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Newbie 2045: A Midwinter Night's Dream - End!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:47 am
by fferyllt
Newbie 2045 - A Midwinter Night's Dream

Moderator: fferyllt
Backup Moderator: Cabd


As the longest night of the year approaches, we can all enjoy more time sleeping and dreaming. Unfortunately more dream-time also means more time for nightmares. What dreams will you wake up from in this game? Grab a pillow and a blanket and let's find out!

The flavor is purely for your enjoyment (and mine!), and has no effect whatsoever on the NewD3 newbie game setup and rules.

Player List (9)


Lunar Martian

Battle Mage


Norfolk Boy1
Mr Turtle



= confirmed
* = prod

Spoiler: Alive
Lunar Martian

Spoiler: Dead

Norfolk Boy1,
Vanilla Townie
was eliminated on Day 1
Town Cop
, was killed on Night 1
Vanilla Townie
was eliminated on Day 2
Battle Mage,
Vanilla Townie
, was killed on Night 2
Mafia Goon
, was eliminated on Day 3
Vanilla Townie
was eliminated on Day 4
Vanilla Townie
was endgamed on Day 4
Vanilla Townie
was endgamed on Day 4

Spoiler: Banished
Let's not go there

Spoiler: Vote Counter Settings
Living PlayersLunar Martian


Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:48 am
by fferyllt
Setup Info

Newbie Setup
Newbie Setup

NewD3 (as designed by RadiantCowbells):

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Rolecop
Mafia Goon
Row 1
Town Cop and Town Doctor
Town Tracker and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Cop and Vanilla Townie
Row 2
Town Jailkeeper and Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Jailkeeper and Vanilla Townie
Row 3
Town Mason and Town Mason
Town Tracker and Town Doctor
Town Mason and Town Mason

Each Newbie Game will be given a setup that incorporates one mafia role from the top of a column, and then two town roles from a row below the selected mafia role. The remaining six roles will be filled in by
one mafia goon
five vanilla townies
appropriately, to create a

All Newbie games use the Natural Action Resolution system for determining Night action effects.
Mafia Roleblocker
action takes precedence over a
Town Jailkeeper
action should that apply.

Mafia are able to communicate in their Private Topic at all times.

Spoiler: Full Setups
Column A & Row 1:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Cop, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 2:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Tracker, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 3:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 1:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 2:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 3:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column C & Row 1:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Cop, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 2:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Jailkeeper, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 3:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5

Mods should use the sample role PMs below.

Sample Role PM's (click on the spoiler button to reveal)

Vanilla TownieWelcome!

You are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no special abilities.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town JailkeeperWelcome!

You are a
Town Jailkeeper

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, if they have one, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town CopWelcome!

You are a
Town Cop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed if they are
. If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town MasonWelcome!

You are a
Town Mason

You know that [player] is Town-aligned. You also share a Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You have no active abilities.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Town TrackerWelcome!

You are a
Town Tracker

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed what player or players they targeted with their action, if any. If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town DoctorWelcome!

You are a
Town Doctor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town Friendly NeighborWelcome!

You are a
Town Friendly Neighbor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be sent a message informing them that you are Town-aligned.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Mafia GoonWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Goon

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Mafia RolecopWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Rolecop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed of their role but not their alignment.
Vanilla Townies
Mafia Goons
will both return "Vanilla". If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You may commit the kill and perform a role cop in the same night phase. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.
Mafia RoleblockerWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Roleblocker

You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action, if any.

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You may commit the kill and perform a roleblock in the same night phase. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:49 am
by fferyllt


In-Game Behavior

Site Rules are in effect. Please familiarize yourself and follow them.

2. Posts consisting purely of insults without game content are not tolerated. I penalize such posts with a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Severe issues will be reported to the listmods.

3. Claiming scum is allowed. Claiming scum with another player (whether as a joke or not) will result in severe consequences for you, and consequences for your team.

4. Play towards your win condition. Gambits are fine, directly harming your own team is not.

5. Loophole abuse is not tolerated.

6. Have fun! There are a lot of great people who play, discuss mafia game theory and practice, and discuss life, the universe and everything, too, here at During and after this game, please take a look around the site and get to know us. I think you'll like what you see.

Voting and Deadlines:

1. Voting must be bolded in the form
Vote: Player
- bold tags

Code: Select all

[b]Vote: Player[/b]

VOTE: Player vote tags

Code: Select all


or else they will not be counted. Unvotes are not required to change your vote, but they are helpful. Please note: I'm using an automated vote counter.
If you don't use the vote tags, be sure to add a colon after the word "Vote".

