Mewtaph's Mini Normal Review, December 2018

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Post Post #6 (isolation #0) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:31 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

1x Activated Encryptor usage

The Mafia JOAT would use their 1x Encryptor on N1, and for D2 the Mafia PT will remain open. The shot would be consumed.

I'm leaning towards it not being able to be used pregame for D1, only N1 onwards.


I understand the concerns about informed being variable. I am fine with giving pre-determined information unreliant on the number of town flips. (this would be the first spoilered bit.) Bolded are the roles that the information refers to, to make it easier to read. When the mafia receives the information, it will not be bolded.

Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, 3 or more of the following roles exist in some form and are alive at the beginning of Night 2.
  1. Universal Backup
  2. Rolecop

  3. Innocent Child
  4. Babysitter

  5. Vigilante

  6. Paranoid Gun Owner
  7. Neapolitan

  1. Town 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper is the only dead town PR, OR:
  2. No town PRs are revealed.
Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, 2 or more of the following roles must exist.
  1. Paranoid Gun Owner
  2. Vigilante

  3. Innocent Child
  4. Rolecop

  5. Neapolitan
  6. Doctor
  7. Universal Backup

  1. 1 or more Babysitters have died.
  2. The Town 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop is still alive.
  3. The Town 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper can be alive or dead.
Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, exactly 1 or 2 of the following roles exist in some form and are alive at the beginning of Night 2.
  1. Follower

  2. Neapolitan
  3. Jailkeeper

  4. Paranoid Gun Owner
  5. Universal Backup
  6. Innocent Child
  7. Doctor

  1. One or more Babysitters are dead.
  2. The Town 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop is dead.
  3. Town 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper is still alive.
Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, exactly 1 or 2 of the following roles exist in some form and are alive at the beginning of Night 2.
  1. Follower

  2. Neapolitan
  3. Jailkeeper

  4. Paranoid Gun Owner
  5. Universal Backup
  6. Innocent Child
  7. Doctor

  1. At least one Babysitter has died. (The other may still be alive.)
  2. The Town 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop is dead.
  3. The Town 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper is alive.
Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, exactly 0 or 1 of the following roles exist in some form and are alive at the beginning of Night 2.
  1. Neapolitan
  2. Universal Backup
  3. Babysitter
  4. Innocent Child
  5. Paranoid Gun Owner

  1. No Babysitters have died.
  2. The Town 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper is dead.
  3. The Town 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop is dead.
Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, all of the town PRs are dead.

  1. All of the town PRs are dead.
    (Extremely rare case but theoretically possible)

I would probably opt to send this info straight into the Mafia PT regardless of its iteration as soon as Night 2 began as long as the Informed Goon is still alive at the beginning of Night 2.


Going to come with role PMs, OP, ruleset, etc in next posts.
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Post Post #7 (isolation #1) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:36 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

Note that for all of these I have the game number as 2051 but I'm willing to go back and change it to whatever number the game is at when the game enters the queue (messed up my timing on that).

Mini Normal 2051 :
Winter's Sacrifice

by Mewtaph, reviewed by implosion, schadd_ and Performer


Day 1

(expired on 2018-12-27 04:47:37)


  1. Playername
  2. Playername
  3. Playername
  4. Playername
  5. Playername
  6. Playername
  7. Playername
  8. Playername
  9. Playername
  10. Playername
  11. Playername
  12. Playername
  13. Playername

Spoiler: (13/13)


Spoiler: (0/13)
None yet!


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Post Post #8 (isolation #2) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:36 pm

Post by Mewtaph »



-Adhere to all site rules.
-Always play to win.
-Remember that this is a game - heated discussion is allowed, but personal attacks are not. Comment on play, not player.
-Pretending to break the rules will be treated similarly as actually breaking the rules.
-Do not quote any private communication regarding this game—this includes your role PM, other mod communication, posts from private threads, etc. Paraphrasing is acceptable. If you're unsure, ask me first.
-If you need to get my attention, please include "
" in your post or PM me.
(#0080BF) is my color. You can use it, if you want, but I'd prefer you didn't.
-Do not use encryption, hidden text or excessively small text in your posts.
-Do not use any form of provable randomness. This includes dice tags, screenshots of, etc. Saying you flipped a coin is okay, providing some sort of proof that you did isn’t.
-Each day phase will last for 12 days, with night phases lasting 48 hours.
-Do not post in the game thread or any private topics following your death, with the exception of the dead thread.
-If you have the ability to edit your posts, do not do so.
-My decisions are final. If I feel you are violating any of the rules, I will take the appropriate action.
-As a general principle, whenever moderator action is required I will attempt to make the decision that has the least impact on the natural flow of gameplay. For example, force replacing instead of modkilling whenever possible.
-Have fun!


