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Alisae V Pine: Trees Apparently Make Good Treestumps

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:36 am
by Jingle
Alisae V Pine
Prods Indicated with *
Bold = Confirmed

Gamma Emerald
Lady Lambdadelta
Cephrir, replacing

Something_Smart, replacing

Nachomamma8, replacing
, replacing

the worst
Elsa Jay, replacing

Titus, replacing

Pink Ball
Dunnstral, replacing


Spoiler: The Living
Gamma Emerald
the worst
Pink Ball

Spoiler: The Treestumps
Lord of the Forest
, is aligned with the
Minions of Pine
King of the Castle
, is aligned with the
Loyal Retainers of Alisae
Spoiler: The Dead

mastina, Bodyguard, was lynched D4.
Elsa Jay, Mason, was killed N4.
Titus, VT, was killed N4.
popsofctown, Reflexive Watcher. was killed N4.
PenguinPower, Visitor Minion of Pine, was lynched Day 5.
No One, Alt of Who, was killed N5, despite not being in the game at all.
Firebringer, VT, was lynched Day 6.

Spoiler: We Dare Not Speak Their Names (The Modkilled)
None. Ever. Or else.

Spoiler: Important Links
- - Pine's Forest - Mod Topic - Spectator Thread - Mirror Mirror - Alisae's Castle - camn's revenge - Turn of Camn
Day 1 Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Night 1 Events -
Day 2 Events - - - - - - - - - - -
Night 2 Events -
Day 3 Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Night 3 Events -
Day 4 Events - - - - -

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:39 am
by Jingle
Setup Specific InformationAlisae is aligned with the Loyal Retainers.
Pine is aligned with Pine's Minions.
Neither Alisae nor Pine are valid submissions for Night Actions of any variety. Neither Alisae nor Pine have a vote, nor can they be given a vote via any means.
I will not lie to you unless it is directly related to a role like Godfather.
This game is
This game features non random Role Distribution. I chose who would be town power roles (With the exception of the masonry), ostensibly to give town the best chance possible. (I was more concerned about fun. Deal with it.) Scum had their power roles assigned by Pine. The scum team was decided via a draft with Pine.
Unless you are multitasking, you may not use more than one action per night.
Pine will not lie about the abilities of his gifts or their mechanics. He may omit information.
A Player may not both use a fruit and use a power in the same phase unless they are Multitasking.[/area]

Spoiler: Generic Role PMs
Generic Scum Role PM:

Hello, [Playername]! I'm Jingle and I'm here to welcome you to Alisae's Revenge! You're a loyal


Hello, there, [Playername]. I know, I know, you thought you were one of the good guys. But I don't like playing fair, and interrupting Jingle's invitations to the Castle is my way of saying I think you'll enjoy some dastardly deeds.

Come with me to the Forest where we can plan out how to destroy the
who threaten our domain.

The town win condition is: You win when all of Pine's minions have been killed.

The game thread is here:

Wait, did I miss something?

Generic Town Role PM:

Hello, [Playername]! I'm Jingle and I'm here to welcome you to Alisae's Revenge! You're a
Loyal Retainer
to the rightful Lord of the Land, Alisae. Unfortunately, the wicked tree that controls the Dark Forest has been acting up, causing insurrections left and right. Alisae has called an end to this nonsense, and is preparing to ride forth. Some of my messages have been compromised, however, and a few among you were recruited by the terrible monster to put an end to our quest before it even begins!

We must purge our party of those who have no loyalty, or we shall surely fail.

[Special Abilities]

The town win condition is: You win when all of Pine's minions have been killed.

The game thread is here:

The Rules: Always in Effect1. Don't be a dick.
2. This is a game for fun. Act like it.
3. Pretending to break a rule IS breaking a rule.
4. Don't PROVABLY quote privileged information.
5. Try not to allow outside influences to affect the game.
6. Follow Site Rules.
7. If you think it should be against the rules, assume it is.
8. I will change these at any time for the integrity of the game or if I think it will increase the enjoyment of the players.

