If I didn't like the flavour question I'd have answered "Skyrim Mods". Learning all the flavour in the game did not actually have much game effect, and Zenith was tempted by the quantity of information receivable rather than the quality.
Also, like half the game is making shit up rn
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
I think Mastina is spiraling a little here. I'm still confident the game is pretty well balanced. But I can't say that, or even hint at that. It's quite difficult for me to see criticism and not be able to respond to it because the criticism is made without all the info but the lack of info is necessary for the game.
Spoiler: Important Scum Detail, part of which Pine doesn't even know
There is a traitor. But I couldn't tell scum what kind of traitor. Because it's not either kind of traitor. It's a sort of hybrid. The traitor is recruited when they survive a scum nightkill. But their ability to survive is situational. Saying this would give scum another means to locate the traitor.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
I am a man of two names and two souls, but those things are actually unrelated because the second soul originally belonged to this other guy called Luke from whom I bought his soul for 20 pence. I figured that if the opportunity ever arose that I were to make a deal with a demon, bargaining someone else's soul would get a great return on investment.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
It's only one shot of it but yeah, still very strong.
Setup includes a fair amount of power but a good portion is partially or fully gated behind the stones. Tbh I probably should have gated more of it, but at the same time the traitor role is especially strong when you consider the stones.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
In post 65, Xtoxm wrote:so my logic on the hood was correct
y'all can eat shit for fighting me and scumreading over that
alim and wakes play has both been super underwhelming for town tho
Actually it was wrong
I randed the guild role PMs out of people who told me to pick for them. If there had been any scum in that group, I would have still randed it the same. Scum could just as easily have ended up in the hood.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
They would have had the leveller thing
I might have given them a more scummy power with a specific stone and probably a fakeclaim too in that scenario
But all the scum had picked their own mods and I'd came up with pretty good things for all of them early on. Only problem is that GIF's seems very weak vs a very accurate vig, and is probably way weaker than I thought it was to begin with.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
Mechanics is one of the reasons scum will lose, because the scum kill on Suji will discourage picking the thief stone. And that's aside from some other shit
I think if people don't realise that Eve's deathproof is tied to the thief stone, even in the circumstance where scum were to claim that ability as one-shot in order to waste an additional lynch- perhaps even especially in that scenario- it's still mafia. Like, there's a public mechanic and an expectation that players should use information available to them to determine whether someone is lying.
And of course I designed the setup with the sheer power of the deathproof scum in mind, as well as this idea that people might incorrectly assume it must be a town role because deathproof scum is unlikely and also that the thief stone is the most likely stone to hit level 5. The encouragements for hitting level 5 are actually kinda there to increase the expected d power of the scum deathproof.
Mafia as a game is intricately connected to the setup. While conditionally deathproof scum means it's possible for town to correctly identify scum and still lose, that scenario involves town making glaring mechanical errors and identifying the scum too late. I'd say especially in theme games with public mechanics, both factions can make mechanical errors that contribute to their loss.
So at the end of the day- if town somehow lose because they totally and repeatedly misjudge the terms of Eve's ability, that's not because of mechanics it is unreasonable to assume someone could figure out. Same goes if town make the mistake of assuming Eve is town by role.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
Hullo GuyInFreezer! Your role PM is based on CBBE, and you are aligned with the mafia!
Alignment: Mafia
Associated Stone: None
Compulsive Death Janitor: When you die, the next 2 flips will be janitored, and neither role nor alignment will flip. If you are lynched, your own flip will be janitored in place of one of the 2 flips.
General Flavour:
I shall say no more than an excerpt from the mod's description, which says all anyone needs to know:
CBBE replaces the vanilla female body that all adult female characters (player and NPC) share, with one that is fully customisable through the BodySlide tool and BodySlide's RaceMenu Morphs plugin. By default there are three nude options available that don't require anything but installation, as well as three underwear styles for these body shapes.
