you still sat on me far too long.
statistically i'd guess overkill is town but i dont know. could be scum, i have no read on him really. iwbn, if scum, could have been trying to push things my direction, but other than that no one seems to care, which is at least mild evidence that we're both town. if anything, iwbn's pushing seems more like an attempt to nudge things in my direction feels more like at attempt get rid of me before i invite a better player who could make my slot much more difficult to mislynch.
i do have the hydra ability, but that's my weakest power; it was an attempt to see off my wagon without claiming that i am essentially, by the sounds of it, one of the most powerful town roles in the game.
april 1st, jack of trades. here are my other powers:
1. the hydra thing
2. make someone loved
3. make someone hated
4. make someone vengeful
5. add a player to the game (yes, an entirely new player slot. im not told anything about this role, but presumably town bc im town, adding a scum player locked behind a town role using a specific ability would seem like insane swing)
there was another ability that i cant remember rn
all are one shot
was planning to out my identity at some point anyway and looks like this could be my last chance
if y'all go ahead with this and find yourselves staring at a defeat in a couple months, question why you lynched one of the strongest TPRs on d1
still time to turn things around, tho im very pessimistic on that given the attitude of this town
so to all those who asked me to sign up for this game and i cryptically said something like "i cant rn, i might replace in later"
this is why XD
seriously, every time i try to alt i get lynched on fucking day 1. never happens on my main. ppl seem to respect my join date or something.
VOTE: unvote; vote iwbn
his push on me specifically has felt the worst out of everything, altho i have issues with a lot of slots.