2. Votes inside of spoiler tags will not be counted.

3. I don't mind if you use nicknames/abbreviations when you vote someone. But if I have no idea who you're voting for, then the vote won't be counted. Please note: the vote counting application may be more finicky about nicknames than I am. If you notice that your vote hasn't been recorded, please let me know.

4. Eliminations require a majority of votes: (number of living players/2) +1, rounded down.

5. If there's no majority at deadline, there's no elimination.

6. When the hammer vote is cast, all players, including the eliminated may talk freely until the final vote count and eliminated player's card-flip have been posted. I will lock the game thread at that time.

6. Once you are dead, you may not post in the game thread again. Not even a "Bah" post.

7. Deadlines are set at 10 days on Day 1 and 7 days for subsequent game days. and Extensions may be granted if there are replacements near deadline, or under other extraordinary circumstances (e.g., site outages, major holidays).

Prods and Replacements:

Replacing Out
If you need to replace out of this game, send me a private message about it. Do NOT post that you want to be replaced, or that you have asked to be replaced in the game thread.
I will acknowledge your replacement request by replying to your PM. From that time forward, you are out of the game. Do not make any posts in the game thread.

This is a site rule that can entail penalties if broken. It applies to all mafia games at unless the game moderator explicitly states otherwise.

1. Prods will be given if you do not post in
36 hours

2. You will be replaced if you either do not respond to a prod, or need to be prodded more than 3 times total. You may request for a player to be prodded at any time. Prods requested when a player has been absent for less than 36 hours do not count for replacement purposes.

3. If you are V/LA (on vacation/have limited access), make sure I know. If you are V/LA for more than a week, I suggest requesting replacement, but it's not required. If a lengthy V/LA is adversely affecting the game (e.g., if you are not able to post minimally during that time), then your mod may replace you.without penalty.


1. Dark Blue (#004080) is the color I will use for mod posts. Please don’t use this color or otherwise try to make your posts look like mod posts.

2. You can talk about the game in the private threads given to you via PM, assuming you were given one. Otherwise, please refrain from talking about this game outside of this thread, and don't talk about other games inside of this game. This is a sitewide rule. See announcement here.

3. No editing, deleting, using invisible texts, write in code, using font sizes less than 70, etc...

4. Don't quote or talk about any mod-recieved PMs. Your flavor is for you to enjoy and you only, until the end of the game.

5. I make mistakes. If you notice I make one, please let me know.

6. Questions are vastly preferable to Modkills. If you're thinking about to do something that you're unsure is within the letter or spirit of these rules and the game of mafia, then ask me privately about it first.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:49 am
by fferyllt
Introduction and Tips
Thanks to Irrelephant11 and others for their contributions to these tips.

Here are some helpful links (a lot of them from our helpful wiki):

-> Forum Rules and Guidelines
-> The Glossary
-> Commonly Used Abbreviations
-> The Newbie Guide
-> Articles on How to Play Well (be sure to check the dates these were written/updated, as good advice changes over time)

Key Concepts and Tips


Try to check in at least once a day.
Besides the activity requirements listed in the moderator's original post, it's just necessary for a fun and healthy game that everyone
. If you post very rarely, or only post a little bit at a time, you may get scumread for lurking. Even if you are not scumread for it, what's the fun in playing a game where multiple people are hardly participating?

Site Meta

Meta is the description of how people on Mafiascum like to play mafia. Things can be different on other online mafia sites, or if you play IRL, so it's good to know what's expected of you on this site. These aren't "rules", per se, but if you don't follow these guidelines it is likely things will go poorly for you on MS. Some examples are...

Random Voting Stage (RVS)

Games on MafiaScum almost always begin with what we call the Random Voting Stage (RVS). At this point in the game, we are in a low information game state (except the mafia, which know everyone’s alignment). As a way to provoke reaction, start a discussion, and try to determine alignment, people will usually vote for non-serious reasons. As the discussion progresses, we will eventually get the game moving and progress out of RVS.

Voting, E-x, and Hammers

E-x is a way to convey how far away a player is away from elimination. For example, you should always announce that you are putting someone at E-1 (1 vote away from an elimination) so that someone doesn’t come along and accidentally vote for that player's elimination. This also prevents Mafia-aligned players from coming along and placing the final vote to eliminate (“hammer”) and claiming ignorance about doing so. You may also see E-2 and E-3 (2 votes away from elimination and 3 votes away from elimination, respectively).