How does the role link with the flavour:
When you remove this mod from the game, you're gonna have missing textures all over the place.
Scum Stuff:
Your scumbuddies are Pine and some traitor you don't know about. Your scum PT is here and you can perform a factional nightkill in addition to any other abilities you may have.
Spoiler: Pine
Hullo Pine! Your role PM is based on Improved World Map with Roads, and you are aligned with the mafia!
Mod: Improved World Map with Roads
Alignment: Mafia
Associated Stone: None
Motion-Predicting Rolecop: Once per night, you may target a player and predict whether or not they will act. If you are correct, you will determine their role.
General Flavour:
Improved World Map with Roads was actually, if I recall correctly, the first Skyrim mod I ever downloaded. Giving up fast travelling generally serves to enhance your gameplay experience- provided you can actually figure out where the hell you're supposed to get around some mountain properly, which is where this mod comes in.
How does the role link with the flavour:
You've got a very good map there. If you can figure out whether someone is going somewhere, you can figure out what they're up to.
Scum Stuff:
Your scumbuddies are GuyInFreezer and some traitor you don't know about. Your scum PT is here and you can perform a factional nightkill in addition to any other abilities you may have.
Spoiler: Eve
Hullo Eve! Your role PM is based on Bulletproof Khajit, and you are aligned with the mafia!
Traitor: The rest of the mafia do not know who you are, but do know that a traitor exists. If you survive being nightkilled by one of them, you will be recruited as a full scum member who can perform the factional kill and has PT access.
Deathproof: In a phase in which the Thief Stone is active, you will be fully deathproof, and immune to both lynches and kills.
General Flavour:
Bulletproof Khajit is a cheat mod, plain and simple, that makes Khajit humorously strong.
How does the role link with the flavour:
Khajit are not trusted by Skyrim's masses. Probably has something to do with them being good at sneaking around. And of course, making them extremely tough is only beneficial if you're playing one.
Scum Stuff:
Your scumbuddies are GuyInFreezer and Pine, but they don't know who you are.
Spoiler: pops
Hullo popsofctown! Your role PM is based on Scaling Stopper, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Scaling Stopper
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: None
Level-Based Rolestopper: Once per night, you may target a player. If their role has a stone associated with it, and its path level is equal to or higher than the current cycle number, their night actions cannot fail and they will be protected from one nightkill.
General Flavour:
Scaling in Skyrim is indeed pretty immersion breaking. It is perfectly believable that some people or things are stronger than others- less so that the general strength of everything there is will increase as the dragonborn levels. There should always be lowly bandits. Stronger bandits should exist, but they shouldn't suddenly become the rule rather than the exception because one guy got really tough.
How does the role link with the flavour:
If your level is strong enough for wherever you happen to be, you shouldn't expect anything to go wrong.
Spoiler: Dongfish
Hullo Dongfish! Your role PM is based on Really Useful Dragons, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Really Useful Dragons
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: None
Level 5 Innocent Child: Whenever any path level reaches level 5, you will be confirmed as town. Rolecops will determine that you do something at level 5, but not your full role.
General Flavour:
We were so preoccupied with whether or not we could, we didn’t stop to think if we should.
How does the role link with the flavour:
When you're levelled up enough to fight that first dragon near Whiterun, it'll be pretty clear that this mod is working.
Spoiler: gobbledygook
Hullo gobbledygook! Your role PM is based on Apocalypse, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Apocalypse
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Mage
Jack of All Trades: You may perform any number of the following actions by PMing the mod. However, you cannot perform an action if it would take the total number of actions you have performed throughout the game to a number above the current Wizard path level.
-Mind Vision: Target another player. If they receive a result during the night, you will also receive that result.
-Soul Cloak: Any players who die in this phase will be added to a new PT with you instead of the dead thread.
-Perilous Path: Target a player. You may target yourself. All other non-killing actions targetting that player will fail.
-Alarm: Target a player. You may target yourself. You will be alerted if another action targets this player, but not told who targeted or with what.
