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Post Post #608 (isolation #0) » Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:53 pm

Post by eth0s »

I need to read this game still. Planning on doing a chronological catch up. Anything I should know before then?
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Post Post #753 (isolation #1) » Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:09 pm

Post by eth0s »

Prod received.

Between real life obligations and the site running like crap every time I visited (including this time.. but it seems to be getting better) I am way behind. Catch up incoming shortly.

On a side note it just took me over almost two hours to release PTs, edit posts/titles, and create a final vote count for my modded game that just ended. Having to click all those links and make changes is very not fun during site lag.
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Post Post #766 (isolation #2) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:35 am

Post by eth0s »

wow pages 1-10 were some of the most devoid of readable content I have seen in a game. Hoping for a more eventful future..

Spoiler: Page 1-10
I like this post

--lot of pointless RQS being posted that people seem to like--
In post 148, Chibiie wrote:Sorry bud, I'm restarting RVS.
this actually made me laugh out loud

--Chibiie acting the way and getting banned (which I read as him attempting to replace out but scoring himself an intentional ban in the process) is weird to me because he was in another game at the time: my now finished Newbie 1962. He was complaining about low activity in that game, too. He had a really great solve (actually called the scumteam on day 1) and just thought everyone else was being lazy. He threatened to replace out but never actually did it. I wonder if his drastically different approach to this game is scum indicative for him? Admittedly I haven't read the game where he was scum with teacher so maybe I should check his ISO there to see if it changes anything.--

--assuming the saladman replace was just due to the game's toxicity?--
In post 226, Uncrowned wrote:
posts 20 and 24 strike me as off tonally/overly-explain-y. 119 is overly fence-sitty on FF (and 134 doesn't help that much imo.) And your thoughts on gardenia are a bit unclear to me (134 vs 187)
and were my first two posts ever in Forum Mafia. I like to explain my thought processes and wanted to move Gardenia away from voting for a no lynch, and the 2nd one was just a play on Teacher's name.

: Yes, I'll admit I'm fence-sitting on FF. I'm cautious around these types of playstyles. More on this in a bit.

: As I said before, I like to explain how I'm thinking. I may tend to ramble, but I'll try make things more concise. The passive plays and general inactivity made me want to attempt to put something on the board so the ball would at least start rolling a little.

/ (Gardenia Thoughts): I thought they were rather clear. I think she's new and trying to be helpful, but I didn't think Teacher's read of her FF Vote necessarily makes her Town. Like I mentioned in #187, Fish at that point was the easiest vote to make for anyone, as he had the most polarizing playstyle and had drew the attention to himself.

As for Jackson, my vote on Gyro was at the start of RVS and I wanted it on someone who hadn't posted in the game yet, if only to see if he'd react. He didn't. I'm keeping it on him since his posts haven't had much substance behind them imo. I don't think inactivity indicates scum, at least not right now. If that was the sole basis of my vote, I would've switched it once he posted a few times.
weird gut pings here. Feels over explain-y. coincidentally(?) while quoting a post that accused him of being just that.
In post 238, Uncrowned wrote:Sure. Usually I hesitate to jump on the person who is being the "loudest in the room" as I feel like it's the obvious choice, especially for people who COULD be evil as the louder people are more likely to toss out accusations and make themselves appear more guilty in the process. However, most of my experiences with these aggressive types in other social deduction games is they've usually been either town trying to catch people slipping, or they're a jester (obviously this role list doesn't include that, so that's not a worry here)

However, I want to keep my mind open to the possibility of FF being a distraction for someone else assuming he has one. I see my mistake though, since the only way we'd even be able to figure that out would be via a lynch. Sitting on the fence in that scenario doesn't really make sense. I was hesitant to push since I'm not sure how that sort of thing plays out here. I'll commit to reading FF as an aggressive townie, rather than a scum at this stage.

And you're right, it is a bit odd. My only logic behind it is that Gardenia had been given a TL by two people I believe at that point (Teacher and Salad, who was in your slot before) whereas I had been read as null at that point and hadn't really been asked for my opinions. I'm starting to understand now that it'll be more helpful if I take an actual stance on things instead of waiting for others to do so.
again just rubs me the wrong way. maybe I'm just tired idk. Will revisit this ISO
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Post Post #770 (isolation #3) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:13 am

Post by eth0s »

Spoiler: 10-15
In post 251, Datisi wrote:
In post 206, Datisi wrote:
In post 199, bugspray wrote:but at the end of the reading for some reason my gut made me think that fish and gardenia are maf...
Can you please elaborate on this?
Word of advice, don't look for teams yet. Look for individual scumminess.
Associate-hunting happens either post-flip or as a Town's last resort. We're not there yet.

Especially not if two people just talking to each other makes you think they're mafia together.
(bold underline) I don't think that's a totally fair case for associate hunting but I don't really have reason to believe datisi doesn't believe what she said.
In post 268, Formerfish wrote:
In post 267, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 265, gardenia wrote:
In post 263, JacksonVirgo wrote:I haven't been that active, mainly because I had a lot of stuff happening the past day. But here are my current reads. If I missed anyone, they're null.
---- Town ----

---- Null ----

---- Scum ----
Is this in order? Why is teacher higher than you? Why is teacher the only town apart from you? :/
No, not in order. And I don't have much reads on anyone else, so to the null they go.
9 people, 1 tr + yourself, 2 scum and 2 null. 3 people not listed, you say to throw them to the nulls.
Why did Dat and Unc get a null designation while the others are null be default?
note to self: check up on this later
In post 282, teacher wrote:
Spoiler: long thread
In post 281, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 272, teacher wrote:
In post 269, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 268, Formerfish wrote:
In post 267, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 265, gardenia wrote:
In post 263, JacksonVirgo wrote:I haven't been that active, mainly because I had a lot of stuff happening the past day. But here are my current reads. If I missed anyone, they're null.
---- Town ----

---- Null ----

---- Scum ----
Is this in order? Why is teacher higher than you? Why is teacher the only town apart from you? :/
No, not in order. And I don't have much reads on anyone else, so to the null they go.
9 people, 1 tr + yourself, 2 scum and 2 null. 3 people not listed, you say to throw them to the nulls. Why did Dat and Unc get a null designation while the others are null be default?
Because I totally didn't forget their names
Why me above you? Normally I’d see that as a good way for a PR to soft a result, but we don’t allow N0 actions?
I literally just listed the players I remembered and sorted them into where I saw them. There is absolutely no order to anything... so stop
No, not how this game works. You question until you’re satisfied. I’m not.

I don’t believe you remembered me before you. That’s an ego problem/contrary to how most people perceive the world . I think to remembered to add yourself after sorting me. But at that point, why not also add the others you forgot?

I’m not saying this is necessarily ai. I’m saying it’s abnormal behavior. So no, I don’t take kindly to being asked to stop when I’m repeating a question you didn’t directly answer.
I like this post. It makes another thing I was thinking seem unlikely though.
In post 292, Formerfish wrote:
In post 290, gardenia wrote:^ I'm sorry but that rubbed me the wrong way. My vote was a random vote -
I don't want to be put into a wagon.

VOTE: Marionette because you're still the person
I want to talk to the most.
Bolded- why dont you wanna be on a wagon? How are you going to get a read off him without that pressure.

Italics- This is a tactic that new scum often uses because it makes it look like you are being active and are making a pressure push, but you are basically naked voting that slot and saying that you want them to post, which is why you voted them which defeats the purpose of the vote in the first place because now the guy knows why you are voitng him and how to change.

