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Post Post #106 (isolation #0) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:23 am

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I am making a vow this game.

I will not err from my calling. I know I am destined to lead this town to greatness. Scum will fall before me, I’m sure of it. No foul machinations or vile plot shall shake my resolve.

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Post Post #107 (isolation #1) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:28 am

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In post 18, Guillotina wrote:Ok. I never got this role before but judging by what it does, I think it is best for town to know it, I'm an Ascetic Townie, what a crappy role to get, thank you mod!
So uh

This was the right move

And I kinda FoS IV for pressing it like he did.
VOTE: innocentvillager
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Post Post #108 (isolation #2) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:30 am

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Like I don’t regard IV as inexperienced enough to not realize claiming Ascetic in an early post is the smart thing to do as town.
IV if you somehow haven’t come across that scenario could you link your games so I can verify that?
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Post Post #113 (isolation #3) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:54 am

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Is there a reason not to accept it? He could be faking but that is a risk he chose to take if he is scum. The best thing to do at this point is to leave it.
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Post Post #114 (isolation #4) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:55 am

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Also, I’m not entirely dismissing that IV could be genuine here, but he seems to be denying the fact that what Guillotina did is the responsible and proper play in that scenario.
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Post Post #116 (isolation #5) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:00 pm

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In post 53, Guillotina wrote:
In post 52, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 50, Guillotina wrote:I'm aware im an easy kill for wolves now but who gives, i'll just play these 14 days like they will be my only ones in this game.
But how do you know that to be the case? Are you one of those players that thinks they are so good at the game that their kill takes precedence over everything?
That is up to you and everyone else to determine. Im not a self proclaim god of mafia for nothing.
You’re like a weird converse of mastina I s2g (which is outlandishly funny given how your name reminds me of her).
Please ask me what I mean because I’d love to show you first-hand what I mean.
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Post Post #117 (isolation #6) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:05 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

IV’s last completed game did have a long discussion of Ascetic possibilities towards the end it seems. As such it baffles me he seems to have put up such an ingratiating posture of surrender on trying to understand the logic for claiming Ascetic early?
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Post Post #118 (isolation #7) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:06 pm

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In post 64, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I'm inclined to think that the doctor claim was a joke
Scum post?
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Post Post #119 (isolation #8) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:09 pm

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In post 74, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Yeah cus you’re acting with a bit more caution here so that gives me slightly better vibes.
Although 2 times you’ve already screwed me so i’m treating you with awe for now. Like an dangerous tamed python.
Based on this I see what you mean by IV genuinely solving. I don’t trust it entirely myself yet though.
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Post Post #120 (isolation #9) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:09 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 78, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Yeah, i’m trying to pocket you as town.
Town post probably.
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Post Post #121 (isolation #10) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:12 pm

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In post 79, Guillotina wrote:Well guys, if you don't believe me, there is a sure way to find out. Doctors, Cops, Trackers or any PR that is not a killing action. Visit me tonight.

I looked more into my role and how players are supposed to play with it and now I know I did the right thing, it is like getting the Miller role, if you don't claim it at SoD1 that's sus!

If you doubt my alignment consider this. If I was mafia I would never ever claim this role! Imagine being immune to investigations and detection roles, I could fuck so much with your minds! I'd perform all night kills without a worry for a tracker to catch me!

There is no scenario where a wolf will claim this role for town cred at SoD1 when there is so much more than can be done to confuse town and kill you safely in your sleep. If you think otherwise, you are still a noob no matter how many years you have played this game and this is coming from a noob who doesn't give two capawongas about your fragile egos.

Now I'm gonna catch wolves.
I mean scum absolutely could claim Ascetic for towncred SoD1, but it’s not the best move probably ever, since it is never a confirmable role to have. Even Miller can be confirmed by a Rolecop (something I learned the VERY HARD way).
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Post Post #124 (isolation #11) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:14 pm

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Also I never got a proper chance to do this ever, but I absolutely would have claimed Miller (and probably Ascetic too presuming I read the role right) SoD 1 had I ever rolled it in one of my early games here since my one homesite game I played before coming here was one where early Miller claims kinda dictated the first couple days’ events.
Doesn’t really add much, but figured I’d share my side.
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Post Post #126 (isolation #12) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:19 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 95, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 94, innocentvillager wrote:okay Norway this guy is town

let’s move on lol
But i still hate him.
You can hate someone and let them still play. Case in point: how I handled PookyTheMagicalBear in one of my first games with him. I noticed myself getting annoyed at his posts but in just a general way, and it didn’t ping as scum to me, so I just wrote him off for the most part. It resulted in Pooky getting n1ed, so really I advise everyone to leave alone players who bug them on a level that isn’t alignment-based, works out much better that way!
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Post Post #127 (isolation #13) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:21 pm

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In post 110, Town looter wrote:Yikes, no way I am keeping up with this game with this PL...

Haven't actually read anything yet, and will be very inactive over next day or two because of work.
Game has honestly been quiet this far. Thankfully I’m here to spice it up!
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Post Post #128 (isolation #14) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:22 pm

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In post 125, Nero Cain wrote:also wasn't liking innocent villager much
Interesting, why? Any other thoughts to share?
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Post Post #138 (isolation #15) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:39 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 129, Nero Cain wrote:not really no. The thing with IV is his "questioning of Gul just felt busy working like a "LOOK AT ME IM DOING THINGS!" but I'm glad he finally got around to town reading Gul.

I like/d muh as scum but Nopow's vote makes me less cofident.
What did you make of NPOM’s reaction to the doc claim?
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Post Post #141 (isolation #16) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:42 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 139, innocentvillager wrote:yeah gamma and Taylor I know it’s the correct play if you are an ascetic

But that’s not the point

The point was to understand why he did it under the context of what his experience was

He didn’t know that he was supposed to do it because “it’s a thing you do”, he said that he did it purely because of his own thoughts

I wanted to dig into that more and see if it was more likely to come from a town or scum mindset

im surprised that I’m like, getting flak for this tbh
Now that I see others digging into it it’s actually becoming clearer that was the intent
Would still like an answer to my earlier question @ you

Let’s pressure this.
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Post Post #145 (isolation #17) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:46 pm

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I didn’t explicitly state it at any point so I’ll do it here.
What’s your personal experience with Ascetics and Millers, IV?
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Post Post #146 (isolation #18) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:47 pm

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In post 143, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 138, Gamma Emerald wrote:What did you make of NPOM’s reaction to the doc claim?
It's the same way everyone was reading it? So I don't have an issue with it?
The specific way he wrote it out pings me. Same also goes for how he describe his playstyle more recently.
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Post Post #151 (isolation #19) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:54 pm

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In post 147, innocentvillager wrote:@gamma mini 2163 Is literally my only experience with it
Okay. I already dived that game so that’s good to know.
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Post Post #153 (isolation #20) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:57 pm

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In post 149, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Where is the logic in thinking that a doc claim on page one isn't a joke.
That’s not the issue, the denotation (essentially the literal meaning) of what you said was fine. But I got a vibe that you were a little too focused on parsing the claim for validity, which seemed like scum PR hunting.
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Post Post #154 (isolation #21) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:58 pm

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In post 152, innocentvillager wrote:why did you want to know that, if you already know that I know ascetic should be claimed immediately
I only checked that a good bit after I asked about it, since I got tired of waiting for an answer
And I didn’t see anything explicitly indicating the optimal play when I searched “Ascetic” via the thread search function looking at like the top ten posts?
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Post Post #162 (isolation #22) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:19 pm

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In post 158, innocentvillager wrote:So why did you still want the answer to that question at that point
I just wanted to make sure it was addressed. I’ve gotten flak in the past for not following through on my questions so I was actually being mindful of a personal shortcoming lmao
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Post Post #163 (isolation #23) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:24 pm

