Micc's Great(est) Idea Card List

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Post Post #13 (isolation #0) » Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:49 am

Post by TemporalLich »

I am pretty sure as written, the Bloodhound is immune to the effects of the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time (if it were the one from the standard GI deck) and Psychotrooper abilities. Even without "The result of your investigation cannot be affected by the abilities of other players." Miller and Godfather would do nothing to affect a Bloodhound result since those abilities only affect Cop checks. pops's wording in (which loses to a Mass Redirector) is probably better since Mass Redirector is a role that exists and the original wording is unclear whether Bloodhounds should win or lose against Mass Redirectors.

Speaking of Mass Redirectors, do investigative roles know their target was changed in case one activates?

Minor things that would be nice to know:

As written, it is possible to protect a Weak death. "unavoidably die" instead of "be killed" would make this not the case.

IC's with alignment changing alignments should be blacklisted, even then Underdog Mason (and Underdog Lover if Lovers are meant to never be Werewolves even after pregame) has the potential to result in a blacklisted combination.
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Post Post #17 (isolation #1) » Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:10 am

Post by TemporalLich »

The Werewolf and SK colors appear the same on the mafBlack theme.
is a color meant to be brown that looks brown and not orange on mafBlack.

Alternately, here's the colors I'd use:

Town - #008000

Mafia - #FF0000

Werewolf - #BFBF00

Alien - #0000FF

Serial Killer - #FF8000

Cult - #FF00FF

Self Aligned - #808080


Survivor - #BFBFBF

Lyncher - #FF8080

I thought up of some card suggestions but this isn't Grand Idea so eh.
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Post Post #20 (isolation #2) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 9:38 am

Post by TemporalLich »

Would you consider term replacing this deck?

For the term replacements, here's what I'd term replace the role names to:

Role that needs to eliminate a specific target to win > Condemner
Role that causes all Condemners to win when eliminated > Persona Non Grata
Role that survives a single elimination > One-Shot Prince
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Post Post #24 (isolation #3) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:48 pm

Post by TemporalLich »

could we call it "aim and fire" cult recruiting, as in you have to use one action to "aim" and another to "fire"? "aim and fire" roles would be very vulnerable to roleblocking especially if blocking the "fire" forces them to "aim" again.

yeah a full cult recruiter is kinda OP in a Great Idea game.
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Post Post #26 (isolation #4) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:50 am

Post by TemporalLich »

There are three roles capable of cult recruiting in Great Idea, and none of them are an unrestricted cult recruiter (there's a 1-Shot Cult Recruiter though, and that specifically can't recruit groupscum).

AFAIK cult recruitments in Great Idea only change alignment, so only factional abilities are lost.
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Post Post #31 (isolation #5) » Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:53 am

Post by TemporalLich »

1-shot cult recruiter can still be pretty frightening in endgames, but yeah it scales poorly
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