TM2020 | Untrod Tripod Destroys Anime! | Endgame

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TM2020 | Untrod Tripod Destroys Anime! | Endgame

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:53 am

Post by PenguinPower »

ㄩ几ㄒ尺ㄖᗪ ㄒ尺丨卩ㄖᗪ ᗪ乇丂ㄒ尺ㄖㄚ丂 卂几丨爪乇!

(アントロッド トリポッド アニメを破壊する!)

Designed and Moderated by PenguinPower
Reviewed by Untrod Tripod, Micc, T-Bone, and implosion


Player List
  1. Jingle
    representing Wild Cards

  2. Reundo 1
    Gamma Emerald 1
    representing Busboy Revolution

  3. Alisae
    representing Quick Attack

  4. Chemist1422 1
    representing Doomsday

  5. Shadoweh 1
    representing Ripple's Krazy Mistress Dunn

  6. hitogoroshi 1
    representing Old Hat

  7. Klick 1
    representing The Lit Torches

  8. mastina 1
    representing The Four Horseman

  9. Bitmap
    representing Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap

  10. ofrhz 1
    representing Tea Gathering Club

  11. Menalque
    representing Newb Kids on the Block

  12. jjh927
    representing You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap

  13. Kerset
    representing DFKN
1 = prod

Spoiler: Living Players
  1. Jingle -
    MAARF Member - Shokei
    - survives and wins!
  2. Chemist1422 -
    MAARF Member - Saegusa Mayumi
    - survives and wins!

Spoiler: Dead Players
  1. Reundo
    Gamma Emerald
    DAAC Member - Domokun
  2. jjh927 -
    MAARF Member - Untrod Tripod
  3. Menalque -
    DAAC Member - Hakuryū Ren
  4. Alisae -
    MAARF Member - Shigeo Kageyama
  5. Bitmap -
    MAARF Member - Princess of the Crystal
  6. mastina -
    MAARF Member - Haruka Kotoura
  7. ofrhz -
    MAARF Member - Mami Tomoe
  8. Klick -
    MAARF Member - Miyuki Hoshizora
  9. Shadoweh -
    MAARF Member; Ahiru Arima
  10. hitogoroshi -
    MAARF Member; Mahiro Fuwa
  11. Kerset -
    DAAC Member - Hakuryū Ren

Day 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Day 2 |
Day 3 | |
Day 4 | | | | | | | | |
Day 5 | | | | | |
Day 6 | | | | | |
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:01 am

Post by PenguinPower »


Rules shamelessly stolen from various moderators.

General Rules
  1. All site and Team Mafia-specific rules apply here.
  2. You may not quote private communication. This includes Moderator-supplied information (real or otherwise) or any kind and information from Private Topics. You may paraphrase if needed.
  3. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the moderator and Team Mafia approved methods.
    If someone contacts you outside the game, report it to me IMMEDIATELY
  4. This game will start with a Day phase.
  5. No ciphers, encryption, extremely small text, or other similar tactics.
  6. If you have the ability to edit, refrain from doing so.
  7. It's your responsibility to read and understand all of the rules.

  1. Aim for one post every 48 hours at a minimum.
  2. After 48 hours of no activity, I will prod the inactive player.
  3. A prodded player has 48 hours to respond to my prod with a
    substantive post in game
    , after which time they will be required to be replaced.
  4. A player who has been prodded 3 times will be subject to replacement with no further notice.
  5. If you plan on being inactive for more than 48 hours, PM the Mod to discuss your plan on being V/LA.
  6. If you plan to have regularly scheduled V/LA period (e.g. the weekend) please PM the mod to notify

  1. Days will last 14 days.
  2. Nights will last 48 hours.
  3. Extensions may be given out in extreme circumstances and are up to the discretion of the Mod.
  4. If you have a role with a Night action, your action is due to the Mod by the posted deadline. If no action is received by the posted deadline, you may forfeit your action(s). Players with a Night action may submit a "No Action" PM to indicate to the Mod you do not wish to perform your action.

