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Post Post #6 (isolation #0) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:33 am

Post by bob3141 »

So close :-(
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Post Post #9 (isolation #1) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:34 am

Post by bob3141 »

Everyone we have one day to quick lynch dong. Lets give him deja vu

VOTE: dong
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Post Post #12 (isolation #2) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:41 am

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thats 5 votes to go. Lets send dong up into space
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Post Post #17 (isolation #3) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:00 am

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slow for me. i thought it was just my computer due to having a game minimized
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Post Post #21 (isolation #4) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 18, Donempire wrote:
In post 11, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: dong

im on board

Here have some ice cream. Or do you want some fruit
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Post Post #26 (isolation #5) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 24, Battle Mage wrote:I'm
vanilla town

there can only be one :-P

VOTE: Battlemage
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Post Post #71 (isolation #6) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

VOTE: dong

up he goes.
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Post Post #83 (isolation #7) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:13 am

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to add little flavour to my rvs.

i suspect dong with the candlestick in the ballroom
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Post Post #85 (isolation #8) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:16 am

Post by bob3141 »

i may or may not be playing cluedo :-P
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Post Post #88 (isolation #9) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:19 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 87, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 85, bob3141 wrote:i may or may not be playing cluedo :-P
i may or may not be playing mafia - sometimes it's hard to tell! :giggle:
well i actualy am :-P
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Post Post #91 (isolation #10) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 89, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 88, bob3141 wrote:
In post 87, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 85, bob3141 wrote:i may or may not be playing cluedo :-P
i may or may not be playing mafia - sometimes it's hard to tell! :giggle:
well i actualy am :-P
how you feelin?
In a multitasking mood
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Post Post #93 (isolation #11) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:27 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 90, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Since this is a board game mafia game I suggest we all fill out this questionnaire:

1) What is your Favorite Board Game?
2) Favorite memory playing Board Games?
3) If you could live in the universe of a Board Game - which one would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island with a few friends - and a large supply of food and water - which one board game would you like to have to play while you wait for rescue?
5) If you could pick one board game to never exist - what would it be?
1 and 2 would have to be cluedo

not sure on the rest

for 4 to be cluedo one i would need lots of paper
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Post Post #212 (isolation #12) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 144, shellyc wrote:
In post 125, Ydrasse wrote:mini, what are your thoughts so far? you answered this but haven't posted anything other than your rvs (?) vote so like, you're reading the thread bare minimum.
prodding lurkers to give their thoughts is an easy way to get towncred, +5 scumpoints here

semi-RVS vote now officially Super Serious
I find it a very NAI thing. scum do it just as often as town. Easy thing for scum to do and normaly town does like lurkers not giving their thoughts as its harder to read them
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Post Post #213 (isolation #13) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:10 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 158, shellyc wrote:besides, if you SR mini for replying to non game related content I think gammas ISO contains the same amount of content

also bob why did you switch from dong -> BM -> dong

All rvs votes.

Last game dong got exe day one before i was in the game.

did no one spot the reference in the bm rvs vote :-P
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Post Post #214 (isolation #14) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:17 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 181, shellyc wrote:Another reason why meta is trash is because you’re aware of it.

I read through launch mob and this is one of your posts
In post 119, Ydrasse wrote:@battle mage: regarding your 110

1) what makes post 31 awkward? i don't really see how it feels out of place.

2) the way you're viewing post 42 feels at odds with your view on post 39. isn't midway outing a towny gutread being liberal with his allegiences?
which is almost verbatim what you’re doing now

pedit: pushing is my go-to way of solving, have faith in my pushes

Meta inst trash. ive used at times to always guess a players alignment. For other players its impossible to read them based on meta.

Unless you first hand played in game then that games meta is always useless to you.
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Post Post #217 (isolation #15) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:59 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 216, shellyc wrote:@bob whats your thoughts on osuka/pooky/bm slots
Still all null. As its to early in the day to say for sure.
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Post Post #219 (isolation #16) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:05 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 149, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 144, shellyc wrote:
In post 125, Ydrasse wrote:mini, what are your thoughts so far? you answered this but haven't posted anything other than your rvs (?) vote so like, you're reading the thread bare minimum.
prodding lurkers to give their thoughts is an easy way to get towncred, +5 scumpoints here

semi-RVS vote now officially Super Serious
it's not the fact that she's lurking so much as the fact that the single post she replied to wasn't game related (sorry pooky to your questions).

i've played with her before and know that she's low-activity (or was) so that's not my issue.
But why question him over others. He might not have posted much but based on the time thats understandable.

