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Mini Normal 2183 | Innocent Things | Game Over!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:24 pm
by innocentvillager

Mini Normal 2183: Innocent Things

Backup Moderator:

Game Progress
Finishing up all PTs

Sending out Role PMs

Waiting on confirmations

Day 1 ended (expired on 2020-12-14 10:06:13)

Night 1 ended (expired on 2020-12-16 12:05:28)

Day 2 ended (expired on 2020-12-28 12:19:38)

Night 2 ended (expired on 2020-12-28 18:49:23)

Day 3 ended, original deadline (expired on 2021-01-07 21:25:25)

Night 3 ended (expired on 2021-01-01 23:31:07)

Day 4 ended, original deadline (expired on 2021-01-12 15:11:09)

---> Postgame

Player List:
  1. Titus
  2. Andresvmb***
  3. unwnd**
  4. Flavor Leaf*
  5. Insanoflex
    Hank Spankems**

  6. Noraa

  7. PlusJOYED***
  8. Not_Mafia***
  9. JohnnyFarrar***
  10. geraintm
  11. TheFuzzylogic99***
  12. Dunnstral**
  13. nopointinactingup**
* denotes prod


Spoiler: (5/13)

  1. Andresvmb

  2. PlusJOYED
  3. Not_Mafia

  4. geraintm

  5. Dunnstral


Spoiler: (8/13)
  • Titus,
    Town Cop Enabler
    , was killed Night 1.
  • nopointinactingup,
    Mafia Watcher
    , was eliminated Day 2.
  • TheFuzzyLogic99,
    Vanilla Townie
    , was killed Night 2.
  • JohnnyFarrar,
    Town Complex Neighborizer
    , was killed Night 2.
  • Noraa,
    Vanilla Townie
    , was eliminated Day 3.
  • unwnd,
    Mafia Vigilante Enabler
    , was killed Night 3.
  • Insanoflex,
    Town 1-shot Loyal Bodyguard
    , was killed Night 3.
  • Flavor Leaf,
    Mafia Goon
    , conceded Day 4.


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:27 pm
by innocentvillager

Lightly inspired by Datisi who shamelessly stole Plotinus's ruleset.

important bit
  • Days: 10 days, Nights: 48 hours.
  • Majority executes.
  • 36 hours before prod, 24 hours before replacement.
  • Bah posts allowed. (limit: 1, free of game related content)
  • Don’t be a dick. PLEASE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
  1. Follow all site rules.

  2. Mod colour
    – My mod colour is
    . You can use it if you want, just don't attempt to impersonate me.

  3. Behavior
    Don’t be a dick. This is a heated game but toxicity will not be tolerated. Attack the play not the player; please avoid personal attacks. If your fellow players tell you to stop, you must stop. If you do not stop, I will tell you to stop. If you still do not stop, you will be force-replaced. Asking people to stop voting you or to stop scumhunting you entirely doesn't count for this rule and you may find yourself executed if you try it. I may be stricter than most mods about this and I promise I will try my best to apply a consistent standard across behaviors but I am not perfect, what I say about this goes.