The Rules: This Game1. Days will last 10 days. Nights will last 48 hours after the flip is posted. If mechanically relevant, Twilights will last 24 hours after the hammer, during which the hammered player may continue to post. I will acknowledge the hammer as soon as possible, but the twilight will be measured from the actual post containing the hammer. If not mechanically relevant, Twilight will be as short as is reasonable and convenient for the mod. The thread will not lock until the flip is incoming.
2. Living players must post in this thread at least once every 48 hours during the day phase.
3. Failing to meet activity requirements will result in a prod. Failing to respond to a prod or receiving many prods (my discretion) will result in a Force Replacement.
4. Activity requirements will be suspended if you declare V/LA. Please avoid excessive use of V/LAs.
5. If you are modkilled, you may be turned into a neutral survivor and immediately lose the game. Modkills will end the phase or not, whichever is deemed more harmful to your original alignment. Do not make this rule necessary.
6. Actions may be submitted in advance, using whatever conditionals you desire.
7. If all living players agree via PM to end the night phase early, I will do so at my earliest convenience. This means that if night actions are submitted beforehand, you could theoretically have instantaneous night phases.

This is a game with a handpicked player list. Please be mindful that some of the players may not appreciate spamming, and be respectful. You're here because we want to play a game of mafia with you, and more importantly, we think you will collectively enjoy this game. With that said, let's wreck Pine and his stupid scumteam.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:40 am
by Jingle
Vote Count 1.0
Over the course of the game, as time and energy allows, I will add in flavor here.

With 25 alive, it is 13 to Lynch or No Lynch!

Firebringer (0):
MariaR (0):
Gamma Emerald (0):
mastina (0):
DrippingGoofball (0):
Lady Lambdadelta (0):
chennisden (0):
popsofctown (0):
ankamius (0):
Krazy (0):
xofelf (0):
UntrodTripod (0):
PenguinPower (0):
the worst (0):
GreyICE (0):
Aristophanes (0):
Jjh927 (0):
Chickadee (0):
Skygazer (0):
Formerfish (0):
Iconeum (0):
Pink Ball (0):
Dannflor (0):
Katsuki (0):
Menalque (0):

Not Voting (25): Firebringer, MariaR, Gamma Emerald, mastina, DrippingGoofball, Lady Lambdadelta, chennisden, popsofctown, ankamius, Krazy, xofelf, UntrodTripod, PenguinPower, the worst, GreyICE, Aristophanes, Jjh927, Chickadee, Skygazer, Formerfish, Iconeum, Pink Ball, Dannflor, Katsuki, Menalque

Deadline: Day 1 will end in 10 days, on June 17th. This is in (expired on 2019-09-17 15:00:00).

This is the portion of the Votecount where important mod information, such as game messages, V/LA announcements/acknowledgements, Rules Changes, and anything else with an actual impact on the game will be. I might also talk about how awesome the playerlist is.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:40 am
by Jingle
A Deal With the DevilUnlike most coniferous trees, Pine has found a way to produce delicious, fleshy fruit that give the consumer incredible power. Feel free to approach the Great Lord of the Forest for these powers, but be forewarned, Pine is tricky. I can't guarantee that these fruit are safe. The only thing I can say for sure is that Pine will not lie about what the fruit can do. He doesn't have to give them away when asked. Pine creates 2 of these fruit per day. If you would like to request a fruit from Pine, post
Bargain: [Fruit]
. Pine will either grant or refuse your request.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:44 am
by Jingle
Hello there, travelers. I am Jingle, the Jester. I am here to guide you on your way through the Dark Forest and lift your spirits as we trudge onward. Let me tell you a story, to share with you the troubles we shall face.

"Once upon a time there was a grand old tree whose wisdom was unmatched and whose kindness was known by all. He was chopped down to make furniture.

In a clearing nearby a pine grew, bitter at the thoughtless slaughter of his friends and family. Cursing the people who would cause such wanton destruction, this Pine decided to use his cunning to destroy the villages nearby who had flourished off of the backs of his friends' corpses. Literally, as the disgusting creatures would cobble together the bodies of Pine's people and live inside of them. His first foray into the deaths of the surroundings was successful, when he successfully destroyed an army of defenders assembled by camn.

In despair and anger, camn turned to Alisae, ruler of a neighboring land, to attempt to extract revenge. Alisae, in a strange fit of solidarity turned to camn and smiled. Together, they raised another army and tore their way through Pine's minions, rallying behind the banner of the great champion Ellibereth. Unfortunately, as all such champions do, Ellibereth had a fatal weakness, and in the dead of night Pine's spies managed to fill Ellibereth with bullets. Still, Camn very nearly had the last laugh, and Pine grew even more wary in his expansions. He took village after village, town after town, expanding his Dark Forest until it had nearly engulfed the lands of Alisae.