But until then your vote is being used, but in a way that is not likely to do any damage at all.
solid observation. I mean it's calling my slot newbscum but it's the same kind of stance I would take if in FF's shoes right there
In post 315, bugspray wrote:It's caused me to always want to play as either scummish or idiot town
you're going to fit in great around here
In post 317, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 292, Formerfish wrote:
In post 290, gardenia wrote:^ I'm sorry but that rubbed me the wrong way. My vote was a random vote -
I don't want to be put into a wagon.

VOTE: Marionette because you're still the person
I want to talk to the most.
Bolded- why dont you wanna be on a wagon? How are you going to get a read off him without that pressure.

Italics- This is a tactic that new scum often uses because it makes it look like you are being active and are making a pressure push, but you are basically naked voting that slot and saying that you want them to post, which is why you voted them which defeats the purpose of the vote in the first place because now the guy knows why you are voitng him and how to change.

But until then your vote is being used, but in a way that is not likely to do any damage at all.
I agree here in regards to the wagon and vote usage, even if the pressure was being applied on me it's still beneficial to town as we're seeing how people react.

I think Mari is another one of those "easy votes" that I'm not willing to make just yet. That's the second time I've noticed Garden making one of these (the first was on Fish at the start of the game). Would like more of an explanation on that if you could, Garden.

Even though Mari's behaviour has been odd to me, it was only in a couple of posts. Not enough to go off of yet. I'd prefer our votes pressure someone who we know is around and will give their thoughts.
this seems kinda awkward and careful. Especially since he hasn't changed votes since RVS
In post 319, Uncrowned wrote:@bugspray I'm going to defend myself hard, that's how I am in social deduction games. Not everyone likes that style, but that's how I do things.
could explain a large reason for why I think his play is scum indicative. But last time I let that logic take lead the person in question was scum and killed me. Going to proceed with caution here.
In post 323, Datisi wrote:Mate, here's the thing. If you're Town, you understand that lynching Town = very bad no good. And you only know for sure that you yourself are Town. Therefore, if people are trying to lynch you, you know it's a Town lynch incoming. You have to fight it.

Tell me, what happens if every single Town in game goes "lol kill me my death doesn't matter"?
I actually think this screams town because bugspray flipped VT and fmpov datisi absolutely had to notice the VTslip that bugspray made

--on a side note I think this implicates at least one newb as the scumteam, probably 2, because why kill bugspray after they VT slipped?--
In post 332, bugspray wrote:
In post 323, Datisi wrote:Mate, here's the thing. If you're Town, you understand that lynching Town = very bad no good. And you only know for sure that you yourself are Town. Therefore, if people are trying to lynch you, you know it's a Town lynch incoming. You have to fight it.

Tell me, what happens if every single Town in game goes "lol kill me my death doesn't matter"?
If that happens every game then the townie dies and it creates a disadvantage for their team. Guess I'll have to learn to properly defend because I won't get to do this again :P
But I don't think I feel confident that this town could win if I'm mislyched so I'll try to defend myself for now.

Pls no lynch

But mafia getting lynched is a LOT worse and I feel like they have a tendency to heavily overreact any defend hard.
oh, maybe this is realizing they VT slipped and trying to do damage control? another thing to keep in mind
In post 342, Datisi wrote:Actually...
In post 307, bugspray wrote:I'm not gonna bother defending myself because I've never really been successful at it.
A day 1 mislynch is common on d1 and I don't mind being thee player who is dies like that.
In post 332, bugspray wrote:
But I don't think I feel confident that this town could win if I'm mislyched
so I'll try to defend myself for now.
How serious was this part of 332?
datisi notices...
In post 343, bugspray wrote:It was completely serious. Reading caused my to change my mind completely about this and take the game a lot more seriously

I think the best way to move to game forward is wait for the Mari prod and potentially the replacement as well.
do I take this at face value and assume that others will too?
I'm gonna flip a coin.
No, I do not take it at face value.
In post 367, bugspray wrote:
Cool. Let's not lynch me yet
because we are about to finally have every slot participating
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Post Post #783 (isolation #4) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:29 pm

Post by eth0s »

Spoiler: 16-20
--unc actually end up looking townier than JV in their 1v1 in page 16-17. JV seems to backpedal on the FF vote while still stating intention to lynch that slot. This could be more newb indicative than AI but it seems like JV is just trying to appease other players rather than doing what they think is "right"--
In post 406, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 403, Datisi wrote:Discussion you had with Bugs a bit earlier about "you trying to buddy them" or whatever, you make anything out of that?
Honestly, I've got two total outcomes in my head (probably not the write wording)

Since I am set on TvS {Teacher, FF}. It's either SvS {FF, Gyro} (meaning it could be Gyro/Teacher) or SvS {FF, bug}
this post sticks out to me because not only is FF showing up as scum in each one of his potential pairings, but like mentioned above JV only seems to lay the vote down when they feel it is "safe" or "approved". It could also be worth noting that both of JV's potential partners for FF are now flipped town, but that's another thing to revisit later.
In post 413, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 412, Datisi wrote:
In post 406, JacksonVirgo wrote:Since I am set on TvS {Teacher, FF}. It's either SvS {FF, Gyro}
(meaning it could be Gyro/Teacher)
or SvS {FF, bug}
What do you mean Gyro/Teacher?
Yeah could have formatted that better and now that I am writing this, I disagree with my own read on that.

I mean originally that if FF flips scum. All my SvS reads with FF were now with Teacher but I don't think that anymore
Okay maybe this whole thing is more newb indicative than AI after all
In post 421, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 420, Datisi wrote:
In post 417, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 415, Datisi wrote:
In post 413, JacksonVirgo wrote:I mean originally that if FF flips scum. All my SvS reads with FF were now with Teacher but I don't think that anymore
Okay, genuinely no idea what this means.

And yes. By default, each page has 25 posts. So posts number 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 etc. are pagetoppers.
Words aren't helpful for me when I am half asleep, apologies
The only way I can make sense of 413 is if you'd meant to write "meant originally that if FF flips Town". Is that right?
OH! Yeah that's what I meant. Since I TvS Teacher and FF. If FF flips town, Teacher is the scum from my pov.
Now I am genuinely confused. Like I'm less confused and also more confused... okay, moving on...
In post 422, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 418, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 416, Uncrowned wrote:You're chopping and changing a lot, I'm not sure what to make of you.
How so? I believe I've been dead set on TvS FF and SvS Gyro/FF for a while. Have I not made that clear enough?
The Fish vote, unvote, and then revote.

Saying Teacher could take FF"s role in the SvS teams you have listed, and then taking it back a few posts later.

Could just be mistakes or reevaluating, which is fine. I'm pointing it out because it's happened two times in quick succession.