Why ask some that is unlikely to even be upto date on the thread. Over those that had been posting and just lolchatting?
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Post Post #221 (isolation #17) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:06 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 218, shellyc wrote:hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

do you have a single read

I like to be right :-P
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Post Post #222 (isolation #18) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 220, shellyc wrote:uhhh bob who are you referring to though?
mean in the above post?

If so askign yads, why the choice in player
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Post Post #223 (isolation #19) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

Anyway shelly i normaly just town hunt for the first few games of a day. Not till half way through day one do i normaly start scum hunting
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Post Post #235 (isolation #20) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:35 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a
weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says
. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

explain the bold. As i dont see her distancing from her own reads. At most shelly is saying that she trust me when i say that the start of day one is best used to town hunt.
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Post Post #236 (isolation #21) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:35 am

Post by bob3141 »

I know its the same quote taylor :-P but im askign on i diiferent point of it
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Post Post #246 (isolation #22) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:47 am

Post by bob3141 »

Interesting that so far no wagon has surpassed the dong wagon. Even though the dong wagon was only a rvs wagon. With all other wagons sitting at oneish vote and a fair few of them at that
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Post Post #247 (isolation #23) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:48 am

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well apart from shelly and yds which are both at 2 votes. But still all the wagons have been non events
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Post Post #356 (isolation #24) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:39 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 281, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 152, shellyc wrote:no I don’t believe that at all

VOTE: Ydrasse

VOTE: Ydrasse

VOTE: Ydrasse

I hardclaim town multitasking triplevoter jailkeeper vigilante daycop and ydrasse returned red
Nope. I dont like this. To me doesnt seem very townlike
In post 286, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 192, shellyc wrote:as scum it is possible to win by fluffposting and exaggerating your contributions to the gamestate. and posting pages of lamisty stuff. ive done that once

pedit: hyperbole isnt a very good strategy either
This is what you seem to be doing

VOTE: Shelly
feels like a stretch
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Post Post #357 (isolation #25) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:40 pm

Post by bob3141 »

at the momet i feel shelly can go in the town pile
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Post Post #358 (isolation #26) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:51 pm

Post by bob3141 »

The stale wagons most likely mean that scum really have not been throwing their votes around. If scum had been pushing to form wagons we would have got wagons as they can form even from all town votes. So by vote count 1.2 i would say shelly is town as she has failed to make any headway on forming a true wagon. Could also indicate that dong is town too as otherwise scum would have likely gravitated towards it. If it was town + scum, it would have probably got picked up a third vote.

No at that point could the shelly wagon be the same. With the wagon situation no way are both osuka and pooky scum. So at least one town in that bunch. Now this wagon has since picked up another vote from 2 more votes. Which most likely makes this scum motivated wagon.

Osuka, pooky, golden, mini

Now. Is it composed of one or two scum. On that point i think it's too early to say.
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Post Post #362 (isolation #27) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:59 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 361, shellyc wrote:@bob according to your wagonomics what do you think ydrasses alignment is? I see no comment about ydrasse there

I’m thinking if this is a warlock or something with the hostility towards me hmmmmm

I think im 5dchessing myself here but spitballing my thoughts, the effort from bob with analysis is probably town!AI
nothing can realy be determined alignment based on current gamstate. could go either way. Scum not pushing scum or scum choosing to push another town wagon are equally likely
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Post Post #368 (isolation #28) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:11 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 366, Battle Mage wrote:nah I changed my mind. UNVOTE:

also, did you win mini normal 2148?

why do you ask bm. As i thought you would know that one. After all it was game you were scum too :-P
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Post Post #370 (isolation #29) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

we won
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Post Post #378 (isolation #30) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:19 am

Post by bob3141 »

No counter wagon formed. If shelly was scum you woudl expect a wagon to hit 3. Which is a sign that the player is scum.

Lone wagon. either means hard bussed or town
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Post Post #381 (isolation #31) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:51 am

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Post Post #382 (isolation #32) » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:52 am

Post by bob3141 »

For now i think this vote will give me the most info on wagonomics. Its not just gambles fallcy BM :-P
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Post Post #493 (isolation #33) » Fri Oct 09, 2020 8:37 am

Post by bob3141 »

Well this is a nice start to day 2. Although i will not eb able to get hatrick this game it is nice to see i was right on GTP. Was where i was goign to start today pushing
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Post Post #498 (isolation #34) » Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

weak read but im inclined to think that yds was not same alignment as golden

just based on who he was givign reads on. gut says he didnt mention a read on his partner
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Post Post #499 (isolation #35) » Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 497, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 486, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: TGP's flip should indicate the wagon was heavily scum-driven - I think that's more likely in the scenario that Ydrasse is town rather than mafia as there's no reason for mafia to want to escalate Ydra/Shelly if it was T/S.
i didn't draw that conclusion about TGP's flip.

