1. Post in thread or DM me with any movies you want to watch, it's perfectly fine if they've been suggested before.
2. Every other week I'll select a number of films (randomly but trying to make sure no one's suggestions dominate) and we'll go through a bracket, seeded randomly. Each bracket will last 2 weeks.
3. Each weekend we'll watch one of the top 2 films of the bracket via the voice channel in the MS Discord (IMPORTANT NOTE: You need the movie night role to see the voice channel it takes place in. Just type ?rank Movie Night in the tv-and-movies channel of the MS Discord to get it). I'll make a when2meet to figure out the best time.
Hopefully we'll all get the joy of arguing about/sharing some fun films with each other. Feel free to make any suggestions you think will make this easier/more fun, there is already part of the form that allows new categories to be suggested since if this is a success we will eventually run out of movies.
Film Spreadsheet: