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Death Curse

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:06 am
by Hectic
Death Curse

Comod: Nero Cain
Reviewed by: callforjudgement, Isis


Anyone who gazes upon the scroll of the
Death Curse
will meet an untimely and gruesome demise.


Toogeloo - Town
Vaxkiller - Town
Hopkirk - Town

Fredrick A Campbell - Mafia

Lady Lambdadelta - Town
Theta Alpine - Town

shellyc - Mafia


Dripping Goofball - Mafia

Titus - Mafia

Tayl0r Swift - Town

Adorable - Town

Flea The Magician - Town
Gloria Cleary - Town
UNOwen - Town

Bell - Town

Fidget - Town

PookyTheMagicalBear - Town

Noraa - Mafia

Game Events
Many people have been scrolled.

  • PenguinPower
  • skitter30
  • Andycyca
  • Gypyx
  • Chemist1422
  • Cabd
  • fferyllt
  • Syryana
  • Ydrasse
  • petapan
  • Kanna
  • Flopz
  • Krazy
  • Infinity 324

Spoiler: Ruleset
The Rules
    • All site-wide rules apply. Read and respect them.
    • There is no personal communication outside the forum postings (regarding this game) unless your role specifically allows it.
    • Do not quote your Role PM or any private communication (either real or fabricated) with the moderator, co-moderator, backup-moderator, or fellow players. Paraphrasing your Role PM is acceptable.
    • Be courteous and respectful to all your fellow players and the moderating team.
    • Play to your Win Condition.
    • Each Day Phase shall have a deadline.
    • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: PlayerName or
      Vote: PlayerName
      , or they shall not be counted. Abbreviating someone's name is acceptable, so long as I can discern who you were voting for without trouble. If I think it should count as a vote, it will.
    • Unvoting is not required, but is much appreciated.
    • Please post at least once every 36 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. If you fail to respond to said prod within 36 hours, you will be replaced.
    • If you get three or more prods, or fail to respond to a prod by posting in thread within 36 hours (or by PM if at Night), I will begin seeking for a replacement (this means the third prod functions like a notice that you are racing the search for your replacement.)
    • A deadline extension may or may not be granted; just ask.
    • Votes and Unvotes shall not count in Twilight.
    • Do not quote your Role PM or any private communication (either real or fabricated) with the moderator, co-moderator, or backup-moderator. Paraphrasing your Role PM is acceptable.
    • There is to be no personal communication outside the forum postings (regarding this game) unless your role specifically allows it.
    • The following is a list of outlawed shenanigans:
      • Using invisible text, codes, cryptography, etc.
      • Editing your posts (if you have the power to do so)
      • Insulting other players
      • Quoting any PTs you may have access to
    • If any of these offences are committed, I have the right to force-replace you from the game, or, with Listmod permission, modkill you.
    • This is a game. Have fun, and keep the game fun for other people. This might be the most important rule.
    • My mod colour is
      ; don't use it.
    • Feel free to address me in-thread, but if there is a large egregious mistake please PM Hectic. Small matters like errors in the votecount can be posted in-thread.
    • I have the final say on any issue.
    • I have the right to edit this Ruleset at any time.

5 Mafia

15 Town

Nightless. Mafia have daytalk.
Each day, players vote to give someone a scroll containing a death curse. That person must pass the scroll to a second person, who must pass it to a third. Then, the 3 players who came in contact with the scroll simultaneously die and are flipped.
Mafia have a factional 1-shot private dayvig that they may use at any time. It may not be used on a player currently holding a scroll.

Scroll phases repeat until mafia have parity or majority over the town, or all the mafia are dead.

Spoiler: Setup Specific Day Rules
  • The dayvig shot will extend any deadline by 48 hours.
  • Once you have reached a simple majority to curse (half of all living players plus one) that person shall receive the scroll.
  • If town fails to curse someone by the end of the 7 day deadline, mafia will pick who becomes cursed.
  • Once a player is cursed, they will have 2 days to pick a player they'd like to pass the scroll to, using a vote.
  • I'll allow placeholder votes using the HURT: tags in the event the player is afraid they'll forget to pass it on. The person it's passed to will simply default to the placeholder they've put down earlier.
  • If no placeholder vote was used, I'll pick the last living/non-cursed player the scroll bearer has voted in the game to receive the scroll.
  • If the above is not applicable, I'll allow mafia to pick.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:42 pm
by Hectic

Tayl0r Swift
Gloria Cleary
Theta Alpine
Fredrick A Campbell


Flea The Magician
Lady Lambdadelta
Dripping Goofball




Role Confirmations received:

Role Confirmations required to start:


Spoiler: Previous
Noraa is V/LA from 29/10 to 30/10
Gloria Cleary is V/LA from 25/10 to 30/10
Zdenek is V/LA from 24/10 to 26/10
Noraa is V/LA from 22/10 to 24/10

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:52 pm
by Hectic
Sample Town Role PMWelcome,
. You are

Win condition:

• You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Game thread is here. Please confirm by telling me your alignment, any partner's names, and acknowledging that the mafia has daytalk.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:29 pm
by Hectic

Hectic rubbed his hands together in anticipation. It was his first year anniversary on the job, and he was about to unleash his greatest game yet on the world. He'd triple checked the role PMs 7 times, and was positive he'd got everything right.

