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Post Post #6 (isolation #0) » Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:19 pm

Post by Arkias »

Heya! This is my first non-newbie game, and I'm kind of excited.

VOTE: eth0s since first poster on the thread.
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Post Post #37 (isolation #1) » Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:44 am

Post by Arkias »

Dolly, I feel like I know who you are. Then again, my friend who brought me to this site likes weird female artists too. If Taylor Swift is your idol, that'll be ironic.
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Post Post #40 (isolation #2) » Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:15 am

Post by Arkias »

She's up there with giraffe lady.
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Post Post #55 (isolation #3) » Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:02 am

Post by Arkias »

I really hope one of my posts turns up to be a quote by Saladman. Im enjoying it.
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Post Post #254 (isolation #4) » Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:28 am

Post by Arkias »

In post 180, rb wrote:i wonder how long scum on this site will keep making "joke" claims and not being lynched for it

i wonder how long town will keep doing it and thinking that it actually has any point and that it's not just an egregiously fucking moronic thing to do because of the fluff it generates at best and the misinformation it spreads at worst

scum are informed, town are not. spreading disinformation harms both, but the faction with a better base level of information deals with this harm better. it's anti-town regardless.

i want this player out of the game for 2 reasons:

1. they're likely scum anyway
2. if not, they're garbage at the game anyway

the perfect day1 lynch candidate
I remember making a joke post about being scum in one of my first games. That immediately got me lynched and it was there I learned not to do that. It's so different from ToS/ToL.
In post 233, Joey_ wrote:FTR

I have been doing light poe d1 for years now with pretty good accuracy and boy, does Ark fills that role in this game.

4 posts ✔
Self-conscious ✔
Nothing game related ✔
Awkward RVS banter ✔
Weak slot but no one mentions them ✔
I do apologize, the game started on tuesday-ish which I'm active on IN THE MORNING, but afternoons is the WoW raid resets and I tend to focus on wiping Heroic EP.

I usually am more focused and analytical, but 10 pages in a game is new to me, most newbie games don't tend to get that much within a spawn of a few hours, really.

The Jake vs Invis case is a lot more interesting, but self-blowing up is... weird.

Before I give my opinion on that, can I get some information on the Dolly read? I feel like it literally came out of nowhere, and RB is on her case over her joke Mason claim? I don't exactly know what happened there, and would like some input.

Now, back to Jake vs Invis.

I haven't played with Invis before, so I don't know much about them, but I've played with Jake. I'm pretty sure he's town, but my reasoning to explain it is a lot less grounded and a lot more "That's kinda just how Jake plays when he's town?" If that makes sense? I'm not a huge fan of meta arguements, but it's just what my gut's saying.

I don't see Invis 'slip' as a slip to a lean either way. It might be from just gaming usually, but to me it felt more like a turn of phase about how dumb some tendencies are?

And the dolly ship makes no sense to me, but even RB, the person instigating it sees invis as the bigger one. So, out of three evil's, one of which I'm pretty sure isn't evil.
VOTE: Invis
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Post Post #402 (isolation #5) » Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:29 am

Post by Arkias »

Well, I think Tris is town. RB is probably town too.

Between the Jake and Invis thing I mentioned earlier, I can't really see either of them being scum.

So, for now,

VOTE: unvote

I'm going to give the thread another read and try to get some analysis going on.

Also, I like that pirate gif. It reminds me of Monkey Island.
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Post Post #443 (isolation #6) » Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:36 am

Post by Arkias »

I need to ask moving forward,

is the accepted meta doing posts per thing you're responding too, or doing big wall texts? Historically, I've done wall texts, but it also gives me an incredibly low post count -- but reading Ethos/Dolly/Tris doing it, makes me wonder if I'm playing this wrong?

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Post Post #455 (isolation #7) » Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:25 am

Post by Arkias »

In post 449, Joey_ wrote:BTW to anyone who actually cares, reading Ark's games shows a good portrait of what player she can be
Hey thanks! But, to make a counter point: I just don't really know what the ever living fuck is going on, and a lot of what I think has been stated already by better, stronger players. Maybe I'm more nervous stepping into the big leagues or parroting things I've already hard or read, but if you want my analysis of things properly, I'll be more than willing to give that a go.
In post 447, Joey_ wrote: Then she posted (443), outing 4 reads and not a single piece of informations about why. This is not inherently AI but it just shows that there's no transparent thought process she could be read on.
Then she claims
"I'm going to give the thread another read and try to get some analysis going on."
and that's obviously a fucking lie because 443 is pure garbage with not an ounce of value. I also asked a question (403) which she didn't aknowledge at all. If she really was trying to reread the game and has some "analysis going on" she most likely would've seen my question and remembered to answer it.
Two things;

I actually didn't see at all. That one is on me, but otherwise, yes.

was legitimately a meta question, since, as you've pointed out too, I don't generally play the way of quoting everything I disagree with, and prefer making a wall. I had my notes written and was just waiting for an answer before I made my posts.


