The policy has been (predating me) that we generally don't allow name changes because it messes with the history of the site. In some respects, this may be exactly the reason you likely want your name changed rather than taking the avenue easily available by creating a new alt. You want to keep your post history and so forth. But if Parama becomes ElrondHubbard, that becomes very confusing to anyone who goes back and sees Parama referenced. For better or worse, this is a mafia site where people dig through old games and posts quite a bit more than your usual forum.
We allow alts to become mains and join any part of the site. So if you want to become ElrondHubbard, create and alt and ask a mod to change your name to the main.
This isn't necessarily a policy I'm super attached to or anything, but I've yet to see a very compelling reason to deviate from it either. We have changed names on an individual basis when there's been a particular reason to that individual (and also sometimes for new players).
can you even get name changes on this hell site
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