I'm guessing there's some weird rules in this game where scum can kill their teammates? or a vig i guess, but less likely...

No-elim then? :lol:
if no-elim i think the only players that would be bold enough to do that on day one would be flav

otherwise we have somesort of town role but not doc. since a scum doc is confirmed it has to be somethign else.
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Post Post #501 (isolation #36) » Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

why not

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Post Post #502 (isolation #37) » Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

VOTE: gamma
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Post Post #602 (isolation #38) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:00 am

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gut says flav is town here
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Post Post #624 (isolation #39) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:19 am

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VOTE: taylor swift
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Post Post #625 (isolation #40) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:19 am

Post by bob3141 »

bm you got emoji for that one :-P
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Post Post #626 (isolation #41) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:24 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 621, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 619, JohnnyFarrar wrote:So like I'm clearly seeing bitterness here and I don't follow the BM suspicion here as easily as I do the taylor, but BM is there a point to this bitterness? Are you actually accusing Flavor of being scum here or just wrong?
No bitterness man, it's just a bit lame whenever someone is spamming the thread tunnelling you for no reason, but presenting it as if they are scumhunting.

I suppose I'm accusing him of being unclear in terms of the reasons for his suspicions, failing to make an active effort to engage with me, and instead spamming the thread with either propaganda of "BM is scum", or making further hypotheses which rely on the false presumption that I'm scum, all of which are unhelpful and not pro-town.

I think my only previous game with Flavor Leaf he declared he "didn't do Day 1", and then died N1. But he's reputed as a good player. This is not good stuff, so yeah I'm gonna go with possible scum.

I see you hedged your own bets above, so appears you are not averse to elimming me? do tell me why

VOTE: Flavor Leaf

I'm not sold on Taylor-scum, but fine flipping her to keep the game moving. At least with taylor, she tunnels me but is perfectly clear that she is doing it baselessly.
so you scum read him for tunneling you?

So what makes you think he couldnt simply be a town player who is wrongly scum reading you. As such things will happen to any players.
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Post Post #628 (isolation #42) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:29 am

Post by bob3141 »

you say it not pro-town but that doesnt preclude it coming from town. Nothing you post actual says why you think flav is scum. at most it says that you think his push on you is anti-town. which can be done by town and scum. So why does what you claim to not be pro town behaviour lead you to the conclusion that flav is scum? As Opposed to another towny tunneling on you
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Post Post #629 (isolation #43) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:29 am

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above at BM
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Post Post #630 (isolation #44) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:32 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 357, bob3141 wrote:at the momet i feel shelly can go in the town pile
In post 378, bob3141 wrote:No counter wagon formed. If shelly was scum you woudl expect a wagon to hit 3. Which is a sign that the player is scum.

Lone wagon. either means hard bussed or town
In post 379, Battle Mage wrote:ah screw it, nothing else is happening. and i dont agree with reasoning above - unopposed wagon like that flips scum a lot.

VOTE: shelly

Battlemage what did you think of my posts that is stated that shelly was highly likely town there. Before the point you vote shelly
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Post Post #631 (isolation #45) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:32 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 358, bob3141 wrote:The stale wagons most likely mean that scum really have not been throwing their votes around. If scum had been pushing to form wagons we would have got wagons as they can form even from all town votes. So by vote count 1.2 i would say shelly is town as she has failed to make any headway on forming a true wagon. Could also indicate that dong is town too as otherwise scum would have likely gravitated towards it. If it was town + scum, it would have probably got picked up a third vote.

No at that point could the shelly wagon be the same. With the wagon situation no way are both osuka and pooky scum. So at least one town in that bunch. Now this wagon has since picked up another vote from 2 more votes. Which most likely makes this scum motivated wagon.

Osuka, pooky, golden, mini

Now. Is it composed of one or two scum. On that point i think it's too early to say.
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Post Post #638 (isolation #46) » Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:09 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 636, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 628, bob3141 wrote:you say it not pro-town but that doesnt preclude it coming from town. Nothing you post actual says why you think flav is scum. at most it says that you think his push on you is anti-town. which can be done by town and scum. So why does what you claim to not be pro town behaviour lead you to the conclusion that flav is scum? As Opposed to another towny tunneling on you
I literally answered this question in the post you are responding to - I'm not going to repeat it again.

I'm baffled that 2 players here are perfectly happy with the position that Flavor Leaf is misguided town, but I haven't seen any evidence of them challenging him directly on it. Instead, they argue with me about whether or not I can think he's scummy for pushing weak arguments and not engaging with people he wants to sort. That's unapologetically scummy, and I ain't buying the shit that Flavor Leaf is just anti-town and it's NAI as a defence.