Before you hammer a player, state your intent to hammer (usually done in bold) and ask the player to claim their role. This is done to prevent power roles from being eliminated, and can sometimes get Mafia-aligned players to be caught (via counter claiming). It's best to then allow other players to react and discuss the claim before hammering.

Claiming Your Role

It is almost always best to not claim your role unless you are at E-1 and have been asked to claim as part of an “intent to hammer.” This is because, as a town power role (“PR”), if you out prematurely, you are likely to be night-killed (“NK’d”). As a Vanilla Townie (“VT”), claiming early helps the mafia team narrow down the setup and possible PR candidates. An exception to this would be if a mafia player claimed your role, claiming early to counter the false claim (“CC”) would out the mafia player, and would be a benefit to the town.

Do not fake claim a power role as town!
While it may help you avoid getting eliminated, you might cause a real PR to out themselves by counterclaiming - then the mafia will know who the PR is, and you will probably get eliminated for lying to town. Feel free to fake a claim as scum, though, if you think it would help.


ELo is the shortened representation of “Eliminate or Lose.” ELo in the Newbie Queue is when there are 3 remaining players, 2 of which are town and 1 is mafia; or when there are 5 remaining players, 3 of which are town and 2 are mafia. It is important in these situations that the town aligned players do not carelessly vote like is done during RVS or early days, as the mafia player(s) can organize and instantly provide the necessary votes to eliminate (“quickhammer”) and win the game.


Mafia is hard!
As town, it can be hard to figure things out, and stressful when people think you're scum.
That's okay!
Just share your thoughts on who you think is scum as they come to you, and don't be afraid to change your mind. As scum, it can be hard to lie convincingly, and stressful when people think you're scum. Don't let that scare you! Try to think of what you would post if you were town, and don't be afraid to "change your mind".

This is a game.
Have fun!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:51 am
by fferyllt
This is the Pregame Phase. I'll send out Role Private Messages (PMs) during the next couple hours. Please respond to your Role PM with your alignment (Town or Mafia) and Role Name to confirm that you have received it.

You have 48 hours from the time I send you the Role PM to respond. If you cannot respond by then, I will seek a replacement.

Once 8 of the 9 players have confirmed via PM reply, the game will begin!

I'll update this post as we progress through Pregame.


All Role PMs
will go out shortly
have gone out!

8 of 9 players have confirmed.

Day 1 will begin momentarily!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:18 pm
by Cabd
In post 0, fferyllt wrote:Backup Moderator: Cabd
Hiya, that's me! In the event of fferyllt having any issues with access or the ability to mod, I am standing by ready to assist. If you ever have an urgent issue, you are welcome to contact me if she is not able to quickly address your issue. My backup mod color is the fancy shade of Orange.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:28 pm
by fferyllt
Vote Count 1-1
Day 1 Begins!


Dreams have featured in art and literature since the beginnings of both. Perhaps the most famous work about dreaming is Shakespeare's own
A Midsummer Night's Dream
. What makes the state of dreaming so central to the human experience? Perhaps we will find out!

Not Voting
(9): Mr Turtle, unwnd, safebet222, Lunar Martian, Mikul, Illwei, quiet, petapan, BBmolla

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to eliminate.

Deadline: December 27, Midnight US Eastern Time.

Countdown: (expired on 2020-12-27 21:00:00)

Due to the holidays, I have added two days to the Day 1 deadline so it doesn't fall on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Mod Notes:

- quiet has 36 hours in which to post before I must search for a replacement. (expired on 2020-12-16 07:29:24)
- :]

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:33 pm
by unwnd
Hello newcomers. I'm unwnd. I'm a wordy individual who enjoys looking at the inner complexities of the game. I will try to keep my thoughts a bit more simple but I am very excited to help/eliminate the scum

VOTE: Mr Turtle

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:42 pm
by petapan
VOTE: bbmolla

lobby stalker

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:43 pm
by Illwei
Well, this is going to be a very different experience for me, with week long cycles?=P

Do I write a introduction too? =P.

VOTE: unwnd

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:46 pm
by petapan
In post 9, Illwei wrote:Well, this is going to be a very different experience for me, with week long cycles?=P

Do I write a introduction too? =P.

VOTE: unwnd
sure! what's your prior experience playing mafia?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:49 pm
by safebet222
VOTE: petapan

That avatar is gonna give me nightmares... Scary.

