One Night Stand [Game Over]

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One Night Stand [Game Over]

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:02 pm

Post by Ydrasse »



You open the letter. Black ink, flourishes on every 'y', and blood staining the bottom half.
It's a love letter addressed to you.
Co-modded by Hectic.
Reviewed courtesy of Hectic and Ircher.


Albert B. Rampage
Morning Tweet



Infinity 324
Jesse Pierce


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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:26 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


Albert B. Rampage
Jesse Pierce
Morning Tweet
Infinity 324




Confirmations to begin: 10/12
Confirmations received: 9/12
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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:34 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


Lifted from Plotinus (and Hectic), edited by Ydrasse


  • Please follow all site rules.
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    . You can use it, but don't impersonate me.
  • My co-mod for this game is Hectic.
  • Any and all Private Topics will be open at all times.
  • If you would like a notes PT, please PM me and I shall create one.
  • Please PM me or any co-mods if you have questions, see important errors, and the like.
  • Ask for a deadline extension when necessary; it may or may not be granted.
  • Please inform me of any V/LA via PM or through the thread in a bolded message addressed to myself or a co-mod.
  • This ruleset may be edited at will when necessary.
  • Play to win, and play to have fun!


  • Days last for 7 days, give or take a small margin.
  • Please format your votes as VOTE: Player or
    Vote: Player
    . I would highly appreciate the former. Abbreviations are acceptable, so long as the player in reference is obvious. If I think it counts as a vote, I'll count it.
  • You are not required to unvote, though it is appreciated.
  • Days end early when a simple majority of players (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) vote to eliminate somebody. If a majority is not reached at deadline or if a majority of the players vote for no elimination, the day will end without an elimination.
  • Twilight begins when a majority is reached. It lasts until the thread is locked. Until this point, players may post in any and all game threads that they may have access to; they will have this ability until I arrive to flip them. Votes and unvotes in this phase do not count.
  • Please post at least once every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. If you fail to respond to said prod within 24 hours, you will be replaced.
  • If you get three or more prods, or fail to respond to a prod by posting in thread within 24 hours (or by PM if at Night), I will begin seeking for a replacement (this means the third prod functions like a notice that you are racing the search for your replacement.)


  • Nights last for 48 hours, give or take a small margin. If everyone votes to do so — actions available or otherwise — via PM, fast nights may be enacted.
  • You may PM me to submit your night actions. If you choose to post them in a PT (such as a mafia PT), I would greatly appreciate you still PMing me regardless, though unrequired.
  • If you fail to submit an action, no action shall be taken. You may submit an action until deadline.
  • You may change your action as many times as you want until deadline.


  • Behave nicely with others. Don't get toxic, don't do personal attacks, keep it a fun time for everyone. If people ask you to tone it down, you should do so. If you don't comply, I'll ask you to tone it down. If you don't stop, you may find yourself force-replaced.
  • Do not speak about ongoing games. Do not speak with one another about this game save for the threads I have created for it.
  • Do not quote your role PM or private communication (real or fabricated) with the moderator, co-moderator, backup players, PTs, or anything of that sort. Paraphrasing your role PM is acceptable.
  • Please make all text readable.
  • No invisible posts, no codes, no cryptography.
  • Do not edit your posts if you have the ability to do so.
  • If any of these rules are broken, I reserve the right to force-replace you or, with Listmod permission, modkill you.


. You are a
Vanilla Townie

• You have no abilities, save for your voice and your vote.

Win condition
• You win when all threats to the town have died.

Game thread can be found here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #3 (isolation #3) » Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:07 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

Role PMs have been sent out. We will begin at 10 confirmations or more.
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Post Post #4 (isolation #4) » Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:41 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


I'm worse than a creep.

Putting that on paper is easy. All of this is easy, when I'm writing it down; my feelings don't threaten to burn me when I can't see you. They're there, but a phantom of the real thing (you know they'll never go away, right?). I'm a creep, an awful person who does nothing but haunts the fringes of your life and doesn't dare to get too close. Watching you for hours, wondering what's going on inside of your mind. Call me sick, but you thinking about the evidence that I might exist...