Instead, I think jumping on the phrase "anti-town" as a crutch to defend Flavor Leaf from little old me, without really giving much regard to ones own suspicion or perspective, is itself scummy.

So yeah, I'll go out on a limb and say plenty of people I'd flip today rather than a policy-elim on Taylor.

i find its best to not risk givign fuel to a scum flav. First see if you can smell oil and to be honest i dont really smell any oil
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Post Post #814 (isolation #47) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:23 am

Post by bob3141 »

interesting no one bite taylor
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Post Post #819 (isolation #48) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

osuka, Ydrasse, PookyTheMagicalBear, MiniMegabyte, arachnidsGrip

all need to pick a place for their vote
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Post Post #820 (isolation #49) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:24 am

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or atleast say if they are againmst or for taylor. or anythign else.
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Post Post #822 (isolation #50) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:01 am

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im mafiascum burnt out. taking a few days rest
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Post Post #823 (isolation #51) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:02 am

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personly im suprised nothing has happened after i probbed your wagon. no more votes nor any counter wagon.
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Post Post #836 (isolation #52) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:02 pm

Post by bob3141 »

taylor ok you think flav is scum. If he is scum and you town. You will be playing into his hands.

based on gtp actions who do you think his buddies could be. And based on day one as well, who do you think the last 2 scum are
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Post Post #837 (isolation #53) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:04 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 831, Flavor Leaf wrote:I’ve already contemplated it.

I’m not gonna recommend me get vigged.

If you’re town, I especially shouldn’t get vigged, because that’s 2 towns down.

unless you are scum :-P

Last time you being vigged worked a charm. Not that i recommend you being vigged
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Post Post #840 (isolation #54) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:17 pm

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If scum hasnt taken the bait already i doubt they will with my vote left on taylor
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Post Post #841 (isolation #55) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:18 pm

Post by bob3141 »

all of gtp early interactions were heavily bm an taylor.

dong wagon -taylor, bm, gtp

unlikely the entire scum team would sit on one wagon. so if taylor is scum then that means a town bm. and vica versa
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Post Post #842 (isolation #56) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:18 pm

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so bm/taylor not partners
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Post Post #994 (isolation #57) » Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:55 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 916, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 912, Creature wrote:Also isn't roleblocker pretty good against vigs already?
Yeah, it blocks my actions.

On top of scum having a doctor. :lol:

Like scum knew there was a Vigilante this game based on the doctor, and scum decided to doc someone who wasn’t Golden.

So it had to have been someone more likely to be vigged than Golden.

your assuming the doc is unlimited. Why ive taken your taylor push with pinch of salt. Last game with scum doc and vig i which you where a gunsmith backup. The doc was onyl one shot.

Would scum use the doc day one or leave it to day 2 ect
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Post Post #995 (isolation #58) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:00 am

Post by bob3141 »

if we have rb type role they prob should claim. with us just lynching who they targeted.

i doubt we have a doc. maybe jailkeeper or babysitter. others rolestopper and roleblocker. Reason i doubt we have doc is simply because i feel setup designers would find scum and town having a doc a little dull

out of those only a town roleblock should claim. Unless they are jailkeeper and think the player they jailed was unlikely to be nk by scum.
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Post Post #1019 (isolation #59) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:10 am

Post by bob3141 »

we not going to be doing any mass claiming today. Its just plain stupid

Although there might little value in scum knowing my role. There are countless roles that they benifit from knowing. You cant get more anti town than mass claim at lylo-3
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Post Post #1020 (isolation #60) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:16 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1012, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1010, Creature wrote:I'm kinda unhappy with bob because when I saw him post his posts seemed somewhat forced.
Yeah, Bob got unnaturally scummy after the Taylor vs Flavor.

I think he could be scum who was about to set up for the momentum to go towards me.

Because let’s be honest, the momentum was swinging towards me.

Taylor, BM, Bob, Osuka, and Creature were all ready to vote me. Don’t act like you werent

see now im starting to smell oil. You twist the gamestate to try and portray that you were under attack. When that coulnt be further from the truth. You falsely say 5 players were ready to vote you as sign your right. When at bare min 3 of the names you list must be town. If you are the town vig. Then quite simply cause 2 night kill n2. Mr ego :-P
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Post Post #1021 (isolation #61) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:17 am

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Flav you know allot about setups. would miller exist in game without a cop? So if no cop flips or claims in teh game, what does that mean for johnny
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Post Post #1026 (isolation #62) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:33 am

Post by bob3141 »

Mr ego. show where i was plannign to vote you :-P

And not saying no to flav lynch day 2. And no to flav nk n2. See, thats one of your list of 5 you lied about. if you are the vig your just trying to make your self feel important.

