My color is
. Don't use it, or any similar shade really.
Questions for me may be made either via PM or in the thread. If you ask a question in thread, please ensure you bold your question and begin with it with the tag "@mod" so I am more likely to notice it.
Please do not use provable randomness (such as the dice tag) in thread. You may SAY you used randomization, but not prove it.
Do not make use of external websites as part of the game. If it can't be embedded into a post on the forums, it's not allowed. This includes resources such as Google Documents. You may use such things for your own reference, but never in conjunction with other players not part of your own slot.
No ciphers, encryption, extremely small text, or other similar tactics.
Do not threaten to abandon the game as a response to in game actions. Doing so will result in an immediate force replace.
Do not attempt to coerce another player into abandoning the game. Doing so will result in an immediate force replace.
Do not threaten to report other players in order to attempt to influence their actions. If you believe someone is doing something worthy of a report, bring it to the attention of moderators.
If you notice an error in my moderating, you are free to point it out in the game thread. However, please also message me privately so that I notice and can amend the error as soon as possible.
PLEASE do not make reference to meta formed in other games still ongoing, no matter how discreet you attempt to be about it.
Do not make reference in game to any sort of moderator communication with the exception of game mechanics related communication.