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In post 160, Guillotina wrote:
In post 116, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 53, Guillotina wrote:
In post 52, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 50, Guillotina wrote:I'm aware im an easy kill for wolves now but who gives, i'll just play these 14 days like they will be my only ones in this game.
But how do you know that to be the case? Are you one of those players that thinks they are so good at the game that their kill takes precedence over everything?
That is up to you and everyone else to determine. Im not a self proclaim god of mafia for nothing.
You’re like a weird converse of mastina I s2g (which is outlandishly funny given how your name reminds me of her).
Please ask me what I mean because I’d love to show you first-hand what I mean.
Ok, I'll bite. What do you mean?
Subject: Team Mafia 2018: Inventions Mafia Day 4
xRECKONERx wrote:
This video should be explanation enough.
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Post Post #165 (isolation #24) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:42 pm

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In post 161, Nero Cain wrote:tranquil
Also, lolwut
What do you even mean by this
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Post Post #169 (isolation #25) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:03 pm

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That actually made me think of Pokemon, though the Tranquill there isn’t really know for lack of charisma I think
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Post Post #177 (isolation #26) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:43 pm

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In post 172, NoPowerOverMe wrote:If I signed up for a Pokemon game I'll vig myself.
What the actual fuck?
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Post Post #184 (isolation #27) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:00 pm

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In post 181, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I guess gamma is a Pokemon fan.
You could say that, given my username is inspired by that.
In post 183, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 181, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I guess gamma is a Pokemon fan.
he's a fan of
the japanesse cartoons.
Not all, but still a good amount.
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Post Post #200 (isolation #28) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:23 pm

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In post 197, Guillotina wrote:
In post 177, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 172, NoPowerOverMe wrote:If I signed up for a Pokemon game I'll vig myself.
What the actual fuck?
What? I'd vig myself if I ever signed up for a Pokemon game too. It sucks!

Same for Star Wars or Power Rangers
Wow what’s your deal
What’s so bad about Pokemon
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Post Post #219 (isolation #29) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:53 pm

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In post 205, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 202, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 194, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 190, Nero Cain wrote:the current conversation isn't about the claim. Are you scum again, tay tay?
yep. its page 8 so everything is current and the game just ended.
yeah but the thread has moved on and the current discussion was about muh and his, imo, sketchy posting. You coming in and telling us to stop talking about the claim seems like a disconnect.
well im trying to derail the muh wagon. that or im a bit sleep deprived. or both.
Yeah it seemed like a non-sequiter, but kinda a towny one?
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Post Post #220 (isolation #30) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:54 pm

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In post 209, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 206, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Join us the waters warn.
i can join you as long as we arent doctor deniers. doctors are real.
Broke: COVID-19 isn’t real
Woke: doctors aren’t real
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Post Post #221 (isolation #31) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:55 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 213, muh316 wrote:
In post 187, Nero Cain wrote:so basically you are admitting to what I am accusing you of-not paying attention to the game.
The way I read a game is I skim over the unread posts and first respond to things related directly to me. Then I try to re-read later on when my brain is ready to process the other things going on.
Is there a particular purpose to that habit? Does it have an inherent advantage to you?
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Post Post #224 (isolation #32) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:03 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 222, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 219, Gamma Emerald wrote:Yeah it seemed like a non-sequiter, but kinda a towny one?
y was it towny?
It felt like she had a good persistence-of-thought there
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Post Post #225 (isolation #33) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:05 pm

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Also Sunny-D Pipple might return someday, but I want to lean into either Undertale or Homestuck stuff with my avi+sig rn
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Post Post #230 (isolation #34) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:18 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 227, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 226, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 224, Gamma Emerald wrote:It felt like she had a good persistence-of-thought there
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Post Post #233 (isolation #35) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:26 pm

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It’s a 1 word post
And Nero has plenty of other posts, are those also IIOA?
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Post Post #234 (isolation #36) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:27 pm

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Like, it’s neither analysis nor information, it’s fluff.
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Post Post #236 (isolation #37) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:29 pm

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I’m sorry I pretty much don’t listen to “regular” music at all this days
But when I do my favorite genre is probably metal, of multiple varieties
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Post Post #238 (isolation #38) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:31 pm

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Information instead of analysis
I’m pretty sure both the wiki for this site and the mafia universe wiki have good glossaries on mafia terms?
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Post Post #247 (isolation #39) » Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:02 pm

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In post 241, muh316 wrote:
In post 221, Gamma Emerald wrote:Is there a particular purpose to that habit? Does it have an inherent advantage to you?
If I'm reading conversations between others, it takes me longer to read through them and process what's going on. Responding to something directly related to me is much easier since I already have the context.

The only advantage it has for me is it helps me avoid prods. Otherwise, I feel like it's worked against me for the most part since it makes me lazy.
Alright. I didn’t particularly feel this way about it, but your style seemed possible to be a scum stratagem in the making.
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Post Post #290 (isolation #40) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:21 am

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In post 248, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 178, muh316 wrote:
In post 176, Nero Cain wrote:b/c it kinda feels like you saw the vote on you and reacted to it but you aren't really paying attention to the thread b/c I think sorta contridicts your reason for voting me.
Saying "I like x as scum" isn't really much of a reason. I perceived it as you just doubling down on your initial RVS vote.
Don’t really understand Muh’s fixation on Nero’s vote being an RVS push.
Yeah tbh it comes off as a little discredit-y?
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Post Post #291 (isolation #41) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:25 am

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Like there is a certain reaction scum have when they get pinned well before they had a chance to do anything. I know it well between MBoS 10 and playing a good amount of Pokemon Showdown chat mafia where I would get sussed in the first minute as scum and never be able to pull the overall read on me back.
I think muh had a reaction of that sort seeing Nero saying his vote wasn’t RVS. Since it’s so early muh probably couldn’t fathom being legitimately pushed at the stage of the game he was.
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Post Post #292 (isolation #42) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:37 am

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In post 254, Nero Cain wrote:in all fairness, I could kinda see town skimming the thread to look for things that relate to them but otoh I could see scum ignoring the rest of the thread and commenting on things that relate to them.
My thoughts exactly on this subject
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Post Post #293 (isolation #43) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:40 am

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In post 274, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Well that was the easiest alt snipe ever.
Won’t spoil it though.
I might know as well.

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Post Post #294 (isolation #44) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:46 am

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In post 286, Nero Cain wrote:the thing is...scum absolutely do things like that b/c "scum never would"

So if taylor is town it just seems like poor play to intentionally say something scummy and WIFOM the town.
The thing is I was ALSO in that game Tay was Ascetic Mafia in. So I know the context of her statement, and imo her bringing it up willingly seems more towny than scummy because she showed she wanted to use that argument as soon as she got a chance to here. Could be a scum move but in my personal experience I at least seem to do that more as town.
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Post Post #295 (isolation #45) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:47 am

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VOTE: muh 316
I endorse this product currently
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Post Post #297 (isolation #46) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:58 am

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Ok Taylor just does openwolf crap like that as both alignments
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Post Post #300 (isolation #47) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:04 am

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But I already stated my full thoughts on her speaking up there
And it seems unwise to speak against consensus there on such a minute thing if she is scum.
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Post Post #301 (isolation #48) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:05 am

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Ok dude don’t fucking do THAT shit, recontextualizing my post against my will like that
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Post Post #303 (isolation #49) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:10 am

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I was trying to respond to 298 but by posting 299 you made it so I potentially was sounding like I was agreeing with something I definitely wasn’t
I’m very particular about not being misinterpreted rn jsyk
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Post Post #305 (isolation #50) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:22 am

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by posting 299 between 298 and 300 you changed what it looks like 300 is saying
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Post Post #310 (isolation #51) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:20 am

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In post 306, NoPowerOverMe wrote:+1 to my town win record, so yay!
I don’t see how this is relevant to the current discussion? Or really any that’s been going on at all here?
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Post Post #312 (isolation #52) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:22 am

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In post 309, NoPowerOverMe wrote:town block me/nero/norway/guillotina/TGP/may
I object on the basis that I’m not in it and neither is IV
Seriously why Guillo but not IV?
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Post Post #314 (isolation #53) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:22 am

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In post 310, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 306, NoPowerOverMe wrote:+1 to my town win record, so yay!
I don’t see how this is relevant to the current discussion? Or really any that’s been going on at all here?
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Post Post #320 (isolation #54) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:47 am

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Bluh I just realized I quoted myself on accident
Meant to quote the post below mine.

