Mini Normal 2114: Game Over

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Post Post #1978 (isolation #0) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:01 am

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bob town
inviz wolfy but gonna consider sala spew. sala already felt threatened and self-conscious like page 8 with two votes on him only so he might be looking for anti-spew already
non town
nicholai flipped town
dp and fl talking to each other felt townie as fuck so riding the wave
joges wolfy as fuck but i'd need to actually get to reading his whole iso, maybe he's just lhf. I think his accusation of Sala is more likely to come from scum than town though, but don't ask me to elaborate cuz the explanation would be piss poor. P 179 is good and actually am considering sala felt threatened by the accusation and hence "i think people think i'm maf because..." blah. maybe he's town after all?
page 8 gjt wolfy for adopting same style i did in my first mafia game, bad read ik but this man's literally unreadable, perhaps he contributed more. i'll re-evaluate in iso anyway

noting p#204 for posterity - "From what I've seen if Nicolai is Town probably won't last long because from experience Scum tend to hate active Townies. Chances are we will mislynch D1 unless someone seriously slips which is why scum often stay quiet D1 (not helping myself there) they'll spread their votes across Town. Not sure how many you usually get on a team here, but one I expect to vote/push one of their team mates. A lot of this phase is keeping track of the votes and who people chop and change too." if he breaks this I think it's enough reason to just call him scum honestly, I know this type of personality. It's like scum setting his game plan in advance, but if another opportunity is presented and he jumps on it, oh man will you face my wrath.

inviz #232 what the fuck?

i actually like TFL's remark about Jorge, been thinking the same

i'm not reading pk, i suck at that, someone else do it

sal's reason for voting wimpy in #248 is so wolfy that i'm willing to clear wimpy as town here

inviz votes are so bad that i feel like he's town

saus' vote on wimpy in #294 is...acceptable?? i might be biased

fuck it sheeping DP on ank just so I can stop reading wimpy posts

damn I have a scum lean on people that come in, establish what their mafia philosophy is w/r/t how scum would play and then apply that as a template for scum reading other people. Think in the context where it's a newbie that has some experience from IRL, that's fine, but Sau has been playing since october.

my jimmies are rustled by bob's #321, feel like he didn't even read in context and he's trying to prove a point here moreso than figure someone's alignment. I don't get how he gets to that conclusion without reading the actual posts in context. Yeah, re-read it a couple of times and the last question makes no sense, he didn't even pay attention to the context. Feels like he just picked something that looked bad to comment upon. First question in #322 also filler.

yeah the initial town read i had for bob is trending down at the speed of light, starting with page 13. too many filler questions that aren't followed up on at all. I actually think his questions to sala were S/S but i could always be wrong. Just based on how he treats certain slots to how he treats him. I mean, bob was more pissed at the fact that Non voted someone for pressure, and the problem was that "he wasn't asking anything with the vote" and when Sala makes such a bad vote, he helps him out the dirt?

think i'm cozying up to TFL being town mislynch bait than actual scum

whenever vizzy and bob join the thread it's like they are purposefully deflecting attention all over the place and they just don't help with anything that puts town on the right path. It's like they have that scum agenda of trying to pick the top wagon or the point of contention and using them to accuse someone else, it's literally what they are both doing each time they jump in the thread.



{bob, vizzy}

Feel like GJT doesn't fit my mental map of how a person would decide to bus. Honestly, he voted scum on a gut ping and then focused elsewhere, when he came back he unvoted and then re-voted later. If he had the intention of bussing and gaining the credit, why would he hop off the wagon, especially when it was taking off? I think that's as easy as I can put this and am not debating it, GJT is probably town based on that alone. Oh wow, looked at the VC and they were buddies, lmfao, no way he unvotes there, who the fuck scum read this guy? kekw

VOTE: bob
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Post Post #1980 (isolation #1) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:04 am

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Unvote Ank sheesh
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Post Post #1981 (isolation #2) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:04 am

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Get this wagon started peeps
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Post Post #1985 (isolation #3) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:11 am

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Read the case

Bob and vizzy are probably scum together, their questions aren’t meant to sort anyone, it’s more like...they’re making people accuse other people, if that makes sense. They don’t have an actual stance on anything.

Bob’s questions are typical scum that wants to contribute without actually taking a stance on anything. I didn’t like how he tried to save Sala out of the dirt he placed himself. Mafia is a game of what people do, as much as what people don’t do. He didn’t hop on sala and even tried to help him by expounding on his read even though he made a terrible vote on Wimpy at some point.

I can probably make a case at some time where I pick each post apart, but I don’t think it’s necessary. Try and skim through Bob’s questions and vizzy’s and you’ll probably come to the same conclusion. Their questions aren’t really meant to sort anyone, they both have “leading questions” meaning, they are guiding someone to an answer, which scum use a lot more than town.

Bob has asked 10000 questions but didn’t manage to form any reads based off them. He keeps asking questions that he doesn’t follow up on, because he knows everyone’s alignment and doesn’t care to truly sort them. There’s no real, organic progression to anything in bob’s reads. Granted I stopped at like page 20 but still.

And ank, I can’t believe you actually scum read gtj there lol. If he comes back, is 5-5 leading wagons with his scum buddy, why does he unvote and rethink it all instead of aiming for an anti-spew here?
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Post Post #1986 (isolation #4) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:11 am

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In post 1983, Ankamius wrote:Ngl I think insomnia can spew hard enough that this game should just be a joke to solve
I’ll quote this later.
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Post Post #1988 (isolation #5) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:14 am

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In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
In post 339, Invisibility wrote:
In post 306, Nicholai wrote:
In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
so why this invis? bob's a pretty cool guy you know
In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
feels like scum calling out things that aren’t scummy
though this might just be bad town, bob’s account is only a few months old eyes
In post 342, Invisibility wrote:wait bob is from april of 2019 nvm
In post 344, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: saus
better vote
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Post Post #1989 (isolation #6) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:15 am

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I don’t need to play with people in order to realize if they have TMI or not.
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Post Post #1990 (isolation #7) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:16 am

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Through Vizzy’s trolling and natural scumminess, agenda can be distinguished fairly easily.
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Post Post #1993 (isolation #8) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:19 am

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TFL is town
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Post Post #1994 (isolation #9) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:23 am

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Ank, thoughts on Sau and pk?
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Post Post #1998 (isolation #10) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:33 am

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what are your thought on vizzy, bob?
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Post Post #2001 (isolation #11) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:00 am

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In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
Not meant to sort, just general observation.
In post 238, bob3141 wrote:
In post 233, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Not sure if i should be happy or sad... I am really letting down the title of Lynchbait King. But to be sure nothing I do in the first few pages of mafia is an indicator 0f my allignment.

Not sure about Sal but I am leaning town.

Jorge kind of feels like he is trying to find a reason to vote Sal which I do not not really like. This has to do with Jorge and not the alignment of Sal.
Want to go back and comb through the responses so far

So what about him is making you think he is town. And what does that town lean make you think of those currently or formerly voting for him
Good question, never followed up on
In post 320, bob3141 wrote:
In post 241, Non lmh wrote:I'll be normal when I can make time for it. just want to have fun, and solve past games rn.
I'm still a newb, so I'm milking the status for all it's worth. 5 complete games, that's the goal rn, leave me be.

How many games have you managed to rack up so far
In post 321, bob3141 wrote:
In post 248, Salamence20 wrote:
In post 242, Wimpy wrote:
In post 231, Invisibility wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable
VOTE: Wimpy

For worrying about mislynching
Why do you scum read him for that. Shouldnt the fact that you think he genuinely worries about mislynching be sign to you that he is town. So are you scum reading him because of that worry or are you trying to claim to us that you think its faked?
This is that quote that I was talking about. Not only did he (Bob) pick on Wimpy suggesting that Bob doesn't see how town would think mislynching is good, but then he keeps asking questions instead of inferring something from this vote. It's literally getting Sala out of the dirt here. How does he even reach the point of Sala scum reading him for anything more than feeling bad about Wimpy's mislynching comment, like it's pure as daylight. This is just getting your team mate out of the dirt. I don't like that he didn't push on it and instead asked him questions that have nothing to do with Sala's actions. And the following questions are why I have Bob on a scum-lean :
In post 322, bob3141 wrote:
In post 292, Salamence20 wrote:Honestly Im shocked more people arent looking at Invis for scum

So what shocks you about it and what do you think you have seen that marks invis out as scum to you
What are all these filler questions, "so what shocks you about"

and quite funny, probably misapplied here, but pay attention to "what do you
think you have seen
that marks invis out as scum to you" as opposed to "what have you seen"
In post 324, bob3141 wrote:
In post 166, Non lmh wrote:can I solve the game yet or
In post 167, Non lmh wrote:NVM, y'all already know the answer probs
obvscum is obv, maybe
I see you have one read so far. A few other players have said they scum read him for his push on wimpys mislynch day 1 comment. Is that why you scum read him or is there additions reads you have picked up on him that mark him as scum to you

Also what are your reads on the rest of the players. As ive noticed that you have neither commented on another player nor asked anyone a question. Even when you voted for FL it as just alone voted with the sentance

"Now who's up for pressuring this slot some more"
and nothign else.