Plain and simply you tend to die by you won admission as town. And never bus you partners. So it always easier to lynch other scum first
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Post Post #1027 (isolation #63) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:33 am

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In post 1025, Flavor Leaf wrote:ScumBob GoonPants

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Post Post #1028 (isolation #64) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:34 am

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In post 1023, Flavor Leaf wrote:Eh, Miller can exist without cop.

That’s another reason we should mass claim here, though

who said anything about a cop not existing?
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Post Post #1030 (isolation #65) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:37 am

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4 ish pr. 4 nights left and 4 scum motivated nks.

allows scum to know who and what to do during the night.
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Post Post #1031 (isolation #66) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:42 am

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Flav here is question for you. What do you think of osuka?
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Post Post #1032 (isolation #67) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:44 am

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Im suprised you have not been hunting for who is trying to find out if scum were blocked or someone was protected.
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Post Post #1041 (isolation #68) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:50 am

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In post 1035, Flavor Leaf wrote:VOTE: Bob

I’m just trying to mass claim here.

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Post Post #1044 (isolation #69) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:53 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1042, Flavor Leaf wrote:Like I’m literally gonna shoot someone who could just be conf town.

Then dont :-P

just remember how the vig killed both the gunsmith and teh gunsmith backup in a game similar to this. Then killed skitter obvous town.
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Post Post #1045 (isolation #70) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:56 am

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was when you were that gunsmith backup that time
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Post Post #1049 (isolation #71) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:00 am

Post by bob3141 »

we shoudl all give ourselves nicknames. taht why "psycho analyzing " them in the night to not hit a town power role.

who wanst to be mr.smith
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Post Post #1050 (isolation #72) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:02 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1048, Flavor Leaf wrote:Bob’s trying to stop mass claim, Taylor is down to claim, but she doesn’t understand why it’s beneficial, which I see as semi townie.

Bob seems like he’s trying to save his own skin
you just want a mass claim to stop your ego getting hurt :-P

you have bragged about killing obvous scum golden. And dont want to kill a pr
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Post Post #1053 (isolation #73) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:09 am

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now hit a scum n2 without killing a town pr. Lets call them mr.smith,, and you Mr.shooty
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Post Post #1054 (isolation #74) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:09 am

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In post 1052, Battle Mage wrote:we're massclamming? lol better catch up i guess

no we need to troll flav
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Post Post #1057 (isolation #75) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:11 am

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flav hs been chewing to much gum. Or atleast his other avator has been
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Post Post #1060 (isolation #76) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:12 am

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In post 1051, Tayl0r Swift wrote:bob i think you should claim.

not claiming. atleast not till last
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Post Post #1061 (isolation #77) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:12 am

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i want flav to guess my role first
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Post Post #1066 (isolation #78) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1059, Battle Mage wrote:gimme the scoop everyone still just blindly doing everything Flavor leaf says? :lol:
pretty much.

Flav as town is highly opinionated. And can be very wrong at times even getting obvous town lynched at times. Thing to remember is that by his own admission his strength is that he reevaluates and not his reads.

if he had shot town. he would be doing teh same song and dance. And its not hard to kill golden. if i had an action i would have seen golden as waste. Either a vig kills him, someelse checks or he is lynched day 2
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Post Post #1069 (isolation #79) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:20 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 235, bob3141 wrote:
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a
weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says
. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

explain the bold. As i dont see her distancing from her own reads. At most shelly is saying that she trust me when i say that the start of day one is best used to town hunt.

I wanted him day one. why did you all go and lynch obvous town shelly day one :-P
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Post Post #1070 (isolation #80) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:22 am

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In post 1068, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 1065, Battle Mage wrote:if he is a vig, im not sure why he'd claim here? just get himself killed for no reason? eh nobody cc'd?

also if he is a vig, that's not good news for town
he says he did it cuz massive pressure was coming his way from nowhere.

I think he did it cuz he likes waving his gun around (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

prety much. It would be so funny if he shot a town pr at nigth that had been waving his role infront of his nose
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Post Post #1073 (isolation #81) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:23 am

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VOTE: Osuka

Now one is allowed to vote the worst :-P
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Post Post #1076 (isolation #82) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:25 am

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In post 1075, osuka wrote:
In post 1012, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1010, Creature wrote:I'm kinda unhappy with bob because when I saw him post his posts seemed somewhat forced.
Yeah, Bob got unnaturally scummy after the Taylor vs Flavor.

I think he could be scum who was about to set up for the momentum to go towards me.

Because let’s be honest, the momentum was swinging towards me.

