Magical Girls UPick - Heart of Shadow (Game Over)

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Post Post #5313 (isolation #0) » Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:40 pm

Post by Krazy »

Nice plays LLD!
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Post Post #5352 (isolation #1) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:26 am

Post by Krazy »

In post 5330, Dannflor wrote:I really don't think that's fair
It's not his fault alone. RC wouldn't be as demoralizing to play with if people didn't randomly just give into him for no reason or defend him at the drop of a hat. RC being a prick is totally predictable but having people come in and apologize for him makes it really easy to just tune out the game and stop caring. Like even now you're defending RC and why? Just to drag out an argument that's not going to convince anyone?

Like the first thing you did in this game was convince me that not only would RC be a pain but that people would take his side with the least amount of pushback for no reason. Maybe play a bit less politically dann, we get enough of that from rc himself. Gameplay made good shots and it's not him specifically, but the mass of people that will just be like "ok ill drop my correct townread and misvig because rc is threatening to throw a tantrum" that makes it totally pointless to join queues with him. When the people who push back on his reads when they're shitty are constantly dogpiled way before his alignment is obvious, it makes you feel like it's okay to just write games off as a loss because people want to play popularity contest and "sheep the rc". RC is a problem, but "the problem with RC" is not just RC even though he definitely does a lot to cultivate the cult of personality that feeds into his ego pushes
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Post Post #5358 (isolation #2) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:41 am

Post by Krazy »

Sorry RC I've decided its best for the thread if I don't respond to you, instead I'm just going to make off the cuff comments about how much you revolt me and never engage you while also waiting for an opportune time to get you removed even if you're no longer playing the game.
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Post Post #5360 (isolation #3) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:50 am

Post by Krazy »

I know right? It seems pretty rude to take a bunch of pot shots at someone you refuse to talk to after you've said you won't talk to them. Seems like a real douche move. Thankfully no one I talk to does that sort of thing.
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Post Post #5375 (isolation #4) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:41 am

Post by Krazy »

There's nothing you can say to RC in a public space that will make him reconsider an iota of how he plays. All you're doing is providing him with fodder the next time he's scum to come up with excuses why he doesn't want to play or reasons when he's town to mislynch you. In his own mind his play will be flawless. Here he has the out of kats.has he mislynched masons before because he scumread them? Of course, but this time he didn't scumread them so its kats fault he was duped by lld. And as usual since he took every position on every player at some point throughout the game he can always point to the thirty seconds where he was right. It doesn't matter how many correct reads he drowned out or how many players tuned out because of his manipulative ate. There's really no point to this argument, rc is set in his ways and you can either take them or leave them.
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Post Post #5392 (isolation #5) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:00 am

Post by Krazy »

Nancy you're confused on what's going on in that post but the site is loading too choppily for me to bother explaining properly, talk to me on discord if you want
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Post Post #5404 (isolation #6) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:17 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5394, Dannflor wrote:I'm just saying it's not fair to blame RC for not being able to figure out that LLD was not in fact a mason. I don't think that's a ridiculous assertion to make?
In post 5328, Titus wrote:Yet, you had to be in charge and stifle all discussion. You railroaded a fair amount of the game.

The argument being made is that by making so much of the conversation of the game centered around RC's ego, that people who are solving in good-faith are not going to be able to work together to solve the game. That's absolutely a criticism in good faith and you saying "that's not fair" is making it seem like this isn't an issue that has come up before.

In Merchant's Dance he lied about his read of Nancy just so he could survive intermission -- an egotistical, political play

In this game he drove the day one lynch of LE, even though among the mislynches there were better mislynches.

He drove a bad vig on us.

And he made the push on HH slot uninformative because so much of it was about his personal reaction to their replace out.

So even when his reads are "good" the way he pursues his reads makes the game dull overall. Like, in the average game his reads may over time become above random but for him to get to his 'good' reads he usually has to drown out the rest of the thread in noise.

Katsuki's mason claim wasn't under serious critique because there were still red herrings like Croag floating around. If Katsuki had been put under more pressure then maybe people could have reevaluated LLD. Is that certain to have happened? Of course not.