-All votes and unvotes must be in
or in VOTE: tags, with vote tags being preferable.
-Votes in spoilers will not be counted.
-Abbreviations and nicknames are acceptable, as long as I can understand them.
-Unvotes are not necessary before revoting.
-Lynches will occur when a majority (>50%) is reached. If no majority is reached before deadline, the day will end in a no-lynch
-Voting to end the day in a no-lynch requires only 50% of players rather than >50%.
-Once a hammer has occurred, the game is in "twilight". Discussion may continue until I lock the thread but no further votes or unvotes will be counted.


-You are expected to make at least one game-relevant post every 48 hours. Players who go 48 hours without posting will be prodded.
-If you are prodded, you have 24 hours to post in-thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if I have to prod you 3 or more times, I reserve the right to replace you at my own discretion.
-Abuse of prod dodges will result in you being replaced at my own discretion.
-If you are going to be V/LA, please announce it in thread or PM me. If your V/LA will last 7 days or longer I may be forced to replace you.


-Night actions this game will follow Natural Action Resolution.
-If you do not send me an action for the night, I will assume that you are not taking one.
-The Mafia private thread remaining open during the day would be dependent on the existence and survival of a Mafia Encryptor.
-At least one player has received the following role:

Spoiler: Vanilla Townie
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Vanilla Townie


You have no special abilities. Your vote is your weapon.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #10 (isolation #3) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:44 pm

Post by Mewtaph »


Even-Night Disloyal Babysitter
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are an
Even-Night Disloyal Babysitter


You may target a player on even-numbered nights to protect them. However, if you are killed that night, both you and your target will die.
This action will only succeed when targeting a player of a different alignment. You will not be notified if your action has failed or succeeded.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are an
Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter


You may target a player on odd-numbered nights to protect them. However, if you are killed that night, both you and your target will die.
This action will only succeed when targeting a player of the same alignment. You will not be notified if your action has failed or succeeded.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop


Once in the game, you may target a player to attempt to kill them.
You may target a player each night to learn their role. There is no indication of the target's alignment; if a Mafia Goon or Vanilla Townie is investigated, they return "Vanilla".
You cannot use both of your actions in a single night phase.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper


Once in the game, you may target a player at night to learn what form of action they took that night, but not who they targeted.
You may target a player each night to attempt to jailkeep them. This will simultaneously roleblock and protect your target from all night kills during the night.
You cannot use both of your actions in a single night phase.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Vanilla Townie (6x)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Vanilla Townie


You have no special abilities. Your vote is your weapon.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.



Night 2 Informed Goon
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia Jack of All Trades
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.
At the beginning of Night 2, if you are still alive, you and your partners will be informed on some details of the setup.
These details will alter in a pre-determined manner based on how many town PRs are alive at the start of Night 2 and how many have died.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Jack of All Trades
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Jack of All Trades


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.

You also have access to two abilities that you may use any time in the game.
Once in the game, you may allow the mafia PT to stay open for the following day phase only.
Once in the game, you may indicate that any kills performed by you cannot be blocked by any means.
You may not use both of your abilities in a single night. However, you may perform one of your abilities and the factional kill in same night if you choose to do so.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mafia Goon
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia Jack of All Trades
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #13 (isolation #4) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:59 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

On the babysitters usually not being able to get their action to target the right person in a 13p game and become less effective in mass claimed scenarios (loyal babysitter is forced to holster, but disloyal babysitter should be fine). If the mafia is too heavy on power, I could probably strip back on the Strongman for that reason because they don't actually need it to kill the 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop in a mass claim scenario. (Jailkeeper can't allow Rolecop to continue investigating, Disloyal Babysitter can't target rolecop.

I didn't realise that the Rolecop receives Jack of All Trades + modifiers, 1) so rolecop would receive: "Jack of All Trades (1x Encryptor, 1x Strongman)"?

On that note, 2) should I give full ability flips for the Mafia Jack of All Trades when/if it dies?

And, 3) should I return "Night 2 Informed Vanilla" or "Night 2 Informed" as a rolecop result on the informed goon?
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Post Post #15 (isolation #5) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:21 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

The babysitters have a strong incentive to stay hidden with the nature of their roles so I think two town members will have reason to be somewhat resistant to a mass claim. That being said, they aren't completely dead in a mass claim, and the disloyal babysitter could be followed or vigged, same with the loyal babysitter - though the possibility comes with multiple town deaths, so town gets punished if they direct the loyal babysitter incorrectly in that scenario.