Also, wdym site meta? What’s that and me not pinging you got to do with whether you townread me?
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Post Post #326 (isolation #55) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:59 am

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Okay I get it
Townpoints for NPOM though

In fact I think maybe I may have been hasty to judge his first post, I thought about it recently and it clicked that maybe my standards for how town and scum would view the claim are reversed
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Post Post #337 (isolation #56) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:00 am

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In post 334, Kanna wrote:i have early townfeels on norwee and would like to believe im right because i’m a norwee whisperer
how confident would you say you are on this, %wise?
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Post Post #341 (isolation #57) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:13 am

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Good enough for me!
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Post Post #363 (isolation #58) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:15 pm

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In post 344, Nero Cain wrote:Kinda sad there were only 2 new pages.
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Post Post #364 (isolation #59) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:17 pm

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In post 358, NoPowerOverMe wrote:There's some rule about not eliminating replacement slots?
I guess the only possibility of a hard rule there is “eliminate any slot replaced 3 or more times”
Since scum slots sometimes end up with a bit of a revolving door of player replacing in and out
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Post Post #366 (isolation #60) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:24 pm

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Eh this game hasn’t felt slow either
This game has a really good pace imho
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Post Post #370 (isolation #61) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:29 pm

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In post 367, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Let's suss out the weakest link first.
What does THIS mean
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Post Post #374 (isolation #62) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:45 pm

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NPOM was the original propositioned of the townblock
I just suggested myself and IV be added
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Post Post #380 (isolation #63) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:18 pm

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Well I can ride along with you I guess
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Post Post #384 (isolation #64) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:29 pm

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It’s a decent question, though I feel like IV is still pretty towny
Maybe I’m just a bit rutted there
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Post Post #386 (isolation #65) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:33 pm

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Wait what are you trying to indicate as your thoughts with 377
385 makes me doubt my assessment of the post
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Post Post #390 (isolation #66) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:45 pm

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In post 388, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 386, Gamma Emerald wrote:Wait what are you trying to indicate as your thoughts with 377
just that IV is, IMO, contridicting himself when he said that he didn't hate a proposed townbloc with 5 non town reads.
I dunno if that’s enough to debase the town feelings I got from him
As for your solve I don’t really have much thoughts on JV or ABR, muh I agree with the read on, Tay and IV I don’t agree yet
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Post Post #392 (isolation #67) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:47 pm

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Okay that was a hardcore beetlejuice
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Post Post #395 (isolation #68) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:51 pm

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In post 393, Nero Cain wrote:ABR's intro was yucky and all town looter did was complain about this game before peacing out.
Okay I can kinda see that
Does anyone have any meta with town looter?
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Post Post #397 (isolation #69) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:14 pm

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There is literally a wagon on you? How is that “nothing to do”?
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Post Post #403 (isolation #70) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:18 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 401, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 183, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 181, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I guess gamma is a Pokemon fan.
he's a fan of
the japanesse cartoons.
During my catchup I saw this.

VOTE: Nero
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Post Post #406 (isolation #71) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:26 pm

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In post 404, Nero Cain wrote:it was like a jokey OMGUS
Er your post or JV’s
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Post Post #411 (isolation #72) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:30 pm

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In post 407, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 405, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 402, Nero Cain wrote:y is that vote worthy?
I got that all the time from my family and I hate it.
Me: "I like anime"

Family: "haha your japanese cartoons"

Me: *fists swingin*
God I can relate
My dad is actually that way about mafia lol

But like, that’s essentially an RVS on page 17. Can you think of something better?
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Post Post #413 (isolation #73) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:44 pm

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In post 408, JacksonVirgo wrote:I think I went through a bunch of posts not even reading what they said really but reading them at the same time. Idfk but I'm not reading back
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Post Post #415 (isolation #74) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:45 pm

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In post 408, JacksonVirgo wrote:I had a SR on shellyc in one game because of an ongoing game in which they flipped scum and their logic was the exact same. I said I had a feeling they were scum but couldn't say why, but was still wrong because it's shellyc.
What’s the point of this
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Post Post #422 (isolation #75) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:02 pm

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In post 417, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 415, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 408, JacksonVirgo wrote:I had a SR on shellyc in one game because of an ongoing game in which they flipped scum and their logic was the exact same. I said I had a feeling they were scum but couldn't say why, but was still wrong because it's shellyc.
What’s the point of this
I was explaining why explaining a TR or SR on someone can sometimes break the site rules. Dude, read
I’m pretty sure no one needed that specific story
Like it just felt inordinately confusing what you were trying to say as like, your actual point
But I will also say I did the same thing with Noraa that you did with Shelly
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Post Post #423 (isolation #76) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:03 pm

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In post 416, Tayl0r Swift wrote:JVs catchup started off strong, but then he started skimming and it got real bad and surface-level. nero is a little overaggro pushing back though i think. the first half of that JV post was pretty townie and i think it would be unwise to sort JV based on half a post when the other half points the other way.
I also agree with this regarding the skimming. I feel like there’s more JV could respond to. He seems a bit more worried about managing pressure than reading for reals.
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Post Post #426 (isolation #77) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:04 pm

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JV kinda sounds like me from the past lol
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Post Post #427 (isolation #78) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:05 pm

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In post 424, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 382, Nero Cain wrote:we'll get an RV and stuff


in there

Glitch can ride on the roof.
?? What does RV mean?
Recreational Vehicle
Also what language was that Tay
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Post Post #433 (isolation #79) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:09 pm

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Lol nice
For a second I thought was German and then I realized it’s wagen not vogn in German
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Post Post #442 (isolation #80) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:16 pm

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Nero you can feel the same energy from JV that you would get from me around like the middle of our interaction chain so far no? Like, he feels a good amount like me around the time of Civ V mafia (where I was cocky as shit about the dayvig shot on you for OMGUSsy reasons, but didn’t want to admit they were OMGUSsy at the time)
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Post Post #443 (isolation #81) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:17 pm

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I like Waterloo more than Dancing Queen
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Post Post #452 (isolation #82) » Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:28 pm

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Post Post #526 (isolation #83) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:40 am

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In post 468, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Norway, have you ever scumread nero and been correct?
idk why but this feels like a subtle snipe against Norway
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Post Post #527 (isolation #84) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:06 am

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In post 484, Guillotina wrote:
In post 482, NorwegianboyEE wrote:It’s an beautiful country with wondrous people such as i Guillotina. You should visit some time.
I dont care about your country here, i call you Norway cause your name is too long.
oof harsh
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Post Post #528 (isolation #85) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:11 am

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In post 492, SirCakez wrote:
As TheDuke has arrived he will no longer be replaced.
However JacksonVirgo and Kanna have requested replacement.
I'm good wagoning the JV slot whenever
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Post Post #530 (isolation #86) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:24 am

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In post 514, Nero Cain wrote:well, it doesn't really make sense to me. You are basically saying that you are ok with a townbloc that contains ppl that YOU aren't town reading and that just makes no sense to me.
I tend to be pretty chill about townblocs myself if it doesn't feature people is specifically suspect to me
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Post Post #532 (isolation #87) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:40 am

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In post 523, Nero Cain wrote:is it more than a feeling?
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Post Post #534 (isolation #88) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:43 am

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In post 529, Nero Cain wrote:I think I know why but wanna explain to the class?
I feel like he felt like he was handling the short end of the criticism stick and opted to tap out
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Post Post #702 (isolation #89) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:46 am

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In post 539, Nero Cain wrote:i mean that I don't really think Norway is scum and I think other slots are scummier.
yeah guillo I think you're overreacting a little atp
like these thoughts aren't exactly exclusive or contradictory. To put it in a more fluid manner, Nero is saying "norway isn't scum to me, but if he was there's bigger fish to fry still"
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Post Post #703 (isolation #90) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:48 am

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In post 547, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 507, Nero Cain wrote:hot take: muh is scum and Glitch is the attempted counterwagon.
i mean i agree that muh is scum, but who are the scum driving the counterwagon on glitch?
I think assuming a counterwagon has scum on it isn't always wise
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Post Post #705 (isolation #91) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:49 am