Taylor, BM, Bob, Osuka, and Creature were all ready to vote me. Don’t act like you werent
this is false and really weird
Are you after some of his gum? :-P
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Post Post #1091 (isolation #83) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:42 am

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In post 1086, Battle Mage wrote:is bob being voted just cause he didnt massclaim? lol this game... :facepalm:
prety much. and voting me up will not get me to claim lol

Day two if they want me. They will have to do it blind. NOt putting up with this nonsense.

BM. im not bob now, Im Mr.smith and i like chewing gum
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Post Post #1092 (isolation #84) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:43 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1087, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i dont even get the point of crumbing miller

arent u just supposed to come out and claim it asap so the cop knows not to waste a shot on you

prob just a scum trying to see if there is a cop
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Post Post #1093 (isolation #85) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:47 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1080, Battle Mage wrote:Gamma, please do tell me how me being bored as fk by ppl tunnelling me for no reason is scummy.

join the troll army, join the troll army :-P
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Post Post #1094 (isolation #86) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:48 am

Post by bob3141 »

ok my role

compulsive loyal vig :-P

I tried to shoot osuka and he is still alive so must be scum.

Im not making this up. This is a serous role
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Post Post #1102 (isolation #87) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:53 am

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you got me im scum my role is

compulsive unfriendly Neighbor

each night i have tell one town player im scum :-P
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Post Post #1108 (isolation #88) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:56 am

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no wait im compulsive loyal goon

i can only shoot other mafia members. It wa actualy me that killed golden
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Post Post #1109 (isolation #89) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:57 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1107, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1102, bob3141 wrote:you got me im scum my role is

compulsive unfriendly Neighbor

each night i have tell one town player im scum :-P
mate this game is hard work, please dont make it harder for me.
In post 1103, JohnnyFarrar wrote:
In post 50, Donempire wrote:By the way, im scum! After a year in rehab, MS moderators finally found it fit to give me scum. I hope i'll have a wondrous experience deceiving all of you, even the ones i like!
you think that's a miller crumb!? :eek:

ill stop when flav can tell me my role
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Post Post #1111 (isolation #90) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:58 am

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i tried to nk gamma n1 but my gun wouldnt work. ill have to send it back to teh workshop
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Post Post #1114 (isolation #91) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:00 am

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In post 1112, osuka wrote:
In post 1094, bob3141 wrote:ok my role

compulsive loyal vig :-P

I tried to shoot osuka and he is still alive so must be scum.

Im not making this up. This is a serous role
lol what the fuck

are you seriously trying to tell me there are two vigs in this game, and one of them is loyal? nice try
acnt take a joke can you. Scum are always to serous :-P
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Post Post #1116 (isolation #92) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:01 am

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let me see your gun. so i can tell you why you misfired last night. You dont want gamma gettign away again :-P
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Post Post #1117 (isolation #93) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:02 am

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im actual loyal vengful town
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Post Post #1119 (isolation #94) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:03 am

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i have gun and i dont know how to use it
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Post Post #1120 (isolation #95) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:03 am

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In post 1118, Battle Mage wrote:are you having a breakdown?

na just not being serous.

ive just crumbed my role 20 times
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Post Post #1121 (isolation #96) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:03 am

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since flav started this mass claim nonsense
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Post Post #1126 (isolation #97) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:07 am

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i would rather vote osuka. He left his vote on shelly even though it was only rvs vote.

And looks like he has been hunting for the reason there nightkill failed n1
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Post Post #1127 (isolation #98) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:08 am

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uses a clear joke to justify his vote on me.

Been thing up bast roles up all day for lols.
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Post Post #1128 (isolation #99) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:17 am

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In post 1104, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1078, osuka wrote:as weird as fl has been lately, there may be merit to a massclaim. the problem is, there are plenty of fake claims to make (such as cop, since theres a claimed miller and town cop is not guaranteed).

why do other people think massclaim is a good idea?
And just when you get scummy, you get townie right back again.

And I AM weird. I’m an actor, writer, director, not by choice. I know how to play the game of Mafia well, though.

Tell me then. Why would scum be against a mass claim. Their night one kill failed. They are going to want to know why. Mass calim does exactly that.

Allows them to kill the one responsible. Next night kills you after you kill either kill town or scum.

Then the investigative roles.

Then if n1 was a protection. the protected player or any clears
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Post Post #1132 (isolation #100) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:26 am

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i think there should be rule that taylor has to write all her posts in the form of lyrics
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Post Post #1133 (isolation #101) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:26 am

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In post 1130, Tayl0r Swift wrote:ok bob who claims next?