Alisae, fearing the worst, commissioned the construction of an impregnable castle, with walls as tall as any tree and twice as thick, made entirely out of stone. E sent Beeboy, the most trusted retainer e had to summon all of the warriors in the land. Scarcely a month later, Beeboy was found dead on the path out of the castle, the forest growing to it's very gates. Of the Champions summoned, a paltry 25 had answered the call."

Absent Loyal Retainer
, was murdered before he could come to Alisae's aid.

Beeboy had this special ability:
You didn't want to play a game with us, and made Ali sad. So you die in the pregame.


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:46 am
by Jingle
Role PMs going out now!

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:43 am
by Jingle

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:48 am
by jjh927

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:52 am
by jjh927
VOTE: Krazy

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:54 am
by Menalque
Fuckin bummed that pine didn’t consider me good enough for the scum team

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:55 am
by Menalque
VOTE: krazy

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:57 am
by jjh927
Why would you be disappointed that you are going to win the game

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:58 am
by Skygazer
VOTE: the worst

it was inevitable

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:07 am
by Gamma Emerald
The Autonomous Republic of Gemstones stands at attention.
VOTE: Firebringer
I sense Pine would be extra incentivized to get a bringer of fire under his thumb.

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:10 am
by Pine

Welcome, Minions!

And woe betide ye, trespassers in this sanctified place, Mine Own Forest.

All those who would set foot in My Domain, I offer ye this one chance to save thyself:

Partake of the fruit of my branches, and be empowered!

The taste may be bitter, but the gifts they offer are true.


Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:11 am
by Menalque
Question: based on flavour, isn’t pine technically the good guy?

@jj I mean he’s won all the other games so far, no?

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:14 am
by jjh927
Sure but we'll win this one

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:18 am
by Ankamius
VOTE: Iconeum


Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:26 am
by Pine
In post 9, Menalque wrote:Fuckin bummed that pine didn’t consider me good enough for the scum team
Awwww, don't be sad! There are older, more reliable players who simply jumped the line on you.

Besides, Jingle drafted you in the third (iirc) round.

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:27 am
by jjh927
Oh let's get some common sense down before someone disregards it:

The fruit shit is a scum ability. Pine can choose whether or not to do it. Pine gets some benefit out of handing out fruits. In terms of balance, taking the fruit should work out as anti-town. Don't request the fruit.

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:38 am
by popsofctown
VOTE: Menalque Pine would have provided less reasoning if he was wifoming the other direction, that's my leaning

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:42 am
by Pine
In post 19, jjh927 wrote:Oh let's get some common sense down before someone disregards it:

The fruit shit is a scum ability. Pine can choose whether or not to do it. Pine gets some benefit out of handing out fruits. In terms of balance, taking the fruit should work out as anti-town. Don't request the fruit.
The powers are indeed real! There's some measure of risk to taking them, sure, but I assume some risk too. If I gave you, say, a Watcher shot and you caught one of my minions, I can't stop that.

Further, if no one requests a fruit, I can give it to
whomever I want
. Privately. Without you being able to track who has it. Or demand accountability from them.

This includes giving it to one of my own minions. I'd love a free Watcher shot for one of my minions.

Oh? Did I mention? It's a hard-coded rule that
I am not allowed to lie about the effects of the fruit.
So anything I say about them, you can take as gospel.

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:43 am
by Pine
In post 1, Jingle wrote:
Setup Specific InformationAlisae is aligned with the Loyal Retainers.
Pine is aligned with Pine's Minions.
Neither Alisae nor Pine are valid submissions for Night Actions of any variety. Neither Alisae nor Pine have a vote, nor can they be given a vote via any means.
I will not lie to you unless it is directly related to a role like Godfather.
This game is
This game features non random Role Distribution. I chose who would be town power roles (With the exception of the masonry), ostensibly to give town the best chance possible. (I was more concerned about fun. Deal with it.) Scum had their power roles assigned by Pine. The scum team was decided via a draft with Pine.
Unless you are multitasking, you may not use more than one action per night.
Pine will not lie about the abilities of his gifts or their mechanics.

A Player may not both use a fruit and use a power in the same phase unless they are Multitasking.[/area]
Bolded and enhanced.

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:49 am
by Gamma Emerald
If you're thinking about eating that fruit do a reverse Google image search of that image

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:50 am
by Firebringer