Image courtesy of Syryana
Warehouse 13: The Mafia Game
You are cordially invited to join your once and future compatriots.
44.75, -98.69.
More information will be provided when all invitees are present.
44.75, -98.69.
More information will be provided when all invitees are present.
A 17-player Large Theme game with Warehouse 13 flavor
Game mechanics will revolve around distribution of Artifacts from multiple sources.
Be warned for swinginess.
The game is intended to be balanced but designer and all reviewers agreed it has the potential to swing.Mod: penguin_alien
Back-up mod: Cabd
Reviewed by Cabd, Cephrir, and Syryana
Hydrae are welcome but limited to two heads. Players need to have one completed Large Theme or two completed Mini Theme games on site (applies to both heads in any hydrae). PM to discuss exceptions. WOTM is in effect.
11 pre-ins (please confirm in this thread):
1. sangres (hydra of fferyllt and Nachomamma8)
2. Tammy
3. borkjerfkin
4. SirCakez
5. Kitty Trauma Team (hydra of Malakittens and kuribo)
6. Lady Lambdadelta
7. mastina
8. Bell
9. Spiffeh
10. GreyICE
11. PookyTheMagicalBear
12. Titus
13. MathBlade
14. quiet
15. Prism
16. Dunnstral
17. Battle Mage
Replacement volunteers and spectators welcome too!