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In post 555, Tayl0r Swift wrote:well for one thing you said you want to kill 6 people. i doubt there are 6 scum.
well duh
you can have more/less scumreads than there are scum
personally I think being stickler for hitting the proper quota is kinda scummy
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Post Post #706 (isolation #92) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:50 am

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In post 704, Nero Cain wrote:y can't gul jus be scum that hoped on my wagon?
I caaaan kinda see it
but let me read fully before I act on that
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Post Post #707 (isolation #93) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:51 am

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In post 560, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 501, Nero Cain wrote:yes, clearly ascetic claim was the only thing that happened in this game before you replaced in. :igmeou:

thoughts on muh and his wagon?

what are your reads?
Muh is town, aggressive and confident.
neither of those describe muh imo
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Post Post #709 (isolation #94) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:53 am

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In post 566, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 565, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 563, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Well that's certainly an development. I don't know how i feel about it, but it's an development.
@Taylor In what way is Nero different from Nero in MboS?
in MBoS i was scum and nero was annoyingly obvtown. Nero doesnt feel the same here. do you disagree? its tonal or feelings-based.
Couldn't that be just because you were scum and biasedly saw his actions as more town indicative than the way actual town saw it?
I agree with his notion
In post 567, Tayl0r Swift wrote:part of what made it so annoying is just how many townies thought he was obvtown.
but also this
I really felt like Nero was putting himself out to be future limbait in mbos 10 but it never happened
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Post Post #711 (isolation #95) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:55 am

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In post 577, Tayl0r Swift wrote:why have you excluded everyone not in your PoE from your PoE?
this question is vague in a kinda bad way :/
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Post Post #713 (isolation #96) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:57 am

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In post 396, muh316 wrote:
In post 378, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 376, muh316 wrote:Except nobody's forgot about me and I'm the top wagon at the moment.
why is it exactly that you are still doing nothing in this game?
There's nothing for me to do yet
this is the one post that flagrant feels neither aggressive nor confident
like, dude is literally being as passive and non-committal as he can be here
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Post Post #714 (isolation #97) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:58 am

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In post 712, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I don't think scum!Taylor provokes a fight with Nero Cain here.
just felt I should poke there
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Post Post #716 (isolation #98) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:00 am

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In post 581, Tayl0r Swift wrote:of your townreads i really only understand norwee and gamma atp
why me
I know we have some desync in our ability to read each other. Why does it seem like I'm equivalent to norway iyo?
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Post Post #720 (isolation #99) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:02 am

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In post 591, Tayl0r Swift wrote:weak town: abr
also the scene you're making bothers me with the fact you proclaim you SR muh. It's not hard scummy but it just seems like conspicuous timing.
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Post Post #722 (isolation #100) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:04 am

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In post 715, Albert B. Rampage wrote:He's not wrong
are we reading the same game?
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Post Post #725 (isolation #101) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:05 am

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this defense is just making me more confident muh is scum
not that ABR is a partner, but the wrongness of ABR's take just pushes me farther into the tunnel here.
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Post Post #727 (isolation #102) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:06 am

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In post 723, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Explain to me all the excitement in the first 300 posts Gamma
does getting wagoned not seem like "something happening"? What about the ascetic claim discussion?
It really feels like muh wanted to avoid giving a whole lot away here.
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Post Post #728 (isolation #103) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:07 am

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In post 726, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 395, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 393, Nero Cain wrote:ABR's intro was yucky and all town looter did was complain about this game before peacing out.
Okay I can kinda see that
Does anyone have any meta with town looter?
Why would anyone need meta on looter when he made 1 post in the game lol
because I know complaining about the game in that way can be a tell sometimes
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Post Post #730 (isolation #104) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:09 am

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In post 594, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 593, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 591, Tayl0r Swift wrote:scum: nero, muh
this is your classis push town, busy buddy. If you think me and muh are scum then why did you leave the muh wagon to make him tied with me?
atm im more confident in you being scum, and the game was starting to stall out with the muh wagon being the leading wagon.
nope don't do this

While I'm still not a
of what Tay is doing I'm a whole lot more confident she's not scum for it
She's essentially making some of the same mistakes I like to make
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Post Post #732 (isolation #105) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:10 am

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In post 729, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Can we get you biscuits and meta on Duke while we're at it? Lol
I mean if you want to, then sure! :lol:
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Post Post #733 (isolation #106) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:11 am

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I guess I can understand how tay townreads me now lmfao
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Post Post #738 (isolation #107) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:13 am

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In post 607, Nero Cain wrote:ah yes retreat to the throwing of buzzwords.
yea gaslighting isn't a scumtell tbh
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Post Post #743 (isolation #108) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:28 am

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tbh I feel like gaslighting gets used in situations it shouldn't be a lot? idk
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Post Post #744 (isolation #109) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:29 am

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also that guillo wall was lol
pushing probably the strongest consensus townreads as scum feels like cornered scum tbh
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Post Post #746 (isolation #110) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:36 am

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yeah that also bothers me
like he figures the claim is supposed to help him now, despite iirc not leaning into it at all earlier
there's a cognitive dissonance between the reality of him being at risk of a lim rn and him suggesting scum are gonna nk him because they think he is a threat
if scum thought he was a threat they'd push to lim him rn no? But guillo isn't pressing that because he's scum and knows that isn't the case. Seems like a pretty textbook case of of scum goo imo
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Post Post #752 (isolation #111) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:51 am

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In post 749, Guillotina wrote:
In post 746, Gamma Emerald wrote:yeah that also bothers me
like he figures the claim is supposed to help him now, despite iirc not leaning into it at all earlier
there's a cognitive dissonance between the reality of him being at risk of a lim rn and him suggesting scum are gonna nk him because they think he is a threat
if scum thought he was a threat they'd push to lim him rn no? But guillo isn't pressing that because he's scum and knows that isn't the case. Seems like a pretty textbook case of of scum goo imo

The irony of this comment. Wolves are pushing for my lim rn.

In post 747, NorwegianboyEE wrote:You should vote him.
Actually everyone should.
yeah but it didn't come across as you believing it from that post
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Post Post #754 (isolation #112) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:53 am

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I'm saying the way it read came off that way. Cmon Mr. Psychologist, get with the program.
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Post Post #762 (isolation #113) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:04 pm

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what evn did norway post that was a "slip"?
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Post Post #764 (isolation #114) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:07 pm

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yeah that's nonsense
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Post Post #769 (isolation #115) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:16 pm

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In post 766, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Also this begs the question of what he was actually thinking when he created that post if he didn't actually intent to question whether me and Nero could be partners. Because what else could "Does he know Norway is scum" implicate other than SvS interaction?
jsyk it's actually "raises the question"
begs the question has to do with circular logic
though since no one knows that pretty much, it's kinda inconsequential
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Post Post #774 (isolation #116) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:27 pm

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In post 772, Umlaut wrote:I don't really see the scum motivation in saying "Scum will definitely kill me at night," in the long run it only leaves you having to explain why you weren't killed at night.
it feels a little too lacquered on, it's AtE essentially (or something like it, I just used the buzzword because I'm bad at articulating)
plus the fact volunteering for the NK like that is one of the showiest things one can do
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Post Post #777 (isolation #117) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:42 pm

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In post 776, muh316 wrote:
In post 718, NorwegianboyEE wrote:ABR please. There had been a lot of content up to that point. Saying there's nothing to do is just an excuse both town or scum make because they are lazy.
There's literally nothing notable except my wagon and Guillotinas flavor text. There's the glitch wagon but Glitch hasn't posted since that wagon formed on him.
there's also some interesting tay-nero interactions imo. thoughts on those? what about how ABR has defended you?
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Post Post #801 (isolation #118) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:25 pm

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In post 778, muh316 wrote:
In post 777, Gamma Emerald wrote:there's also some interesting tay-nero interactions imo. thoughts on those? what about how ABR has defended you?
The tay-nero interaction definitely doesn't come across as TvT. It's just a vibe I got from it.