In post 403, Joey_ wrote:Why can't you see any of jake and inv as mefia?
Jake himself doesn't come off as scummy to me, as much as someone try-harding into the scene. A lot of it has to do with his past games, but also this given game. It's a lot less 'scum' as much more as he's given up and not interested at all, as you can see in , and and . The running trend is a lot more apahtehtic and completely disinterested, but town. I get the feeling he doesn't like the group, or is somewhere near that.

Invisibility, however is a much more interesting case to me. A lot of his posts are provoking or snippets, like , and . From what I gather when I first read it, the entire sus came out of nowhere, for some sort of 'slip'. His entire 'when town votes for itself' doesn't actually feel like a scumslip at all to me, but as much as "I love when people make idiot plays".

It's basically two people fighting over nothing, and neither of them are worth the vote, which is what it seemed like the group agreed on.

Now, moving on.

The newest thing I really had to comment on was Dolly.

I don't get her. Like at all, and when I was writing my notes, I was wondering what the point of the things she was posting was. has it the best, a lot of the action and claim serves no purpose for town, and just makes a weird stance for me. , and its ilk. To be more descriptive, I cant figure out the angle? Is it chaos? Is it just random stuff? I don't know what Dolly is trying to accomplish.

Finally, for you.
In post 446, Joey_ wrote:
In post 445, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 404, Joey_ wrote:@saus

This isn’t what I said. I voted Invisible because of the slip, not because I believe in the lynch. I believe in the lynch because I voted her. The original vote stems not from believing in the lynch, but from the scumminess of the slip.
Of course it's not exactly what you said, but it's what your answer heavily implies, basically dodging the question

Your were told "you don't seem to really believe in this lynch".
I am not tris, but I am going to assume that she's saying that the way you use the slip argument to justify your vote, seems ungenuine as if you didn't believe it yourself. Btw I shared that feeling when i said you were voting for a read you didn't have yourself.

You answered "Why would I vote for it if I didn’t believe it was the best choice?". You can rephrase your answer as "I believe it's the best choice of a lynch because I am voting him"
Basically, you are deflecting the whole point about you using the slip to push a vote, twice over considering I already asked you to explain the slip and you dodged it.

You have a bad habit of not answering questions

I will ask for a third time
Can you explain me what is inv's slip and what is the "scumminess of the slip"?

I think you're pretty much town. I know that's a pointless, shallow read, but it does bring up my starting point. I kind of agree I have no idea what the fuck Saus is talking about. Whereas Saus claims (his claim isn't circular as much as its just... not explained). He believes in his vote because he believes invis slipped something, but I dont know what the hell he slipped. Eh, it's weird.

But anyways, for my vote, I'm going with what my gut thinks.

VOTE: Dolly
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Post Post #456 (isolation #8) » Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:27 am

Post by Arkias »

Also, why are you calling me a she?
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Post Post #465 (isolation #9) » Fri Dec 06, 2019 12:22 pm

Post by Arkias »

oh hey, another person I know.
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Post Post #470 (isolation #10) » Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:32 pm

Post by Arkias »

It is in fact my first game out of Newbie Queue. It's pretty cool so far to be at page 19 in like 2 days.
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Post Post #630 (isolation #11) » Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:45 am

Post by Arkias »

In post 587, Wake1 wrote:
You seem eager to find a reason in to join the Invisibility wagon. I like because I agree with all of it. : It can be whatever; don't let people tell you how to play the game. Could you please briefly explain your gut-vote in ?
I actually wasn't eager to join invis on 254 and thought it was stupid, but voting someone for more information is more useful than not voting at all.

as for 455, as much as I detest using posts that came _after_ my post to make my point for me, Dolly is fucking weird. What on earth is this. Why are having a lynch duel?

I feel like I'm in a huge WIFOM territory. I just can't accept that any scum would do that, but at the same time, would they know I wouldn't accept it and thus they're doing that for that?
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Post Post #640 (isolation #12) » Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:29 am

Post by Arkias »

Dolly Parton (3) - Lil Uzi Vert, Arkias, Billy Pilgrim, tris, SausasaurusRex

@Saladman, I too do not know what comes after 3.z
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Post Post #671 (isolation #13) » Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:26 am

Post by Arkias »

The big leagues is pretty exciting.