Your TvS and SvS have been consistent, I wasn't referencing those.
This slot is super weird to me because they way he questions people, namely JV, is really good. Like it seems like he is genuinely trying to form reads on slots and get them to post in a more constructive way. But when speaking of himself he seems very careful, very overly wordy. This could be justified by his own stated reasoning that he is a "defensive player" I think he said, but like I've already mentioned that is something I have to be wary of due to past experiences.
In post 433, Formerfish wrote:
In post 421, JacksonVirgo wrote:OH! Yeah that's what I meant. Since I TvS Teacher and FF. If FF flips town, Teacher is the scum from my pov.
You are going to feel very silly eventually. Mark this post to look back at and feel bad about.
not really relevant to the game; I understand FF wants to take this loud, in-your-face approach to the game. That's fine. But I just feel like treating JV's slot like this after seeing (real or feigned) revelations being made, and at the very least seeing some player progression, it's just not a great way to handle newbie games. Perhaps showing his own perspective and trying to interact with the slot without just insulting JV would yield better results and make them more likely to read and be read. Idk. Maybe it is relevant to the game, because it does seem like FF is experienced enough to know that this isn't a good way to formulate reads on a newbie and it just seems like there's no good intentions behind some of his posts.
In post 443, bugspray wrote:
In post 441, Datisi wrote:
In post 438, bugspray wrote:Datisi: pretty solid town to me tbh, doing
a lot of good scumhunting
that makes up the foundation of effective townplay
A lot of my posts (like 390) and my vote suggest that I think you're scum. Is that "good scumhinting"?
I mean you're doing a good job at trying.
Because you're reading fellow town as scum
you're definitely not doing great
why was this slot killed again?
In post 443, bugspray wrote:its like that dril tweet "i will face god and step backwards into hell"

--datisi's interactions with the newb slots seems kind of weird? can't put my finger on it. This is for the ISOdives.--
In post 479, Fuzanglong wrote:Town:
Datisi: Doesn't seem sus at all bc she is very reasonable and asking questions in favor of town (or at least i thin)
Fuzanglong: I'm townie
Teacher: lol dis kinda stupid but I just *feel* like he's safe maybe its the creepy mask
Gardenia: Not throwing any names out there but asking a lot of questions that will help make teh right choice (i think)

Not Sure
JacksonVirgo: Can't tell if they're just a more prepared newbie than I am or if they are more experienced idk don't know and don't have opinions on this person
Uncrowned: ?? Defends hard apparently as said in post 319 and he's been active since teh beginning but I don't know what to think
Bugspray: seems safe but also before him, chibee was kinda aggressive in not tryna get lynched (but also maybe that's that person's personality ahh im confused)
FormerFish: at least recently, being vague, also is trying to convince ppl he doesn't care if he gets lynched or not (but then maybe he doesnt?) at least twice, once in pg 19, once in pg 18
GyroZeppeli: Throwing out random names? at least in post 386, and doesn't respond often

I think i got everyone
Sorry if this sucks lol i tried
this slot is town. Like it just absolutely is.
In post 488, Fuzanglong wrote:Maybe i feel teacher's safe bc im a hoe for authority idk lmao
not game related at all but I feel with the Fawke's mask this is ass-backwards?
Nevermind this is game related, she gives ZERO FUCKS. Definitely town.
In post 494, Formerfish wrote:
In post 490, Fuzanglong wrote:Also lol someone please teach me how to reply to more than one person in a post
Easy way, use the Q+ button top right in posts to "collect" them for comment, and then hit reply to see what you have.

That can be messy and hard to work with sometimes, so I'll open a 2nd window and hit the Quote button, write what I want, and then copy and paste it into a reply page.

Rinse and repeat until you have what you want and then submit.
click middle mouse on the "quote" button (opens in new tab). collect as many tabs of quotes as you need, cut/copy them all into one tab. This is my method and I will never veer from it.
In post 498, Formerfish wrote:Ever wonder how innocent people confessing to doing things they didn't do, you will find out exactly how they felt.
In post 499, Formerfish wrote:
In post 497, Fuzanglong wrote:Also your pfp is calming is that bts lol
Translate please. English preferably.
pfp = profile pic
bts = some k-pop group I think
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Post Post #784 (isolation #5) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:31 pm

Post by eth0s »

To continue this sober or to get baked first?

I'm gonna flip a coin.

Sober. Damn. I'll revisit this thought at page 25.
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Post Post #785 (isolation #6) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 6:09 pm

Post by eth0s »

Spoiler: 21-25
In post 510, teacher wrote:It feels like the attention has been focused on bug and that’s the momentum slot. And it feels like nobody has been pushing against that, which means everybody (including bugs presumptive partner) is ok with that. So I’m not.

The second line was on bugs response to the avi and other pressure - not trying to appease others to survive. I’m just not getting much survivalism. Again, not a great sign.
I see two possibilities here.

1. This is a good take. Teacher is experienced, definitely noticed the VT slip. I think this alone gives Teacher very high town equity.

2. It's the "right" take, but is it for the "right" reasons? Like in #1, he noticed the VT slip. That makes this a sub-optimal lynch for scum as well as a sub-optimal wagon for scum as it won't likely result in a PR outing them self.

Need to think on it.
In post 533, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 530, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 516, JacksonVirgo wrote:Thanks for answering lol
UNVOTE: bugspray
Why so quick to unvote after he answered one question? Isn't he on your scum list? Or am I wrong?
I only voted bug because they wouldn't answer my question, then they did so I unvoted. Gyro is more sus to me. Its either Gyro or bug from my current pov
did I miss something or? why isn't JV voting FF or actively trying to read the slot or something?
In post 555, teacher wrote:That’s why we don’t PR spec in thread. But that cats out of the bag. And you have no better shot of being right than scum do, presumably. (You’ve also functionally claimed vt with your post, which is yet another reason why you shouldn’t pr spec).
In post 564, the worst wrote:oh hi you guyssss
DMing a dnd game. :) I'll catch up soon.
In post 570, the worst wrote:VOTE: <>{

(this is a fishy - VOTE: formerfish if it's not counted)

at the end of pg 5 and I like this
y u vote on catch up?
In post 575, the worst wrote:Formerfish - is top-posting this game yet has done nearly nothing; his reads are superficial and his pushes struck me as constantly being on players who are in vogue to push. he's added pressure to slots sure but he's added pressure to VULNERABLE slots and he's largely done this through a style of snarky shading; he wants to make people look bad but isn't all that interested in actually forcing them to pump out alignment indicative info. he looks like a scumbag. :u
In post 591, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 590, the worst wrote:It's hard to townread another slot over yourself tbf but I getchu. I wrote up my paragraph on Gyro last thing before I slipped out of the thread before so I think I've done that thing to myself where my last memory of him was warm fuzzy feelings; still think he's town but I'm also aware I'm slightly tunnelling myself into townreading him tonight.

how are you feeling about Mr. Fishy aorn? any thoughts on my idea of pushing the scum who is easier to read correctly and hunting back from there?
I mean to me, Fishy is scummy as all balls. Being at the top of my scumread list
okay? then why aren't you voting him or at least poking him or something?
In post 592, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 571, the worst wrote:Uncrowned and JacksVir:why vote Gyro? (Jacks, if you have reasoning past "not explaining his naked vote on ff" I would appreciate it)
As I said in post I didn't like his votes on Teacher or Gardenia and his reason behind the Teacher vote (post ). My original vote on him was from RVS, I've kept it on him since my current mindset right now is "Does this post or person's overall play style benefit town, or seem town motivated?" since I liked that thought process when Teacher brought it up during the Fish/Chibi/Teacher interactions near the start of the game.

I don't think Gyro has helped town much, I liked when he asked for Datisi's explanation of why he thought Bug was scum, since that was encouraging discussion and progressing the game, but that's about it.

He's not clear scum to me by any means, but I've got more suspicion to him than I do to others. Bugs made the "mason hunting" blunder earlier and has had some takes that I don't agree with and Jackson has seemed a bit jumpy in terms of votes and his reactions to things, but I could see this potentially being nervousness and/or inexperience. I'd also like to see a bit more out of Fuzanglong overall.