It keeps me watching and waiting. And I saw you get ready to go to the park, like I asked. The way your nose scrunched up when you read the letter is so endearing to me. Even from a distance, I saw there was this light in your eyes — you were excited to meet me, weren't you?

I'm sorry that I wasn't there. Part of it is that I'm a coward when it comes to you. You feel the same way I do for you, but... the first moment, face to face. Who wouldn't be nervous?

The second was that you lied to me. Not with your words, but remember that I see everything. Every moment of your day, and you thought that you could sneak someone into your house? Oh, I could never hate you, but it hurt, dear. Like you dragged a knife through my gut. They're not even special, just some nobody that you met for a night. Was it worth it? There's guilt in your heart now, alongside our love, and I don't know how to get rid of it.

The thought of getting even like that makes me want to puke. Betraying you would be the worst sort of pain, for both of us. So I found an alternative. It's the only way that we can move past this. This time, I promise I'll meet you. Tomorrow, the same place and time. We can make things right.

I love you, so very much.


[12] Not Voting:
Albert B. Rampage, Jesse Pierce, PookyTheMagicalBear, Morning Tweet, Kanna, Infinity 324, Nahdia, Alisae, Ahsoka, Hopkirk, Uncrowned, clidd

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-08 19:41:53).
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Post Post #310 (isolation #5) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:27 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


[5] Infinity 324:
Albert B. Rampage, Hopkirk, PookyTheMagicalBear, Uncrowned, clidd
[1] Jesse Pierce:
Morning Tweet
[1] clidd:
[1] Albert B. Rampage:
Jesse Pierce
[1] Uncrowned:
[1] Hopkirk:
[1] Ahsoka:
Infinity 324

[1] Not Voting:

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-08 19:41:53).

Last edited by Hectic on Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #389 (isolation #6) » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:49 am

Post by Ydrasse »


[7] Infinity 324:
Albert B. Rampage, Hopkirk, PookyTheMagicalBear, Uncrowned, clidd, Jesse Pierce, Ahsoka —

[1] clidd:
[1] Uncrowned:
[1] Ahsoka:
Infinity 324

[2] Not Voting:
Nahdia, Morning Tweet

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-08 19:41:53).

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Post Post #390 (isolation #7) » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:49 am

Post by Ydrasse »


What is it they say, my dear? "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?"

I pity them, you know; the people you thought were doing this. I don't understand how you're feeling right now, and each time my heart beats it pains me. Your confusion turned into fear — for me, of all people. I keep telling you that I couldn't hurt you, and you don't believe me. You go out, trying to find justice for something that needs it not at all. I've already forgiven you for what you did to me.

And here we are, with these two between us. One of them a victim of your delusions, and the other too heartbroken to live. I wonder if they regret meeting each other, or their love — I could never imagine regretting any of this.

If it makes you feel better, I'll look the other way. No one has to know what you've done here, and on their honeymoon, too...

It'll be harder to find you now. You're driving so far away from home, but you don't need to run. Not from me, my love.

Infinity 324 was eliminated. He was...

Infinity 324
. You are a
Town Lover


• You are Lovers with
Jesse Pierce
. If one of you dies, the other will also die.
• You also share a PT. The link to your PT can be found here.

Win condition:

• You win when all threats to the town have died.

Game thread can be found here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name and alignment.

Jesse Pierce has also died. He was...

Jesse Pierce
. You are a
Town Lover


• You are Lovers with
Infinity 324
. If one of you dies, the other will also die.
• You also share a PT. The link to your PT can be found here.

Win condition:

• You win when all threats to the town have died.

Game thread can be found here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #391 (isolation #8) » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:50 am

Post by Ydrasse »


Night one begins now.

You have 1 day, 1 hour, 0 minutes to submit your night actions.
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Post Post #394 (isolation #9) » Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:40 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


You're not good at this, my dear.