Before mass claim, babysitters should crumb and act as cop clears post mortem when they die if they crumbed their night targets effectively due to their Loyal/Disloyal modifiers.

Having the babysitters on alternate nights means that both Babysitters can't be confirmed in the same night (vig one, follow the other).

Balance wise town has a rolecop that gets two guilties, a JK, some niche possible synergies with the babysitters which are traditionally town aligned, a follower to confirm babysitter night actions (to confirm the babysitter and that the babysitter action went through (most pertinent with the disloyal babysitter visiting a town/scum player) and a vigilante to potentially fulfill the same role (something like shooting the loyal babysitter when they are targeting a scum player, incorrect call on a town player will result in multiple town deaths).

For adding town power, we could probably start somewhere like making the disloyal babysitter ungated. The loyal babysitter can also be ungated if necessary and then beyond that I'm not sure where we could add more town power. Adding another town PR seems like there aren't enough VTs in the mix so I am fine with shoring up town's current PRs here.
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Post Post #16 (isolation #6) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:26 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

I would also be fine with adjusting the power of the N2 information if necessary. Right now I'm on the plan that they will receive the first post in the spoiler which provides a fair bit on setup information.

Removing the strongman can be considered done and I'll also adjust the encryptor wording; will come up with a revised role PM there.
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Post Post #17 (isolation #7) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:31 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

I see what's happening with the tabs. They should flow fine in role PM space vs thread it definitely looks pretty janky in thread. Should be fine I think unless the role PM space gets smaller on some mobile devices (someone alert me if they do).
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Post Post #18 (isolation #8) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 4:47 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

Here is what the mafia role PMs would look like after the suggested changes so far.

Spoiler: Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor (wording change, role change)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.
Once in the game, you may choose to allow the mafia PT to stay open for the following day phase only.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Mafia Goon (teammate role change)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon (teammate role change)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.
At the beginning of Night 2, if you are still alive, you and your partners will be informed on some details of the setup.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #20 (isolation #9) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 6:28 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

On the N2 information:

First off, good catch on PGO being non-normal. Oops.

I can see how it is actually pretty weak but I wanted to low ball scum's power. Admittedly it may be frustrating to receive a massive list that they can't cross out in a meaningful way. I have no idea how mafia would interpret the information, but because the information is non-specific, I'm thinking that 2 in 3 is a decent place to be at. The most useful thing that the mafia could be informed about is the existence of the babysitter role, then after that I don't have a major preference as to what the other one is out of {Rolecop, Jailkeeper, Vigilante} then some other placeholder role (this approach makes the information weaker overall). Receiving information like "There is a loyal babysitter in the game." is another good approach that I don't mind, and is slightly stronger information.

I'm fine with the information being that "there is a loyal babysitter in the game."

For the role PMs, I will fix the Town 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop and Town Jailkeeper tabs. I'm also fine with removing the 1-Shot Follower from the Town Jailkeeper.

Current setup update:
Disloyal Babysitter
Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter
1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop
VT 6x

N2 Informed Goon (undecided)
1-Shot Encryptor
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Post Post #21 (isolation #10) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:30 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

A couple more updated role PMs.

Spoiler: Disloyal Babysitter (previously Even-Night Disloyal Babysitter)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Disloyal Babysitter


You may target a player each night to protect them. However, if you are killed that night, both you and your target will die.
This action will only succeed when targeting a player of a different alignment. You will not be notified if your action has failed or succeeded.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Jailkeeper (previously 1-Shot Follower Jailkeeper + fixed role PM formatting)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a


You may target a player each night to attempt to jailkeep them.
This will simultaneously roleblock and protect your target from all night kills during the night.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop (fixed role PM formatting)
Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop


Once in the game, you may target a player to attempt to kill them.
You may target a player each night to learn their role. There is no indication of the target's alignment.
If a Mafia Goon or Vanilla Townie is investigated, they return "Vanilla".
You cannot use both of your actions in a single night phase.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Night 2 Information
Night 2 Information Received

There is a loyal babysitter in this game.
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Post Post #23 (isolation #11) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:23 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

What are your thoughts on a list similar to this?