ABR's defense of me is a good read which I had hoped others would have picked up. That doesn't necessarily mean he's town though.
I can’t entirely say I support the ideas expressed but it’s definitely a start.
In post 779, muh316 wrote:Also, if there was something notable going on we would have had a lot more than a wagon on me and glitch. The past few pages all seem like fluff to me.
You might have a point. We’ve essentially hard townblocked rn. If you think we’re wrong to push you, why do you think it’s happening?
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Post Post #802 (isolation #119) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:28 pm

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In post 785, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 784, NoPowerOverMe wrote:You need to calm down.
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Post Post #803 (isolation #120) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:36 pm

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In post 789, Umlaut wrote:I just don't believe anyone is really this bad at Mafia.
Who is this referring to? What’s the implication?
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Post Post #804 (isolation #121) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:39 pm

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In post 790, Tayl0r Swift wrote:ABR is solving and pushing reads.
I can’t say I agree with this?
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Post Post #806 (isolation #122) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:44 pm

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In post 797, muh316 wrote:
In post 796, Non lmh wrote:nc, nee, ge,, hard town
So basically the three people that have the highest number of posts in this game. Is that your criteria for towniness?
Okay. Rather than smack you senseless for this, I’ll ask about it. Do you legitimately think scum is in there rn? If so, whom? If not, what’s the point of this?
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Post Post #813 (isolation #123) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:16 pm

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In post 809, muh316 wrote:
In post 801, Gamma Emerald wrote:If you think we’re wrong to push you, why do you think it’s happening?
I don't think it's wrong to push me. Go for it. I just know there's scum on the wagon since my playstyle makes me a great candidate for LHF.
Interesting sentiment. Is there anyone here who knows your nature?
I feel like this site has erupted with people who revel in their limbait status rather than seeing it as something to cast off. It’s kinda sickening and when it’s this prevalent I feel like it makes games way harder for town, as you have about as many scummy town as you do scum if not more, which makes finding the proper bad guys harder.
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Post Post #815 (isolation #124) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:23 pm

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In post 812, Umlaut wrote:
In post 803, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 789, Umlaut wrote:I just don't believe anyone is really this bad at Mafia.
Who is this referring to? What’s the implication?
I think your and Norwegian's scumread of Guillotina requires him to be a complete dumbass who thinks just shouting "I'M TOWN AND ALSO A VERY STABLE GENIUS" and drawing a ton of attention to himself is a good way to play, not in any sort of sophisticated double-bluffing way but in a pure level-zero not-knowing-how-to-hide way. It's not impossible but I don't really think it's the case.
Idk I feel like there’s a step in-between the things you’re saying that you’re over-looking?
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Post Post #868 (isolation #125) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:51 pm

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Do tell what’s informing your reads, DGB? It seems you’ve read remarkably little of the game to get a solid grasp on things based on the hints to that nature you’ve provided.
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Post Post #869 (isolation #126) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:52 pm

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Read on Nero too pls
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Post Post #903 (isolation #127) » Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:39 pm

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Can we stop. I have grown Jaded with this petty squabble. Yes I know I capitalized that word and it’s because there is a specific Jade that helped me realize I’m an overemotional sack of shit today.
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Post Post #909 (isolation #128) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:06 am

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In post 908, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Guillotina is either scum or too scummy to be scum. I’m not really buying anything else.
This is such a no-brainer thing to say I think? Like yeah that’s how the behavior pattern looks, what else is there to buy?
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Post Post #925 (isolation #129) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:51 am

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In post 914, DrippingGoofball wrote:
In post 912, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 910, DrippingGoofball wrote:VOTE: Guillotina
Didn’t you say Guillo was town earlier?
"Too scummy to be scum" is always scum, I want to pressure.
while I agree that "too scummy to be scum" is a goddamn flooded market in our current mafia economy and deserves heavy reprimand, I think this is the very wrong way to go about it
the read on the slot flipping I can kinda understand though.
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Post Post #926 (isolation #130) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:54 am

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In post 922, Umlaut wrote:I find this pretty believable, and I think just going "Oops, unvote" instead of trying to shoehorn in some sort of why-I-changed-my-mind in response to the questioning is a towntell.
yeah I'm inclined to agree
but I feel like her approach to saying what she said about "tstbs" just feels wrong
I guess I'm just a little more interested in giving the person a chance to develop before I start taking a more aggressive approach to changing their ways
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Post Post #997 (isolation #131) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:22 pm

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Despite having read everything, I feel lost. Can someone just TL;DR the events of the last 10 pages?
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Post Post #1006 (isolation #132) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:35 pm

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In post 1003, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 997, Gamma Emerald wrote:Despite having read everything, I feel lost. Can someone just TL;DR the events of the last 10 pages?
TL;DR me the exciting adventures of pages 1-15 and I'll consider it.
I can try
But I want confirmation of the trade first.
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Post Post #1053 (isolation #133) » Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:53 pm

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In post 1014, Nero Cain wrote:if you already read the first 15 pages why do you want a TL:DR?
I think I get it?
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Post Post #1141 (isolation #134) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:20 am

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In post 1074, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 903, Gamma Emerald wrote:I have grown Jaded with this petty squabble. Yes I know I capitalized that word and it’s because there is a specific Jade that helped me realize I’m an overemotional sack of shit today.
Who is Jade? I don't think you are a sack of shit. :)
Jade Harley, from Homestuck :)
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Post Post #1142 (isolation #135) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:23 am

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In post 1103, Nero Cain wrote:JV 's "catchup" blew and Boon is active lurking
I’m in some agreement on this
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Post Post #1143 (isolation #136) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:24 am

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Muh is at E-1 at my count
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Post Post #1213 (isolation #137) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:04 am

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Is this just policy or are we thinking Pretentious was actually scummy for what he did
I’m actually more inclined to vote if it’s policy, since I don’t see it as scummy really at all, but don’t mind policying it
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Post Post #1218 (isolation #138) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:12 am

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VOTE: Pretentious
Yeah tbh the thing Guillo quoted seems super out-of-character for boon, and I agree it looks scummy for that and in general
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Post Post #1510 (isolation #139) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:13 pm

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In post 1224, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1218, Gamma Emerald wrote:VOTE: Pretentious
Yeah tbh the thing Guillo quoted seems super out-of-character for boon, and I agree it looks scummy for that and in general

I role play like Jonah from Superstore on this account.
It still seems off for you personally to make a big deal of not being caught up. Why’s it matter?
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Post Post #1546 (isolation #140) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:42 pm

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In post 1254, Pretentious wrote:If I were scum, I’d just have teammates able to get me out of this before I got to L-1. I only can get this far when I am town.
This is exactly the type of crap you post as scum. I’m not letting you off for any of this.
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Post Post #1554 (isolation #141) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:50 pm

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In post 1541, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Can Pretentious be scum here? Yes, absolutely. The quickhammer attempt wasn't town but for FL it's NAI.

My reasoning here is that if we lynch this slot and it flips town, we are handicapping ourselves on a massive scale. When I played scum last game, Boon was my biggest threat and I tried super hard to eliminate him at any cost. FL is a good player. He will prove useful and if he doesn't, we can yeet him later.
He also nearly talked his way out of getting testing as confscum in the game replaced you in. Scum!him is a serious threat at any point.
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Post Post #1562 (isolation #142) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:58 pm

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In post 1283, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Appeal to Experience and OMGUS.
You seem a little overeager you call him out. Probably town, but check yourself.
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Post Post #1567 (isolation #143) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:02 pm

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In post 1296, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1257, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1248, Umlaut wrote:I'm willing to wait and hear whether anyone who does know your play can back this up, but I can't put much stock in a tell that you're self-aware of.
I won 10 scum games in 2019, was on a 2 and half year scum streak in 2015-2017? I believe? Then went almost another 2 years after losing.

