Starcraft Mafia: Legacy of the Void [Game Over]

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Starcraft Mafia: Legacy of the Void [Game Over]

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:57 pm

Post by Krazy »


~~~Starcraft Mafia: Legacy of the Void~~~

As I was your beginning — so shall I be... your end.

  • Sixteen players square off in a game with flavor based on the Starcraft universe

[*]This will be the final game in the Starcraft Mafia Trilogy run by Krazy.
[*]There will be a mafia faction, they will have daytalk, and an optional discord server.
[*]There will be at least eleven town players and at least three mafia players.
[*]All anti-town players will have safe flavor claims and the option to have moderators help create fakeclaims.
[*]10 day day 1, 8 day dayphases after that, 2 day nights
[*]All hydras should sign consistently according to the hydra key, generated day 1, even if it is a stealth hydra.
[*]schadd_, mastina, and Ankamius are backup/co moderators
[*]This is not a bastard game. No cults, no mid-game alignment changes
[*]There will be no Beloved Princess, Governor, Jester, Fruit Vendor, Lightning Rod, Redirector, Witches, Serial Killers, Lightning Rods, or Nexuses. Actions that take place during the day, including actions that result in flips, will not cause dayphases to end.
[*]There may be slightly more swing than in Starcraft Mafia: 2, but still (probably?) less than in Starcraft: Mafia.
[*]While this game may feature some roles that interact with the order of the player list, movement will not be a major feature of every role like in Starcraft: 2[/list]

  1. popsofctown

  2. Powerpuff Girls
    (Nancy Drew 39, Auro, Pink Ball)
  3. u r a person 2

  4. Alchemist21

  5. Moongrass

  6. Volxen MJL Combo Pack
    (Hydra of Volxen and MaryJoLisa)
  7. Iconeum

  8. Liger_Zero

  9. Hydra TBD
    (2-headed Stealth Hydra)
  10. Almost50

  11. Wisdom

  12. Shiro

  13. Flavor Leaf

  14. chennisden

  15. RCEnigma

  16. Cerberus v666

Game Events:
Chennisden Lynched
Powerpuff Girls Nightkilled
Wisdom Lynched
Flavor Leaf Nightkilled
popsofctown Lynched
Alchemist21 Killed
Cerberus Revealed
Nero Cain killed
Hydra TBD lynched

  1. woabass (hydra of Enter, the worst, and brassherald)
  2. Skitter30
  3. DanceFloor

Sample role PM:
Protoss ZealotWelcome to Starcraft Mafia: Legacy of the Void!


You are a protoss zealot, a
town zealot

You are vanilla town.

You win when the mafia team has been removed from the game.

Game thread here:

Please confirm by responding with your alignment and role name

Mod links: Mathblade's Topic --

reminder note: replacement list coding should look like -- NicoRobin:jjh927,Taly:Creature

Spoiler: VoteCount Settings
playerList=Vedith,Powerpuff Girls{Nancy Drew 39+Nancy+Auro+Pink Ball+PB+PG},u r a person 2,Alchemist21,Yahmose,Volxen MJL Combo Pack{Volxen+MaryJoLisa+MJL},Iconeum,Liger_Zero,Hydra TBD,Almost50,Shadowlesscloud,Shiro,Flavor Leaf,chennisden,RCEnigma,Cerberus v666
replacementList=Yahmose:Moongrass,Shadowlesscloud:Wisdom,Vedith:popsofctown,u r a person 2:Nero Cain
deadline=(expired on 2019-05-23 13:18:06)[/area]
deadList=Powerpuff Girls-1,Flavor Leaf-2,Alchemist21-3,Nero Cain-4,Moongrass-5
Last edited by Krazy on Thu May 16, 2019 9:20 am, edited 40 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:58 pm

Post by Krazy »

The Boilerplate Rules

important bit
  • Day one will be 10 days, 8 day dayphases after that
  • 48 hour night phase
  • Majority lynches
  • 48 hours before prod, 24 hours before replacement after prod
  • Scum have daytalk and safe flavor claims, they also will have access to a discord server if they want one
  • Hydras must sign consistently; they can change their handle if desired but should approximately stick to the Hydra Key
  • Mastina and Schadd_ are backup moderators


1. This game uses sitewide rules:
1a. Do not private message other users about anything having to do with this game in any circumstance even/especially if you are dead/have replaced out/are spectating/etc. If you even think it might be a grey area, it is not a grey area, it is not ok. This includes informal conversations on discord. Do not refer indirectly to game events in this game until the game is complete, including in signatures, signup threads, or anywhere else. Do not refer to statements made in this game in this game in other games.