No attempt to apply any pressure what so ever. Just alone vote with no questions or anything.

What would you like to ask other players? As if you are town you would want to get inclinations of their alignment and question is one way to do it
The bolded was in reference to Nicholai, actually, so he isn't really reading the thread either, or he is, but he just fakes being interested. That bolded line alone spews both DP and FL, because he got them mixed up. Mafia's brains are hardwired to retain labels "scum" and "not scum", villagers are all the same to them.
In post 519, bob3141 wrote:
In post 469, Flavor Leaf wrote:Knowing you, would she not try to get you on her side early as scum?

How would scum her be different?

Post like this is making me lean towards FL being town this game. Its not like his last game where he was scum. As although many players scum read him he was very oily and was only lynched day 3 i think. Even though there had been pushs on him day 1 and day 2.

Here i get none of that feeling but a sense of openess from him. Both in his questioning but most in his evaluation. That last game he never realy asked question but pushed this case or that case
The only time where he takes a solid stance and what do you know, it's on FL. This is one of like three posts he commented on about FL. Bolded is said after
I find that very hard to do. You can get meta feel from players you played with before but its very hard I find to get a feel of player from their past games. If you have no experience with them before. In one of my earlier games i was only able to make my first meta scum read as I had played in 4 games where that player had been town. So could tell the difference in how he was playing.

If you skim through bob's iso and don't come to the same conclusion then I don't know how to suade you, this is the most I can do. It's a general theme of asking questions asking questions while not caring about the answer at all, just so that people acknowledge his presence. He literally has no stances and these are all posts taken to page 20. Page 20.


Honestly can't do more than that tbh
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Post Post #2002 (isolation #12) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:01 am

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bob did you even vote for anyone on the wagon at all?
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Post Post #2004 (isolation #13) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:04 am

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In post 1999, bob3141 wrote:I think he is town. I cant get sense that he withholding. For him to be scum i feel he would have to be making his posts with out hesitation. As that prevents deliberation that can skew a responce leaving it apparant thats its positioning. Rather than a natural progression of reads. Which is somethign scum can never do as either there simpy end up playing to town win condition or the fact they are informed starts to shine through.

In fact what big part of my vca is about. Make a player self concous of where there votes are as town cant be. try to drop as many trip wires as possible. After all i care about getting teh right solve and i hate being wrong. Dont mind losing but if were going to lose in game im once who wants to die with teh rigth solve. Even if rest of town picks wrong

so far only 1 game were either died or lost before i could come to teh right poe solve
Just so we're clear, this is about Invisibility, yes?
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Post Post #2005 (isolation #14) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:05 am

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In post 2003, bob3141 wrote:I migth not be one to spell out my read list
yeah you don't have to, my point is that you never have an organic progression on anything, you just ask questions for the gist of it. The only stances that you take are on specific posts, like FL's, but your questions aren't leading you to make a read.

aight be back later peeps

FL vote bob stop tunneling Ank let's go
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Post Post #2006 (isolation #15) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:06 am

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Like, your reads should come out from your questions, but you never follow up on them, you keep bouncing around. You can't fabricate a progression off of your questions is my whole point. You just ask questions because it makes you think that you look like you're trying to solve. You aren't taking any hard stances on anything.
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Post Post #2009 (isolation #16) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:12 am

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vizzy as in invisibility, but i saw you had a scum lean on him, wanna point why?
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Post Post #2012 (isolation #17) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:32 am

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k let's vote invis then
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Post Post #2020 (isolation #18) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:22 am

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In post 2018, Detective Pikachu wrote:Why vote ank vissy?

Anyway I still have no problem with scum bob here

VOTE: bob

That's the OS that I love.
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Post Post #2023 (isolation #19) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:23 am

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it's fine, you didn't mislynch viz

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Post Post #2025 (isolation #20) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:24 am

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yo viz let's hop on the bob wagon
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Post Post #2027 (isolation #21) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:30 am

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sup dp how have you been
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Post Post #2028 (isolation #22) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:30 am

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wanna talk to me about some nulls of yours that I could give my opinion on, just to make sure I'm not tunneled on two town here?
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Post Post #2042 (isolation #23) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:42 am

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ank sheep me on bob and we will clear your name
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Post Post #2046 (isolation #24) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:47 am

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In post 2045, Ankamius wrote:
In post 2042, insomnia wrote:ank sheep me on bob and we will clear your name
ok :(
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Post Post #2048 (isolation #25) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:49 am

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not really, I'll give you cred
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Post Post #2052 (isolation #26) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:53 am

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where's fl i missed him
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Post Post #2054 (isolation #27) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:55 am

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DP, what's your read on joges? any post that you liked?
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Post Post #2058 (isolation #28) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:59 am

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No, you are misinterpreting everything. My point is that you are not interested in discerning anyone's alignment from your questions.

I love riling up scum, they don't understand the method that I'm using here because nobody ever uses it. They always say my case is weak and trash, but they don't even know what my case is trying to say.

Which also makes them even more scummy, because they post from the mentality of "I'm scum but your reasoning sucks" rather than the town mentality of "I'm town why the fuck are you being so dumb"
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Post Post #2059 (isolation #29) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:59 am

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If you flip red bob, I'll add you on the list dw
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Post Post #2063 (isolation #30) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:03 am

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In post 2062, Detective Pikachu wrote:Yeah town bob usually has an agenda

Town often is very agenda oriented

A lot of your posts just look like you are saying words
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Post Post #2066 (isolation #31) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:07 am

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In post 2065, Ankamius wrote:I can be a boomer if I have to
ok boomer
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Post Post #2070 (isolation #32) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:21 am

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No, I'm saying exactly this :

Your questions don't help you discern anyone's alignment. The only actual stances you express in the thread are based on 3 posts and not follow-ups to your questions. Your questions are leading up to nothing. You don't follow up on them. You ask someone a question, then ask someone else a question with complete disregard for the last person that was inquired.

And the thing I didn't like the most was that you didn't take a stance on Sala's vote and chose to get him out the dirt by asking to clarify for the vote, rather than take a stance on it.

You just don't take any stances, your questions don't lead you to stances, I don't know why you're asking questions if you aren't gonna form reads based on the answers to those questions.

A lot of it is that poor handling of Sala, but I admit it could be confirmation bias. But only that part. The rest of it is not confirmation bias.
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Post Post #2072 (isolation #33) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:22 am

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In post 2067, Ankamius wrote:who you calling boomer, boomer
you'd probably be impressed to find out my age
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Post Post #2075 (isolation #34) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:28 am

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you don't have to understand, you just have to trust me ank

i know i have a shit past but I've evolved, I promise. It's actually a good case, a lot of you people on MS don't apply this method of hunting from what I've seen and nobody really understands me when i make cases. I've evolved a bit from the time I was a mere RC junior, but i'd not think, just the tunneling part.

My hunting is based on TMI and mentality analysis.

Scum are informed, therefore they already have all the answers. Scum don't actually sort anyone. They can't fake having an organic evolution, town have to spool their thoughts as to how they get to a certain read. Scum have a much harder time doing that.