I have even written a scum guide in the Mafia Discussion forum if you’d like to check that out to see how I am as scum.
Lol. It seems like everytime Flavour get's pushed=
>They start talking about how epic their scum game is and how they wouldn't be failing this hard if they weren't town.
I feel like this is definitely more of a scum!FL thing
He tries to gaslight and deflect with stupid self meta arguments that either make no sense or border on trust tells.
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Post Post #1568 (isolation #144) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:03 pm

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In post 1566, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Why would I check myself? Why would it be bad to call out scum?
I’m just saying it’s probably gonna get obnoxious if you keep doing it. You keep dropping buzzwords against him, which makes you feel less credible.
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Post Post #1575 (isolation #145) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:12 pm

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In post 1329, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1326, Nero Cain wrote:you can talk to tay and gamma while my vote is on you. this is just boon trying to manipulate the town into unvoting him.
I am not trying to get the town to unvote me.

I’m trying to get you to.

ScumYou needs to keep pressure on me because you’re afraid TownMe will be out of this.

Here’s the thing.

I don’t want out o this.

I’m happy to be the fade, just give it a couple days irl time.
Town!Flavor doesn’t work out of lims near as much as scum!Flavor does imo.
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Post Post #1577 (isolation #146) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:15 pm

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In post 1333, Pretentious wrote:It’s good, though, Taylor and Gamma being on me her lets me clap back at them when they say I can’t read them.
I wanted you dead D2 in CoD but you smooth-talked your way out of being shot by the venge, and we had to wait 2 days for that to happen. I’m not letting you use the same tactics every game to slip away.
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Post Post #1594 (isolation #147) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:25 pm

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In post 1365, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1359, Pretentious wrote:Exactly. Scum Me is incredibly consistent.
But how are we supposed to know if you aren't just pulling this logic straight from your ass? Can anyone confirm that this line is true, do you have meta to hold it up?
He’s consistent in that he’s frequently a slimy eel who will find any avenue to get out of a lim, and even when he does get limmed it often probably furthers his team. As such I feel like the best move if he’s scum is to knock him off his guard and then cut him down. I feel like he was probably hoping to quickhammer to probably get cred for muh’s lim and also kill conversation, but made a grave mistake in miscounting. He doesn’t want to get limmed when he’s on the back foot, but also doesn’t want to sound too bothered by the threat of being limmed, so he’s talking out both sides of his mouth about how much he is okay with it, like he did in Betrayal. Stepping off now, if he’s scum, is the worst thing town can do.
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Post Post #1603 (isolation #148) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:31 pm

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In post 1387, Nero Cain wrote:when Boon is town he gets frustrated and he's NOT survivorlistic. He is here.
The thing that bothers me about the survivalism is he’s not sticking to it. He keeps alternating between being okay with being limmed and not. It definitely feels like he’s trying to ride the line here.
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Post Post #1606 (isolation #149) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:33 pm

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In post 1405, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1403, Nero Cain wrote:I think it's pretty obvious I'm town but if ppl want to scum read me that's fine but I think it's only fair that Boon flips first.
I think it’s beyond obvious that I am town.

Like I said, we have a while before the day is up. No harm in using that time.

Let me talk with Taylor and Gamma.
If you want me to humor you, you have to promise you will not resort to the typical crap you spew out.
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Post Post #1611 (isolation #150) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:37 pm

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In post 1453, Pretentious wrote:You know you just scum slipped there, but it’s not like that’ll actually be used as a reason.
I think it’s more likely he’s assuming 4 scum and not counting himself by mistake
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Post Post #1616 (isolation #151) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:42 pm

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In post 1455, Pretentious wrote:I think NoPower is probably town after thinking about it.

The fact I town read Norwegian probably means she’s scum trying to get town read and push the fade through.
This is such a bad and slimy take on Nor trying to cast doubt on his obvtown status
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Post Post #1624 (isolation #152) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:45 pm

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Tbh what Boon is saying is starting to make sense but that just makes me want him dead faster. If I continue feeling this way I’ll promise to look into his reads tonight if he flips town. I just don’t want to be tricked AGAIN into letting up on scum!Boon.
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Post Post #1628 (isolation #153) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:46 pm

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In post 1620, Guillotina wrote:So you are saying that Pretentious and Muh are a team?
That’s what Occam’s Razor points to imo
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Post Post #1637 (isolation #154) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:50 pm

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In post 1468, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1465, Nero Cain wrote:It's also stalling your flip. Like there's 0 reason why you should live after today.

Sure, I’ll die. Let me talk to Taylor and Gamma first.

You unvoting does nothing but let’s me talk more, and i am town. If you are town, you would allow it but you actively want to make sure I can’t discuss.

You are actively trying to oppress anything because it will cause you to be caught out the longer it goes.

Townie perspective should never feel the need to rush right here.
In the present aid say you’ve gotten your chance, with me at least. I don’t see my opinion on you changing much, since you didn’t indicate you’d cut the awful “if I was scum” arguments when solicited to. How are you feeling now?
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Post Post #1644 (isolation #155) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:56 pm

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In post 1492, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I'd rather Pretentious show me he's town than tell me he's town but he's not.
This is probably the biggest problem he has. He has to tell people what he’s like rather than just show it.
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Post Post #1652 (isolation #156) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:00 pm

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In post 1496, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1492, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I'd rather Pretentious show me he's town than tell me he's town but he's not.
ScumMe would show you I am town.

TownMe tells you I am town.
This like the exact opposite to the experience I have. Sure you can do the deflective self meta crap as town, but I think the prime cause is lack of ability to demonstrate yourself as town from thread contents, either because you haven’t put enough in or you’re scum who can’t pull it off. So this situation is probably one where you stand a good chance to be town, but I’m not going to take a risk on that and end up regretting it after vowing to be vigilant about such things. It’s dishonoring myself.
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Post Post #1658 (isolation #157) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:03 pm

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In post 1521, Albert B. Rampage wrote:You owed me one for replacing out of my game and then paid me back by replacing into my slot in Lillith's bastard game :)
How was that game bastard :mad:
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Post Post #1664 (isolation #158) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:06 pm

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In post 1523, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1521, Albert B. Rampage wrote:You owed me one for replacing out of my game and then paid me back by replacing into my slot in Lillith's bastard game :)
Yeah, what a dead slot. I went full open wolf, but I thought someone was gonna get brought down with me at least. :lol:
You wanna know why that didn’t happen? I cut your attempts short. The worst thing to let a scum!Boon do is spread his treacherous fingers into the game and let him finge-puppet everyone into doing what he wants.
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Post Post #1671 (isolation #159) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:11 pm

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In post 1547, Nero Cain wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.
Talk about this?
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Post Post #1689 (isolation #160) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:21 pm

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The thing really getting to me is that Boon seems entirely uninterested in discussing terms on my pact to follow his reads upon his townflip. I would think in a scenario like this he’d probably want to figure that out pretty quick. But instead he seems wholly interested in just getting the pressure off him, maybe because that makes it so he implicitly accepts his own demise.
The best time to establish such a deal is probably in fact closest to the time it would be set in motion, as that keeps it fresh in the pactmaker’s mind. But by deferring until later it gets muddied up by other thoughts, and in his case specifically there’s the looming issue of him pulling a fast one on me. So it’s probably more imperative for him than anyone else that it be dealt with now. But he knows it won’t mean anything, so he’s avoiding it as well as he can.
Have you noticed he hasn’t ONCE entertained going back on muh? I get the feeling my association between muh and Boon is correct. The reason why is, I think now that the target is squarely on him, Boon knows he’ll probably get only a fraction of the cred, if any, for a scumflip that follows. There’s probably no way out for him in the long run. As such he is sticking to pushing town so he can further the scum wincon as much as possible with his limited lifespan. If Boon flips scum we can effectively conftown Nero and Norway here off of that.
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Post Post #1704 (isolation #161) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:27 pm

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In post 1570, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Guys.

Would it make sense if we just let them catch up and post their reads first?

We have plenty of time.

Nero/Gamma/NPOM, if Pretentious doesn't prove themselves useful in the next few days, I will vote them out myself. Let's cool it. We can always put our votes back on. They aren't going anywhere.
I feel like you should be perfectly aware of how scummy this sounds after Betrayal mafia
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Post Post #1707 (isolation #162) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:32 pm

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In post 1581, NoPowerOverMe wrote:LOL. If anything i'm the quarterback here.
What does this mean?
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Post Post #1708 (isolation #163) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:32 pm

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In post 1706, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1704, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1570, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Guys.

