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Dance of the Title Thread: No Duck-running Allowed Edition

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:23 am
by mastina
Hello, and welcome to the title thread. I'm mastina and I will be your Title Fairy this evening.

What is this thread for?

This thread is for titles, of course! Titles are those bits of text or occasionally tiny images that go below usernames. Most users have default titles that are based solely on their post count, but users can also be given special custom titles. This thread is for those special custom titles.

How do people get these titles?

Overall, it's quite simple:
  • Someone nominates a user for a title
  • A bunch of users agree that it's a good title, usually by posting

  • I agree that it's a good title
  • The user says that they want the title
  • The user gets the title
In practice, it can be a tiny bit more complicated and not everyone will agree on whether or not any particular title should be given out. For a good title nomination that receives negligible resistance, 5 users agreeing with the nomination should usually be enough, but other factors may be taken into consideration. For more controversial titles, support from additional users and a decent explanation or two will go a long way. "Anti-noms," while not official, will be taken into consideration if they come with decent reasons or if there are simply a large number of them. I will be more likely to approve titles that receive greater support, but support alone does not guarantee anything. If I reject a title nomination, I will do my best to be clear about why.

Which titles should I nominate?

Custom titles on Mafiascum are generally considered to be gifts from the MS community. You should nominate people for titles that you think they would be happy to receive as gifts. A title should reference something special about who the user is or something they've done on site and it should do so in a clever or interesting or fun way. Wordplay is a common tool for making this happen, but there's no one set model of what a good title must be. For examples of titles that have been approved in the past, I would recommend checking out some of the recent Title Fairy threads, linked at the bottom of this post. I will also note that, while titles based off of MS-related incidents that occur off of the site may be accepted, they will be held to a higher standard.

Which titles should I not nominate?

You probably weren't asking this and most of this section should be common sense, but it seems important anyway. You should not nominate:
  • a title for yourself. You will not receive the title and other users may find it annoying that you tried this. If there are title nominations for you in consideration in the thread, be careful about giving too much feedback or input - while declining a specific title or set of titles that's currently in discussion for you is perfectly fine, going too far beyond that may cause users to become uncomfortable with the current proceedings.
  • a title based on an ongoing mafia game. No matter how great the title is, it can (and will) wait until the game finishes.
  • a mean-spirited title. Mean-spirited titles will not be given out.
  • titles based solely on usernames.
  • titles that could equally well apply to a large number of people. Titles are meant to be special and unique.
  • titles for users who are very new. While there's no set rule for how long a user has to have been on site in order to receive a custom title, someone who's just finished their first newbie game and posted nowhere else on site probably shouldn't be getting title nominations.
  • a title based on something that is clearly bad. No titles will be given for self-hammering as town or eating babies.
  • a title that you expect to lose relevance very quickly. An inside joke that will be funny for 2 weeks and then never heard again does not make for a good title. I do, however, want to emphasize that titles don't need to last forever. People can and do ask for their titles to be removed and people who already have titles can be nominated for new ones with or without first requesting to have their old titles removed. Just try to be reasonable.
What are the rules here?

The title thread is supposed to be a fun and light-hearted thread. Occasional joke nominations and small amounts of off-topic posting that come about naturally are perfectly fine and often enjoyable, but if it gets out of hand, I will start deleting posts and if I get the sense that you're using this thread as your own personal off-toipc shitposting thread, you very well may be warned or temporarily banned from the title forum. Aside from that, don't be a dick and follow site rules and we'll all get along just fine.

What is different to my reign?

We'll be having Title Events once every three months!
What are Title Events?
Title Events are events where the rules for handing out titles are in some way modified. During these times, normal nominations may still be made using the usual rules, but in a special event title thread, there will be titles handed out by a modified metric.

The events are as follows:
December/January 1st - January 31st:
Abuse of Power
Secret Santa - Ongoing!

April 1st - May 1st: Entitlement

July 1st - July 31st: Title Troll

October 1st - October 31st: Title Council - 2019 (failed)

Fairy Feedback:

This thread is specifically for nominating, discussing, workshopping titles, etc. If you instead have or want to discuss ideas, comments or suggestions about the titling process in general, head here, for how the process could be changed, feedback on events, etc.

Titles Awarded

- Banana Split
- Polymath
Cerberus v666
- Let's Be Reasonable
- Technical Support
- for the homies
Dr Worm
- Magical Girl
- Micro Madness
- Paid the rent
- Waiting in the Sky
Elsa Jay
- Chaos and Confusion
- That's Not All, Folks!
- Pokédex
- Microprocessor
- Of Habit
- Recruiter
- Numbers
- What A Grand Idea
- Ring a Bell?
- Just here for the Pagetop!
- People Tried
- Somewhat_Balanced
- Content Aficionado
- Busboy Revolutionary
- For My Next Guest
Pink Ball
- The Power of Love
- .peng
- Schrödinger's Deepwolf
- Kitten Caboodle

Titles Pending User Approval

- A Cut Above
- creative commons

Previous title threads can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:29 am
by Irrelephant11
Nom CaptainMeme for
Banana Split

Also ego

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:53 am
by Kublai Khan
Anti-nth everything.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:15 am
by Errantparabola
Nominate implosion for

1. Notably, he was the arguable MVP in the recent Clash of the Mash and a key component in Red's win (likely every CoTM participant will agree with me to some extent). He got to showcase his outstanding puzzle solving, deduction, strategy, and trivia competency and performed highly in almost every cerebral challenge.