Which is what Bob is doing. Please, just read his ISO, for the first 20 pages he's not chasing anything. He's not expressing any disagreement / concern for anything, it's just questions, questions, questions.
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Post Post #2076 (isolation #35) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:29 am

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In post 2073, Ankamius wrote:you're younger than me aren't you
yes boomer
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Post Post #2078 (isolation #36) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:30 am

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Like, there's no follow-up to anything. I can perhaps compare to you how a villager progresses with their question and then place it next to bob and maybe then you'll get it, idk
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Post Post #2081 (isolation #37) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:32 am

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Ank, give me that game of yours from which you town read bob. I will skim through and compare it to his play this game.
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Post Post #2082 (isolation #38) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:32 am

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In post 2080, Ankamius wrote:
In post 2078, insomnia wrote:Like, there's no follow-up to anything. I can perhaps compare to you how a villager progresses with their question and then place it next to bob and maybe then you'll get it, idk
can you show your reads along this metric for me
in my first post, the spoiler gives my notes from catching up, they are to like page 20, you will see I start with a town lean on bob but then fades away, it's before i received my pm.
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Post Post #2083 (isolation #39) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:35 am

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In post 94, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Salamence20
what do you think of some of the actions and reactions so far?
In post 233, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Not sure if i should be happy or sad... I am really letting down the title of Lynchbait King. But to be sure nothing I do in the first few pages of mafia is an indicator 0f my allignment.

Not sure about Sal but I am leaning town.

Jorge kind of feels like he is trying to find a reason to vote Sal which I do not not really like. This has to do with Jorge and not the alignment of Sal.
Want to go back and comb through the responses so far
In post 235, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:BTW my Sal read id purely a gut feeling.... which I do not take too seriously. Just trying to figure things out
here, let's look at this for example. Presumably, TFL had a gut ping on Sal about something. Notice how he asked him a question that helps him trying to sort his alignment, presumably because he scum read him and wanted more out of him.

Bob literally didn't have as simple of a progression as this in his whole ISO.

I will take someone else.
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Post Post #2086 (isolation #40) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:39 am

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In post 65, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 62, Nicholai wrote:Kanna hasn't obvtowned yet

VOTE: Kanna
Neither has anyone else. VOTE: Nicholai
In post 77, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 73, Nicholai wrote:
In post 65, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 62, Nicholai wrote:Kanna hasn't obvtowned yet

VOTE: Kanna
Neither has anyone else. VOTE: Nicholai
is there any other reason to vote me? or is this vote based on that kanna comment?
No, just the kanna comment.
In post 81, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 79, Nicholai wrote:
In post 77, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 73, Nicholai wrote:
In post 65, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 62, Nicholai wrote:Kanna hasn't obvtowned yet

VOTE: Kanna
Neither has anyone else. VOTE: Nicholai
is there any other reason to vote me? or is this vote based on that kanna comment?
No, just the kanna comment.
so knowing what now i've said about my history with kanna, has that made you change that opinion?
No. Meta is never a good indicator, so it doesn’t change my mind. What you and everyone else does in this game might though.
In post 102, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 88, Nicholai wrote:
In post 85, Invisibility wrote:self voting means you don’t have to do anything noticeable
until now >:)
Can someone tell me what is in these pictures? They appear to contribute to the discussion, but they won't display for me.
In post 105, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 82, Nicholai wrote:meta's a great indicator but i understand if you dislike using it since it can be off putting to newer players

however, since you now know my kanna vote was based off meta knowledge, why is it still scummy since your original reason was based off the logic that i wasn't treating her slot equally to others who also hadn't obvtowned
If I haven't played with someone, I have no meta with them. Therefore, I cannot use meta to make a judgement on them. Therefore, from my point of view, your vote appears illogical, and therefore scummy at this early stage.
In post 294, SausasaurusRex wrote:I think Nicholai is town now, so UNVOTE:
Pisskop’s doesn’t contribute to the discussion in any way, as does Invisibility’s .
However, I’m really not liking what Winpy’s saying, so VOTE: Wimpy.
Here, this progression now. Sau had a great vote on Nicholai, which I think later explains that he thought was buddying. He wants more out of Nicholai here, so he interacts ONLY with him for the next few pages. He even focused on fucking images, there's no way a scum gives a fuck about that lmfao. And then, he probably saw his other posts and changed his vote.

He saw something scummy, focused on discerning that person's alignment, wanted something to gain out of it, then they look elsewhere.

Bob has been looking in that "elsewhere" since the start.

starting to see what I mean?
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Post Post #2088 (isolation #41) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:42 am

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Bob has TMI of everyone's alignments, that's why he isn't interested at all in people's responses or is focused on one particular person.

There's no real scum agenda, there's the lack of a town agenda. This is not a town agenda that Bob has. It's not discerning anyone's alignments, he just keeps asking questions.

And that Sala thing is so incriminatory I just can't understand how it doesn't stand out to you lol, he's literally helping him from the dirt DESPITE essentially saying that he though sala's stance was weird. like what
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Post Post #2090 (isolation #42) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:43 am

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If bob doesn't flip red I'd be really fucking impressed.
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Post Post #2092 (isolation #43) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:45 am

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In post 2089, bob3141 wrote:my question never lead to anything. Thats not how i work. I try to spread as many trip wires around so that after a few flipps i have information that will be very telling on each players alignment.
This is how i caught someone that's scum. No way a town cares for this stuff. They want to find shit out as soon as possible, let alone thinking 3 weeks ahead when there's the possibility they don't even get to live anymore.

you find spew on anything, you will always have information after a lynch.

a town would never care for this stuff honestly
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Post Post #2093 (isolation #44) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:45 am

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ank give me that one bob game where he was town
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Post Post #2098 (isolation #45) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:51 am

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it took me literally 1 minute to scroll through his iso in the first one to find a progression on SS, ank

are you wolfing, ank?
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Post Post #2100 (isolation #46) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:52 am

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Post Post #2101 (isolation #47) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:52 am

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even if you aren't focusing, you should still find something to jump on. you just didn;t.
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Post Post #2106 (isolation #48) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:57 am

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in the second one, the questions asked to stances taken ratio is fucking huge

he's just not town this game ank. sorry. you have to bus him

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Post Post #2109 (isolation #49) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:58 am

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like, if i'm wrong on someone it would probably be joges but that's it

lemme check the playerlist again
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Post Post #2112 (isolation #50) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:01 am

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pine looker and sau are like blanks, i admit, but i liked looker upon a first read and sau is also kinda townie

pine also prolly town but if i'm wrong on someone it's probably him idk

the rest i'm like pretty confident on being town
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Post Post #2114 (isolation #51) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:02 am

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In post 2110, bob3141 wrote:insomia are you saying the second one was high on stances ?
i mean i skimmed like the first half of page 1, but yes, you replied more to people and took stances rather than ask endless questions which lead to nowhere
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Post Post #2116 (isolation #52) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:02 am

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i'm saying you're scum here no matter what bob, i was just proving my point to ank
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Post Post #2119 (isolation #53) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:04 am

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ok bob, i'm not doing this, idc about meta

talk to me about what you achieved from the questions you have asked, i want every single read if you want me to reconsider
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Post Post #2121 (isolation #54) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:05 am

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if this flips scum, you will have to vote invisibility next aight?
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Post Post #2124 (isolation #55) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:06 am

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ank, dp and fl i wanna work with you on my nulls first tho, pine, sau and looker just to make sure I don;t fuck up and we have a plan b
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Post Post #2129 (isolation #56) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:07 am

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In post 2123, bob3141 wrote:insomnia answer the question. that second game what do you read. You claim that ratio is huge
is this building up towards a gotcha moment?

i said i read like half of page 1
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Post Post #2132 (isolation #57) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:08 am

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Post Post #2133 (isolation #58) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:09 am

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he's gonna say he was town in that game isn't he
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Post Post #2134 (isolation #59) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:09 am

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Post Post #2137 (isolation #60) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:11 am

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I am spewing everyone ank hahahahahahahaahaa
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Post Post #2139 (isolation #61) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:12 am

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In post 2133, insomnia wrote:he's gonna say he was town in that game isn't he
In post 2134, insomnia wrote:scum*
In post 2138, bob3141 wrote:that game i was scum. seeing if you had noticed blakes comment lol.