It's hard to tell from a distance, but your hands were shaking when you were filling up your car with gas. I could see it, the way that some fell onto the pavement underneath. You were in a rush, kept looking over your shoulder as if I'd be there. No one else but me — the cops don't know yet that you're involved. It was bad luck for a stranger, and worse for the widower.

You're cute. I'm writing this and watching you, being a creep again, but you're cute when you're worried. You do this thing where you stare through things as if they'd burn down. Right now it's at your tire, and the little puddle underneath it.

There wasn't a mess that I had to clean up, if you were worried about me and what happened yesterday. And I know you were, despite all that anger right now. Your heart's that big, wondering if I'm okay when I'm left behind. You're trying to protect me. I adore you for it, more than you know right now, but the bodies weren't that bad. Soon though, my dear, soon.

You've booked a hotel in the heart of the city, and so have I. So many rooms between us, but I don't feel lonely at all. You're here and alive, after all, heart beating for me, half of a room waiting for me to eventually fill when we finally meet, face to face...

Just try not to get yourself into any more trouble for me, okay? I love you — you're too beautiful to get marred by all the ugly in the world. And even I have limits to my patience...


[10] Not Voting:
Albert B. Rampage, PookyTheMagicalBear, Morning Tweet, Kanna, Menalque, Alisae, Ahsoka, Hopkirk, Uncrowned, clidd

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-12 23:40:55).
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Post Post #1089 (isolation #10) » Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:12 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


[3] clidd:
Uncrowned, Hopkirk, Albert B. Rampage
[1] PookyTheMagicalBear:
Morning Tweet
[1] Alisae:
[1] Menalque:

[4] Not Voting:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Ahsoka, clidd, Kanna

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-12 23:40:55).

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Post Post #1250 (isolation #11) » Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:26 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

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Post Post #1639 (isolation #12) » Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:55 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


Ahsoka is being replaced. Deadline is currently not frozen.
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Post Post #1665 (isolation #13) » Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:58 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


northsidegal replaces Ahsoka!
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Post Post #1736 (isolation #14) » Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:46 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


[3] Menalque:
northsidegal, Hopkirk, Albert B. Rampage
[3] northsidegal:
clidd, Kanna, Alisae
[1] PookyTheMagicalBear:
Morning Tweet
[1] Alisae:
[1] Hopkirk:

[1] Not Voting:

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-12 23:40:55).

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Post Post #1972 (isolation #15) » Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:55 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


[6] northsidegal:
clidd, Kanna, Alisae, Morning Tweet, Menalque, PookyTheMagicalBear —

[3] Menalque:
northsidegal, Hopkirk, Albert B. Rampage
[1] PookyTheMagicalBear:

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-12 23:40:55).

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Post Post #1973 (isolation #16) » Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:00 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


We weren't supposed to meet like that.

My love, forgive me, but I want to break the pen that I right with when I think about you ruining it. So much time laid out for the grand moment when it all would happen, and you stomped upon it. I know you're prone to your whims, but this was a cruel one — could you not have contained yourself and let the surprise unfold? I'd not forgive myself for mentioning my anger, how many names I want to spit out towards you when we're together once more. You don't need to be so frigid towards me when all I've done is try to help you. Who else is there in this world now that would have you, anyways, after what you've done?

There was supposed to be a spark, brighter than anything. It would've started in your eyes, adoration and relief. You wouldn't be alone, weighed down by your burdens. I could've reached over to hold you, take them onto my shoulders as you cried. Days now of worrying yourself sick; I saw the trash as it was wheeled away, when did you take up smoking? It doesn't suit you at all, and the scent is wretched. It's just another bad habit that we'll have to work out of you.

The spark though, the spark. It wasn't there when we passed by each other, closer than ever before. Your eyes were dull and shadowed underneath, hair unwashed. Still beautiful, but without the passion. The only sign that you cared was that moment when our arms brushed against each other in the hallway and you tensed as if I would try to grab you then and there.

I'm not an animal, my dear. Not in public. But at least you knew that there was something between us.

A shame that you're running again, but I understand. You've been keeping up with the news, and you're still afraid they might come after you. They won't, I'm sure; eventually you'll realize you needn't run longer.