  4. Don't talk about ongoing games
    - You may not talk to each other about this game outside of threads I have created for this purpose. You may not talk about other ongoing games in this thread.
  5. Provable randomness
    - is against the rules. Saying that you rolled a dice is fine, using dice tags or is not.
  6. Cryptography
    - is forbidden. Breadcrumbing is okay.
  7. Confirmation
    - You have about 48 hours to confirm your role and your alignment by PM. Game will start sooner if everyone confirms. Posting in a private topic counts as confirmation.
  8. Days
    - Days last up to 10 real-life days. Extensions may or may not be granted if there are replacements, or if the circumstances call for it (for example, if the site was experiencing issues).
  9. Activity
    - You must post at least once every 36 hours or I will Prod you. You then have 24 hours to post in the game thread or I will replace you. If you come back before I find a replacement, you can stay. Players can request me to prod somebody early. This will only count as an official prod if you don't post before you would have been due for a prod. If you haven't posted in the 24 hours before the thread is locked for night, you must reply to the night start PM or you will be replaced during the night.
  10. Vacation/Limited Access
    - If you need to be absent for longer than this, you should declare
    in bold in the thread like this: [
    @Mod: I will be v/la until Thursday
    /b]. While you are V/LA, you will be nudged once every 60 hours. Two nudges equals one prod. If you have not posted game advancing content in 5 days, regardless of V/LA status, you will be replaced.
  11. Prodging
    - A naked "prod dodge" does not reset the prod timer. To avoid being prodded/replaced for inactivity, include some game advancing content in your prodges, such as "got prodded; xxxx is still scum."
  12. Quoting
    - You may not quote (or copy paste) any private information into the thread, including your role PM and any mod communication.
  13. Voting
    - Votes must be in bold in the format VOTE: innocentvillager or
    Vote: innocentvillager
    . Strong preference for using vote tags instead of bold tags. Unvotes are nice but not required. If I think it’s a vote, it’s a vote, no tricks. Type [
    /v] to vote and [
    /uv] to unvote.
  14. Execution
    - Days end early when a simple majority of players (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) vote to execute somebody. If a majority is not reached at deadline or if a majority of the players vote for no execution, the day will end without an execution. At evens, 50% is sufficient for no execution. It takes (100% of living players + 1) votes to execute the Moderator.
  15. Twilight
    - Begins when a majority is reached and lasts until I lock the thread. You're still alive until I flip you so you can talk in any game threads you have access to until then, but no votes or unvotes will be counted.
  16. Night
    - Night lasts at least 48 hours. The night phase can be shortened if every living player -- even those with no night actions -- agrees to it and if I'm not busy.
  17. Action submissions
    - You may submit actions via PM (if town) or PT (if scum). If the actions are not submitted by the deadline then you do nothing. You can change your mind as many times as you like before the deadline.
  18. Reminders
    - If I don't hear from you about your night actions, I'll PM you 24 hours before the deadline. This doesn't count as a prod. If I still don't hear from you, you will take no action.
  19. Notes PT
    - Let me know if you want a private thread to store your thoughts and feedback for the other players. You may draft posts in your notes PT if the posts are clearly meant to be posted in the main thread. You definitely may not use the notes PT to demonstrate that you've had a town mindset in private all along; just put your town mindset in public to begin with and keep your notes to yourself.
  20. Using scripts
    - using scripts to alter or hide another player's posts is not allowed.
  21. Play to win
    - this particular game, not some future one, and keep it fun!
  22. Setup Specific
    - This is a Normal game. Any and all Private Topics will be open at all times.
Sample Vanilla Townie role PM:

vanilla townieWelcome,
. You are a
Vanilla Townie

  • You have no special abilities, but you have your voice and your vote.
You win when there are no longer any threats to Town and at least one Town player is alive.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name.

Spoiler: VoteCount Settings
Living PlayersTitus
Flavor Leaf
Hank Spankems


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:31 pm
by innocentvillager
The game will begin when (11/13) have confirmed, or in (expired on 2020-12-05 13:01:12), whichever happens first.

Current confirmations: (13/13)

Day 1 Starts!

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:04 am
by innocentvillager
Vote count 1.00

with 13 votes in play, it takes 7 to eliminate. day 1 ends in (expired on 2020-12-14 10:06:13).

1. Titus [0]:

2. Andresvmb [0]:

3. unwnd [0]:

4. Flavor Leaf [0]:

5. Hank Spankems [0]:

6. shellyc [0]:

7. PlusJOYED [0]:

8. Not_Mafia [0]:

9. JohnnyFarrar[0]:

10. geraintm [0]:

11. TheFuzzylogic99 [0]:

12. Dunnstral [0]:

13. nopointinactingup [0]:

Not Voting [13]: Titus, Andresvmb, unwnd, Flavor Leaf, Hank Spankems, shellyc, PlusJOYED, Not_Mafia, JohnnyFarrar, geraintm, TheFuzzylogic99, Dunnstral, nopointinactingup

mod notes~ TheFuzzylogic99 and PlusJOYED have (expired on 2020-12-05 22:04:12) to confirm their role PM before I start looking for replacements.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:12 am
by Hank Spankems
Hey hey people, Sseth here

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:14 am
by Andresvmb
VOTE: shellyc

Let’s dance.

