pm
by Brian Skies
In post 14, Skygazer wrote:ducklings cant play mafia
These are some fightin' words.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:28 pm
by stungun0404
this will be... interesting. largest game i’ve ever played in regarding number of players.
In post 19, Brian Skies wrote:
In post 14, Skygazer wrote:Hi I claim miller
Our second sacrifice!
wait, what? don’t get this

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:33 pm
by rb
In post 11, UnrealSeal wrote:RC and Spiffeh no votes

clearly scum partners
good thing you're voting for one of the-

oh wait

VOTE: UnrealSeal

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:34 pm
by Spiffeh
VOTE: rb

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:35 pm
by rb