Would it make sense if we just let them catch up and post their reads first?

We have plenty of time.

Nero/Gamma/NPOM, if Pretentious doesn't prove themselves useful in the next few days, I will vote them out myself. Let's cool it. We can always put our votes back on. They aren't going anywhere.
I feel like you should be perfectly aware of how scummy this sounds after Betrayal mafia
i think you think i remember these games more than i do.

I can remember some games completely, but i was a bit player in that game.
That’s understandable, but I’m talking to ABR not you.
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Post Post #1712 (isolation #164) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:38 pm

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In post 1630, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1628, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1620, Guillotina wrote:So you are saying that Pretentious and Muh are a team?
That’s what Occam’s Razor points to imo

Exactly, gamma. When is me being scum ever the Occam’s razor instead of the tinfoil?
I didn’t say you being scum was the Occam’s razor conclusion. I said muh being scum with you was it. If you wanted to disprove me a good way honestly would have been to go after muh, since either it flips scum which probably reflects decently on you as long as you had done it in a reasonable time frame, or he flips town in which case it’s not as logical to think you’re scum for what you did.

@Tay real FUCKING funny.
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Post Post #1717 (isolation #165) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:44 pm

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In post 1673, Pretentious wrote:
In post 1671, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1547, Nero Cain wrote:here's the thing. muh was unclaimed IF he was a town PR then Boon is 100% fucking over town. Its not a play that town should EVER make. Thus he is not town.
Talk about this?

Not gonna lie, i didn’t notice if he had claimed or not, nor did i care, you are right.

He could have claimed, and i wouldn’t have even known either way.

This is a moot thread.
But that seems like the point. You are hammering a potential PR by making that play. And now you have claimed VT, but are still pushing the lim away from yourself. What happens when you out a town PR by doing that? You just hurt town in a way totally unnecessary. Are you prepared to deal with the ramifications of that?
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Post Post #1721 (isolation #166) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:47 pm

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In post 1713, Nero Cain wrote:gamma don't let scum frustrate you
Boon isn’t frustrating me rn, and neither is Tay if that’s who you mean. I’m just trying to put out the full magnitude of the issues I’m seeing rn.
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Post Post #1724 (isolation #167) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:49 pm

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In post 1685, Pretentious wrote:Worst case scenario we lose a VT.
For real? Why the certainty he isn’t town PR???
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Post Post #1726 (isolation #168) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:51 pm

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In post 1695, Pretentious wrote:What are your said terms Gamma?

I’m likely just not reading your posts that much because they’re not that interesting, and you have flavor Fever if you are town, or you are scum.

Those are the only 2 options
You need to accept being the lim today, and if you flip town I will follow your reads as best I can. But at this point you need to not make any more moves to break from that play in order for me to trust you.
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Post Post #1729 (isolation #169) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:53 pm

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What no
I’m not tilted I’m just annoyed you cut in for NPOM to make a stupid joke that wasn’t even funny
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Post Post #1736 (isolation #170) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:56 pm

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Then it happens never, because I can’t let you slip by even for a day, so the deal only works if it happens now. If I were to have gone through with it and been wrong, I would have taken full responsibility for that, at least if you’d been upfront about your read quality. But I just said “no funny business about delaying” and you went and did the exact thing I said not to do. There’s no way I can trust you to stick to that deal at this point, so it’s off.
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Post Post #1738 (isolation #171) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:00 pm

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In post 1734, Guillotina wrote:
In post 1726, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1695, Pretentious wrote:What are your said terms Gamma?

I’m likely just not reading your posts that much because they’re not that interesting, and you have flavor Fever if you are town, or you are scum.

Those are the only 2 options
You need to accept being the lim today, and if you flip town I will follow your reads as best I can. But at this point you need to not make any more moves to break from that play in order for me to trust you.
In other words, you will never trust him as long as he is active.

You got a rough history with him?
I can trust him if he acts in a way that lines up with being town, but he hasn’t despite being given a very good chance to. The only way to trust him at this point is to flip him, but even when I tried to indicate that he still didn’t want it. Either he’s scum or town who’s horribly misplaying his hand.
If you all REALLY don’t want to lim him today I guess I can go along with that but don’t say I didn’t tell you so if he ends up mucking up the game as scum.
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Post Post #1740 (isolation #172) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:01 pm

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In post 1716, muh316 wrote:How tf do we have 20 pages in a span of a few hours. Anybody got a tl;dr?
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Post Post #1746 (isolation #173) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:20 pm

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That’s not a tl;dr that’s a “I’ve dealt with this same 20-pages-in-small-timespan shit so I get it and don’t act like I don’t”
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Post Post #1752 (isolation #174) » Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:11 pm

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Atp I’m pretty much rutted into boon or muh, anything else I can’t really justify to myself going after before those two
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Post Post #1930 (isolation #175) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:38 am

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In post 1761, Nero Cain wrote:naw, i don't really want to lynch muh. At first I was reading Taylor-muh as bussing but maybe its more like chain lynching of me and him?
As I said, I'm between muh and Boon unless something silly happens. I guess if we want we can still do guillo since that averts my issues that are locking me into the current choices, which all boil down to claim stuff.
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Post Post #1943 (isolation #176) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:32 am

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In post 1776, Nero Cain wrote:I get pretty paranoid ok? I think your wrong on Taylor though and on first look it made me think a taylor-you was a thing. I don't blame myself though b/c its just scumhunting

What do u think of and ?
why are you so confident on Taylor? Your reads today seems to revolve around her being scum to an exorbitant degree.
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Post Post #1945 (isolation #177) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:36 am

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In post 1788, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Pretentious tactics is pretty clear when looking back on it. Divide and conquer. At first he’s trying to pocket me and calls Nero scum, then when it’s not working he 180’s and calls Nero town and me scum.
pretty much constantly he's been trying to push the idea that someone in the nero/norway/me townblock is scum misleading the others (or two scum are fooling a townie). That is a pretty serious problem imo.
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Post Post #1946 (isolation #178) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:40 am

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In post 1811, innocentvillager wrote:also i think in general "not making sense" is more likely to be playstyle clash than actual scum

if someone doesn't make sense to me, more often than not it's town but I'm willing to assume it's actually NAI bc wifom etc etc

e.g. from this game guillotina
I think I'm understanding the IV SRs, not sure if I agree on the read but he seems very wishy-washy.
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Post Post #1947 (isolation #179) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:45 am

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In post 1828, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Pretentious voted him without reading BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HE DOES.
But imo that isn't what Flavor does typically, and if he hasn't read I don't see him making as big a scene he did about it. It feels like he is scum who is super-concerned about his optics with that. That's the original reason I even SRed him.
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Post Post #1951 (isolation #180) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:50 am

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In post 1830, Albert B. Rampage wrote:You're DONE in this town. Finished. Forget about leading your lurksack coasting scumbuddies, it's OVER FOR YOU.
for some reason ABR's posting feels less biting, I kinda feel like that might be a towntell but I'm very unsure
Like I feel like in his position scum!him would have more drive to sway things in his favor. But he seems content to speak his peace and let the rest of the town see he's right (this is from his PoV, NOT MINE!). The lack of urgency I sense from ABR makes me think he is town rn, despite him defending a scummy player and pushing obvtown.
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Post Post #1952 (isolation #181) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:51 am

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In post 1842, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Call it a working theory.
WHO are these lurksack buddies?
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Post Post #1953 (isolation #182) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:55 am

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In post 1860, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Forget Nero.

He's had the same 5 reads since page 16.

In post 1862, Nero Cain wrote:y do I HAVE to change my reads when we don't really have new info or flipz?
Yeah iirc I was frustrated about Nero sticking to his reads in some recent game to him but it's honestly probably a towntell for Nero to be so adamant?
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Post Post #1954 (isolation #183) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:59 am

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In post 1868, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 1859, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 1805, innocentvillager wrote:lol, with this argument we should just eliminate people who claim VT (and by your metric isn't "very good"). And yes, claiming VT at this point in the game even by itself is kind of a massive towntell, because VTs will almost always claim VT, scum will usually claim PR (not saying they don't claim VT, but, conditional probability etc etc)
I also feel like this is a misrepresentation of my argument. I'm not arguing lynch all VTs I'm saying that eliminating
scummy VT claim is a good play today.