Next time, though, we'll make this all right. Another chance to nail that first meeting, and perhaps next time you'll hear me speak...

northsidegal was eliminated. She was...

. You are a
Seeking Mafia Neighbor


• You are not informed about the identity of your partners or their roles, and start alone in the mafia PT.
• Each night, you may target someone; if you target mafia, they will be added to the mafia PT.
• You will gain a factional kill if you are the sole remaining mafia.
• You share a neighborhood, which can be found here.

Win condition:

• You win when the mafia have parity or majority over the town, or when nothing can prevent the same.

Game thread can be found here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name and alignment.
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Post Post #1974 (isolation #17) » Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:02 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


Night two begins now.

You have (expired on 2021-01-13 02:02:10) to submit your night actions.
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Post Post #1975 (isolation #18) » Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:21 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


Ah, ah, ah. You're getting ideas again. Little traps to catch me, checking the doors twice before you open them and three times if they're locked. I thought for a while that it was guilt, but no... these issues you have, they took root deep.

It's hard to find the time to write these letters, you know, and worse to drop them off where I need to. And you don't even say thank you to me, somehow. When you try to find me, it's to hurt me, I just know it. You're mad, scared, and taking it all out on me.

I've done nothing wrong, dear, but a lover's spat or two isn't unheard of. And I love you despite this; you have to get your anger out somehow, don't you? Better me than that poor couple — I'm the only person who can handle you. It should be a comforting thing, that we found each other so easily in life. It could've taken decades. Years wasted on petty things, petty people, jobs that do nothing for the heart and sap it dry. Knowing that I'll be with you here and now, before anyone else can take too much from you...

You're why I get up in the mornings, my dear. Even this early, driving further away. It's like you want to throw your car into the sea, but I know it's for the sights. A perfect place for our first date.

I'll make sure to say thank you enough for the both of us.


[9] Not Voting:
Albert B. Rampage, PookyTheMagicalBear, Morning Tweet, Kanna, Menalque, Alisae, Hopkirk, Uncrowned, clidd

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to eliminate.

The deadline is in (expired on 2021-01-20 02:21:36).
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Post Post #2276 (isolation #19) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:08 am

Post by Ydrasse »

Yeah, sure. Scum concede. Will post stuff later.
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Post Post #2280 (isolation #20) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:11 am

Post by Ydrasse »

There aren’t any other scenes.

I’m pretty upset about how this happened.

Will post other stuff later.
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Post Post #2485 (isolation #21) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:11 pm

Post by Ydrasse »


So, regarding the reason why I called it. I went to bed last night after doing the flip and reading a tiny bit, not a whole lot. Thought that it was frustrating of a situation for scum, but I believed in them all the same.

Woke up and there were ten new pages where Alisae had conceded and hardclaimed scum, as well as eir's partner. Multiple people had seen and posted about it, engaged with it, and it was pretty obviously not a joke that it was happening. It was pretty obvious to me too that all that had been posted regarding setup, roles, etc, was played seriously and taken seriously. I didn't have time to do anything though, because I went into work; my co-mod was asleep/busy too.

I suppose that I should have waited a bit longer, or asked a listmod or something, but as it was I thought that the game was ruined at that point. There's not really a way in my eyes to fix ten pages of content like that. There's not a way to fix the fact that one scum outed the team to concede. I've already spoken to Menalque about it, but despite him not wanting to concede I did not see a world where this game could ever continue; even if he had managed to ask me before I formally called it, I think I still would have called the game at that point regardless of what he wanted to do moving forward.

I'm very appreciative to the people that enjoyed the setup and the flavor, as well as the player list. Watching it was fun, and knowing that people liked all that I wrote is really nice, too. Apologies to the scumteam if they did not enjoy the setup as much as I thought they might. Thank you to the people who replaced in, it is as ever appreciated. Modding for the first time was a lot to get used to in a game like this, but having done it I am glad to have the experience. Thanks to my co-mod, Hectic, for making it as easy as he could on me. And thanks to everyone for playing, too. It was a wonderful player list.

