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Post Post #21 (isolation #0) » Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:59 am

Post by Pickles »

So I’m just gonna throw this out there-
One of our SE players is acting Jester instead of helpful.
I’m not sure if that’s normal around here but...?

VOTE: Not_Mafia
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Post Post #22 (isolation #1) » Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:00 pm

Post by Pickles »

Quick RQS

1. Approximately how many games of FM have you played?
(Here or elsewhere included, rough estimate)

2. What time zone are you from?
(Helpful for coming together as town when needed)

3. What’s your favorite animal?
(This one’s just for fun kek)
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Post Post #23 (isolation #2) » Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:08 pm

Post by Pickles »

In post 22, Pickles wrote:
Quick RQS

1. Approximately how many games of FM have you played?
(Here or elsewhere included, rough estimate)

2. What time zone are you from?
(Helpful for coming together as town when needed)

3. What’s your favorite animal?
(This one’s just for fun kek)
My answers

1. 25+ (Mostly on ToS forums)
But I’ve played a few newbies here, except replaced out.
The pace is usually too slow for me here compare to ToS.
Though I enjoy that it seems more serious here.
Figured I should give MS another chance <3

2. My time zone is Standard Central time.
Minnesota specifically - it’s 6:05PM
I’ve got insomnia so my active times will likely change.

3. My favorite animals are any type of large wild cat.
Jaguars are the best though!
Super pretty and powerful/graceful.
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Post Post #107 (isolation #3) » Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:10 pm

Post by Pickles »

VOTE: Unvote
So I did that thing again where I forget I’m playing MS game..
I’m feeling overwhelmed by how the thread descended.
Thinking my best option here is to make a reads list.
Even though I have no idea if people to that around here.
I’m going to be ISO diving to do that.

For now, I’ll say this - I personally like the feel of catboi and marc.
And dislike the vibes of Nine and Chum.
But we’ll see if that changes after I dive into reads.
Should take me less than an hour?
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Post Post #110 (isolation #4) » Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:50 pm

Post by Pickles »

Okay so I’m doing read according to post order.
Starting with who posted first progressively until last.
It’s pretty sweet how you can use the ISO on this site.
Far more mainstreamed than my normal site.
We’ve gotta go back to the OP for ISOs there..

Read legend-
Town Lean


Scum Lean

Reads so far

- They feel natural entering the thread. They pointed out a contradiction about how many games marc has played, this felt town motivated to me. I don’t believe the contradiction from marc was AI though, because they’ve played Discord Mafia which is a different type of Mafia (more fast paced). I really enjoyed most of the posts from muh316, they’re attempting to game solve and scum hunt. They also don’t want a quick vote to happen which makes me feel they would like to progress discussion further rather than shorten the day.

- I felt like the post everyone is disagreeing about (#12) would be more indicative of town. The people who are SRing that post, do you believe marc was trying to get easy town cred? The worst the post would be is NAI because marc is new to the site. I just don’t see a scum even saying something like they did. Something I liked was their response to the question Chumbo asked about hammer with time left in day. That response felt very town sided as far as thought process. When Ninetales showed up, I felt like marc was as confused as their friend pao and decided to voice that. It’s doubtful that’s going to come from a newb scum as they would just let it play out rather than draw attention. Next they tried to explain to Nine that they hope Nine becomes more townie, and I agree they haven’t been yet. All of these post felt very townie to me, and the following AtE could come from any alignment if we’re gonna be technical. Especially since there’s no way to gauge meta of new players.

- First post feels natural, but they’re SE so it should? Didn’t really like their opinion on NotMafia, mostly because I just disagree with an SE playing the way that NotMaf is playing as it’s not beneficial in teaching newer players the game. But I did like their next post about marc, I vibed with those feelings (shown above in marc read). The interrogation of Chumbo felt like it came from town perspective and I agreed with the reasoning against Chumbo flipping their stance so suddenly/opportunistically. This feels like they’re attempting to catch people acting out of the ordinary. They also voiced not wanting a quick vote to happen which indicated they would like day to continue for discussion. It’s honestly very early to be reaching a hammer. Also really liked post in response to pao, they encourage pao to push on SRs and analyze the game which could only push the game forward. Side note- I do want to keep an eye on them though because of the possibility (tinfoil) WK because of TMI if marc is town.

- When they posted their confusion about town/scum under names, it felt identical to the way marc did it. So for me it felt townie and at worst NAI. They seemed to share a genuine confusion and concern about their inquiry. I personally also like their question to Ninetales about their vote. It felt genuine and in search of explanation for reasoning behind a vote that would have felt more natural on Paopao than marc. Why would scum ever draw attention to
being voted??? Them asking Nine would come from a more townie perspective than scum. If they were scum wouldn’t they just not care that Nine voted marc instead of them? Pao as scum could have just ignored that rather than asking why the vote wasn’t for them instead. Ah, now I’ve reached the point in their ISO that pinged as slightly scummy. All of a sudden, Pao is now SRing marc during post with absolutely no reasoning provided and not having SR marc prior. It almost felt like they just wanted to divert the attention off themselves and onto others (NotMaf/Nine/marc/catboi) which would be something scum has motivation to do. And this post came after a vote on Ninetales and was in response to LoneMarkhor voting NotMaf and SRing marc. This felt like it came at a convenient time for scum to make that play rather than from a townie trying to help out. Posts and in response to catboi felt like they were acknowledging their vote on marc was sheeping other people’s opinions and had very circular logic.I’ll have to keep trying to read those posts because they didn’t feel right. For all the mixed reasons, pao is null for now.