Player Rules/Voting
  1. A simple majority of all living players must agree on one person (via voting) for a Lynch to occur (simple majority = ½ # of living players +1, rounded down). If no one has a simple majority of votes at the deadline a No Lynch will occur.
  2. Votes should use VOTE: Tags or be
    or they may not be counted.
  3. Unvotes are helpful, but not required.
  4. You may VOTE: No Lynch - a simple majority (as described above) of No Lynch votes will result in a No Lynch and a move to the Night phase.
  5. Votes/Unvotes should be placed on a line all by themselves to make them easier for everyone to see, or they may not be counted.
  6. Votes in quotes, spoiler tags or otherwise hidden will not be counted.
  7. Votes that look like a vote will be counted as such. Attempts to play games or tricks with this may result in an outcome you do not desire.
  8. Once a player has reached a simple majority of votes no further unvoting will change their fate.
  9. When a player is lynched the game enters twilight until the Mod posts a death scene; all players may continue to post.
  10. If you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post except for
    brief, contentless “Bah!”-type post that must contain a cute image of a Penguin or Ann Takamaki.

Misc Rules
  1. This
    is my color. I don't like to share, so don't use it.
  2. I'm perfect, but there may be an appearance of a mistake on occasion. This is intentional. Please PM me privately to address. I will correct any of these intentional mistakes where possible, but there may be situations that I cannot. Sorry. Be at peace knowing those were intentional as well.
  3. Bold all requests to the Mod so that I don't intentionally miss them.

  4. Rule violations will be dealt with based upon severity - up to a Modkill - at the sole discretion of the Mod.
  5. Any situation not specifically covered in the above Rules is subject to Mod discretion and will be handled as the Mod sees fit to address. Live with it.

Setup Specific Info
  1. Mafia have daytalk by default.
  2. Mafia are multitasking by default.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:41 am

Post by PenguinPower »



I reserve the right to append these rules should it become necessary. If this happens, all players will be notified
If you have any doubt about whether something is against the rules or not, pm your mod and me, and ask.

Team Communication

1. Each team will be provided a Private Topic (PT).
2. Each team will also be provided a Discord Channel (DC), upon request.
3. Players may copy and paste whatever they want into their PT/DC.
They may not copy and paste text OUT of their PT/DC into game threads.

4. Players may continue to communicate with their team after in-game death in their provided PT/DC.
5. There are no restrictions for what players can post in their PT/DC's outside of not breaking site rules.

6. We'd prefer if teams used the provided means of communication. If your team really wants/needs to user another, please contact Untrod Tripod. The organizing team will need to be able to access any means of communication in an emergency.
7. Team PT/DC's will only be made public after the game if all players on the team consent to their release.
8. All Game PT's including all scum PT's will automatically be released after Team Mafia.

9. There will not be Spectator/Dead PT's.

Talking About Other Games

1. There are no restrictions for what players can post in their PT/DC's outside of not breaking site rules. The rules for this section refer to what players can talk about in their ongoing games and ongoing game PT's.
2. Players are only allowed to talk about mod-confirmed things from other ongoing Team Mafia games.

Examples of things that ARE allowed
  • Stating who is on what team.
  • Stating what Day or Night another game is in.
  • Stating how many players are left alive on a team.
  • Stating how many town or scum are alive in another game.
  • Stating whether a dead player in another game has flipped town or scum.

3. Any public speculation about other ongoing games is prohibited.
4. Any attempt to publically signal players from other ongoing games, pass messages to players from other games, or otherwise communicate through the use of cryptography is prohibited.
5. Do not try to loophole these rules. If anyone has questions at any point about what is allowed or not allowed please message me (Untrod Tripod).
6. To repeat: If you have any doubt about whether something is against the rules or not, PM your mod and me, and ask.

