- 1. There are many better ways to get information other than voting randomly. The statement made about "voting is the only way for town to make any headway" is both a stretch and an overreaction to a non-issue.
2. SE or not, RVS depends on the type of player you are, it has very little to do with experience itself. There's a good amount of shade being thrown here with the "as an SE, he should know that" statement, and I don't feel like it's warranted. Statements like that should be made based on the player itself (and his/her play style), and not their experience with the game as a whole without any context.
The initial vote was weak, and was dropped without any pressure being thrown from MagikHorse's side.
- If MagikHorse's vote on Frogsterking was (semi-)RVS, then he would've done a reactionary play that caused some amount of pressure onto Frogsterking. This not only would've strengthened everyone's read on Frogsterking, it would've allowed every players in the pool to create discussions and build opinions at a much faster rate. I say this because it's one of the sole reason why you RVS someone. RVS by itself doesn't help anyone, but the reactions and interactions you can create from it can. I'm not saying every (or any) other player in this game did this, however MagikHorse voted Frogsterking with weak reasoning which I would consider a semi-RVS and applicable to everything I just said.
If MagikHorse's vote itself was genuine, then he wouldn't have dropped it so easily. There was very little content from Frogsterking before that unvote that could've caused MagikHorse to vote swap. Because of this, MagikHorse could've caused a lot more pressure onto Frogsterking to solidify his read before potentially voting someone else regardless of if he still scum read Frogsterking or not.