Half way down page one is were end of day 2 was
giving myself a high five for this one boys
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Post Post #2140 (isolation #62) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:13 am

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ok bob i asked for a full reads list and what you gathered from the questions asked please
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Post Post #2143 (isolation #63) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:16 am

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also notice how bob has been talking to me like i am town the whole time but i am on his 2 man PoE list

it felt like i wanted to sell my car at a fare or something and he was bargaining with me over the price
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Post Post #2158 (isolation #64) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:44 am

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In post 2151, Looker wrote:And I already mentioned how all bob does is ask people questions he doesn't care about.
great, follow me, dear friend. we have food and all
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Post Post #2161 (isolation #65) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:47 am

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come on looker, i town read you and I hope you town read me as well, let's jam
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Post Post #2164 (isolation #66) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:51 am

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*insert every question ever asked by bob*
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Post Post #2166 (isolation #67) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:54 am

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Come on Looker, can I have this dance?

v o t e : b o b
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Post Post #2169 (isolation #68) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:58 am

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guess not :(

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Post Post #2171 (isolation #69) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:01 am

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Is FL scum reading everyone that makes fun of him?
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Post Post #2175 (isolation #70) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:18 am

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Post Post #2181 (isolation #71) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:26 am

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Yeah, anyone still doubting this?
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Post Post #2183 (isolation #72) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:27 am

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How did you even get to “but ank thinks town has too much power anyway so let’s take the risk of lynching a pr”

Also, why is FL never scum no matter what Ank flips? Why do you town read him?
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Post Post #2184 (isolation #73) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:28 am

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I had a fuzzy town lean based on stuff posted on my first post in this thread but that was just an example of town thought process
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Post Post #2189 (isolation #74) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:34 am

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In post 2186, bob3141 wrote:then i hit my working week and then you repped in today.

VOTE: isomnia

i can only assume you knew where my vote was going and wanted to get ahead.

i can only assume again im to close for comfort
:lol: :lol:
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Post Post #2192 (isolation #75) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:36 am

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All of your reads are based on meta

What. Did. You. Infer. From. The. Questions. You. Asked. In. This. Game????
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Post Post #2193 (isolation #76) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:38 am

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This is my whole point of my case. You deduct nothing from your questions and are asking questions just for the gist of it. All your reads are lazy and based on meta.
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Post Post #2194 (isolation #77) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:39 am

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In post 224, bob3141 wrote:
In post 211, Kanna wrote:
In post 204, Gjt wrote:I will purely be judging everyone on their actions on this game because I'm too lazy nor have the time to go check up on the history of everyone. Maybe its something I can pick up after a few more games here.

I will probably be playing in a way which you won't like and will observe a lot more before posting as a lot of what I see is basing current posts from previous games.

From what I've seen if Nicolai is Town probably won't last long because from experience Scum tend to hate active Townies. Chances are we will mislynch D1 unless someone seriously slips which is why scum often stay quiet D1 (not helping myself there) they'll spread their votes across Town. Not sure how many you usually get on a team here, but one I expect to vote/push one of their team mates. A lot of this phase is keeping track of the votes and who people chop and change too.

I don't have any strong leads yet, maybe a couple now leaning a little towards Town, but as said previously in my mind you are all Scum until you have convinced me otherwise
It’s up to you, but I would recommend skimming through one or two past games for someone you’re gonna seriously vote cause it makes a big difference. For example, I thought fuzzy’s earlier posts were off tonally(?) + the self vote felt weird but meta tells me it isn’t off for him. It doesn’t mean he’s not scum but it does mean those things aren’t scum indicative for him if that makes sense
I find that very hard to do. You can get meta feel from players you played with before but its very hard I find to get a feel of player from their past games. If you have no experience with them before. In one of my earlier games i was only able to make my first meta scum read as I had played in 4 games where that player had been town. So could tell the difference in how he was playing.
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Post Post #2201 (isolation #78) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:07 am

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:shifty: I have a red peek on bob
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Post Post #2204 (isolation #79) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:10 am

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Honestly DP townlocked for that bingo thing
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Post Post #2206 (isolation #80) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:11 am

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I wish i had a bingo thing

Can’t even think to make one myself
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Post Post #2441 (isolation #81) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:02 pm

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In post 2227, Flavor Leaf wrote:I’m masons with Bob. Move on
@DP :lol: :lol:
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Post Post #2447 (isolation #82) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:04 pm

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Hammy is me, is there another hammy
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Post Post #2449 (isolation #83) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:04 pm

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I swear it’s bob and vizzy

Wolves have no control of the thread, can feel it in my pp
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Post Post #2455 (isolation #84) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:08 pm

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Why vizzy over TFL?
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Post Post #2458 (isolation #85) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:11 pm

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In post 300, Wimpy wrote:
In post 290, Salamence20 wrote:Wimpy youre pretty cool when youre not a petty sumbitch
Gee thanks Wally. I think you’re pretty swell yourself.
If this is a S/S interaction i’m capping mehself
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Post Post #2461 (isolation #86) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:12 pm

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FL i’m sorry man I’m not following you

I care for you, it’s still not too late to lynch the

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Post Post #2465 (isolation #87) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:14 pm

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In post 4, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
In post 16, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: fuzzlogic
In post 232, Invisibility wrote:
In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
scummy post
In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
In post 339, Invisibility wrote:
In post 306, Nicholai wrote:
In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
so why this invis? bob's a pretty cool guy you know
In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
feels like scum calling out things that aren’t scummy
though this might just be bad town, bob’s account is only a few months old eyes
In post 342, Invisibility wrote:wait bob is from april of 2019 nvm
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Post Post #2468 (isolation #88) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:17 pm

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In post 321, bob3141 wrote:
In post 248, Salamence20 wrote:
In post 242, Wimpy wrote:
In post 231, Invisibility wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable
VOTE: Wimpy

For worrying about mislynching
Why do you scum read him for that. Shouldnt the fact that you think he genuinely worries about mislynching be sign to you that he is town. So are you scum reading him because of that worry or are you trying to claim to us that you think its faked?
He literally set up a narrative so that he can get his scum bud out the dirt FL

Why didn’t he place a vote instead of coming up with all of this non-sense?

Cuz he is a

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Post Post #2469 (isolation #89) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:20 pm

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If I have any faith in my sniffing shit out prowess then it’s telling me I hit sewers level
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Post Post #2470 (isolation #90) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:23 pm

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FL, if you do some digging you find out DP’s identity

And he’s town
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Post Post #2471 (isolation #91) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:24 pm

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In post 130, Non lmh wrote::facepalm:


I don't know what's going on anymore
this game is ruined.

VOTE: Boon
Now who's up for pressuring this slot some more

How the fuck do you scum read this fl
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Post Post #2473 (isolation #92) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:24 pm

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He does think that
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Post Post #2476 (isolation #93) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:27 pm

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Come on FL you gotta trust hammy now, he’s a grown scum hunter now that makes decisions for himself

How can they pocket me if I haven’t even been here

Move on bob and if I’m right, vig shoots vizzy

If i’m wrong i’m tunneling ank tomorrow even if you die, promise
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Post Post #2477 (isolation #94) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:29 pm

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Hammy caught 2 scum in a game with RC and he didn’t want to lynch them because it was me who caught them
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Post Post #2485 (isolation #95) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:36 pm

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God what I wouldn’t do for a dayvig
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Post Post #2495 (isolation #96) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:42 pm

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K FL I’m sheeping this but then you tunnel my scum reads

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Post Post #2497 (isolation #97) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:43 pm

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You don’t question them, you just follow them.
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Post Post #2504 (isolation #98) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:45 pm

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VOTE: Ankamius
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Post Post #2512 (isolation #99) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:46 pm

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Ftr FL is still wrong but I’m a scum by PoE in many people’s lists and I’m too lazy to convince them

This is still winning the game, best optimal choice
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Post Post #2514 (isolation #100) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:46 pm

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Aight FL, bob and invisibility, in this order, no fucking questioning.
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Post Post #2517 (isolation #101) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:47 pm

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In post 2510, Detective Pikachu wrote:
In post 2504, insomnia wrote:VOTE: Ankamius
somni this is not very cash money of you
It’s perfectly within my town agenda, I have to make decisions at a bigger scale
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Post Post #2518 (isolation #102) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:48 pm

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When I get nk’d, Boon will carry my torch, because that’s what he said will do
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Post Post #2522 (isolation #103) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:48 pm

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Boon is a man of his word
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Post Post #2523 (isolation #104) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:49 pm

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Vig shoot bob / vizzy
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Post Post #2527 (isolation #105) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:51 pm

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Scum team is bob and vizzy

Doesn’t matter which one you flip, if one flips red, you continue with the other

That’s the deal
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Post Post #2528 (isolation #106) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:51 pm

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Start with bob because when you will flip him red you tunnel on vizzy next phase anyway
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Post Post #2532 (isolation #107) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:52 pm

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DP, FL has them townies follow him

I’m in people’s PoE

Ank AtE’d and people are misreading her

This would’ve been a waste of a phase and information overload

We weren’t suading anyone
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Post Post #2537 (isolation #108) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:54 pm

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What are you even talking about
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Post Post #2541 (isolation #109) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:55 pm

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Imagine what message I’m sending if I flip ank town here and I die in the night

People will flashwagon my reads

Why are you painting me scum for this lol
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Post Post #2544 (isolation #110) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:56 pm

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In post 2539, Detective Pikachu wrote:Why the fuck are you acting like you give a shit about scum putting you in their POE?

