Game Time: Thursday, April 2nd, 7pm EST
((expired on 2020-04-02 19:00:00))Game Type: Theme
Game Size: 9 (or player demand)
Co/Backup Mod: n/a
Reviewed By: Not required, but strongly recommended
Hydrae Allowed?: No
Other Restrictions?: This will be a marathon trial session, please plan to be available entirely from 7pm to approximately 9pm EST. I'll try to keep the game as short as possible, but you never know.
Deadlines?: 20 minute days/10 minute nights
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics? No
Description: The game will be a closed set-up that uses my amnesiac mechanic, most recently seen here.
Again, game time will be on Thursday, April 2nd, starting at 7pm EST and running approximately to 9pm EST. This is part of a trial run that Micc is considering as a new fixture for the Micro Queue.