Hello everybody.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:18 am
by Dunnstral
VOTE: geraintm

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:31 am
by shellyc
VOTE: Andres

sure, lets waltz

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:31 am
by shellyc
In post 5, Andresvmb wrote:Hello everybody.
newbscum entrance scumtell alert

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:34 am
by geraintm
hiya peeps.
recognise a few more names than normal.

this game started on the 4th of the 12th, wonder when we will be done by.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:36 am
by PlusJOYED
In post 4, Hank Spankems wrote:Hey hey people, Sseth here
also VOTE: shellyc

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:37 am
by Dunnstral
In post 9, geraintm wrote:this game started on the 4th of the 12th, wonder when we will be done by.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:41 am
by Hank Spankems
In post 10, PlusJOYED wrote:
In post 4, Hank Spankems wrote:Hey hey people, Sseth here
also VOTE: shellyc
A resounding success for the Tzeentach gambit.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:23 am
by unwnd
VOTE: TheFuzzyLogic99

Expecting a lot of fuzzy logic from you, and maybe 99

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:31 am
by Andresvmb
In post 8, shellyc wrote:
In post 5, Andresvmb wrote:Hello everybody.
newbscum entrance scumtell alert
I love this. The condescension and disrespect. It’s all packed into very few words.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:02 am
by JohnnyFarrar
In post 5, Andresvmb wrote:VOTE: shellyc

Let’s dance.

Hello everybody.
Have you played with Shelly before?
In post 8, shellyc wrote:
In post 5, Andresvmb wrote:Hello everybody.
newbscum entrance scumtell alert
Why didn't you vote? Also explain?
In post 10, PlusJOYED wrote:
In post 4, Hank Spankems wrote:Hey hey people, Sseth here
also VOTE: shellyc
Shelly said literally the opposite. Explain?
In post 11, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 9, geraintm wrote:this game started on the 4th of the 12th, wonder when we will be done by.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:29 am
by Andresvmb
Hey Johnny. Yeah we’ve played... what is it, three times before? This would be the fourth if I’m not wrong. I lost 2 consecutive games as Town against Shelly Scum, and the third one she replaced out as Town (I was also Town). If I believed in policy executions, I would push for shellyc but that’s not my style. The entrance was simply an acknowledgement that Shelly knows what she’s doing as Scum.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:30 am
by Andresvmb
I would also note that all of these games have taken place over the span of a few months.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:33 am
by JohnnyFarrar
Gotcha. Watching people interact with Shelly is always interesting. What do you make of Hank thus far?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:35 am
by Not_Mafia

VOTE: Not_Mafia

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:37 am
by JohnnyFarrar
Oh yeah everybody be cautious about E-1 around this guy

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:38 am
by unwnd
Not_Mafia doesn't troll anyone but himself on a daily basis.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:42 am
by Andresvmb
In post 18, JohnnyFarrar wrote:Gotcha. Watching people interact with Shelly is always interesting. What do you make of Hank thus far?
Complete blank. I would be lying to you if I told you I had any sort of inclination there.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:44 am
by nopointinactingup
Hi Plus and Johnnyyy!

VOTE: Not_mafia

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:44 am
by Andresvmb
In post 9, geraintm wrote:hiya peeps.
recognise a few more names than normal.

this game started on the 4th of the 12th, wonder when we will be done by.
Geraintm should we expect much of the same from you D1 that I’ve seen in the past? Though to be fair, last time you were actually onto something D1, so maybe don’t sell yourself short?