We are absolutely getting rid of NK15 because if we don't that stink is going to be in the air all game and I'm not going to deal with it. If he's somehow actually town he's done more to advance the mafia wincon than any member of the smugglers. The only thing we should be waiting for is setting up an inspection check, and to that extent
absolutely no one else should be voting NK15 yet
- if he's scum he'll be waiting to self-hammer and end the day early. I've gone over the strategy before but I'm going to repeat it here in case anyone skipped my posts:
The port authority should name a pool of 5 players to be inspected, with the goal of hitting scum
We have a limited number of eliminations and I think starting too small is a mistake, hopefully my reasoning becomes clear through this.
If tea is found in that group of 5 players:
- We eliminate one of those players on day 2
We split the pool in half, and re-inspect 2 of those players on day 2
If the d2 elim flips town, we have a tea or no tea result on the second check of 2 players
From there, we have at worst a guaranteed 50/50 to eliminate scum (if it's no tea, we know the smuggler is in the 2 we didn't check)
If we miss on day 2 and day 3, we are guaranteed
a scum elimination on day 4, which is necessary to not lose the game.
As a bonus, we get to actually play mafia and not just follow the clear every day by doing this.
If tea is not found in the group of 5:
- That sucks, but we get to try again.
Iconeum selects a day 2 elimination with input from the clears
This time, we choose a pool of 3 players for inspection
Hopefully, we hit tea this time
If so, we eliminate 1 player on day 3, and inspect in the remaining 2
Once again this means we have 1 guaranteed scum elimination
If we miss on the second check somehow it means the scum were in all the top townreads and we will probably lose and deserve it.
Iconeum should basically just not out any further reads or reasoning at this point, only discussion from it should be inspection strategy. If it has questions I'm willing to answer them.
If anyone has issues with this strategy I want them to speak up now.