Releasing some PTs shortly.
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Post Post #2486 (isolation #22) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:12 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2483, Nahdia wrote:remind me to nom this for paperback writer when the 2021 thread opens up

apologies for the silent departure. i was totally jazzed about this game and then got a bit hit of Creativity Juice and had to re-evaluate how i was gonna spent my limited free time again.
you're very kind nahdia, thank you. <3
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Post Post #2498 (isolation #23) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:25 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

You have (expired on 2021-01-14 19:24:05) to ask for redactions.
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Post Post #2503 (isolation #24) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:28 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2487, MURDERCAT wrote:Consider me a prein for your next game ydrasse :)
i will do, murder. <3
In post 2489, Menalque wrote:
In post 2485, Ydrasse wrote:There's not really a way in my eyes to fix ten pages of content like that. There's not a way to fix the fact that one scum outed the team to concede. I've already spoken to Menalque about it, but despite him not wanting to concede I did not see a world where this game could ever continue; even if he had managed to ask me before I formally called it, I think I still would have called the game at that point regardless of what he wanted to do moving forward.
I dunno I think we can all agree I was probably 50/50 to win in F3 if game had continued :P
i really do think there was a chance scum could have somehow pulled it off, alisae probably if endgame was a thing somehow.
In post 2490, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:<3 Ydrasse

this is a fantastic game in so many ways - one of the most beautiful games I've had the fortune of playing.

thanks so much for all of your brilliant writing, wonderful moderation and tireless work on our behalf.

This was a joy to play, a brilliant experience that brought me so much happiness - thank you so very much.
thank you very much pooky. <3 i appreciate this a whole lot.
In post 2494, Alisae wrote:Fwiw ydra u modded well
thank you. i think that anything i have to say to you right now should be said privately.
In post 2497, Hopkirk wrote:
my co-mod was asleep/busy too
i feel like 'asleep' being first here is some pretty serious shade on hectic

it wouldn't have made sense not to call the game there tbh. there's essential nil possibility we don't vote alisae/menal there after a clear scum hardclaim
how dare he sleep.

and yeah, basically it's just... yep.
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Post Post #2505 (isolation #25) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:30 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

@Hopkirk: yes, because you didn't use your ability

The setup was:

Seeking Mafia Neighbor
Star Crossed Mafia Neighbor
Star Crossed Mafia Neighbor
Town Seeking Mason
Town Seeking Mason
Town Lover
Town Lover
Town 1-shot Neighborizer Neighbor
Town 1-shot Weak Loverizer (specifically, this should've been labeled as Disloyal too, because it was meant to die and not loverize any mafia)
Town Neighbor
Town Neighbor
Town Neighbor
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Post Post #2506 (isolation #26) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:31 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

the first iterations of this setup did not have the 5-man hood, nor the 2-man hood; mafia was truly without any way to communicate but that did not seem like fun, so neighbors were added to give them more places to post/play/etc
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Post Post #2515 (isolation #27) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:37 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2512, Hopkirk wrote:uh... are you sure you didn't want to redact anything mods? the mod pt is really heating up where i'm up to...
it's compensation for not being able to play in my own game, i have to embody the spirit of it
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Post Post #2524 (isolation #28) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:43 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2516, Hopkirk wrote:editing hectic's posts to include :oops: was interesting
also editing out his mentions of me... clearly just a trick from ydrasse to get me out of the way so you can have hectic all to yourself :oops:
i was afraid you'd loverize him and then i would be all alone, no one using their abilities on lil ol' me... im sorry hopkirk
In post 2518, Menalque wrote:Lotta bad opinions on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in spec thread which is a GREAT film

Also I have no redactions from the hood
listen the concept and the ending are very good. i like those two things. they are rather fun and i am fan! but there was a section in the middle where it just got like, super weird and unenjoyable to me but i was also half asleep trying to watch it. like that is what weighs it down for me but all of the stuff surrounding that and the themes is good. but ultimately it cannot carry the parts where he's like, a child or WHATEVER.

thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Post Post #2526 (isolation #29) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:43 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i will only post selfies for monetary bribes
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Post Post #2528 (isolation #30) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:44 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2525, Morning Tweet wrote:After Mena died, would we learn that the other scum is in the hood and they were trying to communicate or is that part left out

Cause ABR and Uncrowned were definitely not doing that
nah, you wouldn't inherently learn it but i think interactions would've made it more likely.
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Post Post #2529 (isolation #31) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:44 pm

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Post Post #2551 (isolation #32) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:57 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2534, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2526, Ydrasse wrote:i will only post selfies for monetary bribes
I will make a donation to your onlyfans
god i wish i could farm that money
In post 2540, Menalque wrote:
In post 2524, Ydrasse wrote:but there was a section in the middle where it just got like, super weird and unenjoyable to me but i was also half asleep trying to watch it. like that is what weighs it down for me but all of the stuff surrounding that and the themes is good. but ultimately it cannot carry the parts where he's like, a child or WHATEVER.
It’s critical back story for why he’s emotionally unavailable ydrasse! Critical backstory!
okay and so what? i simply don't care. men will be emotionally unavailable just because they're like that i don't need 15 cringe minutes where i am like please stop move on to something more fun.
In post 2541, Hopkirk wrote:i love the hectic quoting each post in the neighbourhood and ydrasse watching in stunned horror interaction in the spectator pt
he's a fucking madman no one needs to read all of that.
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Post Post #2559 (isolation #33) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:04 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

joel fucking sucks! so does clem who i was projecting onto, but i am softer on her for that reason. but joel sucks.

them going between memories was nice but just, ugh. it was dragging.
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Post Post #2560 (isolation #34) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:04 pm

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In post 2557, northsidegal wrote:feel free to just release the scum pt, and again thanks for modding.
will do will do
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Post Post #2561 (isolation #35) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:07 pm

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mafia pt released
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Post Post #2571 (isolation #36) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:19 pm

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i'm glad to all who enjoyed it and that it helped people, truly =)

and yes i agree that it is very touching in theory, and that people are flawed and yet deserve love... but i can still also think in this case joel sucks and needs a lot of self improvement before i think he can have a meaningful relationship with her that won't end the same way! i don't want him to stagnate but neither do i think he's uh, great
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Post Post #2597 (isolation #37) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:21 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

stalker unfortunately was a movie that i could not focus on in full and i feel to some degree it was wasted on me, but i'm not inclined to revisit it; the setting/inspirations/etc etc give birth to other things that i enjoy/influence them but like... it was an experience i'm unsure i'll ever replicate to try and glean more from it

also eternal sunshine i think i am also a bit harsher on because i Project or something, oh well! i do think it has a very sweet optimistic ending but eh!!! also sorry if i've spoiled anything. :<
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Post Post #2598 (isolation #38) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:27 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2590, Hopkirk wrote:
In post 2587, Menalque wrote:
In post 2584, Hopkirk wrote:which three?
I'm not sure i've we've even played together before, don't know her outside of mafiascum.
Me/Hectic do have a fair few irl friends who've used the site. I think it's about eight of us now? One notable mention included someone who I played two games with about three years before we met outside of mafiascum and they thought the name 'Hopkirk' sounded familiar. I then found the games we were in.

I'm going to sleep now before hectic starts making jokes comparing our sleeping patterns. Someone convince Hectic to watch Mullholland DR. while i'm gone
already done and done, dw dw
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Post Post #2601 (isolation #39) » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:10 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i don't dislike it at all, but it was just... fuzzy is a good word, all around. like the edges of the Viewing were static-y. drawn out. maybe like a fever dream, in a way? which i think is a compliment to the film. but not to me, the viewer. i will simply enjoy annihilation infinitely more for siphoning away cute influences from it.
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Post Post #2608 (isolation #40) » Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:12 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

In post 2498, Ydrasse wrote:
You have (expired on 2021-01-14 19:24:05) to ask for redactions.
released pts
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