I will say out of the 4 I mentioned in this post (Gyro, Fuz, JV and Bug) I think Bug is the least likely to be scum out of them, he has this "stream of consciousness" style with his posts, like he's reacting to things naturally as they come and he's just giving us his thoughts as they pop into his head. It feels right to me, even if I think he's been wrong on a few occasions and could probably do with evaluating his stances a bit better at times.
bleh. More overly-wordy self defense that I really just don't care for.
There is a very stark contrast between posts about himself and posts about others. I think he fits the bill for scum when taking into account my earlier thoughts of who would make the bugspray kill.

--FF hammer is bad but maybe not horrible for
In post 609, Formerfish wrote:I feel like that kill was made to set me up...
I actually don't see how that would set up FF at all. The tone of this post doesn't really gel with his "idgaf" attitude so far. Weird post.
In post 612, Formerfish wrote:
In post 608, eth0s wrote:I need to read this game still. Planning on doing a chronological catch up. Anything I should know before then?
Your pred claimed doc. That's a thing. Who'd you doc?
the fuck is this?
In post 614, the worst wrote:I called Fishy out for scumplay and explained why I thought Gyro was a mislynch. Rather than engage with this in good faith, Fishy waits for L-1 then lolhammers to end the phase and cut out conversation.

Coming into d2 he suggests I night-killed Bugspray because I'm scum and I want to set Formerfish up. I can explain why that suggestion is absurd and disingenuous if anyone would like.
please do tell.
In post 618, Formerfish wrote:
In post 519, Datisi wrote:
In post 517, Formerfish wrote:
In post 511, JacksonVirgo wrote:Teacher/Bug lol
You're half right. Touch the wrong half and I'll cut you.
Tone it down, FF. We get it.

Ducky, explain what this post might mean.
In post 620, Formerfish wrote:Scum wouldnt kill me because they are going to push me for the hammer, which is why I made it.

it's that time again.

Coin flip:


I'll be back
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Post Post #786 (isolation #7) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 6:12 pm

Post by eth0s »

1 thing before my break tho
In post 776, the worst wrote:
In post 770, eth0s wrote:--on a side note I think this implicates at least one newb as the scumteam, probably 2, because why kill bugspray after they VT slipped?--
Goddamnit eth0s. This was my spicy observation. One more thing to say on the subject.
I would like to pass my Goddammit onto teacher who pointed out the VT slip before me, which milds my spicy observation as well as yours.
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Post Post #793 (isolation #8) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:05 pm

Post by eth0s »

Spoiler: 26-31
--can't tell if I'm watching something really sloppy and stupid go down or if someone is doing something really smart. There's no in between. I will be intentionally vague on this for
In post 639, the worst wrote:
In post 636, Formerfish wrote:
In post 634, the worst wrote:that is literally "I don't like your behaviour rn therefore you are aligned with the mafia". you also then think datisi was aligned with the mafia. take a step backwards and try harder Fishy. I don't believe town!you gets so caught up about such a silly thing.
Dont talk down to me about my play, thats not going to end well for you in this game.

You dont realize that you are the donkey at the table and my cards are the nuts. Fold or go all in big guy.
What do you think I'm doing? I looked at your ISO, see an absence of towntells, some real slimy looking stuff, and I think you're scum for it.

My 3 townreads off my rushed catchup are now all confirmed town. if you're town I'm not even close to "99% incorrect"; so I need you to show me. Please cut out the bravado dude. I'll cool it too. We've had too many good games together to play the defamation game.
ducky don't see it. good I think.
In post 647, Formerfish wrote:I think that there is enough in my iso for you to have to knowingly ignore what is in there to come to the conclusion you have come to.

Like blind people would be able to figure out what I did before you will.
I... okay.
In post 648, Formerfish wrote:Ducky, iso me, and actually look at all my posts. If you still cant figure it out, come back and vote me because you arent town.
this literally makes no sense.
In post 674, Formerfish wrote:
In post 670, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 669, Formerfish wrote:
In post 668, JacksonVirgo wrote:From my current point of view, FF seems like the scummiest person here; if you have a problem deal with it
VOTE: Formerfish
Ahh, you guys smell that?

Its a scum claim.

Ducky/JV for the win!
Yeah, if you want to blindly believe that go-ahead scum
Remember when you called me scum on day 1 and i told you you were going to feel silly about that eventually?

Have you also not been reading the thread? I haven't been subtle at all about what I am, and with you being the 2nd person to vote me like that it shows that you are a newbscum who is playing poorly because you have no where good to push, so you push me as lhf.

Good job playing totally on the surface and not bothering to look at anything more in depth.
definitely need to re-ISO JV to draw a conclusion from this interaction
In post 678, Formerfish wrote:
In post 676, JacksonVirgo wrote:stupidly mislynch me
Right cause youve done so much to help us progress here.
Youve been tunneled on me since day 1
refuse to look at my iso to see what I am telling you youre missing.

That sounds very scum motivated to me and lacks any kind of town motivation at all.


In post 684, Formerfish wrote:I wonder if ducky and jv are huddled in the scum pt right now trying to figure out what their next move is?

I just called them both on the carpet and put out some fairly decent reasons to suspect them individually and as a team.

The fact that they both come out and attack me and only me is telling as fuck.

Also, the way that ducky dipped and then Junior Varsity came out like he had some bees in his britches and voted me and then disappeared is funny as well.

Its like ducky went back the scum pt with some knots on his head from taking a pummmeling from me and tagged Junior Varsity into the game and then he quickly got dispatched as well.

Anyone else wanna step up or is town smart enough to realize what i was doing and who i am?
should... I... say it? is this a challenge?

--if FF is town I think he's pulling like a reverse gambit of something I did recently as town, I suppose it can come from scum too but I see where his head is at if I'm right--
In post 699, Formerfish wrote:Like i dont even want to deal with JV or ducky right now because i feel like neither of them are engaging with me in good faith right now.
this is at least consistent with his request for them to ISO him, which I think neither have obliged.
In post 704, the worst wrote:
Spoiler: fish
In post 646, the worst wrote:
In post 640, Formerfish wrote:What was i in the Ali treestump game, did you read me correctly there?
Yes, then no, then yes, then I suspected you were vig - overall I did fine. You showed some stuff there that's outside of your scumrange and I think your interactions with Chibz here miiiiight have blocked you from exhibiting similar tells here but regardless: I don't think you've done a thing outside your scumrange. And I don't think what you *have* done is actually all that towny.
In post 640, Formerfish wrote:What are my town tells to you? Because I havent seen you show a proficiency in reading me at all bro.
I'm not interested enough in meta to claim proficiency in reading. I believe that we're friends and I'd rather have a sincere straightforward conversation about what we're seeing here, rather than what we've both been doing: if we're t/t, there's a respectful way to have this conversation without either of us being alien.