Like are you actually scum or did you just lose about 50 points of IQ?
I’m talking about the town, not the scum
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Post Post #2549 (isolation #111) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:58 pm

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It’s the best decision I can make with a junior saudade, we weren’t flipping the tables man

If town doesn’t follow my reads after a universal scum in people’s PoE gets nk’d then loltown
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Post Post #2552 (isolation #112) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:59 pm

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Bob > vizzy
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Post Post #2556 (isolation #113) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:00 pm

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Ank, there were only 3 of us working together.

The others were dead set on you.

Boon’s a smart guy, if I die and you flip town he’ll listen to me, or at least consider my PoV

Bet he didn’t even read my cases
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Post Post #2557 (isolation #114) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:01 pm

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Don’t let this day go to fucking waste boon, you better listen to me
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Post Post #2560 (isolation #115) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:04 pm

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If we have a vig, their shot will be valuable if it hits invisibility.
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Post Post #2562 (isolation #116) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:05 pm

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I got 2 boon, that’s the deal, you follow til you flip green in that PoE
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Post Post #2566 (isolation #117) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:07 pm

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Fuzzy, if I die, you follow the lynches I provide

Invizibility > bob
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Post Post #2567 (isolation #118) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:07 pm

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VOTE: Invizibility
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Post Post #2568 (isolation #119) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:08 pm

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I can’t fucking do this sorry FL

I’m clogging the thread til we lynch those 2 I don’t trust you man

Have trust issues
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Post Post #2569 (isolation #120) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:09 pm

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I don’t trust you as in

I don’t trust you’ll follow me because everyone thinks I’m whack and deep down you do too

This is the game I either prove that kekw

Or catch them 2 scum with a page 15 solve
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Post Post #2580 (isolation #121) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:24 pm

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inviz > bob don't stop til you flip green
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Post Post #2581 (isolation #122) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:24 pm

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Is FL throwing
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Post Post #2584 (isolation #123) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:24 pm

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what did gjt claim?
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Post Post #2589 (isolation #124) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:31 pm

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and if invisibility is scum, you have to lynch bob as well
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Post Post #2591 (isolation #125) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:32 pm

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gjt, pick in between bob and invisibility for tonight
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Post Post #2595 (isolation #126) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:37 pm

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don't do that dp :(
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Post Post #2607 (isolation #127) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:51 pm

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this thread is in shambles
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Post Post #2609 (isolation #128) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:56 pm

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Hey if I eat the nk that's a dub for me
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Post Post #2614 (isolation #129) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:00 pm

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I'm a survivor, I side with mafia

town is in shambles boys let's get em
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Post Post #2622 (isolation #130) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:13 pm

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In post 2615, Flavor Leaf wrote:I will take blame for the loss of and only if it is also agreed that i take credit for if it’s a win.
if you lynch in my scum read ye sure

if not then you will forever be remembered as the avatar of town's defeat
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Post Post #2624 (isolation #131) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:15 pm

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what's your wincon, may i ask
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Post Post #2629 (isolation #132) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:22 pm

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In post 1366, bob3141 wrote:kanna you never answered my question on why you were so happy to lynch a potential pr claim yesterday. You only voted nom after you pushed for gjt lynch even after gtj claimed pr. When lynching pr claim on day one is never good for town as there is so much risk of actualy lynching a town pr.
WhY wOuLd Fl WaNt To LyNcH hIs JoAt

why does that reasoning solely apply to FL
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Post Post #2631 (isolation #133) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:24 pm

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Bob is the nice wolf archetype, where he is acting like a mediator and tries to get people engaged while he's not doing shit

No need to hard push anything cuz town has a cannibalistic wincon of sweeping each other off

FL your hannibal lecter UT actually suits you lmfao just thought of this kekw
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Post Post #2634 (isolation #134) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:26 pm

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In post 1366, bob3141 wrote:kanna you never answered my question on why you were so happy to lynch a potential pr claim yesterday. You only voted nom after you pushed for gjt lynch even after gtj claimed pr. When lynching pr claim on day one is never good for town as there is so much risk of actualy lynching a town pr.
mind boggling, the only time you're actually interested in someone answering your questions is when you can gain a push off of it

wow OwO
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Post Post #2636 (isolation #135) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:27 pm

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question, if someone gets a scummy, does the banner stay forever?
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Post Post #2638 (isolation #136) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:28 pm

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if bob is not vigged you're doing the devil's work

if bob is not lynched you're doing the devil's work
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Post Post #2640 (isolation #137) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:29 pm

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In post 2637, Flavor Leaf wrote:I already caught a ScumJOAT. Whether that’s the final battle or not, it’s at the very least Sasuke vs Danzo.
Now you gotta tag out with me like in smash bros and i'll go at scum and then when i get mentally weakened by having to prove my point on such an obvscum slot i will sub out and you finish the last one
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Post Post #2641 (isolation #138) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:30 pm

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i don't want to get banned, sub out as in smash bros where those two players tag each other and the other leaves the ring, etc, that's what i meant

if someone twists that lmfao
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Post Post #2644 (isolation #139) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:32 pm

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he's a town powerhouse, catcher of scum, knight of lynchbait towns
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Post Post #2646 (isolation #140) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:36 pm

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i don't play that but i was using at as a reference lol
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Post Post #2649 (isolation #141) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:39 pm

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DP I have taken the decisions that will ultimately bring this town the win.

trust the process.
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Post Post #2650 (isolation #142) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:40 pm

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we lynched scum day one, calm down
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Post Post #2657 (isolation #143) » Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:45 pm

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Bob > vizzy > sau > joges
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Post Post #2686 (isolation #144) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:49 am

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B o b
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Post Post #2687 (isolation #145) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:54 am

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My goal from this post onward is to be more logical and not waste my posts on stupid shit

I’ll re-evaluate everyone sometime later

VOTE: bob
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Post Post #2689 (isolation #146) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:34 am

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Is that an actual thought you just had and felt like sharing?

Sorry for being so mean but like, honestly

How do you even absolve him just because he didn’t vote lol
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Post Post #2692 (isolation #147) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:21 am

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I don't understand why people are straight up not wanting bob here, can you all tell me why he's town or if it's my case you don't understand, state that? I actually think he's scum so I want peeps on his wagon :shrug:

Like, if you don't scum read Vizzy nor bob, who do you even scum read? Sausaurus? I don't see the scum outside of invisibility and bob, everyone else is townier.
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Post Post #2693 (isolation #148) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:26 am

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In post 884, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 805, nomnomnom wrote:Ank how do you feel about wagoning invis with me
In your iso at this point you have too little justification. Whilst you may have stated that you scumread him, you have little evidence he is scummy, and so to attempt to start a wagon without absolute certainty Invisibility is scum isn’t good.
In post 1052, SausasaurusRex wrote:VOTE: Nomnomnom
If this is a scum's progression on a scum, I declare myself defeated.
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Post Post #2694 (isolation #149) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:28 am

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This isn't gaining any credit so why even bother to vote, this isn't a scum posturing to get anti-spewed, nom didn't want to engage him, sau just stated his opinions on something, this isn't S/S.

Please vote bob before I lose all my sanity and start posting cat gifs and stuff
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Post Post #2695 (isolation #150) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:35 am

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Remaining scum are in joges / bob / invisibility

I think that's where I'm always lynching tbh. Not necessarily in that order.

Upon re-reading Joges he had a weak latter game and I only liked his punch back as Nicholai but then nothing spicy happened. I could see him being scum, I just don't know instead of whom out of bob / vizzy, probably bob more
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Post Post #2696 (isolation #151) » Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:15 am

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I actually wanna hear from our fuzzy friend today, I've seen him capable of in-depth thought but he doesn't really center that as his scum reading level. Perhaps he can share some thoughts that have depth or just town tell enough for me to be confident against his lynch. I don't think my town read is as strong as it previously was, there are definitely shady stuff going for him.

bob, please don't engage me today. if you do, I'll just tunnel you. This is not a mocking dismissal, if you're town and want to prove to me you're town, please just push your scum reads / share thought on other people, just act as if you are not scum read by anyone and play your game. I'll do this to help you.


