i would call this a little scumsided. ascetic is good against tracker, as the ascetic person can simply perpetrate the kill. i think the point of the informed townie is that there's the potential gotcha where the tracker (or, less likely, neapolitan) finds the ascetic and then the informed townie tells them: you weren't roleblocked that person is ascetic or something. i think that's a very small consideration - to begin with there is also possibility of rolestopper, alien and commuter; also it relies on everybody relevant surviving to a massclaim situation, and the ascetic not just immediately claiming ascetic which is a common thing1 Ascetic Mafia Goon
1 Mafia Neighbor
1 Mafia Goon
6 Vanilla Townies
1 Town Tracker
1 Even-Night Neapolitan Neighbor
1 Town Neighbor
1 Informed Townie (there is no roleblocker or jailkeeper in the game)
moreover if there is somebody informed "there are no roleblockers, rolestoppers, aliens, jailkeepers, commuters" and they see somebody claim ascetic it's possible they realize their role is supposed to catch out a mafia ascetic, and just claim a guilty on the mafia ascetic. or something
i would call the setup sort of scumsided without the mafia ascetic - generally in 10v3 with 3 goons (or 3 non-useful scum roles) you expect town to have the power of about 2 strong roles, so like, neapolitan and vigilante for instance. i'd say tracker is a slightly worse than strong role , as is a gated neapolitan. and then, i would describe the ascetic as power for mafia here, it's up to them whether they want to claim it and it is a pretty strong foil to the tracker. i don't think the inform is all that helpful for town as discussed, and neighbors don't generally provide power for either alignment to a significant degree (moreover: both of the neighbors are bad for the neapolitan)
i would call this balanced if, for instance, the town neighbor was a full vigilante in addition to neighbor