2. No reference, whatsoever, should be made about other ongoing games. Ever. Not directly, not indirectly, not at all. --


1. Be nicer to other people than they are to you. Attack the play not the player.
Replace outs will only be accepted by Private Message, not in game. If you are replacing out, do not discuss this in thread until it is confirmed with the moderator. Players cannot cancel replacement requests, even if a replacement has not been found. PMing the moderator that you wish or need to replace out will be taken as final. Once you have made that PM, please do not continue to post in the game thread.
Assume good faith for replace-outs. If you replace out, please do not comment directly or indirectly about the game in other sections of the site including the queue and/or your signature. This falls into the broad umbrella of "outside influence."
1b. Please do not ask other players to replace out, discourage them from playing the game, or otherwise create a hostile gaming environment. This is now also a sitewide rule.
1c. Sexual innuendo toward other players will result in a moderator warning.
Play to win.

You must read your role pm, and confirm that you understand your role.

Do not state, whether honest or false, that you have not read your role pm
in-thread. If I somehow forget to send you a role pm or send you multiple role pms, please contact me
by pm
2c. You can claim scum, and you can claim scum with someone else provided that the moderator can reasonably suspect non-malicious motives behind such.
2d. Scum can night kill their teammates, but I must see evidence that such a move is not game-throwing.
2e. Do not say or imply that you have not been reading the thread.
Avoid using the plain spoiler (blackout tag). Use spoiler= instead!
This is wrong.

Videos and animated Gifs can be posted in the main thread, but please try to keep it within reason. Do not try to break the site or make the thread unreadable to mobile users.
Please use spoiler tags when posting large videos or animated GIFs.

4a. Gifs this size are ok, any larger should be spoilered:
i.e. gifs this size should be spoilered:

5. Cryptography and other forms of codes are generally not allowed. Breadcrumbs are generally okay.
Constant off-topic posting will not be tolerated.

Provable randomness is strongly discouraged.
In particular, do not use the dice tag.
8. Hydras -- Hydras must sign posts according to their requested handle, decided day 1 or pre-game. You are welcome to post an ego post on your main. Hydra slips will not result in warnings, although try to keep them to a minimum. Ultimately, I think there is no need to quote hydra slips on the hydra account, although I won't stop you from doing this either.
9. Please try to make the game at least relatively mobile friendly. On that note, please try not to quote large chunks of embedded quote chains for short replies--if you are really just referring to the last thing someone said, just say @playername and then reply rather than quoting a large quote chain for another short reply.


1. Do not attempt to impersonate the moderator.
Purple is my color, but you may use it as long as you are not attempting to impersonate me with it.
Note I don't actually edit in replies all that often. I also often just write replies using black text.
2. Do not edit or delete your post if for some reason you have the ability to do so. This includes on any related discord server.
Do not attempt to get the moderator to influence the game.
This rule does not refer to day abilities, if any exist, that are stated in your role PM. Please refrain from asking too many questions of the moderator about roleclaims unless absolutely necessary.
4a. PM me regarding VC related questions; V/LA can be declared in thread.
Do not discuss any disciplinary actions that the moderator takes in-thread.

4c. If there is a declared day action, you can ask the moderator to confirm that day actions have resolved, rather than waiting only for the next Vote Count. If the day action was fake, or if the day action was real but failed, either way the stated moderator response will be: "All day actions have resolved."
Trust tells are prohibited.

Do not replace out in such a manner as to confirm your alignment.

Do not quote or copy-paste moderator communications and other forms of private communications. -- While you can copy/paste communication from hydra discord servers, you should make sure that the text is converted to plain text, and especially that all embedded hyperlinks to player names are removed. Please do not enable timestamps either.

6a. Post links to anything except the main thread, timestamps, and read statuses should never be referenced in the game thread.
Access list numbers in private topics are also covered by this rule.

6b. You may directly copy-paste
unflavored night action results
(usually in bold) as well as your alignment, flip role, and effective role from your role pm, but
do not directly quote them
6c. Confirmed same-alignment players can quote their role PMs in their private topics.
6d. Do not quote your hydra PT in the game thread or include embedded links to your hydra PT in the game thread. You can copy and paste text from your hydra PT so long as it is plain text and does not include links to any posts in the hydra PT.
7. No Bah! posts.


1. Follow the spirit of the rules.
Do not attempt to find loopholes in the ruleset.

1b. While the moderator will generally assume good-faith, action can be taken against inadvertent rule breaks if deemed necessary.
All PTs will be released within 24 hours of the game's conclusion.
