copied from the worst, who mercilessly stole & slightly adapted it from MarioManiac4
also slightly edited for this game (thanks enomis!)
General Rules:
Site Rules apply.
2. You may not quote your role PM, you may not quote any other PMs from me, and you may not quote the time at which I sent you any PM.
This shade of green (#CCFFDD)
is my mod colour. Don't impersonate me.
4. No invisible/small/encrypted text is allowed.
5. If you have a question or concern, or if you think that I may have made an error, do not hesitate to ask in-topic or by PM. Be sure to bold requests directed at me so that I see them.
5. If you break any of these rules, or if I deem it to be appropriate, you could be warned, force-replaced, or modkilled, depending on the severity of what you did.
6. If a player is modkilled, they will die and become a Neutral Survivor resulting in their loss.
7. Please be respectful and kind towards other players. I understand that Mafia can be a heated game sometimes, but there is a line, and if you cross it the game stops being fun. In particular, personal attacks are not allowed.
8. Once you die you may not post anymore.
9. No encryption please. Breadcrumbing is fine, but things like encrypting your role into scrambled text are not. If you have any questions about what does and does not violate this rule, feel free to ask me, and I will answer.
10. Don’t claim scum with another player in a serious manner. I will judge what counts as serious; don't toe the line. Claiming scum by yourself is fine, but please don’t lose the game intentionally by doing so.
11. Don’t work against your win condition.
12. Don’t use provable randomness. Saying “I rolled a dice and it landed on 2” is acceptable; posting a screenshot of you using, or using dice tags, is not acceptable.
13. Use your common sense; I try to include as much as I can but this is probably not an exhaustive list of all things you are not allowed to do.
14. I reserve the right to change any of these rules or any of the time, or make any judgement irregardless of what these rules say (although I will try to follow what I have said here as closely as possible.)
15. The spirit of these rules is what counts, not the exact wording. If you find a loophole in these rules, don't be surprised when I modkill you anyway.
Special Mechanics:
16. The regular voting system does not apply. Instead,
anyone can self-vote in the main thread at any time, instantly treestumping their neighborhood
. Town wins if mafia gets treestumped, mafia wins if all other neighborhoods get treestumped.
17. Votes must use the bold tags or the vote tags, like this:
VOTE: NotAJumbleOfNumbers or this:
Vote: NotAJumbleOfNumbers
. please try and use recognisable names/nicknames wherever possible.
18. Deadlines are 2 weeks long, although I may extend this if I deem it appropriate. If deadline expires without any neighbourhood being treestumped,
19. When a town neighbourhood is treestumped, I will make a mod post about it and the next day will begin after my mod post. You are allowed to post at anytime in this game.
Prodding and Activity:
20. If a player fails to post for 48 consecutive hours, they will be prodded. If that player does not post for another 24 hours after they've been prodded, they'll be replaced.
21. If you are going away, or if you have limited access to the site, notify me by pm or in-topic so that I know not to prod or replace you. The maximum amount of time you may go without posting due to V/LA is 120 hours (five days).