Do you think you've shown towntells here which I should have picked up on? (particularly given my dubious proficiency in reading you)

pedit: what he said
In post 649, the worst wrote:Again not claiming god reads off a rushed catchup - I like to think my townreads are quite good when I do them firsthand but it can be hard to tell scum from people who aren't doing towny things. if you think I should be seeing something specific point it out - otherwise I'm happy to interact with my nulls and resume this later.
In post 654, the worst wrote:We can resume it when I FEEL LIKE IT fishy
In post 663, the worst wrote:Fishy

we got other slots to handle
In post 696, the worst wrote:
In post 687, Formerfish wrote:How did ducky have such a good townread on that slot when he has admitted his reads are shit so far?
bruh my townreads have been 3/3 so far
like mechanically

not even close to shit: just not confident on the balance. if you wanna sell me that you're town, hmu.

gonna need you to play the game without this confbias nonsense fam bc it's impossible to read you thru it. suspect our 1v1 resolves itself by d3 like clockwork.
these are all attempts to engage with you about the game in good faith rather than trying to advance a pissing contest, Fishy. I don't feel any more onus to "engage with you in [better] faith". If I'm wrong on you and you don't feel it's fair, I'd really enjoy working with you again. I'm not really enjoying your tact this phase.

pedit: I have limited interest in your ISO but will do a reread when I have more time/when it's more urgent to sort you accurately. If we're both town we have a pool to find two scum in. If we scumread each other we have partner hunting to do. There's more important stuff here.

Do you think I'm smart town when I need to be?
okay Ducky FF can definitely be TvS. Though that will be explained by the end of this phase anyway.
In post 707, the worst wrote:I forgot eth0s is in this game tbh
I wasn't in the game, now I am.
In post 716, teacher wrote:
In post 677, JacksonVirgo wrote:The guilty check could easily be a bluff dude
This is suuuuuper weird. Like I said this:
In post 276, teacher wrote:a cop doesn’t want to claim [an inno] D2 so they aren’t killed/roleblocked N2. But they also want town to know of an innocent result on D3 even if they are killed N2
And this:
In post 628, teacher wrote:Some mech speak that I’m going to be quoting several times this phase: doc on me, and stay hidden, If we have one. If I die, town knows we are in column C and there is no other pr. If I live, town knows we are in A and I was RBed. Mason, keeper, tracker, fan, cop, feel free to counterclaim :lol:
So I’m your mind there is a legit possibility I outted myself as cop (a claim that gets countered in every single setup) with an inno just for the giggles?
I'm trying to think of a way to word this...
so like. scum!You wouldn't do something like that because it inevitably results in your death if lying.
but also scum!JV doesn't say it could be a bluff for the same reason.
But teacher is SE and less likely to make this mistake as scum.
So if either of them is scum it's JV. but it could still be newbtown.

"with an inno just for the giggles?" but it's a guilty you claimed, explicitly not an inno.
unless teacher is saying the outcome (guilty vs inno) was the "bluff" JV is talking about, and not the roleclaim itself?
but that actually doesn't make sense.
shit I should have waited to smoke probably
just disregard this probably unless you can explain wtf I'm missing
In post 726, JacksonVirgo wrote:@FF I have no idea what you expected me to find after reading your ISO, whether you put it down as being new or otherwise, you just progressively got cockier and had no real input outside of saying bugspray unintentionally claimed VT and threw shade at my readlist
baby steps
In post 730, the worst wrote:problem w this is JV is being completely earnest and that still doesn't tell me anything further abt his alignment
I just want to take this opportunity to say that I do not know what the fuck is going on anymore
In post 735, Formerfish wrote:VOTE: Ethos

Scum content to not do anything while town beats the shit out of each other because scum isnt around to beat up.

JV is still scum.
nooo don't vote me you're so sexy aha
In post 750, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 749, teacher wrote:JV, care to join fuzzy on the readslist assignment, and also answer this?
In post 716, teacher wrote:So I’m your mind there is a legit possibility I outted myself as cop (a claim that gets countered in every single setup) with an inno just for the giggles?
I'll get to the readlist after my exam in half an hour, but I think there is a possibility that you as a Mason or similar said that to gain reads or the like but then are easily able to confirm otherwise so you're not mislynched. I should probably have elaborated that earlier but oh well.
In post 751, Formerfish wrote:
In post 677, JacksonVirgo wrote:The guilty check could easily be a bluff dude
So to be clear. You think that teacher could be a mason who bluffed a result as a cop to gain reads and for some reason you called out the guilty as a bluff even though you think that if he's bluffing he's still town.

So why call out the bluff if you think it's a town motivated bluff? Why not let the Gambit run its course and see what we get from it?
this whole conversation should have never happened
and once it did happen it should have been killed with fire
but it didn't get killed with fire
and now we are here.
In post 764, JacksonVirgo wrote:You seem confident you can be confirmed easily, so my thoughts on a scum team would be ethos and fuz.
If you are bluffing then it'd be ethos you
woah woah hold the phone explain this right now please
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Post Post #794 (isolation #9) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:06 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 787, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 785, eth0s wrote:
In post 591, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 590, the worst wrote:It's hard to townread another slot over yourself tbf but I getchu. I wrote up my paragraph on Gyro last thing before I slipped out of the thread before so I think I've done that thing to myself where my last memory of him was warm fuzzy feelings; still think he's town but I'm also aware I'm slightly tunnelling myself into townreading him tonight.

how are you feeling about Mr. Fishy aorn? any thoughts on my idea of pushing the scum who is easier to read correctly and hunting back from there?
I mean to me, Fishy is scummy as all balls. Being at the top of my scumread list
okay? then why aren't you voting him or at least poking him or something?
Uh, I am voting him
Nope. You were voting Gyro.
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Post Post #795 (isolation #10) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:06 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 780, Formerfish wrote:I didn't mean to post that. I was just going to say I didn't see it but I've had my head up my ass a bit so...
Even with teacher blatantly point it out later?
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Post Post #796 (isolation #11) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:06 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 788, Formerfish wrote:
In post 783, eth0s wrote:click middle mouse on the "quote" button (opens in new tab).
What fucking sorcery is this? Hang the witch!!!
middle mouse master race
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Post Post #797 (isolation #12) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:07 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 791, Formerfish wrote:
In post 785, eth0s wrote: :facepalm:
Yeah I get that about my hammer, but again my thought process on my hammer was
In post 710, Formerfish wrote:
In post 603, Micc wrote:
Votecount 1.11
Gyro Zeppeli (5) -
Uncrowned, teacher, JacksonVirgo, Fuzanlong, Formerfish
Formerfish (3) -
Gyro Zeppeli, the worst, bugspray
Fuzanglong (1) -

Not Voting (0) -

With 9 players alive it takes 5 votes to lynch.

A lynch has been achieved.
Gyro was voting me, im town, so he was either scum or town that could die.

Bug was voting me and was killed over night. This is a hamfisted attempt to tie the kill to me because if bug is a live hes going to keep pushing me and scum!me would need to limit that. The scum team kills him to shade me.

The other person voting me yesterday was worst.