Ive not claimed yet?

but why not bm and you
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Post Post #1136 (isolation #102) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:28 am

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yes you did :-P

got something to write on another site and ill be back to making awful roles to have as scum and town
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Post Post #1137 (isolation #103) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:29 am

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Im a scum simple pt cop
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Post Post #1138 (isolation #104) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:30 am

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or a loyal town Detective
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Post Post #1140 (isolation #105) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:32 am

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Post Post #1141 (isolation #106) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:35 am

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im a simple VT or am I
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Post Post #1143 (isolation #107) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:37 am

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im all out of icecream, come back tommorrow for any fruit

BM did you get any fruiot last night
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Post Post #1144 (isolation #108) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:37 am

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im loyal fruit vendor
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Post Post #1146 (isolation #109) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:45 am

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In post 1145, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1144, bob3141 wrote:im loyal fruit vendor
well, partly

how did you guess i was fruit vendor
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Post Post #1150 (isolation #110) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:58 am

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In post 1147, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 21, bob3141 wrote:
In post 18, Donempire wrote:
In post 11, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: dong

im on board

Here have some ice cream. Or do you want some fruit

i dont crumb day one. If you think you have seen a crumb then it would not of been on purpose
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Post Post #1151 (isolation #111) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:15 am

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So taylor when did you find that crumb. or atleast find the post that wasnt a crumb
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Post Post #1155 (isolation #112) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:54 am

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In post 1154, osuka wrote:
In post 1132, bob3141 wrote:i think there should be rule that taylor has to write all her posts in the form of lyrics
i think there should be a rule you have to write all your posts in english. half of them are indecipherable

rien que pour vous j'écrirai mes articles en français. gracieuseté de google translate
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Post Post #1158 (isolation #113) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:43 pm

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Anyway BM when your back

we need to know your role and if you got any fruit n1
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Post Post #1163 (isolation #114) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:52 pm

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1162, Tayl0r Swift wrote:bob thats not the only crumb i saw from you day 1 on a reread. hmm i dont like that youre saying they werent real crumbs.
There are something like 20ish crumb in day two for my role. Anything in day one would just be me lolchatting

i will not say more before BM answer though
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Post Post #1179 (isolation #115) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:22 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1173, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1158, bob3141 wrote:Anyway BM when your back

we need to know your role and if you got any fruit n1
i didnt get any fruit, and i'm a vanilla townie

right answer. I didnt send you any :-P

although your delayed reaction isnt as clearing as quick one would have been. But atleast i got read from taylors reaction.

but based on taylor's reaction i doubt she is scum. If you are VT and taylor scum. She would of expected the result and thus wouldn't have bothered to make pointed posts towards you
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Post Post #1182 (isolation #116) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:27 am

Post by bob3141 »

those who shrugged at that whole thing have higher scum equity scum. As they would seen the thing as nonissue. They would know bM received or nor received fruit. So they would have expect BM to say fruit and not no fruit.
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Post Post #1193 (isolation #117) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:37 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1181, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1179, bob3141 wrote:
In post 1173, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1158, bob3141 wrote:Anyway BM when your back

we need to know your role and if you got any fruit n1
i didnt get any fruit, and i'm a vanilla townie

right answer. I didnt send you any :-P

although your delayed reaction isnt as clearing as quick one would have been. But atleast i got read from taylors reaction.

but based on taylor's reaction i doubt she is scum. If you are VT and taylor scum. She would of expected the result and thus wouldn't have bothered to make pointed posts towards you
help me out brother:

what the fk is your actual claim?

why is anyone claiming?

why would anyone think i'm scum?

why would taylor's posts indicate she is town? she already committed to a "BM is scum or I'm scum" position, so she could hardly backtrack whatever I claimed.

what the fk is going on?

Flav claimed vig and is trying to get everyone to claim so he doesnt shoot a town pr. And like usual he tried to push things through. He can be a real opinionated townie and get things very wrong at times with his intial pushes/execs.

My actual role im keeping to my chest a bit longer. Normaly i wouldnt even crumb till later in the game but since flav wants to out everyone i dropped a few teasers.
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Post Post #1194 (isolation #118) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:38 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1192, Tayl0r Swift wrote:bob if fruit vendor isnt actually part of your role then i think you should claim properly. im a gated tracker. can elaborate, but not until more people claim.

ydrasse, you claim next please.
whats my alias this game :-P
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Post Post #1199 (isolation #119) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:41 am

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im trying to eat a scum nk
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Post Post #1202 (isolation #120) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:42 am

Post by bob3141 »

did you get any useful result taylor
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Post Post #1214 (isolation #121) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:18 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1210, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1207, Battle Mage wrote:she still hasnt defended her claim of a guilty on me, and with her roleclaim, i think she's busted. unless she's lying as town i guess.
when did i say i have a guilty on you. youre confscum in the scenario FL laid out where one of us is scum. i was already scumreading you, so confbiased that theory as correct. wtf are you on about dude.