-Slay Living: (Day phase only.). Target a player who is 1 vote away from being lynched. They immediately are treated as requiring 1 less vote to be lynched.
-Summoning Rune: Target a player. All players who target that player with non-killing actions this phase will be added to a PT.
General Flavour:
Apocalypse is a magic mod that adds a ton of cool spells. Personally I think it's very nicely balanced while also adding a plethora of tools for a mage to use that otherwise wouldn't exist. Some of the spells are actually more cool than they are useful.
How does the role link with the flavour:
I think this is self-explanatory.
Spoiler: Aeronaut
Hullo Aeronaut! Your role PM is based on Immersive College of Winterhold, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Immersive College of Winterhold
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Mage
Neighbour: You are in a hood with some other guild related mods, linked here.
Roleblocker-Jailkeeper: Once per night, you may target a player to cause any actions they perform that night to fail. If the Wizard path is level 5 or more, they will also be protected from any killing actions.
Leveller: During the night, if the Mage Stone is active, the level of the Wizard path will increase by 1.
General Flavour:
Immersive College of Winterhold is a neat little mod that makes the college more of a college. NPCs actually hang out and practice magic, and there's lots of magical stuff you can look at and learn about to gain experience. It also lets you yield the archmage position at the end of the questline to Tolfdir who is, in almost all cases, far more qualified than the dragonborn to be archmage. Although the mod does also make the room you get as a perk of being the archmage far more enticing. . .
How does the role link with the flavour:
It's all about guilds and growing your magical power.
Spoiler: alimdia
Hullo alimdia! Your role PM is based on Localised Thieves Guild Jobs, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Localised Thieves Guild Jobs
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Thief
Neighbour: You are in a hood with some other guild related mods, linked here.
Tracker-Watcher: Once per night, you may target a player to learn the names of all players they target in that night. If the Stealth Archer path is level 5 or more, you may instead target a player to learn the names of all players who target them.
Leveller: During the night, if the Thief Stone is active, the level of the Stealth Archer path will increase by 1.
General Flavour:
I feel like this mod is a must-have for any playthrough in which you decide to do the Thieves Guild questline. Being able to choose the location in which you get a radiant quest makes the end bit where you have to complete a load of radiant quests in a load of different locations so much less dumb and time-consuming. It also adds some stuff for taking on challenges and completing jobs within a certain amount of time for extra pay, although that can be a bit overpowered in terms of making money.
How does the role link with the flavour:
It's all about guilds and honing your abilities as a thief.
Spoiler: Wake88
Hullo Wake88! Your role PM is based on ESF Companions, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: ESF Companions
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Warrior
Neighbour: You are in a hood with some other guild related mods, linked here.
Bodyguard-Elite Bodyguard: Once per night, you may target a player. If they would be killed, you will be killed instead. If the Board and Sword path is level 5 or more, any attackers will also die.
Leveller: During the night, if the Warrior Stone is active, the level of the Board and Sword path will increase by 1.
General Flavour:
ESF Companions is actually one of my favourite mods because it does some things with the companions that makes them actually fill a crucial role for any warrior playthrough- it adds the ability to spar with the NPCs, allowing you to train your combat skills without any risk. Which makes sense. It's an immersive way of training. And that alone is great, but it also adds some things that were removed from the main release of Skyrim for whatever reason, like some radiant quests and Aela accompanying you on your trial if you did more quests for her.
How does the role link with the flavour:
It's all about guilds and training as a warrior.
Spoiler: TiphaineDeath
Hullo TiphaineDeath! Your role PM is based on Immersive Weapons, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Immersive Weapons
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Warrior
Role: Weaponsmith (Path Cop): Once per night, you may target a player to learn the stone associated with their role PM, if any. If the Warrior Stone is active, you may instead target two players.