2. The last part of the title plays into his field of study (mathematics) which he has integrated into his site persona. This is by way of making and participating in the second Math and Logic Mishmash thread, discussing math with other sitechatters of present and past (Who and Ellibereth come most immediately to mind) and in numerous very well recieved MD contributions involving EV calculations or theory.

3. implosion is going back to grad school to once again study math and made the grad school discussion thread in SE. The word polymath evokes an image of someone with a vested interest in academic learning and with knowledge of a wide range of intellectual pursuits and is a good-looking and elegant title.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:22 am
by SleepyKrew
2nd Polymath

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:24 am
by Aristophanes
Yayayayaa page 1 egopost of glory!

Gonna read that nom later!

Congrats again mastina!!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:42 am
by momo

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:54 am
by Ankamius

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:00 am
by Irrelephant11
In post 4, SleepyKrew wrote:
2nd Polymath

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:36 am
by mastina
In post 1, Irrelephant11 wrote:Nom CaptainMeme for
Banana Split
Approved--title fits all the criteria I'd look for. Unique to the individual, memorable, and fairly clever. It's something applying to just CaptainMeme, and it feels like an event which won't lose relevance.

Contacting CaptainMeme now.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:45 am
by mastina
In post 3, Errantparabola wrote:Nominate implosion for

1. Notably, he was the arguable MVP in the recent Clash of the Mash and a key component in Red's win (likely every CoTM participant will agree with me to some extent). He got to showcase his outstanding puzzle solving, deduction, strategy, and trivia competency and performed highly in almost every cerebral challenge.

2. The last part of the title plays into his field of study (mathematics) which he has integrated into his site persona. This is by way of making and participating in the second Math and Logic Mishmash thread, discussing math with other sitechatters of present and past (Who and Ellibereth come most immediately to mind) and in numerous very well received MD contributions involving EV calculations or theory.

3. implosion is going back to grad school to once again study math and made the grad school discussion thread in SE. The word polymath evokes an image of someone with a vested interest in academic learning and with knowledge of a wide range of intellectual pursuits and is a good-looking and elegant title.
a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.

I like it. Gonna immediately give this one a
48 hours
before approval: (expired on 2019-04-03 18:45:53).
Raise a valid objection in that time or forever hold your peace.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:47 am
by mastina
CaptainMeme has approved;
Banana Split
is now implemented!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:27 pm
by the worst
nth polymath

hi mastina

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:33 pm
by mastina
It occurs to me I maaaaaay need help with the technical aspect of a title plus banner; I don't want to fuck that up. (I think I have an IDEA of how to do it, but I'm not SURE.)

(I'm learning the ropes, so some things might not come as smoothly as they should.)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:32 pm
by Kublai Khan
In post 3, Errantparabola wrote:The word polymath evokes...
I mean, it has a specific meaning that isn't specifically tied to mathematics.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:33 pm
by Kublai Khan
In fact, if his focus is specifically only in mathematics, then he's specifically not a polymath.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:42 pm
by mastina
In post 15, Kublai Khan wrote:In fact, if his focus is specifically only in mathematics, then he's specifically not a polymath.
Would you say that implosion's a man who qualifies as "a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning"? In my experience with implosion, he fits that descriptor,
while also
having the focus on math. Polymath has a set definition which he fits, but the wordplay's there off of a mathematics specialty as well, which is why I like it.

When most people read "polymath", they're not going to think 'a person of wide-ranging knowledge/learning' even though that's the word's definition; they're going to think more along the lines of 'really good at math'. And implosion fits
connotations (both the dictionary definition and the perceived meaning), rather than just one.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:23 pm
by Alisae
Nominate mastina for
Soap Box

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:44 pm
by Kublai Khan
Polymath *

* not actually a polymath in the proper sense of the word, but rather polymath in the wrong sense where you think he likes lots of maths.

Seems bulky.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:48 pm
by Aristophanes
I like it, but I think I'm gonna be a lot quieter in this thread so...

Also didn't we try Soap Box before?
It is very mastina but what was the reason it was denied?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:51 pm
by Alisae
Ok but the title fairy is mastina so its more relevant now.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:53 pm
by Alisae
Actually now that I’m going through Psyche’s ISO, I don’t think he ever had a stance on Soap Box
But we’re trying again lol

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:03 pm
by vonflare
nom elbrin for
meme police

nom papa zito for
did his dooty

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:41 pm
by Firebringer
In post 17, Alisae wrote:Nominate mastina for
Soap Box

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:43 pm
by Alisae
In post 22, vonflare wrote:nom elbrin for meme police
can this just fucking happen already?