Always a bad idea to blindly sheep flav. At times he can be very opinionated and very wrong at times. Always take him with pinch of salt. So never treat him as if he is always right as no one ever is.
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Post Post #1513 (isolation #122) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:26 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1305, Flavor Leaf wrote:He’s a Gunsmith of sorts.

I dont think i could of been more obvious. Ive been calling myself Mr.smith and keep saying that you have gum. :-P and that BM has no gum.

Even told you, dont shoot the gunsmith wink wink
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Post Post #1515 (isolation #123) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:36 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1514, Creature wrote:
In post 1513, bob3141 wrote:and keep saying that you have gum. and that BM has no gum.
Which it is?

??? are you serous

flav claimed vig. vigs have guns aka gum

checked BM yesterday. was going to do golden n1 but choose to just get him lynched instead.

im full gunsmith
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Post Post #1516 (isolation #124) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:38 am

Post by bob3141 »

im fine with osuka or creater today. as they are my two scum picks
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Post Post #1520 (isolation #125) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:42 am

Post by bob3141 »

This is the thing we have learnt nothing new from this mass claim. We outed every town pr in exchange for knowing all the players we thought were town are town
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Post Post #1582 (isolation #126) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:36 am

Post by bob3141 »

im always against mass claiming until lylo-1 :-P
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Post Post #1584 (isolation #127) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:37 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1581, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1577, Flavor Leaf wrote:I do reads black and white like most people.

I just have an ever evolving reads. I have won games specifically because I scum read someone who I always scum read when they are town, and i used that to hit actual scum, so don’t look at it in a black and white sense.

I also pushed you right when i joined in the game and didn’t have a full field of view. Mass claim did exactly what I thought it had potential to do.

Luck is a skill of mine.
i'll give the devil his due, if you're right it is incredible luck.

but i'm afraid i don't believe you "have an ever evolving reads". you admitted yourself you havent moved away from your original read when you first joined.

that is how flav plays.
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Post Post #1587 (isolation #128) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:38 am

Post by bob3141 »

one thing we can know for sure is that flav would never nk a scum buddy even if it was allowed. Flav prefers to be first scum to be execd and is hard against bussing
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Post Post #1592 (isolation #129) » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:40 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1588, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1582, bob3141 wrote:im always against mass claiming until lylo-1 :-P
I understand. We got a mech break here, though!

How do we handle if Taylor is scum?

Actually, you will start clearing people as not partners if we hit a non doc again with you.

i prob dont make it to day 3 unless osuka is the goon :-(
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Post Post #1718 (isolation #130) » Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:13 am

Post by bob3141 »

targeted taylor and she has no gun
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Post Post #1724 (isolation #131) » Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:07 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1720, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1719, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1718, bob3141 wrote:targeted taylor and she has no gun
if youd just asked i would have told you that
im surprised Bob targetted you. from his POV, wouldn't you be most likely to be Mafia Doctor anyway? Just by virtue of being the only so-called "unconfirmed PR". I'm assuming mafia doc here has a slightly higher propensity to claim PR as a deterrent.
didnt really put much thought into it.

happy to start day 3 with me pointing that i was 100% rigth that bm and taylor are never partners :-P
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Post Post #1733 (isolation #132) » Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:51 am

Post by bob3141 »

In post 1725, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1724, bob3141 wrote:
In post 1720, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1719, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1718, bob3141 wrote:targeted taylor and she has no gun
if youd just asked i would have told you that
im surprised Bob targetted you. from his POV, wouldn't you be most likely to be Mafia Doctor anyway? Just by virtue of being the only so-called "unconfirmed PR". I'm assuming mafia doc here has a slightly higher propensity to claim PR as a deterrent.
didnt really put much thought into it.

happy to start day 3 with me pointing that i was 100% rigth that bm and taylor are never partners :-P
ok can you vote for someone please?
whats the rush :-P

i know its bad habit but i do always tend to delay voting until mid day. like to have 2-3 days to think on my vote.
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Post Post #1868 (isolation #133) » Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:48 am

Post by bob3141 »

im fine with gamma lynch today

VOTE: Gamma

Feel this game is pretty poe game
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Post Post #2323 (isolation #134) » Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:41 am

Post by bob3141 »

suprised no one spotted yds. Thought after my kill he was obvous scum as scum never kills me there before any protective during n3. My role dont threaten the doc so its not worth the risk of no kill. Ontop of the fact that town never has the same roles as scum and we had confirmed scum doc. odds some would design a boring setup like that is low.