He leaned back, relaxed, and waited for everyone to confirm.

His thoughts were interrupted as Isis stormed into his cubicle.

"Isis! I had a feeling I was due for a promotion. I'm guessing you want me to moderate Team Mafia?"

Isis sighed. "You've sent NorweiganboyEE a scum role PM, and he's not even in your game."

"R-really? Sorry about that, I don't, uh, I really don't know how that slipped through the cracks..." Hectic mumbled.

"You've also given half of your players mod permissions. Somebody's plagiarised post with Sans playing the trombone. Fix this mess, Hectic, we don't pay you to be incompetent."

Hectic frowned. Perhaps moderating wasn't as easy as the listmods had advertised it to be.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:39 pm
by Hectic
Votecount 1.0

[20] Not Voting:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Tayl0r Swift, Gloria Cleary, shellyc, Toogeloo, Hopkirk, Theta Alpine, Bell, Zdenek, VaultDweller, MURDERCAT, UNOwen, MUSHSHAGANA, Flea The Magician, Adorable, Lady Lambdadelta, Noraa, Lapsa, Isis, Fidget

With 20 alive, it takes 11 to curse someone with the scroll. If there is no majority by the deadline, the mafia will choose who to curse.

The cursing deadline is in (expired on 2020-10-28 03:35:35).

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:43 pm
by shellyc

VOTE: Tayl0r Swift

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:43 pm
by shellyc
In post 3, Hectic wrote:"You've also given half of your players mod permissions. Somebody's plagiarised post 2 with Sans playing the trombone. Fix this mess, Hectic, we don't pay you to be incompetent."
don't expose me

it's fun to shitpost gifs in mod posts

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:44 pm
by Bell

Yay 2 hours of sleep!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:45 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
nuke LLD

Long time no see! :3

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:45 pm
by shellyc
Bell are you town here

i've got my dayvig gun ready

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:45 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7, Bell wrote:Image

Yay 2 hours of sleep!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:46 pm
by Bell
In post 9, shellyc wrote:Bell are you town here

i've got my dayvig gun ready

I’m always town you scum claimer

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:46 pm
by Isis
Hey everybody!

I felt like this was a bit townsided when I reviewed it but I let it pass anyways. We're good if we just don't throw. VOTE: Fidget for hammering the game before I could /out. Pooky dragged me into this game.

There will probably be pedits and I won't read them

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:49 pm
by shellyc
In post 11, Bell wrote:I’m always town you scum claimer
I hate being town so have to imagine the feeling of seeing a red role PM

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:49 pm
by Bell
My understanding is that scum get one day vig you can’t shoot a scroll holder.
We get three flips at once.
That occur over a 7 day voting phase.
Then 2 baton passes for an additional 6 days of content.
3 flips repeat.
No scum NK?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:50 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
red pms fill me with sadness

i am very happy to be town this game :3

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:51 pm
by shellyc
that being said hectic gave me town which is saddening

pooky pocketing bell detected, -1 townpoint

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:52 pm
by Isis
VOTE: Pooky

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:52 pm
by shellyc
In post 14, Bell wrote:My understanding is that scum get one day vig you can’t shoot a scroll holder.
We get three flips at once.
That occur over a 7 day voting phase.
Then 2 baton passes for an additional 6 days of content.
3 flips repeat.
No scum NK?
obvious IIoA

Bell's towngame consists of quite a fair bit of IIoA tho so this is probably slightly town!AI if anything

pedit: Shelly liked this vote

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:54 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 17, Isis wrote:VOTE: Pooky
this fills me with happiness

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:54 pm
by VaultDweller
Checking in, but going back to lurking soon

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:54 pm
by Bell
I’m not sure if I wanna just give the first scroll to lapsa or not.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:55 pm
by shellyc
In post 21, Bell wrote:I’m not sure if I wanna just give the first scroll to lapsa or not.

whats the lore with lapsa

vault why no RVS vote

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:56 pm
by VaultDweller
VOTE: shellyc


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:59 pm
by Bell
He doesn’t post much.
And the game’s unique mechanic makes sure that he gets a fair shake at hunting if he’s town this game,


He’ll probably just throw the scroll in my face tho.