I just want to emphasize that I don't feel like the "VT" part matters that much

specifically, my viewpoint is simply that:

when the wagonee claims PR, they are more likely to be scum, but if we're wrong and miselim them, there's a bigger loss to be had
conversely, when the wagonee claims VT, they are less likely to be scum, but if we're wrong and miselim them, there's a smaller loss to be had

don't want to turn this into theory discussion though
The reason I'm wanting to elim in my current pool (muh, boon, guillo) is based on the monty hall problem. What happens if we switch off the VT/scum (the car in a sense) to a town PR (the goat)? I understand the application is a bit shaky given where the revealed information lies but imo it makes sense if you think about it.
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Post Post #1955 (isolation #184) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:09 am

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In post 1877, innocentvillager wrote:i mean, that is essentially the only reason why scum would ever claim VT on d1
or to avoid getting CCed on an unwise claim
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Post Post #1960 (isolation #185) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:18 am

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In post 1883, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 387, Nero Cain wrote:my WAY TOO EARY solve is that all 4 scum is in


Tayl0r Swift
Albert B. Rampage
Look at this post ^

What Nero has done is harden his "way too early" solve on pg16 with no margin of error or slight deviation to the point where he's supremely confident he's right despite all evidence to the contrary.

The more the game progresses, the more certain he is of whatever his arbitrary hunch was when he started. Nobody finds scum on page 16 so I understand what's happening with him and it isn't special or worth placing any weight on.

He's not an imaginative player.

Norwee, sounds like you're playing to his meta knowledge of you to pocket him.

The reason why I win so often is because I can overcome my bias, see through illusion and form contrarian opinions that I can rally other players around eventually.
This is probably the first actual reason I've seen you put forth for why you are scumreading norway. I think it's too little too late for the strength of it to really sway me and the reason seems a bit convoluted anyway, but it's a start at least.
If you're willing to state your thoughts about which of the inactives are the scum, I'd be willing to humor those reads. I can't say I'll be willing to follow immediately but it's better than clashing over discordant reads on active slots.
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Post Post #1962 (isolation #186) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:20 am

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oh fuck no I am NOT reading all those linked posts, you need to actually weave a real thread of logic through Nero's posts vs. just reacting to everything he says if you want me to even consider dealing with that crap. As it is I'm writing that off as a bunch of circumstantial shit, if Guillo wants to convince me he's gonna have to break that shit DOWN.
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Post Post #1963 (isolation #187) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:23 am

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In post 1894, innocentvillager wrote:if i had to pick one active player i think im most likely to be wrong on, it would be like GE

i read through my notes again and uh, it just looks like he's solving a lot and reevaluating that's really the only thing I had, which is fakeable by good scum. idk how good he is at scum
That seems like a pretty damn wrong interpretation of my play at this point. Does nothing about my Boon push matter at all to how you read me? I feel like that's probably the biggest town thing I've done this game.
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Post Post #1965 (isolation #188) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:25 am

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In post 1905, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Who else is here? May? DGB?
Yeah where the hell has DGB been this game? She's just thrown out some questionable reads and then dipped out.
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Post Post #1968 (isolation #189) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:29 am

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In post 1964, Guillotina wrote:
In post 1962, Gamma Emerald wrote:oh fuck no I am NOT reading all those linked posts, you need to actually weave a real thread of logic through Nero's posts vs. just reacting to everything he says if you want me to even consider dealing with that crap. As it is I'm writing that off as a bunch of circumstantial shit, if Guillo wants to convince me he's gonna have to break that shit DOWN.
It's your choice to read it or not, I can't force you. That analysis are for the players who want to read it. No problem!
Fine I'll let whoever is willing to bear through that slog give me and the rest of the rational people the lowdown (no offense to the people that actually read the post)
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Post Post #1971 (isolation #190) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:33 am

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In post 1966, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 1963, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 1894, innocentvillager wrote:if i had to pick one active player i think im most likely to be wrong on, it would be like GE

i read through my notes again and uh, it just looks like he's solving a lot and reevaluating that's really the only thing I had, which is fakeable by good scum. idk how good he is at scum
That seems like a pretty damn wrong interpretation of my play at this point. Does nothing about my Boon push matter at all to how you read me? I feel like that's probably the biggest town thing I've done this game.
it’s a wrong interpretation that you’ve been solving a lot and reevaluating?

also, this was all pre boon stuff

I think I mostly just forgot why I was TRing you

I just skimmed your boon push and fine, it looks kind of towny
It's kinda wrong by omission, if that's even a thing? The fact stated are true but it misses part of the picture. The thing about not having read all my stuff makes sense, and though I thought it might have been suspect the fact you called yourself on it so quickly makes me think it's not really indicative, just a thing that happened, though I'm concerned about you missing that despite seeming caught up.
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Post Post #1972 (isolation #191) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:34 am

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In post 1926, Albert B. Rampage wrote:May has more content.
you just suggested we vote out a low-content newer player. Why is this such a sticking point given that?
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Post Post #1973 (isolation #192) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:38 am

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In post 1970, Guillotina wrote:
In post 1962, Gamma Emerald wrote:oh fuck no I am NOT reading all those linked posts, you need to actually weave a real thread of logic through Nero's posts vs. just reacting to everything he says if you want me to even consider dealing with that crap. As it is I'm writing that off as a bunch of circumstantial shit, if Guillo wants to convince me he's gonna have to break that shit DOWN.
By the way, how do you figure it is all circumstantial shit if you havent read it?
Because by skimming it it's apparent most if not all of that is just reacting to him posts, not actually coming up with a comprehensive case based on the body of work. I am on record somewhat as being more able to fathom and gel with cases that actually make some value statement to the overall play of the person being read. I can cite the relevant game where this happened if needed.
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Post Post #1999 (isolation #193) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:34 am

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In post 1978, Pretentious wrote:We can make a deal. Everyone after this day phase who can't read me must type "I solemnly swear I cannot read the Almight Emperor Flavor". Scum, you don't have to say this, you know I'm town, so youre exempt, you can vote me.
Fuck this noise. I already know where the shortcoming in my read on you would be if you’re town, so I refuse to engage is such a debasing piece of horseshit as this. You should also be able to comprehend what makes you so problematic here in that sort of situation.
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Post Post #2005 (isolation #194) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:37 am

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In post 1981, Pretentious wrote:After I die, fade through in Nero, Norwegian, and Gamma. Never should they end game.

Me in death here with this statement is stronger than me living, tbh
Maybe if you’d taken this path before the pressure on you diffused, it would look genuine. Now that everyone’s looking elsewhere it hella isn’t. You are an arrogant pile of crap and if you’re town you have proven you aren’t willing to show it with real effort that doesn’t amount to shading the conftown and those pressuring you.

@ABR are you gonna give up the ghost on this one yet?
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Post Post #2014 (isolation #195) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:41 am

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In post 2007, Pretentious wrote:Might be shit, but I'm still The Shit.
You wanna goddamn bet on being “The Shit”? How confident are you about that 2 in 3 scum for me, Norway, and Nero?
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Post Post #2016 (isolation #196) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:41 am

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Giving up the ghost = running out of patience lol
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Post Post #2023 (isolation #197) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:45 am

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Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
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Post Post #2034 (isolation #198) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:50 am

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In post 2026, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.
I have been TRYING to let you admit your issues here. I saw a very strong thread between this game and Bettayal but I was 100% willing to let it slide when I first noticed it as long as you acknowledged it yourself in some substantive way. But instead you push and push and push some more in order to avoid having to face your problems. I was seeing you as either unengaged town or unengaged scum when I first noticed that connection. Now I am confident you were the latter.
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Post Post #2038 (isolation #199) » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:53 am

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Like the entirety of your defense here really does boil down to “I wouldn’t do that as scum” which you KNOW is a BS argument from you.
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