I won't even speak about you until like EoD. I wanna focus elsewhere today. Mainly fuzzy and pine.
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Post Post #2740 (isolation #152) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:21 am

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Tinfoiling on FL acting like a dumb town to get town read

And he’ll use the explanation of “I tunneled on all town the whole game, why would scum kill me?” to avoid being lynched in F3

This post is purely for post-game cred and not my actual thoughts atm

I’ll probably post something in a bit idk
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Post Post #2742 (isolation #153) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:46 am

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In post 2736, Invisibility wrote:Fl what’s your opinion of isomnia rn?
you're getting vig'd for this tbh

FL said I'm town, what reply would you even expect from him that helps you discern his alignment?
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Post Post #2743 (isolation #154) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:47 am

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VOTE: Invisibility

or lynched
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Post Post #2744 (isolation #155) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:58 am

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I genuinely think Invisibility didn't read anything off FL, saw looker quoting that post of FL going "Insomnia is obvious scum"

and figured he could try making it an ankamius lynch 2.0 today except with me as the central piece
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Post Post #2745 (isolation #156) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:04 am

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I'm still sitting at joges / invisibility / bob poe, maybe in that exact order

Think this hits the 2 remaining scum in all worlds
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Post Post #2746 (isolation #157) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:26 am

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In post 1196, joges wrote:Can someone just point me to the point where MB became scum? I'm short on time and if I try to catch up I'll just run out of it before the deadline. Which is probably more like tonight before I go to bed for me.
Really think this comes from scum more than it does from town.

If a town didn't have time to evaluate anything, they'd much rather sit on their wagon then act on stranger's decisions, especially day one.

Scum are much more likely to ask this question, my personal interpretation is that they either :

1) Ask for this in order to be offered with an option to hard bus
2) Do it so that town can maybe reconsider their read and maybe when they post the case, they realise it's flawed or when they re-evaluate in order to make a case, they have second doubts. So kind of like the point is sowing doubt.

This is heavily inconsistent with the approach joges had earlier in the game where he seemed to be paranoid about everything, this is the exact opposite, this is placing your trust in people you don't know.

Also, in the context where he's been on gjt the whole time and pushing for his lynch, and mb was the counterwagon to gjt, I think it would've been more natural and town like to think of "MB is the counterwagon to scum gjt" and, as a result, either say that or say nothing at all and keep sitting on the vote. That question is showing the willingness to re-evaluate on a counterwagon to someone joges scum reads, which is really counter-intuitive and would never come from a town here.

The way the question is phrased is so to say "What's bad about MB here?" suggesting that he didn't have reasons for scum reading him, so, again, if he truly scum read gjt, I think he would've come to the conclusion of MB being town here.

p-edit : just skimmed jorge's iso and the fact he sat on gjt for so long just for that reasoning is yucky

and he jumped on invis when his wagon was gaining steam, that kind of shakes my read on invis i think?
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Post Post #2748 (isolation #158) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:28 am

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VOTE: Pine

Tempted in pressing this for a bit.
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Post Post #2749 (isolation #159) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:29 am

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If this is scum I'm probably leaning more on bob than invisibility jsyk
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Post Post #2751 (isolation #160) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:33 am

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meh i'm like massively demotivated, this game kind of sucked all out of me

VOTE: Invisibility

still gonna lynch pine at some point if i don't hit both reds in bob and invis so
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Post Post #2752 (isolation #161) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:33 am

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VOTE: bob
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Post Post #2753 (isolation #162) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:35 am

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VOTE: invisibility
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Post Post #2756 (isolation #163) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:52 am

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I really do sound like a chick huh
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Post Post #2757 (isolation #164) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:53 am

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if i were cop my checks would be sausaurus and tfl
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Post Post #2758 (isolation #165) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:59 am

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VOTE: Pine
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Post Post #2759 (isolation #166) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:00 am

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TFL just fall in my pocket, the towniest potato.
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Post Post #2765 (isolation #167) » Fri Feb 07, 2020 9:27 am

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I really think it's Pine now FL, sorry. I need Pine flip cuz he might be scum but either way he's a huge null on my list and still needs to get lynched.

really think his vote on sala was tmi, if he would've hunted like he did with sala then he'd be a lot more obvtown which he's not

the only pushes were that and gjt and he didn't even care about what gjt would flip despite being top wagon for most of the day

and the analysis which joges is doing is really easy to do as town, you can literally do it with any post and yet he didn't. It's a lot harder to do as scum, I know because it's part of my hunting as well.

because that analysis involves you asking yourself "is this something I'd do / ask if I were in player x's shoes and was town, not knowing anyone's alignment?"

but you just can't. he only found two cases of that in a whole day phase and I find a lot more as town.
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Post Post #2774 (isolation #168) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:39 am

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town is uninformed and has to shift wagons as well, they will fumble a lot, VCA shouldn't lock scum, it should be used as a tool to guide you towards a PoE in which to look at.

using that and ignoring information from a slot is not playing mafia and it won't catch you scum. all town wagons can happen as well jsyk.

i think i've been fairly townie throughout my posting, not sure whether your attempt at raising awareness on my slot is coming from a genuine place or you're trying to make it look like a viable lynch, which are two different things.

your reads are the same as mine except bob, why are you feeling bad about me?
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Post Post #2785 (isolation #169) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:21 pm

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In post 2775, Titus wrote:
In post 2774, insomnia wrote:town is uninformed and has to shift wagons as well, they will fumble a lot, VCA shouldn't lock scum, it should be used as a tool to guide you towards a PoE in which to look at.

using that and ignoring information from a slot is not playing mafia and it won't catch you scum. all town wagons can happen as well jsyk.

i think i've been fairly townie throughout my posting, not sure whether your attempt at raising awareness on my slot is coming from a genuine place or you're trying to make it look like a viable lynch, which are two different things.

your reads are the same as mine except bob, why are you feeling bad about me?
I like the cog dis part of this post, but I disdain the comments about VCA.
I don’t see it, my point was VCA should be used to make you focus on some players and then sorting them like a normal mafia game. Therefore, VCA should only point you to a direction and then you should use that as a tool to sort those players, not instantly lock them due to “meh this guy switched 10 times” in a game where town are also stressed and most importantly, uninformed. If wolves had a plan to hard bus they would’ve stuck to it for the credit, a wolf would never switch aimlessly.


Here’s where I’m at.

I scum read all 3 of invis / bob / joges

I don’t know if it has 2 scum, I just know that the pairings from this are weird af.

Joges can’t be with Invis because he voted him when the wagon was gaining steam.

Invis probably isn’t with bob just based on their talk earlier and invis’ vote on him

So the only pairing that was left was bob and pine but now he just voted him.

Think I’m either missing something or someone’s playing 4D chess in here when I’m only playing checkers.
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Post Post #2786 (isolation #170) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:22 pm

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Ok, I think I see where you thought it was dissonance but it’s not lol
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Post Post #2787 (isolation #171) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:35 pm

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Bob’s #2776 is literally describing his game play from day one, please end me
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Post Post #2788 (isolation #172) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:02 pm

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Bob case : pine is a lurker and faulty VCA given that he’s been doing the same thing day one, so I don’t see how that incentives him to scum read jorge rather than actually town reading him

Bob I want explanation that you can’t weasel out of please. I want to know if you actually scum read the guy because this is not a “I genuinely think this flips scum” vote.

Can you go back and see what you’ve learnt from the answers jorge provided to your questions? Or just anything related to your questions
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Post Post #2789 (isolation #173) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:04 pm

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VOTE: bob
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Post Post #2790 (isolation #174) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:08 pm

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In post 151, Nicholai wrote:Kanna kinda obvtowned earlier so i need a new vote, this is most concerning
In post 474, Nicholai wrote:lul i'm feeling buddied but gonna choose to cast that aside for now

regarding Kanna, she's a newbie and didn't know this account was an alt of someone she'd played with until a third in. idk, maybe she's a prodigy and is replicating her town game perfectly, but that's not an assumption i'm going towards, i'm gonna think she's town long before i suspect that
So here's why my slot never kills this guy :yawn:
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Post Post #2792 (isolation #175) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:29 pm

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In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
In post 339, Invisibility wrote:
In post 306, Nicholai wrote:
In post 284, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: bob
so why this invis? bob's a pretty cool guy you know
In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
feels like scum calling out things that aren’t scummy
though this might just be bad town, bob’s account is only a few months old eyes
In post 342, Invisibility wrote:wait bob is from april of 2019 nvm
In post 344, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: saus
better vote
The premise of the push was that bob pushed on something that was not even scummy. Then, Invisibility says that he might be bad town due to his join date. So that incentivises him to rethink his scum read on bob, however, he then notices that bob is actually sort of experienced.

