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Post Post #10 (isolation #0) » Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:45 pm

Post by popsofctown »

On Bloodhound, does abilities of "other" players mean "other than you and your investigation target" or "other than you?" It seems unclear to me whether Bloodhound ignores Miller. Or asceticism even.

If the intent is "Your investigation cannot be blocked or redirected by other night actions" that seems clearer.

Does Nymphomaniac bond last the whole game?

What the heck is a Serial Killer Lover? If the other lover is a Serial Killer, that doesn't fit standard parlance for what a Serial Killer is, a solo scum. If the other lover is unaligned, the Serial Killer cannot win. I guess if you use the parity win condition instead of a total decimation win condition the Serial Killer can, but it's super uphill.

This is only a "semi-open" setup when the "pick criteria, roll setups until you find one that meets that criteria" method is used, IMO. I think part of calling something semi-open is knowing the probability of each possible setup, in addition to knowing each possible setup. It'd be good to do some kind of point system that would narrow the range on how broken a setup can be generated. It wouldn't be perfect but expectations in Great Idea are pretty low anyway.
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #12 (isolation #1) » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:45 pm

Post by popsofctown »

In post 11, Micc wrote:
popsofctown wrote:On Bloodhound, does abilities of "other" players mean "other than you and your investigation target" or "other than you?" It seems unclear to me whether Bloodhound ignores Miller. Or asceticism even.

If the intent is "Your investigation cannot be blocked or redirected by other night actions" that seems clearer.
The wording you suggested is better, so I'll likely make a change there. My intention is for Bloodhound to take priority over the other abilities listed in the Abilities that affect investigation results section (Miller, Godfather, Psychotrooper). Abilities like Ascetic, Hider or Roleblocker interact with the Bloodhound as if it were a Cop or similar investigative ability.
I don't think the wording I suggested matches what you indicate the role should do (which on a reread of the Bloodhound role description I see a bit better).
It is tricky to get Bloodhound to be both succinct and convey that it should beat Miller, Godfather, Psychotrooper, and Framer (not in the list right now I know) but that it loses to Roleblocker, Ascetic, and maybe Bus Driver? (also not in the list I think).
"If any player's ability would cause your result of 'NOT GUILTY' to be 'GUILTY' or vice versa, ignore that ability," maybe.
I think it'd unambiguously an improvement to clarity to drop "other" from "other player" in the final role description no matter what though. Intuitively I want to put it in too because it's a positive buff and saying "other player" emphasizes how positive it is, look how you could still meddle your own investigation results if you really wanted to, only other players are being rendered impotent, this is so great. But that benefit is redundant since the Bloodhound doesn't have any abilities that could alter its own investigation results, and wouldn't want to even if some bizarre inventor making it possible was added, so the word is redundant. And then if "other player" is interpreted to mean "other than the investigation target" that's definitely bad if the point is to beat Millers.
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #15 (isolation #2) » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:45 am

Post by popsofctown »

I want to roll Alien with Kerset
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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