Your Teammates are Always Innocent Until Proven Guilty

1. You may at no time say, indicate, insinuate, etc. that your Team Mafia teammates are or might be anything other than town. This includes in any hypothetical situation.
2. Exception: You may talk about your teammates being scum if they have flipped scum in another game (i.e. are dead).
3. If a player is NOT on your team and is still alive in another game, you must follow the rules in the Talking About Other Games thread.


1. It is your job to replace team members who are not active. If you require assistance from the moderator or any event organizer, there will be a tiebreak penalty.
2. To replace a team member, you must PM Untrod Tripod AND the moderator of your game. We have a list of replacements that you will be able to choose from.
3. You may replace with anyone who is not currently on a Team Mafia team, has not previously been on a different Team Mafia team, is and has not been part of the Team Mafia Organizing team (Moderators, Balance-checkers, players in tiebreak game), and is eligible to play in mafia games. However, only 4 people may be involved in the PT at any time. A replaced team member may not participate in any way unless he is replaced back in.
4. The mod will force replace any player who has not posted within 3 days (Prodded after 2 days, no response for 1 more) of his last post (not including Night). This will come at a penalty to the team.
5. If a player must be replaced due to mod errors or another outside influence (such as gaining information that they should not be able to have), the mods may assist in finding a replacement without assessing a penalty.

Team Mafia 2020 is, chiefly, a competition between teams. Therefore, there is a scoring system.

1. Each team will be rewarded 1 point for being on the winning side of a finished game, even if they died before the game ended.
2. The team with the most points wins.

At the end of each game and at the end of the whole event, there will be a survey distributed to the teams. For the games the survey will require each player to vote, on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least important 10 being the most important, how important a player was in their side winning the game. For the Team Survey, each player will be required to vote how deserving each team is of winning the event on a scale from 1 to 10.

In the event of a tie, there is a tiebreaker. In order of importance:

1. Being on the winning side of the Large Theme.
2. Having the best average score in the Game Survey.
3. Having the best score in the Team Survey.
4. The TM2020 Mods vote on a winner.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:25 pm

Post by PenguinPower »

Role PMs have been sent out.

Please confirm your role and alignment via PM.

Living PlayersJingle


Deadline2020-03-03 20:00:00 -6.00
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:27 pm

Post by PenguinPower »

Welcome everyone! My name is Ann Takamaki, and the penguin guy has
asked me to host this game for Team Mafia 2020. As most of you are probably aware, the coordinator of this event, Untrod Tripod, has an unhealthy and unexplained hatred of anime and anime avatars.

From what the penguin guy has told me, this Untrod Tripod has made it his singular goal in life to destroy all of the anime avatars on This is obviously not a good thing since the coolest people on this site have anime avatars.

But, the penguin guy has put together a collective of users called the
MafiaScum Anime Avatar Resistance Fighters
or -
seriously...I don't want to say it...because it's stupid...why did you call it that...fine
- or
for short. These elite users have come together in an effort to stop Untrod Tripod's senseless rampage.

Unfortunately, the penguin guy forgot to tell these fighters who the other members of the
are so you all are going to have to figure that out amongst yourself. Don't be surprised...he's a penguin...they aren't smart.

To make matters worse, it seems Untrod Tripod has convinced some of the
members to work towards his ultimate goal of Anime Avatar destruction and these turncoats are out to kill you. So, you're going to have to find and destroy these baddies before they find and destroy you.

The penguin guy has dubbed these baddies the
Destroy All Anime Collective
I bet they know who each other are
- or the
for short...what a totally awesome and in no way lame name. It seems that the
has struck first and claimed their first victim.

Spoiler: Sample Role PM
高倉 陽毬 (Himari Takakura)

Welcome, [username]! You are 高倉 陽毬 (Himari Takakura), a
MafiaScum Anime Avatar Resistance Fighters (MAARF)

Your Abilities
  • MAARF Tactical Response Unit
    : During the day phase, you may use this unit to vote to lynch one player.
Your Win Condition
  • Make MafiaScum Safe Again
    : You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one MAARF member alive.
Good luck, have fun, and save our Anime Avatars.