Why is he not coming back to bob in this case? I don't see how this is a town progression at all, wouldn't he want to keep pressing bob or even attempt to vote him again? There's an unjustifiable lack of follow through that wouldn't occur if Invisibility was town in here. This progression makes no sense.
In post 16, Invisibility wrote:VOTE: fuzzlogic
In post 85, Invisibility wrote:self voting means you don’t have to do anything noticeable
until now >:)
This progression is hard to believe comes from town on the first page.

Vizzy expresses some concern with regards to TFL self-voting and he associates that with a motive for explaining his inactivity / lack of scum hunting. That's a huge giant leap that rarely comes from town. If I put myself in Invis' town shoes, knowing that he's also a slacker that barely does any scum hunting and doesn't even express the need to convey his thoughts in the thread, this push is non-sensical. This is not even taking into consideration that the context of this is that TFL has self-voted on page 1 and Invisibility expects some hunting attempt from him on page 4, and in between the vote itself and the explanation in , Invisibility hasn't really expressed some form of suspicion on anyone else, so the fact that he's expecting someone else to find anything is... :?:

Why would a self-vote be more different than someone sitting in RVS for 6 pages and not doing anything?

VOTE: Invisibility

fuck it i'm sitting on my solve, if it is bob and invis like i said then they would be forced to interact today anyway and anti-spew
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Post Post #2794 (isolation #176) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:44 pm

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If you ctrl+f Nicholai's ISO, he starts with a scum lean on Rex which he keeps coming back to, and near the end he starts cozying up to Rex. What would scum!Rex gain off of killing Nicholai?

In hindsight, all of y'all peeps cases were how bad Kanna and Rex's votes were on MB

And look who the N1 kill is, the guy who had solid meta on Kanna and vocally admitted to Kana being obvtown here and he also started town reading Rex. Would an active player that has the potential of interfering with mislynches impose a threat to scum? Gonna let you peeps ponder on that for a bit, Rex is not scum, I am not scum. In what world does scum!Rex or scum!me kill Nicholai? and to what end? I lose a person that town reads the living hell out of me and Rex dumps the opportunity of being town read by the most universally town read person in the whole thread.

the only PoE that should be considered is bob / pine / invisibility and that's it. Nicholai had some bad feels for joges at first and for invis as well.
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Post Post #2795 (isolation #177) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:52 pm

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FL give your thoughts on that PoE and say if you'll follow it please, I want everyone to realise that this is the most solid PoE and not lynch outside of it.
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Post Post #2798 (isolation #178) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:07 pm

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Did my scum play evolve in your eyes or is it my hiatus that leaves you paranoid about whether I've grown as a scum player? :P

Treating it as a joke but I'm actually kind of raising an eyebrow here, I think of my scum game really weak and you not fully town reading me here is making me believe it's actually planned for whatever reason, hm.
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Post Post #2801 (isolation #179) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:18 pm

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I've played on other sites to develop my town game so that I could come back here and catch some good scum players. In here you guys have the best scum players. Or maybe the town players don't really town tell enough so the good scum players are left in a box. Either way, that forces me to distinguish town from scum a lot more and makes me improve my game.

Not really playing with the intent of improving my scum game, I just want to be a better town player that's it. I'll never improve because of that reason, I don't want to play scum.
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Post Post #2802 (isolation #180) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:23 pm

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In post 322, bob3141 wrote:
In post 292, Salamence20 wrote:Honestly Im shocked more people arent looking at Invis for scum

So what shocks you about it and what do you think you have seen that marks invis out as scum to you
still coming back to this post and always cracks a smile within me, mainly because of the "what do you think you have seen" which is like something you'd ask a scum bud in the PT to find something that looks worthy enough of a push on a player. If this is an unconscious slip this is so good lol, I really hope I'm right cuz that would be awesome

really want this to be a s/s interaction lol
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Post Post #2804 (isolation #181) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:25 pm

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yeah let's do this i wanna find this one out, i just have to

VOTE: bob

let's do this fl, appealing back to the deal, say yes to titus so she can sheep us on this as well lol
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Post Post #2807 (isolation #182) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:27 pm

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Imagine having a pro league in mafia and getting paid for winning games. That would actually motivate me to play scum properly hm. Money make a good incentive.
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Post Post #2810 (isolation #183) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:28 pm

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there's bigger fish to fry fl and i want to catch myself one, i just want to lynch bob while i'm alive, it's probably because nobody spotted him by now and, as always, I need my dopamine levels. I am a fallacious person and i love it.
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Post Post #2812 (isolation #184) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:31 pm

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I guess I just want the potential credit on bob, truth is, I'm not lynching outside of that PoE so it doesn't matter who we flip first, but a bob red flip makes town want to lynch in that PoE i think. If he flips town it's whatever, I misread him and we just move on with vizzy.
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Post Post #2813 (isolation #185) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:34 pm

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If it's anyone outside of invis / pine / bob I'll be impressed.

I just want bob lynched because if I'm not here, he'll most likely suade you on anyone else. Town doesn't believe scum!bob anyway. imagine what he can do without us in here.

i just believe in my scum hunting abilities, i haven't been offered with a rebuttal on why bob is town, except for "his play style is the same" which isn't a valid reasoning in the slightest. There's nothing of depth that can prove to me why bob is town based on what he's done THIS GAME. His work, his progressions, nothing of that sort.

Having the same style is a mocking dismissal, bob deserves more credit than this. It's time we gave bob the attention he deserves.
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Post Post #2815 (isolation #186) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:45 pm

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I have honestly no idea who flips scum, but bob was my initial scum read and invis was kind of like mirroring his actions and so i went with scum reading him.

I have some reluctance to joges because of how he treated the Nicholai slot. That push back at him was *really* townie and didn't read as T/S at all. I didn't sense any agenda in that except for trying to prove a point and attempting to expose his ass, which is something that comes from town more often than not. I guess I totally see that push as joges not having an idea about Nicholai's alignment and find it hard he'd actually fabricate that on the spot, I think that was a live interaction as well? Might be wrong.

if that makes any sense to you.
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Post Post #2816 (isolation #187) » Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:52 pm

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And bob's pushback at me read as complete scum mentality, "yeah i'm scum but your reasoning sucks and so watch me do nothing except for defending myself". I initially had no idea what the person that I've learnt this from meant, but then I read a game of theirs and I saw a sentence that immediately made it clear after so many months. He didn't world build around himself and trying to discern my alignment at all from that, given that, you know, he scum read me. There was no confrontation at all, if you try and re-read the interaction, it looked more like he was reading me town and trying to tell me why he's not scum than him being annoyed and having a "gotcha" moment, given that, from his PoV, I'm scum. He stated that before I started doing anything. I feel as though his posting came more from that mentality of scum that knows I'm town and is defending against my points instead of pushing me back and actually believing I'm scum. My push should've appeared as opportunistic to him, but that wasn't reflected at all in our talk, it was like he was making a deal with his executioner.

This probably doesn't get more coherent, it's all I can do for you, but just trust me. Hope you caught a glimpse of what I mean and associating that with a huge scum point for bob.

Also, he only voted me after our live interaction was over lol. And now he magically town reads me because I didn't have any incentive to jump on the Ank train lol
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Post Post #2817 (isolation #188) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:04 am

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In post 2011, bob3141 wrote:insomia if your town it should already be clear to you.

I think one of teh later joins kanna/ invis is scum. Whith the strongest lean being on kanna.

When looker and nom were having there interactions invis pushed nom looking townier of the two.

I cant realy see a paper trail between him think that and voting for nom. All he gives is gjt softed pr but his vote remained for soem time before moving. and taht flav said stuff.

Of kanna and invis. I think out of teh two its far more likley to be you. For one of them to not be scum i feel my vca would have to be wrong
In post 2056, bob3141 wrote:insomnia read on me is almost as bad but at least it has more effort. Which is something scum tend to do when pushing their cases. When there really isn't anything behind it.

It amounts to bob asks questions. Bob in no game he has ever played has provided his reads unless asked or in day 4-5 solve. Thus he must of been scum in all his games. At Least insomnia has never played with me before so it could easily be him simply scum reading my play style in general.

Oh bob bounces all over the place. Look at my first game on this site and you will see how much I can bounce around.
In post 2069, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2058, insomnia wrote:No, you are misinterpreting everything. My point is that you are not interested in discerning anyone's alignment from your questions.

