Spoiler: Setup
- 9 vs 2Town playersMafia players
- All players must secretly pick either a gunor arose.
- All players must also secretly pick a night.
- One player is lynchedduring the day as per usual, and one player iskilledby the mafia during the night as per usual.
- A player who picked a gunis a1-shot vigilanteduring his/herchosen night.
- A player who picked a roseisimmune to night killsduring his/herchosen night.
- Upon death, it will be revealed whether thedeadplayer picked aroseor agun.
- Number of remaining -alignedTownroseplayers will be announced at thebeginning of each day.
- If there are no -aligned player who picked a rose,TownimmediatelyMafiawinsthe game, regardless of whether there are any livingmembers in the game.Mafia
Spoiler: Sample Role PMs
You are aligned withTown.
You are aligned withMafia.
Spoiler: Ruleset