But the game was auto-loss when things started getting railroaded and people got bored with the game in the end, with vigs shooting people they townread to avoid "arguments" that RC was threatening to have
In post 5202, gameplay506 wrote:Nah i will shoot SS
In post 5203, gameplay506 wrote:I would rather do that now then waste a whole day arguing about whether they are scum or not if the game doesn't end tonight.
In post 5204, Tana and Ephraim wrote:"arguing"
In post 5205, Tana and Ephraim wrote:actually nvm i remembered who the playerlist was again. there'd definitely be lots of arguing.
This exchange is fucking dumb. Regardless of how you look at it, this is a point in the game where the vig is shooting people to avoid "arguments" -- that is a sign the game has turned toxic. And why did the game turn toxic? Because no one wanted to fucking deal with RC anymore. I hadn't touched this game in days by this point, I don't even remember if I posted after day 1, but RC kept making potshots like this:
In post 5199, Tana and Ephraim wrote:this is all ignoring the most important thing, that krazy's spat with me was fucking bullshit and scummy through and through but apparently people townread him for that so...
making it fucking obvious that the "arguments" he's threatening the game with are predicated on him having refused every olive branch I offered him over the game. Him continuing to be a baby and whine nonstop about how he couldn't believe I said he's manipulative and demoralizing which are objectively fucking true observations about his play created black holes in the game that people didn't want to touch and were overcompensating to avoid.

Dann, stop defending douchebaggery. Did LLD play well? Absolutely. Did Kats fuck up? Absolutely. Did either of those things lose the game in isolation? No. RC's approach to the game and his toxic behavior that basically made half the game stop giving a fuck meant that the louder voices of opposition were looking in the wrong places or not looking at all.
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Post Post #5406 (isolation #7) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:21 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5395, Dannflor wrote:it's usually a toxic approach to looking at a game

Which is why it's really cool that RC wants to solely blame Kats, right?

Titus is like, "Yeah Kats was bad but maybe we could have resolved it if you had approached the game a bit differently RC"

And you're like "Oh that's not fair!"

This is why RC is insufferable to play with, he misreads and misrepresents every criticism of his play until he can write people off as just haters. In any case he has 0 interest in changing his approach given how frequently he gets critiqued by a fairly wide range of people who have played with him quite a bit so the whole argument is, frankly, kinda moot, so trying to deny criticism is definitely going to help no one.
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Post Post #5407 (isolation #8) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:22 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5405, Firebringer wrote:Krazy just stop playing with him.
Solid advice
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Post Post #5418 (isolation #9) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:54 pm

Post by Krazy »

More like "maybe we shouldn't have traded the entire board so that RC could queen himself if he was counting on queen + knight to be his win condition when the knight was sitting at a1."
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Post Post #5419 (isolation #10) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:54 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5417, Firebringer wrote:Wtf kind of chess r u playing
obviously wizard chess
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Post Post #5423 (isolation #11) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:56 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5420, Chemist1422 wrote:why would anyone ever put their knight on a1
idk ask Kats :3
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Post Post #5428 (isolation #12) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:00 pm

Post by Krazy »

Krazy has been lynched. He was a Kat.

It is now Night -2. Please submit Night Actions by [countdown]0.00[/countdown]
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Post Post #5430 (isolation #13) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:09 pm

Post by Krazy »

In the end, we all learned a valuable lesson. And that's what really counts.
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Post Post #5446 (isolation #14) » Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:02 pm

Post by Krazy »

Gnar is best magical girl
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Post Post #5478 (isolation #15) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:59 am

Post by Krazy »

I respectfully disagree. Gnar is clearly the best magical girl
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Post Post #5480 (isolation #16) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:14 pm

Post by Krazy »

Nice :3

Definitely a reliable way to reduce the stress of playing mafia
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Post Post #5485 (isolation #17) » Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:49 pm

Post by Krazy »

In post 5483, Jingle wrote:Wait, there's options other than rolling town? How do I subscribe to this service and/or product?
Jingle we all know you exclusively roll jester don't worry
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