I love riling up scum, they don't understand the method that I'm using here because nobody ever uses it. They always say my case is weak and trash, but they don't even know what my case is trying to say.

Which also makes them even more scummy, because they post from the mentality of "I'm scum but your reasoning sucks" rather than the town mentality of "I'm town why the fuck are you being so dumb"

So what your sayign is you genuinely cant see how my methods work. If you are town it wouldnt be first time a player has misread how i play.

If you are genuine then clear you have reads on all players and i would be very interested to see them. As it will help be determine which of the two you are
In post 2074, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2058, insomnia wrote:No, you are misinterpreting everything. My point is that you are not interested in discerning anyone's alignment from your questions.

I love riling up scum, they don't understand the method that I'm using here because nobody ever uses it. They always say my case is weak and trash, but they don't even know what my case is trying to say.

Which also makes them even more scummy, because they post from the mentality of "I'm scum but your reasoning sucks" rather than the town mentality of "I'm town why the fuck are you being so dumb"

My point is that my questions are always meant to be open ended. I see what i get in return and make mental notes. Thats why i bounce around as i go after the last thing. So if you think there some questions ive not followed up on it because i forgot about them. As thats not how i work. There is reason only oen game i didnt come up with the rigth solve. and it that one o got 2 of 3 right. And had simply discounted the 3rd due to flav make bold move and claiming doc

This game was lurkfest at the start so it was the lowest pirioty of the 3 games i was in. Now all but this one has finished. And inactives replaced
In post 2089, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2070, insomnia wrote:No, I'm saying exactly this :

Your questions don't help you discern anyone's alignment. The only actual stances you express in the thread are based on 3 posts and not follow-ups to your questions. Your questions are leading up to nothing. You don't follow up on them. You ask someone a question, then ask someone else a question with complete disregard for the last person that was inquired.

And the thing I didn't like the most was that you didn't take a stance on Sala's vote and chose to get him out the dirt by asking to clarify for the vote, rather than take a stance on it.

You just don't take any stances, your questions don't lead you to stances, I don't know why you're asking questions if you aren't gonna form reads based on the answers to those questions.

A lot of it is that poor handling of Sala, but I admit it could be confirmation bias. But only that part. The rest of it is not confirmation bias.
my question never lead to anything. Thats not how i work. I try to spread as many trip wires around so that after a few flipps i have information that will be very telling on each players alignment.

just to be clear i was barley paying any attention to the thread before sal got reped. was focusing heavily on other games. And even then i wasnt giving more than hour to mafia a day for that week. why i am so understandign of gjt early lurking. as im in similar boat. for reference if im in the top half of posters i think most of teh game is lurking as im a low poster.

My questions are delibertly shaped. There meant to catch scum by the player not even knowing what im looking for. Think discworlds descriptiion of good ambassador. Make them feel you know nothing until you steal there socks from within their shoes while they are wearing them without them noticing. its writen better than that in the book.

If you let them clear know what your lookign for. The scum i am questioning will try to avoid it. Town dont care as they have nothign to hide. They act differently. But if you let them know they can fake.
In post 2099, bob3141 wrote:i was focusing on that game. i was largley ignoring this one until we had got 2 scum down.
In post 2102, bob3141 wrote:insomnia was i or was i not asked by hectic for read list.

i give stances and reads when asked never before. Unless i hit some gold. Like player that inst cooperating in that case pops
In post 2110, bob3141 wrote:insomia are you saying the second one was high on stances ?
In post 2113, bob3141 wrote:insomnia are you saying from those 2 town games i cant eb town this one based. On that ratio in teh second
In post 2117, bob3141 wrote:so go into that second game ank quoted. do you think im high on stances low on questions
In post 2123, bob3141 wrote:insomnia answer the question. that second game what do you read. You claim that ratio is huge
In post 2128, bob3141 wrote:insomnia which game do you think looks townier
In post 2138, bob3141 wrote:that game i was scum. seeing if you had noticed blakes comment lol.

Half way down page one is were end of day 2 was
In post 2178, bob3141 wrote:im starting to think insomnia just read the thread saw dp scum read me. saw that looker was asking silly questions about answer and thought this will be an easy mislynch.

now we have ank at teh time beign wagoned and just like during day one im just not that sure on her. As she is the weakest of my scum reads and if fl is rigth about her then she is scum. But if she is town then i feel thats it means flav and ank are tvt.

now she was stublenly town read nom that day. But would scum still defend some in such away. Knowing that with a claimed power role her lynch would likely go through.
Im not sure on the motive here. Although she claims to not care about pr. I do know that ank think town normaly has to much power. So that coudl easily be her thinking gjt is scummy and town will have pleanty of power. thats its worth teh risk.

I would have expect scum to make more of case why she didnt care about gjt claim when i asked her. So if ank isnt scum tehn what of those voting her.

Now she might be in position to be scum read from associations with nom day one. But is that enough to have even for bit pushed to l-1.
In post 2179, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2083, insomnia wrote:
In post 94, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Salamence20
what do you think of some of the actions and reactions so far?
In post 233, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Not sure if i should be happy or sad... I am really letting down the title of Lynchbait King. But to be sure nothing I do in the first few pages of mafia is an indicator 0f my allignment.

Not sure about Sal but I am leaning town.

Jorge kind of feels like he is trying to find a reason to vote Sal which I do not not really like. This has to do with Jorge and not the alignment of Sal.
Want to go back and comb through the responses so far
In post 235, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:BTW my Sal read id purely a gut feeling.... which I do not take too seriously. Just trying to figure things out
here, let's look at this for example. Presumably, TFL had a gut ping on Sal about something. Notice how he asked him a question that helps him trying to sort his alignment, presumably because he scum read him and wanted more out of him.

Bob literally didn't have as simple of a progression as this in his whole ISO.

I will take someone else.

Here we go you shading me again. I thought it woudl be quite clear from te questions to you slot that were my reasoning was taking me
In post 2186, bob3141 wrote:then i hit my working week and then you repped in today.

VOTE: isomnia

i can only assume you knew where my vote was going and wanted to get ahead.

i can only assume again im to close for comfort

Look at this progression, it's funny how he starts saying I'm scum and then he just defends himself against my points not even mentioning once that I'm scum for misreping him or anything. I don't know how I can make it more apparent for you, that's my weak point. Just try and read it and see if it makes sense from a bob town point of view, where he doesn't know what alignment I am and on top of that, he scum reads me.
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Post Post #2820 (isolation #189) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:36 am

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why am i town to you?
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Post Post #2822 (isolation #190) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:42 am

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ok, why are you speaking about me like I'm mechanically confirmed town just based on a vote that fl wanted me to make and said i'd be scum if i didn't?
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Post Post #2823 (isolation #191) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:42 am

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In post 2818, bob3141 wrote:why do you scum read him? why dont you think he is town? Why Do you realy think that wimpy is beign fake?
2/3 questions from here have nothing to do with the post i quoted
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Post Post #2824 (isolation #192) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:47 am

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FL come place your vote, I'm tunneling to oblivion. I'm convinced.
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Post Post #2826 (isolation #193) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:56 am

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why am i confirmed town to you bob?
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Post Post #2828 (isolation #194) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:03 am

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your posts are saying that, you're treating me as if I'm confirmed town and your AtE is saying exactly that. You don't need to say it, it's the intention behind posts, not the actual words.
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Post Post #2852 (isolation #195) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:54 pm

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In post 2846, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2838, Titus wrote:
In post 2829, bob3141 wrote:Even a baby can see that at teh time of my vote i thought the scum team was pin/invis with me wanting pine first
Yuck. You attitude is toxic as fuck.

The guy has been blatantly misrepping me since he joined. I just cant see how he could be town.

Even to go so far as pushing himself as confirmed town. When he is only just and clearly for everyone to see, even a baby that he is just outside of my lycnh pool today.

Hence im not calling him baby as i cant see him being town. Thus he is scum as its clear to him and he still does it as he is scum.

Why am I still mod confirmed town to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Post Post #2853 (isolation #196) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:55 pm

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Why have I been town to you all game long if I’m blatantly misrepping you since the start

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Post Post #2854 (isolation #197) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:55 pm

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Fl vote this and let’s get it over with
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Post Post #2861 (isolation #198) » Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:42 am

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Gjt died because he's a claimed tracker.
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Post Post #2864 (isolation #199) » Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:52 am

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Gjt would die anyway, as he's a claimed PR.