Seriously, looking forward to a fun game.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:53 pm
by Illwei
In post 7, unwnd wrote:I am very excited to help/eliminate the scum
*narrows eyes*
In post 10, petapan wrote:sure! what's your prior experience playing mafia?
Er, Well I started playing when Quarrantine began, on 17th Shard (which isn't a Mafia site, by any means :P.) which is kinda very non-traditional. I'm going around now looking at other sites. I'm contemplating signing up for a game on MU, but it still scares me a tad :P.
I'm used to 48/24, 36/12, 48, and 24 hour long turns, so this is very different for me =P.

(I like how this place shows you posts that were made while you were writing your post. neat. =P)

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:26 pm
by petapan
In post 12, Illwei wrote:
In post 7, unwnd wrote:I am very excited to help/eliminate the scum
*narrows eyes*
In post 10, petapan wrote:sure! what's your prior experience playing mafia?
Er, Well I started playing when Quarrantine began, on 17th Shard (which isn't a Mafia site, by any means :P.) which is kinda very non-traditional. I'm going around now looking at other sites. I'm contemplating signing up for a game on MU, but it still scares me a tad :P.
I'm used to 48/24, 36/12, 48, and 24 hour long turns, so this is very different for me =P.

(I like how this place shows you posts that were made while you were writing your post. neat. =P)
that's cool! i hope to make your first experience ere an enjoyable one so that you are pulled into the depths of this website and never escape. the long phases are definitely unusual, partly a product of this website's age, but it tends to make the games more analytical than on other sites, gives things more time to marinate. i've played a little on other sites but at this point i'm used to the style here.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:45 pm
by Mikul
VOTE: unwnd

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:01 pm
by BBmolla
In post 8, petapan wrote:VOTE: bbmolla

lobby stalker
VOTE: zMuffinman

oh hey peta long time no see lmao

VOTE: Mikul
^obv scum, ez game

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:04 pm
by BBmolla
unwnd's opening post is kinda yikes, might be their personality though

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:16 pm
by Illwei
In post 13, petapan wrote:but it tends to make the games more analytical than on other sites,
That's something I was thinking, so It'll be interesting for me to see how it plays out =P.

*concious effort not to do the normal : P because he looks really creepy here*

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:17 pm
by Mikul
UNVOTE: unwnd
VOTE: BBmola

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:33 pm
by unwnd
Illwei, why did you squint your eyes? Do you think that I'm trying to get on your good side?

I'm going to play this a game a bit more from the armchair because IC behavior (before it was abolished) in these type of games is embedded in me. I don't gain much out of being right on newbies or simply solving the game for them

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:07 pm
by Lunar Martian
VOTE: Petapan

That avatar is terrifying and I don't see myself changing my vote before the avatar is changed and therapy is complete. It might be a few years.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:21 pm
by Illwei
In post 19, unwnd wrote:Illwei, why did you squint your eyes? Do you think that I'm trying to get on your good side?
It just feels like a very performative thing to say, and strange to me because you didn't seem to claim an Alignment in that statement.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:38 pm
by safebet222
In post 16, BBmolla wrote:unwnd's opening post is kinda yikes, might be their personality though
Yeah... I'm kind of put off by the following quotes...
unwnd wrote:Hello newcomers. I'm unwnd. I'm a wordy individual who enjoys looking at the inner complexities of the game.
I will try to keep my thoughts a bit more simple
but I am very excited to help/eliminate the scum

VOTE: Mr Turtle
unwnd wrote:Illwei, why did you squint your eyes? Do you think that I'm trying to get on your good side?

I'm going to play this a game a bit more from the armchair because IC behavior (before it was abolished) in these type of games is embedded in me. I don't gain much out of being right on newbies or simply solving the game for them
I mean it's kind of condescending, is that what you were getting at?

@unwnd- I'm guessing you weren't intending to come into the game like, "Eh... I think I'll play my 'B' game here so all you noobs can learn something..."

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:47 pm
by safebet222
In post 20, Lunar Martian wrote:VOTE: Petapan

That avatar is terrifying and I don't see myself changing my vote before the avatar is changed and therapy is complete. It might be a few years.
Why are you stealing my RVS line? I didn't think it was clever enough to copy.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:49 pm
by Lunar Martian
I didn't steal it because it was clever. I stole it because it's how I felt. In fact, you stole it from me pre-emptively.