Poor Takakura-chan. I never really like her, but her penguin was cool. So...the penguin guy wants me to let you know to read the rules because they are important or something and he may get mad if you break them. With that said, the game is on. Good luck to you all and save or destroy our anime avatars!
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:28 pm

Post by PenguinPower »

Votecount 1.01
Not Voting (13):
Jingle, Gamma Emerald, Alisae, Chemist1422, Shadoweh, hitogoroshi, Klick, mastina, Bitmap, ofrhz, Menalque, jjh927, Kerset

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

: (expired on 2020-01-16 20:30:00)
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:32 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »


“you're an empty-glass-but-there-might-be-INVISIBLE-Water kinda guy” -Iprobablysuck
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:34 pm

Post by Jingle »

Hey guys, PP seems to have given me the wrong role PM. My role is an amine and this game is all about destroying the amines.

VOTE: jj
This is a Parachute.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:35 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Now that is an exciting RVS vote
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:37 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »

VOTE: Jingle


“you're an empty-glass-but-there-might-be-INVISIBLE-Water kinda guy” -Iprobablysuck
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:39 pm

Post by jjh927 »

For anyone confused I'm pretty sure the correct way to parse MAARF is as resistance fighters who are avatars in an anime produced by
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:39 pm

Post by mastina »

Hi guys I am a mason. :]
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:39 pm

Post by Bitmap »

im a magical girl

VOTE: mastina
"I give up on trying to read you. You're unimaginably scummy, with a dose of ultra-Town thrown in for spice."
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:41 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »

In post 10, jjh927 wrote:For anyone confused I'm pretty sure the correct way to parse MAARF is as resistance fighters who are avatars in an anime produced by
If this is an anime is UT going to try to get it canned

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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:42 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Honestly I'm not actually convinced UT is that dedicated to the destruction of anime
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:43 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »

In post 14, jjh927 wrote:Honestly I'm not actually convinced UT is that dedicated to the destruction of anime
Were you not in the last LOTHS

“you're an empty-glass-but-there-might-be-INVISIBLE-Water kinda guy” -Iprobablysuck
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:43 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Anyone want to take a minute to just acknowledge how good this playerlist is
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:44 pm

Post by jjh927 »

In post 15, Chemist1422 wrote:
In post 14, jjh927 wrote:Honestly I'm not actually convinced UT is that dedicated to the destruction of anime
Were you not in the last LOTHS

Is this where this UT destroying anime shit comes from because I thought this was original flavour
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:46 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »

In post 17, jjh927 wrote:
In post 15, Chemist1422 wrote:
In post 14, jjh927 wrote:Honestly I'm not actually convinced UT is that dedicated to the destruction of anime
Were you not in the last LOTHS

Is this where this UT destroying anime shit comes from because I thought this was original flavour
iirc half the first phase discussion was “UT is scum for hating anime avatars” “Ali is scum for liking anime avatars” “Gamma is scum for getting mad at UT for hating anime avatars”

That’s probably wrong but whatever

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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:47 pm

Post by ofrhz »


VOTE: Jingle
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:48 pm

Post by Chemist1422 »


“you're an empty-glass-but-there-might-be-INVISIBLE-Water kinda guy” -Iprobablysuck
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:48 pm

Post by jjh927 »

Done some detective work

If you google translate the japanese shit underneath the title of this game it reads:
"Destroy the ant rod tripod anime!"

So the game is not actually about UT destroying anime but about the general destruction of an anime focusing on the character of Ant Rod Tripod
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:48 pm

Post by ofrhz »

In post 12, Bitmap wrote:im a magical girl

VOTE: mastina
Same, but I bet I'm cuter
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:49 pm

Post by ofrhz »

I've already lost interest in this discussion about UT destroying anime

Why don't we all just vote Jingle instead?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:50 pm

Post by PenguinPower »

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