Players in any thread except the Dead PT may request redactions at any time
I release the PT. The dead thread is released immediately on the conclusion of the game.
3. The moderator reserves the right to update this ruleset as necessary.
New items will be underlined
, and
deleted items will be striked through.
(Note: The markup on this line is an example.)

Setup-Specific Rules

Activity and Deadline Rules

1. Day one lasts 10 days, other day phases will last 8 days. Nights last 48 hours. (After day 4, I reserve the right to shorten the length of the dayphase)
Nights may be extended if a replacement is needed.
There will be a minimum of 24 hours between the time a replacement is found and when night actions are due.
3. You will be prodded after
48 hours
of inactivity; this does not change on weekends. All prods should be responded to
in-thread unless the thread is locked in which case pm is acceptable.

4. 2 prod dodges are equivalent to a single prod. If you are prodded again from prod-dodging, you may not prod dodge. Prodges must still include some game content: "Krazy is still scum", "Krazy is still town," and "I like this wagon" are good enough for a prodge. While a subjective rule, prod dodges are objectively defined as posts that consist of little or no content related to the game with the sole purpose of avoiding prodding. Minimum content is not defined here as to mitigate abuse, but do realize that this rule is applied as objectively as possible.
V/LAs should generally be announced in-thread, not by pm.
You should also set V/LA in the User CP to make sure I do not forget.
6. If you have
regular weekend V/LA
, it is
your responsibility
to either inform me at the end of
each week
or to remember to set V/LA status.
V/LA players must post at least once every 96 hours.
Excessively long V/LAs (
14 days or longer
) may have stricter requirements imposed on them.
8. I reserve the right to warn and replace players whom I believe are exploiting loopholes in the activity rules. Please note that players are expected to do more than the bare minimum as outlined by these prodding rules. I reserve the right to warn and/or replace players whom I believe are exploiting loopholes in the activity rules, or are otherwise not treating the game as the commitment they signed up for.

Voting, Lynching, and Twilight Rules
  1. To vote, use
    Vote: Player
    or VOTE: Player.
  2. To unvote, use
    Unvote: Player
    or UNVOTE: Player.
  3. You do not have to unvote to change votes.
    Furthermore, I will only track the last *valid* vote in your post.
    Vote Conspiracy
    will not change your existing vote.
  4. Player abbreviations are allowed, although it must be *obvious* who your abbreviation refers to -- to the vote counter, preferably.
  5. Hammer occurs when votes equal to half of all living players (rounded down) plus one cast a vote against the same player (or No Lynch). All votes after a hammer will not be counted, and the hammered player is the one who will flip. The time following a hammer is Twilight, and all players may continue talking.
  6. No lynch will occur if deadline is reached without a hammer.
Setup Details

Unless otherwise specified, mafia may
perform a kill and use an active ability at the same time.

The exception to this is movement actions. All power roles that can move can move and perform their night action simultaneously, including the mafia factional kill.

(these rules mostly borrowed from Ircher)
Last edited by Krazy on Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:59 pm

Post by Krazy »


At daybreak, I may include flavor text (depending on my availability and schedule). Everyone has flavor. This is a theme game. You are not explicitly prohibited from speculating about flavor text, although, to be clear, a lot of the narrative-style information in my flavor reveals will not be based on night action content.

Although this is "Starcraft Mafia: Legacy of the Void" this is not a confirmation that all flavor will be from Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void -- flavor can come from vanilla, Brood War, or the novelizations/extra sources.


Flips will include kill flavor. Kill flavor will be distinctive to the role responsible for the kill.
The mafia may have different kill flavors, which may indicate which mafia role performed the night kill.

Flips will include the role PM with any "Informed" status content redacted and all PT links removed.

Level of MindF*ck:

The level of wifomy mindf*ck for town has been significantly reduced but is not at 0%. There may be a higher amount of MindF*ck than in Starcraft 2, but I think still less than Starcraft 1.

Hydras and Discord:

I will set up hydra PTs on discord at request.


I have used Mathblade's vote counter before and liked it a lot, but using name variations that are not misspellings may cause me delays in updating the vote count. I may for any reason stop using the Mathblade vote counter and switch to conventional vote counting by hand.

I will use the offline version of Mathblade's Vote Counter.

Possible Roles:

There will be no cults or alignment-changing roles in this game. There will be no lies to the players. This is not a bastard game.

Additional roles that will not be in any Starcraft Mafia game include: Beloved Princess, Governor, Jester, and Fruit Vendor

Roles that will not be in THIS game include: Lightning Rod, Redirector, Witches, Serial Killers, or Nexuses.