- They only have four very un-useful posts. As an SE I would expect a little more effort. I would just keep them at NULL but I don’t like that they’re not appearing to help town. They’re in the position of slight power by having more experience and they aren’t using it. I would like to see some content from them soon. Or I’ll assume they’re expecting newb players to just let them slide by with zero effort and that’s probably NAI, but it could also be opportunistic scum.

- They enter thread with a joke and then appeared to agree with catboi about post during post which also contained the question about hammering early. I’m not sure if the question itself can be viewed as AI or not, but answered could be. So I’ll count this as town motivated for now because it’s analyzing what other players mindsets are. Their next post seemed to have a town perspective trying to gauge where Ninetales was coming from, but this could also be viewed as slight shade against Ninetales. When I first read their following posts about marc, I originally agreed with catboi about them, because it seemed they flipped their opinion very easily. But upon a second glance, they gave solid reasoning and had never actually TR marc and now has said they didn’t count it as a town slip from marc in the way that catboi did. So because I have reasons for feeling both alignments are possible here, I’m gonna keep this slot NULL for now.
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Post Post #111 (isolation #5) » Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:52 pm

Post by Pickles »

Welp.. hit submit instead of preview there.
The buttons are opposite what I’m used to for that.
Almost done with reads.
Two left.
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Post Post #112 (isolation #6) » Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:17 pm

Post by Pickles »

Last Two Reads

- They joked around a lot early game, possibly nervous, possibly meming. The first post that felt real was which felt like another townie trying to keep discussion alive longer than a couple IRL days for day one. Post and felt kind of strange and off putting with them saying in the first post that NotMaf is scum with marc ignoring that fact so they’re partners. Then in the same post saying marc and pao are more likely partners for reasons they also don’t know. Then in the next post they backtrack and say marc is likely newb town which could be as a fallback for when she flips town. Possible TMI. Then claims if you’re town you would know what Ninetales was hinting and that you shouldn’t press the matter. Then goes on to describe it had to do with roll fishing. Now, I’ve played a lot of games off site and I had NO IDEA it started as a roll fishing situation because no town power roles were even mentioned. Just town/scum. I was as confused about what Nine was implying as marc and pao were, I just wasn’t here to comment on it. I don’t like these vibes right now so I’m gonna go with gut here.

- The progression they don’t have really hurts my head. They seem to be all over the place as soon as they arrive. Very chaotic. They SR pao and think marc is NAI, but vote marc saying it’s a RVS vote. Then as things progress, they’re vote becomes a legit one with SR on marc for unknown reasons? Then they backtrack on the SR for pao and claim they never said they actually SR them just made observation. The whole ISO is very fence sitting, can’t actually make any true opinions. I haven’t seen anything that indicates town from their posts. I’ll go as far as to say this is my highest SR currently.
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Post Post #120 (isolation #7) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:46 am

Post by Pickles »

Alright well if you think my reads are fake then I’m not gonna play on this site.
Because why bother?
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Post Post #121 (isolation #8) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:50 am

Post by Pickles »

In post 119, marcistar wrote:pickles i have a question for u..
"(tinfoil) WK because of TMI if marc is town."
what does tinfoil and wk mean? i've never heard these terms before OH AND ALSO ISO... theres a button at the top next to the post # that says iso is that what u mean?
A tinfoil is an idea that’s likely not true but possible.
WK - white knight, coming to the defense of a player.
And the ISO is post isolation of each player.
There’s each persons in every individual post as well as the activity log.
The activity log has every ISO and is at bottom of every page.
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Post Post #122 (isolation #9) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:51 am

Post by Pickles »

And posting reads is something we do on ToS forums if we’re stuck.
Sorry for even bothering here.
It took me longer than it was worth if nobody appreciated it.
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Post Post #124 (isolation #10) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:15 am

Post by Pickles »

Well if reads lists are normal around here then it feels like Ninetales wanted to shade me and devalue my read that they’re scum. Does anybody else feel like that’s what happened?
VOTE: Ninetales
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Post Post #127 (isolation #11) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:33 pm

Post by Pickles »