General Flavour:
I've always seen Immersive Weapons as a core mod that should always have its place in a load order. The main reason for this is the diversity it brings; no more is it 3 types of one-handed weapon and 3 types of two-handed weapon. Well, actually it still is, but what Immersive Weapons treats as an axe for game reasons is not necessarily an axe.
How does the role link with the flavour:
You can determine what kind of build someone is going for by the weapons they carry.
Spoiler: Sujimichi
Hullo Sujimichi! Your role PM is based on Sneak Tools, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Sneak Tools
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Thief
Vigilante: Once per night, if the Thief Stone is active, you may target a player and kill them.
General Flavour:
Sneak Tools adds things that augment the stealth experience. That ranges from being able to slit throats rather than sneaking up behind someone and doing that three strike power attack with dual daggers to identity concealing masks. Particularly interesting is that the mod allows for extinguishing fires, removing light and making it easier to sneak around.
How does the role link with the flavour:
If you sneak up on somebody and slit their throat, they die.
Spoiler: Zenith
Hullo Zenith! Your role PM is based on Here There Be Monsters- The Call of Cthulhu, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Here There Be Monsters- The Call of Cthulhu
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Mage
Oracle- Once per night, you may ask the mod one of the following questions, filling the blanks with whatever word you like. Player names count as single words. You may only ask each question once.
-Is ____ aligned with ____?
-How many living players have role PMs associated with the ____ stone?
-Is there a ____ in the game?
-How many ____-aligned players are still alive?
-What is ____'s flavour?
If you ask a question, and the mage stone is not active, you will also develop the highest modifier in the following list that you do not already have:
-Macho- If your death would be prevented by another role that targets you, you will still die.
-Confused- You may not fill in blanks with words containing the letter “E”.
-Eccentric- You must receive permission from another player to change your vote, or it will not count. Your first vote each day does not need permission.
-Suicidal- At the end of the day phase, you will die.
General Flavour:
I'm aware you specified “Lovecraftian Horror Mod” but this is the only one I'm aware of. This particular mod takes those Lovecraftian influences from the Dragonborn DLC into a whole different dimension. Several, even.
How does the role link with the flavour:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Spoiler: Blatant Scum
Hullo Blatant Scum! Your role PM is based on Violens, and you are aligned with the town!
Mod: Violens
Alignment: Town
Associated Stone: Warrior
Killmove Settings: Once per night, if the warrior stone is active, you may change one of the following game settings from false to true or vice versa:
-Killing actions cannot be roleblocked- False
-Kill-immune roles (eg bulletproof) are enabled- True
-The factional nightkill has unique kill flavour- False
-Players associated with the Warrior stone can place hammer votes- True
-Players associated with the Thief stone can place hammer votes- True
-Players associated with the Mage stone can place hammer votes- True
Any settings changed will be publicly announced.
General Flavour:
I actually mostly use Violens so that NPCs can't use killmoves on me because I think killmoves are bullshit and always feel cheated by the inability to dodge just because you're low health. But aside from being able to make the player immune to killmoves, Violens has a whole menu full of settings regarding killmove animations and their triggers.
How does the role link with the flavour:
This is self-explanatory.
Last edited by jjh927 on Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
Honestly, I probably should have made the neighbourhood trio's abilities only work when the stone was active, like a few other roles in the game, and have them power up at level 5 to no longer need the stone rather than having a buffed ability
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle
Scum should have had a way of manipulating the stone levels significantly, like one-shot setting them to zero. And I should have gated more town roles behind the stones for needing their actions, so that there wasn't so much ability to stop kills.
But the oracle was balanced. I agree it's in a townsided setup, but it is not the cause of the issue. The main problem is that town have too much ability to stop kills. Gating the hood such that only one of the bodyguard, roleblocker, and tracker could function at once would have solved that. And that and the reset of a stone level would have been all it would take to balance this, but I designed parts of this setup too far apart and tbh made the setup design more difficult to balance by linking things to the stones.
"As best I can tell, jjh is some kind of wizard with mind control powers." -Jingle