Non-Normal Roles that CAN be in this game include:
Janitor, Bus Driver, Framer, Vanillaizer, Lyncher, Godfather, Psychologist, Arsonist, Survivor.

This includes variations to these roles both in mechanics and flavor.

There also can be new roles that would not be on the roles list.



The ORDER OF PLAYERS is not guaranteed to be significant in this game; if it is significant, I guarantee it will be much less significant than in Starcraft 2.

That being said, there still is a PLAYER ORDER and that order is here:
Flavor Leaf
Cerberus v666
Powerpuff Girls (Nancy Drew 39, Auro, Pink Ball)
Volxen MJL Combo Pack (Hydra of Volxen and MaryJoLisa)
u r a person 2
Hydra TBD (2-headed Stealth Hydra)
Last edited by Krazy on Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:26 pm

Post by Krazy »

Votecount 1.0

Not Voting (16): Vedith(0), Powerpuff Girls(0), u r a person 2(0), Alchemist21(0), Yahmose(0), Volxen MJL Combo Pack(0), Iconeum(0), Liger_Zero(0), Hydra TBD(0), Almost50(0), Shadowlesscloud(0), Shiro(0), Flavor Leaf(0), chennisden(0), RCEnigma(0), Cerberus v666(0)

With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Day 1 deadline is in (expired on 2019-04-23 14:37:13)


Powerpuff Girls:
Auro as Bubbles
Nancy as Buttercup
Pink Ball as Blossom

Volxen MJL Combo Pack:
Volxen as Volxen
MaryJoLisa as [MJL?]

Hydra TBD:
Head one as Hydra
Head two as TBD
Last edited by Krazy on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:35 am

Post by Krazy »

The protoss zealots warp in, standing tall on the fields of Aiur. Their homeworld; the ruins of their empire.

They stand, blades of psionic energy emerging from their arms, as zerg zerglings rip up out of the ground. Telepathically, they hear the thoughts of the hierarch:
The swarm brought ruin to our people. Our people became refugees. And yet, they could not break our unity. For we are bound by the Khala, the sacred unity of our every thought and emotion.

The mindless zerglings swarm in, the quadrupedal aliens growling and seething with their toothy maws.

Today, we retake our homeworld, and with it... our legacy.

Day One Begins
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:39 am

Post by Liger_Zero »

First. I am not voting. Voting is a Zerg action.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:46 am

Post by chennisden »

Volxen MJL combo pack can join my town block.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:48 am

Post by chennisden »

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:51 am

Post by Flavor Leaf »

Chenn, why are you at the bottom of the Player Order.

I don’t think it’s random.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:58 am

Post by RCEnigma »

Why are you near the top?
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:07 am

Post by Auro »

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:15 am

Post by Vedith »

I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:16 am

Post by Powerpuff Girls »

In post 11, Vedith wrote:Hello

VOTE: Vedith

- Blossom
BBB: Hydra of Pink Ball, Auro and and Nancy Drew 39

Sugar and spice, never packed such a punch!
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:17 am

Post by Vedith »

I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:23 am

Post by Flavor Leaf »

In post 9, RCEnigma wrote:Why are you near the top?
I could answer this, and that’s exactly why I asked Chennis the question. Because I CAN answer it.

Whether or not it’s a smart idea to is a different story, and I’m trying to figure out where other people stand within that parameter.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:24 am

Post by Vedith »

Almost, Hydra and Chen top 3 scum reads.
I'm also town locking Alch.
Icon is a null.
I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:25 am

Post by Liger_Zero »

In post 15, Vedith wrote:Almost, Hydra and Chen top 3 scum reads.
I'm also town locking Alch.
Icon is a null.
Solid reads.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:25 am

Post by Flavor Leaf »

In post 15, Vedith wrote:Almost, Hydra and Chen top 3 scum reads.
I'm also town locking Alch.
Icon is a null.
You should just insta town read me, and I’ll do the same
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:25 am

Post by Vedith »

In post 17, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 15, Vedith wrote:Almost, Hydra and Chen top 3 scum reads.
I'm also town locking Alch.
Icon is a null.
You should just insta town read me, and I’ll do the same
I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:26 am

Post by Liger_Zero »

I town read everyone. No scum in this game.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:26 am

Post by Vedith »

Did we win?
I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:26 am

Post by Liger_Zero »

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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:27 am

Post by Vedith »

You're welcome.
I claim scum \o/
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:28 am

Post by Ankamius »

this is your hidden backup moderator egoposting
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:29 am

Post by Vedith »

Hi Ank \o/
I claim scum \o/