Night 2 Information ReceivedOutside of you and your partners, exactly 3 of the following roles existed in some form at the beginning of the game.
  1. Babysitter
  2. Follower
  3. Tracker
  4. Rolecop
  5. Vigilante

Offers the mafia team room to speculate on who the town PRs are but are likely to not get things right before players have made their full claims - they might think the 1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop is only playing like one of the roles for example. If the scum team is accurate in nailing three of the roles in some way eg. specific PR hints, correct thoughts on some roles not fitting in the setup, they gain access to two powerful fake claims that fit the town power structure if they're successfully avoiding the ire of a rolecop check - follower (fits well and can "confirm" babysitter actions), or tracker (could fake results, nothing really screams out to fit well here). Alternatively, they can treat the list as a "do not fake claim as" list, and safely avoid making most conflicting claims with the town PRs except for Jailkeeper.
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Post Post #25 (isolation #12) » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:31 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

So here's where we're at right now.

Setup List

Disloyal Babysitter

Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter

1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop


Vanilla Townie

Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor

Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon

Mafia Goon

Role PMs

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Disloyal Babysitter


You may target a player each night to protect them. However, if you are killed that night, both you and your target will die.
This action will only succeed when targeting a player of a different alignment. You will not be notified if your action has failed or succeeded.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are an
Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter


You may target a player on odd-numbered nights to protect them. However, if you are killed that night, both you and your target will die.
This action will only succeed when targeting a player of the same alignment. You will not be notified if your action has failed or succeeded.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
1-Shot Vigilante Rolecop


Once in the game, you may target a player to attempt to kill them.
You may target a player each night to learn their role. There is no indication of the target's alignment.
If a Mafia Goon or Vanilla Townie is investigated, they return "Vanilla".
You cannot use both of your actions in a single night phase.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a


You may target a player each night to attempt to jailkeep them.
This will simultaneously roleblock and protect your target from all night kills during the night.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Vanilla Townie


You have no special abilities. Your vote is your weapon.

Win condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.
Once in the game, you may choose to allow the mafia PT to stay open for the following day phase only.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.
At the beginning of Night 2, if you are still alive, you and your partners will be informed on some details of the setup.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's SacrificeWelcome, playername. You are a
Mafia Goon


You have two mafia partners, playername, who is a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor
, and playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
As a member of the Mafia, you have access to a factional nightkill: each night one of you may kill another player.

Win condition:

You win when the mafia make up at least 50% of all living players or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your private topic is here.
The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this with your role name and alignment.

Night 2 Information

Night 2 Information Received

Outside of you and your partners, exactly 3 of the following roles existed in some form at the beginning of the game.
  1. Babysitter
  2. Follower
  3. Tracker
  4. Rolecop
  5. Vigilante

Action Resolution Priority

Roleblock > Protect > Investigate > Kill
In roles: Jailkeep > Babysit > Rolecop > Vig/Kill

Rolecop Outcomes:

Rolecop Town Disloyal Babysitter => Receives "Disloyal Babysitter"
Rolecop Town Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter => Receives "Odd-Night Loyal Babysitter"
Rolecop Town Jailkeeper => Receives "Jailkeeper"
Rolecop Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor => Receives "1-Shot Encryptor"
Rolecop Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon => Receives "Night 2 Informed"
Rolecop Mafia Goon => Receives "Vanilla"
Rolecop Vanilla Townie => Receives "Vanilla"

OP on post , Ruleset on post

D1 Start VC:

VC 1.00

[13] Not Voting
Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername, Playername

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

The Day 1 deadline is in
: (expired on 2018-12-27 07:07:51)

Mod Notes
: :]

Mafia Private Topic

Mini Normal 2051: Winter's Sacrifice - Mafia Private Topic
Welcome to Mini Normal 2051: Winter's Sacrifice!


The mafia members are:

Playername, who is a
Mafia 1-Shot Encryptor
Playername, who is a
Mafia Night 2 Informed Goon
Playername, who is a
Mafia Goon

Good luck!

Any changes needed?
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Post Post #27 (isolation #13) » Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:15 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

In the current setup, do you guys feel that it's scum sided or town sided?
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Post Post #29 (isolation #14) » Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:23 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

Yeah, I think that it's close to balanced currently. I don't think that the inform needs to give more information but I guess I could have my mind changed on that.
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Post Post #31 (isolation #15) » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:54 pm

Post by Mewtaph »

Okay, well I think I prefer running with the 3 of 5 informed just to see how it goes.

In short, I'd happy running disloyal babysit, odd-night loyal babysit, 1-shot vig rolecop, JK, mafia 1-shot encryptor, mafia n2 informed.
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