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A callforjudgement 12-player pre-designed setup

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:52 am
by implosion
And while I'm at it I should send this out from 2 weeks ago...

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:34 am
by callforjudgement
Town 2-Shot Watcher
Town Friendly Neighbour
Town 1-Shot Vigilante
Town Neighbouriser
5 Vanilla Townies

Mafia Goon
Informed Mafioso ("This setup contains a Watcher ability")
Mafia Tracker

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:23 pm
by mastina
I think this is probably balanced. 1x vig with no possible failure mechanism = game is guaranteed to get on odds again (since it starts on evens). Vig + friendly neighbor = two conftown. Watcher is gated, but scum knowing it exists mean that they can't just recklessly kill the conftown here.

Just need the roles and then it'd be a /pass from me.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:10 am
by callforjudgement
There is one possible failure mechanism: that the vig gets eliminated D1 without a chance to claim. I don't think that this is at all likely, though (of course, now that I've said that…), and town probably deserve the loss if it happens.

Anyway, role PMs (these assume scum+Neighbour daytalk, which needs to be mentioned in the game rules):

Town 2-Shot WatcherYou are a
Town 2-Shot Watcher

At most once per night, and at most twice total in the game, you may choose a player; assuming no interference with your action, you will learn which other players target your chosen target that night. (You may not target yourself.)

You win when the town is the last remaining faction.
Result PMs
: "Nobody else targeted
last night"; "
last night"; "
last night", etc.; (not possible in this setup, but listed in case you need to answer questions about how the role works) "Your action failed, and received no result".

Town Friendly NeighbourYou are a
Town Friendly Neighbour

Once per night, you may choose a player. Assuming no interference with your action, the moderator will confirm to that player that you are town.

You win when the town is the last remaining faction.
Result PM
: (sent to the Friendly Neighbour's target) "
is town".

Town 1-Shot VigilanteYou are a
Town 1-Shot Vigilante

Once in the game at night, you may choose a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die unless protected.

You win when the town is the last remaining faction.

Town NeighbouriserYou are a
Town Neighbouriser

You have access to
this private topic
. Initially, you are the only player with access to your private topic. You may read it and post to it at any time.

Once per night, you may choose a player. Assuming no interference with your action, your target will be given access to your private topic, and will become able to read it and post to it at any time.

You win when town is the last remaining faction.
Result PMs
: (sent to the Neighbouriser's target) "You have gained access to the following Private Topic:
"; (in the Private Topic) "
now has access to this Private Topic".

Vanilla TownieYou are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no special abilities.

You win when the town is the last remaining faction.

Mafia TrackerYou are a
Mafia Tracker

Your teammates are
(an Informed Mafioso) and
(a Mafia Goon). You may talk to them using
this private topic
, which you may read and post to at any time.

Once per night, if no other member of your faction is performing this action, you may nightkill a player; assuming no interference with your action, that player will die unless protected.
Alternatively, if you are not performing the nightkill that night, you may choose a player; assuming no interference with your action, you will learn who that player targets that night.

You win when the Mafia are the last remaining faction (or nothing can prevent this).
Result PMs
: "
did not target anybody last night"; "
last night"; (not possible in this setup, but listed in case you need to answer questions about how the role works) "Your action failed, and received no result".

Informed MafiosoYou are a
Informed Mafioso

Your teammates are
(a Mafia Tracker) and
(a Mafia Goon). You may talk to them using
this private topic
, which you may read and post to at any time.

You know the following additional information about the setup: "This setup contains a player with a Watcher ability". (A Watcher ability allows its user to choose a player, and learn who else targets that player that Night.)

Once per night, if no other member of your faction is performing this action, you may nightkill a player; assuming no interference with your action, that player will die unless protected.

You win when the Mafia are the last remaining faction (or nothing can prevent this).
Mod notes
: The information in an Informed player's role PM is not part of their role; it works more like an investigation result. As such, if the Informed Mafioso dies, they should flip simply as "Informed Mafioso"; the actual information that they know (including the note about what a Watcher is) should be omitted or redacted.

Mafia GoonYou are a
Mafia Goon

Your teammates are
(a Mafia Tracker) and
(an Informed Mafioso). You may talk to them using
this private topic
, which you may read and post to at any time.

Once per night, if no other member of your faction is performing this action, you may nightkill a player; assuming no interference with your action, that player will die unless protected.

You win when the Mafia are the last remaining faction (or nothing can prevent this).

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:50 am
by callforjudgement
Note to whichever moderator gets this setup: take care to avoid sending people the mod notes / result PMs in addition to the role PMs. It's probably safest to copy-and-paste from the post itself, rather than its source code.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:21 pm
by mastina
I'd like to note on a technicality that both results listed as not possible in this setup (Watcher/Tracker) are in fact possible in this setup (two people can visit one player the watcher is watching; the tracker can track someone which is the result listed as impossible), but obviously otherwise, roles are good, so:

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:39 am
by callforjudgement
The "(not possilble)" result is the no result result (it applies to the result after it, not the result before). There aren't any manipulative roles or modifiers in the setup.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:32 am
by mastina
Ah. My bad, misread the punctuation. :P

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:51 am
by lendunistus
assuming this uses natural action resolution? (this is a normal game so most likely, just wanted to double check)

also, anything else I should know? thanks!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:51 am
by implosion
Yes, normal games use NAR. Most of the time it won't really matter which specific action resolution you're using, though.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:24 pm
by callforjudgement
I keep forgetting to leave extra space between the role PM and mod notes, so take care when copy-and-pasting.