So thats where my vote goes because i doubt both scum were on the mislynch.
the facepalm wasn't about your hammer per se
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Post Post #798 (isolation #13) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:08 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 792, teacher wrote:
In post 776, the worst wrote:
In post 770, eth0s wrote:--on a side note I think this implicates at least one newb as the scumteam, probably 2, because why kill bugspray after they VT slipped?--
Goddamnit eth0s. This was my spicy observation. One more thing to say on the subject.
And that is? Like if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been playing your town game to. T, especially with the welcoming newb/tryharding. But here I do and it’s coming across a little laminate/pockety, ya dig?
not following this
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Post Post #799 (isolation #14) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:08 pm

Post by eth0s »

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Post Post #800 (isolation #15) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:08 pm

Post by eth0s »

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Post Post #801 (isolation #16) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:08 pm

Post by eth0s »

this game is a meme
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Post Post #802 (isolation #17) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:10 pm

Post by eth0s »

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Post Post #804 (isolation #18) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:31 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 803, Formerfish wrote:
In post 795, eth0s wrote:
In post 780, Formerfish wrote:I didn't mean to post that. I was just going to say I didn't see it but I've had my head up my ass a bit so...
Even with teacher blatantly point it out later?
I havent really been reading teachers posts, just
sucking up to him.
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Post Post #809 (isolation #19) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:53 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 808, the worst wrote:It's good if you're town too
but if scum, very very clever
I'ma keep it real with you chief

I have no idea what is supposed to be good or clever about it :(
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Post Post #810 (isolation #20) » Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:57 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 798, eth0s wrote:
In post 792, teacher wrote:
In post 776, the worst wrote:
In post 770, eth0s wrote:--on a side note I think this implicates at least one newb as the scumteam, probably 2, because why kill bugspray after they VT slipped?--
Goddamnit eth0s. This was my spicy observation. One more thing to say on the subject.
And that is? Like if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been playing your town game to. T, especially with the welcoming newb/tryharding. But here I do and it’s coming across a little laminate/pockety, ya dig?
not following this
I know this is a bit unorthodox but can you explain this to me? I know teacher said it but it's about you, you apparently understood it, and I'm more interested in you than him.

I have something I'd like to say about it before the phase ends regardless.
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Post Post #1078 (isolation #21) » Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:18 pm

Post by eth0s »

Damn that's a lot of stuff to read. I skimmed it but haven't given it an honest look yet. Pretty sure a JV/unc team is the easy solve that makes the most sense, but ducky said a couple things that ping me and the way he handled the teacher/FF gambit was poor from my understanding. I'll be back in a bit to dig a little deeper but I'm busy IRL for the next few hours.
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Post Post #1089 (isolation #22) » Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:09 am

Post by eth0s »

In post 1078, eth0s wrote:Damn that's a lot of stuff to read. I skimmed it but haven't given it an honest look yet. Pretty sure a JV/unc team is the easy solve that makes the most sense, but ducky said a couple things that ping me and the way he handled the teacher/FF gambit was poor from my understanding. I'll be back in a bit to dig a little deeper but I'm busy IRL for the next few hours.
sorry guys, not at a pc for the next ~12 hours or so and I can't really dig into the ISOs on my phone. feel free to throw down a rushed vote if you want to lose though fishy
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Post Post #1095 (isolation #23) » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:58 pm

Post by eth0s »

In post 483, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 479, Fuzanglong wrote:JacksonVirgo: Can't tell if they're just a more prepared newbie than I am or if they are more experienced idk don't know and don't have opinions on this person
I've got
experience under my belt, on another site though.
it kinda looks like JV has been trying to slide by doing scummy things as a newbie. If they're experienced that just strengthens my thoughts there.
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Post Post #1096 (isolation #24) » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:58 pm

Post by eth0s »

that wasn't supposed to be a post, that's in my ISOdive oops
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Post Post #1099 (isolation #25) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:05 am

Post by eth0s »

welp just noticed the vote in preview

JV if you're still around you should really unvote me quickly.
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Post Post #1100 (isolation #26) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:06 am

Post by eth0s »

I'm gonna go ahead and post my JV ISOdive given the circumstances. I wanted to post them all together but looks like I cant do that
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Post Post #1101 (isolation #27) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:07 am

Post by eth0s »

JacksonVirgo (SL):

TL;DR: weird wishy washy stances on teacher/FF and Gard. seems to townread ducky when it's convenient (like when "thinking they've been hammered") and then backing off from it later. Rolefishy in retrospect in regards to FF. Definitely could have made the bugspray kill based on being a newb (which is apparently debatable) or to frame FF. I personally don't agree with the framing FF motivation in general but if you read their interactions with him that motivation could explain the NK even if JV isn't as newb as I thought.

MedicalCoke did nothing AI
In post 207, JacksonVirgo wrote:Glad to see my predecessor was extremely active.
Here comes a slap vote VOTE: Uncrowned
In post 208, JacksonVirgo wrote:I would now keep the votes on Uncrowned to a minimum, until later in the day. Don't bring it to hammer lol
interesting entrance

- Their interactions with datisi (duck) on day two don't read as S/S -
In post 263, JacksonVirgo wrote:I haven't been that active, mainly because I had a lot of stuff happening the past day. But here are my current reads. If I missed anyone, they're null.
---- Town ----

---- Null ----

---- Scum ----
Datisi and Uncrowned both being null on here is weird. But gardenia is missing from it completely which I guess makes her/me null too?
In post 373, JacksonVirgo wrote:Before I start, there is absolutely no order in this list outside of the sections (scum, town, null).

(1): My reads as of right now.
Teacher and FormerFish are a TvS

bugspray | Chibiie
Chibiie seemed to answer questions with actual effort making me lean to town.
(2): Gardenia
- They seemed to be reluctant to vote at all at first, which doesn't inherently mean anything but then teacher stated that they wrote that out as scum.

(1): FormerFish - wanted a lynch wagon on Teacher early on. Then claimed chibiie was scum whether as a joke or otherwise. They're currently a scumlean for me.

(3): Gyro - Seemed to be lurking could be an SvS with FF.

Datisi | Saladman27
- Salad seemed townie and Datisi seems somewhat null currently so I am townleaning that
- Voted without a reason, scumlean
- This one is null to me.

If I missed anyone, let me know.

  • bugspray
  • Gardenia
  • Datisi
  • Uncrowned
  • FF
  • Gyro
  • Mari
(1): I can't remember but I believe teacher and FF had already been heavily crumbing at this point in the game. That makes me believe this stance is newb something but it could go town or scum. Again it suggests a newbie partner if scum though. I think that puts scum equity with Uncrowned higher than Ducky at face value.

(2): going from null on gardenia to whatever this means? the reasoning sounds like a reason to null/scumlean gardenia but is townleaned for it?

(3): there's no reasoning given for the pairing and the gyro scumlean just feels lazy

In post 379, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 378, bugspray wrote:
In post 374, JacksonVirgo wrote:VOTE: FormerFish
Reasoning in my last post
Sort of siding me me and trying to get on my good side when I'm a scummier looking town is a smart move as scum because it would mean that you just NK someone who is super town and then use that rapport in future days for more ML's


p.s. if JV is maf then I think the tierlist would be a good nit to pick for clues about partner
So you're just assuming I am scum? Okay then
weirdly overly defensive and could point to JV wanting the bugs nk
In post 409, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 408, Uncrowned wrote:Well, you put him at L-2 not L-1, Jackson. And even if someone hammered him without waiting for his defense, it'd be clear they're scum and they'd be next on the chopping block. We established earlier on in the game that we want to be applying pressure on people.
Oh that's true, I didn't think of them practically outting themselves as scum if they vote.
VOTE: FormerFish
need to look at Uncrowned's ISO and look back at this
In post 421, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 420, Datisi wrote:
In post 417, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 415, Datisi wrote:
In post 413, JacksonVirgo wrote:I mean originally that if FF flips scum. All my SvS reads with FF were now with Teacher but I don't think that anymore
Okay, genuinely no idea what this means.