In post 125, muh316 wrote:
In post 124, Pickles wrote:Well if reads lists are normal around here then it feels like Ninetales wanted to shade me and devalue my read that they’re scum. Does anybody else feel like that’s what happened?
VOTE: Ninetales
That's a bit of a reach to me. It could be coming from being new to this site though. Also, why didn't you vote ninetales initially even though they are your top scumread? You voted after Ninetales' reaction to your read list.
My reasoning for the vote is there attached to it.
His reaction to my SR on him seemed to be shading me.
He called my reads fake, when I worked very hard on them.
The reads are my thought process while ISO diving each player.
What other reasoning does Nine have to call them fake?
The only reason I can see is to make other players feel that way too.
Which means he is shading me to seem like my reads aren’t real.
This feels very scum motivated.
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Post Post #130 (isolation #12) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:18 pm

Post by Pickles »

In post 129, Ninetales wrote:
In post 127, Pickles wrote:My reasoning for the vote is there attached to it.
Her reaction to my SR on her seemed to be shading me.
She called my reads fake, when I worked very hard on them.
The reads are my thought process while ISO diving each player.
What other reasoning does Nine have to call them fake?
The only reason I can see is to make other players feel that way too.
Which means she is shading me to seem like my reads aren’t real.
This feels very scum motivated.
Pay attention to pronouns please.

I didn't shade you. The reason why I dislike your post is because the effort is through the roof and we are only on page 5.

Pao and Marci are posting huge blocks of text as well but from what I can tell they aren't really that reads related(they were arguments) whereas yours were completely reads.

I feel like that much effort in a reads list on page 5 is fake.
Corrected in quote, apologies for mistake.

I’m upset because I feel like I wasted my time last night.
I didn’t know how else to read people besides making reads.
I’m this high effort wherever I play, I have no idea how it is here.
Would you like me to link you to my other forum?
There’s been AI content rather than fluff + spam.
Shouldn’t we all have decent reads on people by now?
And the fact that you think my reads are fake is definitely shade.
You also say the effort is through the roof, yet they’re fake.
From my experience, fake reads have very little evidence to back them up.
I provided my entire thought process during my reads.
Are you suggestions my thoughts process is faked?
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Post Post #136 (isolation #13) » Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:05 pm

Post by Pickles »

The reads list was the only way I knew how to condense my thoughts about each player.
I’m used to playing a more fast paced game style where I’m from.
Day one alone could have well over 20 pages of posts.
And days only last 72 hours on average (3 days IRL) with nights lasting 24 hours.
Whereas here on MS, it’s slow paced, Day one only has 6 pages so far and extremely long days.
Since people were posting serious content, I felt like diving every ISO.
And the fact that it’s easy to ISO read here was enjoyable to me.
Maybe I’m not made to play on this site and I should stick to where I’m from.
I’m town, so I hope you don’t kill me based on me trying too hard.
I wanted to make the best early reads that I could.
I explained my thought process and gave valid reasons for my reads.
I’m aware it’s early game so my reads are probably wrong.
But that doesn’t make them fake or forced.
Nobody asked me for reads, there’s no reason for them to be forced.
And the effort put in shows they’re not fake.
We should move on I guess, if nobody agreed with the reads, that’s okay.
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Post Post #167 (isolation #14) » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:29 am

Post by Pickles »

Yeah it’s doubtful I’m gonna remember I’m playing this game.
It’s just so slow on this site.
And since reads aren’t regally accepted by this group,
I’ve got no idea how I’m supposed to gather my thoughts on people.
I’m still personally leaning towards Ninetales or LoneMarkhor as scum.
Since nobody is agreeing with me on Ninetales, I’ll switch to Lone.
Both have shown me actions that I feel are scum motivated.
UNVOTE: Ninetales
VOTE: LoneMarkhor
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Post Post #182 (isolation #15) » Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:03 am

Post by Pickles »

All I can say is that I’m not used to the slow speed of the game, it kills my wim.
Nothing has happened to change my reads, so I’m not sure how to progress.
There’s 6 days and 3 hours left in the day, I’m gonna reread the whole thread.
Probably not right now, but when I’ve got some extra time.
I’ll re-assess all of my reads and see if they come out any differently.
It’s unlikely I’ll post them like I did the first time, instead I’ll just quick explain.
Hopefully something stands out during that because I have no idea what else to do.
Otherwise if nothing new stands out, I’ll likely cast vote between {Nine/Lone/NotMaf}.
I also noticed a few comments/questions for me when I was reading.
But I don’t have time to go back and find them now so I’ll answer in next post later.
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Post Post #255 (isolation #16) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:12 am

Post by Pickles »

Damnit I forgot about this game again and just remembered.
The bad part of that is I haven’t read any of the 5 new pages.
I’m sure there’s plenty of AI stuff happening so I’ll read ASAP.
But I’ve gotta go buy a new bed before the store closes.
Pretty sure I won’t forget this time because it’s more active now.
Feeling a little excited to read it later.
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Post Post #645 (isolation #17) » Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:40 am

Post by Pickles »

I’m sorry about not remembering to play.
But I’m glad I left my vote on Lone before getting booted for inactivity.
Personally I just don’t think the pace is fast enough here for me.
I truly wish I could play on this site but it never works out.
Anyways wanted to say GG everybody!!