And yes. By default, each page has 25 posts. So posts number 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 etc. are pagetoppers.
Words aren't helpful for me when I am half asleep, apologies
The only way I can make sense of 413 is if you'd meant to write "meant originally that if FF flips Town". Is that right?
OH! Yeah that's what I meant. Since I TvS Teacher and FF. If FF flips town, Teacher is the scum from my pov.
In post 426, JacksonVirgo wrote:I think FF is the scum. I don't believe teacher is, I thought that was what I was saying?
if scum!JV the plan seems pretty blatant at this point. kill bugs and try to get a back to back teacher/FF mislynch/claim. idk maybe it's the wording that bothers me here but it seems like JV is very careful about saying who they want to lynch.
In post 483, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 479, Fuzanglong wrote:JacksonVirgo: Can't tell if they're just a more prepared newbie than I am or if they are more experienced idk don't know and don't have opinions on this person
I've got
experience under my belt, on another site though.
it kinda looks like JV has been trying to slide by doing scummy things as a newbie. If they're experienced that just strengthens my thoughts there.
In post 673, JacksonVirgo wrote:Let me reword, heavy defending yourself when no real pressure is even on you
so this is a problem when FF does it but not when uncrowned has been overly defending himself all game?

In post 726, JacksonVirgo wrote:@FF I have no idea what you expected me to find after reading your ISO, whether you put it down as being new or otherwise, you just progressively got cockier and had no real input outside of saying bugspray unintentionally claimed VT and threw shade at my readlist
In post 817, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 793, eth0s wrote:
In post 764, JacksonVirgo wrote:You seem confident you can be confirmed easily, so my thoughts on a scum team would be ethos and fuz.
If you are bluffing then it'd be ethos you
woah woah hold the phone explain this right now please
Okay, so here is my current thoughts. The way FF has been acting to me is calling out a few possibilities.
1. They're scum since they've been pushing on flipped town and myself.
2. They're Town but wanting themselves to seem scummy but not too much to get lynched so that mafia doesn't kill them.
3. They are a confirmable role so they can be aggressive and lure out scumslips as they may have the ability to confirm themself as town easily.
so when did it occur to you that FF was likely a mason? because going from "I reread your ISO and saw nothing important" to this implies you had already considered that and were pushing him as scum regardless to try and force a claim.
In post 857, JacksonVirgo wrote:Ah okay, well it's gonna flip VT lol. I can tell the future!
In post 870, JacksonVirgo wrote:Oh so I haven't been lynched yet?
In post 924, JacksonVirgo wrote:Wait, did I just hammer that?
faking thinking that you're hammered and "VT slipping" then acting like you didn't know you just hammered are two things I do as scum. I just don't understand how you can do both of these things and be town.
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Post Post #1103 (isolation #28) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:21 am

Post by eth0s »

I mean it's certainly possible. Or you're scum and one of them is your partner.

I understand I haven't been very active at all, and that's my fault but voting me so quickly could lead to an insta lose if you're actually town.
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Post Post #1106 (isolation #29) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:25 am

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Uncrowned (N/S):

TL;DR: this one is quite a bit shorter but most of his ISO seems like filler. A lot of questions that don't really seem to matter, or he doesn't care to follow up on. A scum motivation from him isn't as clear to me as it is from JV but his votes all seem pretty opportunistic and some of his actions seem hypocritical.

I"m pretty sure I've already talked about but is overly defensive it seems.
In post 392, Uncrowned wrote:Also, Fish is at L-2. Not a fan of that naked vote.
after starting off by voting someone "because they aren't posting" and then shading a naked post like this it looks kinda opportunistic.

- unc's interactions with JV after they joined the game doesn't really read as S/S -
In post 428, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 426, JacksonVirgo wrote:I think FF is the scum. I don't believe teacher is, I thought that was what I was saying?
Let me try make full sense.

FF is Scum to you. But if he flips town, you think Teacher is scum instead. Is that correct?
JV admitting after this for the first time that they'd be okay with lynching teacher if FF flipped green is weird.

- he's asking a lot of questions and seems productive, although it's not clear what purpose the questions serve -
In post 702, Uncrowned wrote:FF, why did you quick hammer on Gyro though? I thought the normal play was to state intent to hammer in case that person had a claim or at least to get more defense.

I'll be the first to say I didn't like Gyro's play, but I think we could've gotten more out of D1 than what we did.
this is a good post
In post 820, Uncrowned wrote:@eth0s Not sure how you want me to defend myself, I feel like being blunt can only convey so much.

Interested as to why you think I fit the bill for the Bugspray kill, would like to see your logic behind that.
idk if I ever answered this but basically just being a newbie is why I thought that. Although looking at some of the questions you've been asking and the way you've interacted with certain slots makes me believe maybe you're not such a newb either.
In post 886, Uncrowned wrote:Bussing Fuz? I had that slot as a SL since D1, and was planning on pressuring the slot prior to Gyro getting lynched quicker than I thought he would've.

Ethos having them as clear town is weird to me, I want to know why he thinks that because I don't see it at all yet.
I was kinda just messing around. Like their carefreeness actually did strike me as more newbtown than newbscum, but also the slot provided no real info at the time and I was wanting to keep them around for PoE in hopes that there would be some associations to draw.
In post 899, Uncrowned wrote:VOTE: Fuz

Maybe you're passive town, but your playstyle seems opportunistic to me.
that's a really weak reason to vote them and given the lengths he went to interact with JV then just slapping a vote down here doesn't seem natural
In post 909, Uncrowned wrote:I should've analysed more and waited for Fuz to give us something, which is what I want to give her the chance to do now before we rush into votes again like we did D1.
isn't that exactly what you just did though?
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Post Post #1108 (isolation #30) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:27 am

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In post 1104, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1101, eth0s wrote: weirdly overly defensive and could point to JV wanting the bugs nk
You claim I am experienced therefore scum, then say that I was newb and killed someone which would frame me, very big brained.
What? no I'm saying you fit the bill for either of the motivations to kill bugs that have been brought up.

If newb!scum then simply made the kill because you thought it was a good one.

If experienced!scum then made the kill to frame FF.
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Post Post #1109 (isolation #31) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:28 am

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In post 1107, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1103, eth0s wrote:I mean it's certainly possible. Or you're scum and one of them is your partner.

I understand I haven't been very active at all, and that's my fault but voting me so quickly could lead to an insta lose if you're actually town.
Okay, so if I am scum with Uncrowned or Duckyboi, voting you straight up won't do shit because Town won't hammer it without information.
From my pov, you're lock scum and voting you is safe.
I mean if you're town and just laid down a bad vote in LYLO how is that justified? by that logic another townie could vote me and I would be at L-1 and one of the scum could have siteflaked and won.
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Post Post #1110 (isolation #32) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:30 am

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In post 1104, JacksonVirgo wrote: I didn't say shit about knowing they were masons so this falls through once again.
In post 750, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 749, teacher wrote:JV, care to join fuzzy on the readslist assignment, and also answer this?
In post 716, teacher wrote:So I’m your mind there is a legit possibility I outted myself as cop (a claim that gets countered in every single setup) with an inno just for the giggles?
I'll get to the readlist after my exam in half an hour, but I think there is a possibility that you as a Mason or similar said that to gain reads or the like but then are easily able to confirm otherwise so you're not mislynched. I should probably have elaborated that earlier but oh well.
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Post Post #1111 (isolation #33) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:31 am

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In post 1104, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1101, eth0s wrote: faking thinking that you're hammered and "VT slipping" then acting like you didn't know you just hammered are two things I do as scum. I just don't understand how you can do both of these things and be town
It's called being in exam block, then graduating, then formal. I've been busy so I haven't had full brain power in this game so if you're going to use that as mislynch material, screw off.
this is bad AtE. I mean congrats on the IRL stuff but I wasn't attacking you for that. I was attacking your play which is bad and scummy and you're just defending it for some reasoning that I was supposed to know about?
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Post Post #1115 (isolation #34) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:38 am

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The Worst (IS TOWN):

Not a lot to say about Saladman. He seemed like he was trying to solve the game in the short time he was here.

Datisi had a lot of strong arguments, asked a lot of questions, DID a lot with the information gathered. It seems like she clashed a bit with Unc and thought he was scummy. And... wait

Datisi received game compromising information. The PRs are masons there is no game compromising info for a scum to receive there.

Holy shit. Ducky is locktown and I don't have to do his ISOdive
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Post Post #1117 (isolation #35) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:40 am

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I really hate using info like that to break the game but like. It just doesn't make sense that scum could receive game compromising info in this setup. Ducky conftown and JV and unc confscum!
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Post Post #1118 (isolation #36) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:40 am

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In post 1116, JacksonVirgo wrote:Wow, I try and sleep and you drop that.
You locktown them but don't scumread me and uncrowned. Nice slip
I literally JUST noticed and pointed out that ducky is conftown. you want me to go back and edit my posts. Yeah sorry about your luck but you guys are caught. Nice early vote LOL
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Post Post #1119 (isolation #37) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:41 am

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Post Post #1121 (isolation #38) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:48 am

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that (SL and N/S) was mostly placeholder for me to consider all things, since I had to form the reads on each individual ISO read rather than collectively when I was finished. Because you voted me and put me on a timer. But I already felt good about ducky overall and seeing that with datisi made me realize you and Unc literally have to be the team.
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Post Post #1122 (isolation #39) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:49 am

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Like you're throwing down quickvotes in LYLO acting like we don't have time when we have 85 hours left and then attacking me for making reads that weren't straight scumreads when I wasn't even able to assess all slots before labeling them? It's a clear last-ditch scum effort.
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Post Post #1123 (isolation #40) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:52 am

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You knew my ISOdive on you was coming, and while it may seem underwhelming (I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so) I think you were afraid of what was coming and threw that vote down to try and be first and be confident.
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Post Post #1125 (isolation #41) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:09 am

Post by eth0s »

In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
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Post Post #1127 (isolation #42) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:13 am

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I don't have to fake shit. until FF tells me how ducky isn't conftown I'm cool with lynching you because literally the only team that can exist now is you/unc.
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Post Post #1130 (isolation #43) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:16 am

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like why would I have to fake any confidence whenever I just realized the person that quickvoted me in LYLO is CONFIRMED SCUM?!

In post 1128, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?
you gave me the reasoning AFTER the fact. Like you said that I was attacking your play knowing that your personal life had been crazy when I did not know that. There's a difference here you're seeming to intentionally overlook.
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Post Post #1132 (isolation #44) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:19 am

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you should sleep. don't let this game make you lose sleep.

But also don't throw down a quickvote in LYLO if you're not ready to fight about it.
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Post Post #1133 (isolation #45) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:21 am

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In post 1131, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1130, eth0s wrote:like why would I have to fake any confidence whenever I just realized the person that quickvoted me in LYLO is CONFIRMED SCUM?!

In post 1128, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?
you gave me the reasoning AFTER the fact. Like you said that I was attacking your play knowing that your personal life had been crazy when I did not know that. There's a difference here you're seeming to intentionally overlook.
I believe I've said it multiple times that I will likely not be able to post because of graduation and everything, so if you were reading my ISO properly you would have seen that
look. bottom line. I attacked your SCUMMY PLAY. if you are going to use IRL as a defense for scummy play then that's on you. But I didn't say anything about your lack of activity or anything like that. I stated that your fake reaction to the fakehammer and faking not knowing that you hammered is something I would do as scum. That has nothing to do with your personal life and you're implying any bad play by you should be covered by that and that's something I should consciously take into consideration before questioning any of your play. That's why it's bad.
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Post Post #1136 (isolation #46) » Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:53 am

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i'm confused.
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Post Post #1160 (isolation #47) » Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:10 am

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Why am I scum
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Post Post #1303 (isolation #48) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:51 pm

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Uncrowned deserves all the credit for that win. Well played sir.
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Post Post #1304 (isolation #49) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:52 pm

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Thanks for modding, micc.

Thanks for lynching me, town :(
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Post Post #1305 (isolation #50) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:53 pm

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Cool with releasing PT btw
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Post Post #1317 (isolation #51) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:14 pm

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In post 1316, Uncrowned wrote:Gardenia was doing a great job and had practically no heat on her, a shame she had to replace out. Eth0s did well given his position tho, especially since I messed up that N1 kill bad. Whoever originally pointed out that a newb made that kill was entirely correct lmao
I pointed it out but that's only because you didnt seem like a newbie and I thought it would help you. Ducky was thinking it too though.

I really like the micro game queue
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Post Post #1322 (isolation #52) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:18 pm

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And yeah, replacing into a game as scum where one person is claiming a guilty and another is telling me that my slot claimed doc... that definitely impacted my play lol. It wasnt until I caught mason crumbs that I stopped screaming internally
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Post Post #1323 (isolation #53) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:18 pm

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In post 1319, the worst wrote:teacher then eth0s but i kinda immediately knew as soon as i saw it that it came from a newbie scumteam
Oh true I forgot teacher caught it first
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Post Post #1334 (isolation #54) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:35 pm

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In post 1328, Uncrowned wrote:
In post 1317, eth0s wrote:
In post 1316, Uncrowned wrote:Gardenia was doing a great job and had practically no heat on her, a shame she had to replace out. Eth0s did well given his position tho, especially since I messed up that N1 kill bad. Whoever originally pointed out that a newb made that kill was entirely correct lmao
I pointed it out but that's only because you didnt seem like a newbie and I thought it would help you. Ducky was thinking it too though.

I really like the micro game queue
Micro is sorta similar to this setup, yeah?

I was thinking of trying my hand at one of those bigger setups with a bunch more players but maaannn after seeing the stress this setup caused I'd probably cry being a townie and having to sort more players.
Micro queue, like most queues, doesnt have defined setup possibilities (I think newbie is the only one that just uses one setup type). I prefer micro because of the player size which is generally close to newbie size. But there's tons of available setups to play depending on what is open for signups.

There's games in micro quite like this one, games with jesters, arsonists, trees, you name it. I think looking at all the queues and seeing what is currently in signups is your best bet for finding something new.

Micc, our mod from this game, is actually the listmod for micro games. So if you look at his recent posts in the micro queue you can see what is in signups for micro games
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Post Post #1335 (isolation #55) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:42 pm

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Ducky, it was definitely a rough lylo to be stuck in in your position. I'm wondering if you had a main underlying reason for your vote? Like what would you consider the tipping point or best piece of evidence to lynch JV? In retrospect can you unbiasedly give the same reason to choose uncrowned instead?

I'm only asking because I hate being in the position you were in and your thought process is usually quite clear and I want pointers lol
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Post Post #1337 (isolation #56) » Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:01 pm

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Yeah micro and newbie is at least 90% of my games and I have fun in most all of them. Large games can be fun too but in my experience there's a ton of replacements and mods tend to have trouble keeping up with that many people
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