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Mini Number 2195 | Brutalism | GAME OVER

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:25 am
by OutWorldER

Welcome to Mini 2195. The flavor of this Mini Normal will be Brutalism. Brutalism is both an adjective and a theory of architecture. While in the modern day it is mostly used to refer to harsh, bombastic structures which feature exposed concrete as their main material, Brutalism was first defined in reference to the Hunstanton School by architects Alison and Peter Smithson. For them, brutalism was "an honest use of materials for reasons of their interest in the as-found qualities of materials and a questioning of the earlier modern cannon"

As for this normal, it just means I'll be posting pictures of brutalist architecture alongside vote counts and other moderator updates. Enjoy!

Moderator InfoPrimary Moderator: OutWorldER
Backup Mod: Gypyx
Setup Reviewers: Mastina and Flavor Leaf

Player List:
  1. Harumi Ayasato *
  2. Green Crayons
  3. Lunar Martian
  4. Reformed Toxic Player
  5. Testarossa *
    Battle Mage
    Momrangal >
  6. Andresvmb
  7. Elements
  8. ItalianoVD
  9. VP Baltar
  10. Datisi
  11. Dunnstral*
  12. Duchess **
    Cookie Monster
  13. RLotus
*denotes prods, > denotes naked prod dodges

Spoiler: Alive
VP Baltar

Spoiler: Dead
ItalianoVD <--
Town Neapolitan
, Eliminated Day 1
Reformed Toxic Player <--
Vanilla Townie
, Killed Night 1
midwaybear <--
Vanilla Townie
, Eliminated Day 2
Cookie Monster <--
Town Loyal Roaming Doctor
, Killed Night 2
Green Crayons <--
Mafia 2-shot Neighborizer
, Eliminated Day 3
maxwell <--
Town Voyeur
, Killed Night 3
RLotus <--
Vanilla Townie
, Eliminated Day 4
Andresvmb <--
Vanilla Townie
, Killed Night 4

Spoiler: Game Events

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:36 am
by OutWorldER

Inspired by Umlaut's ruleset, with some tweaks.
No rules stated here supersede the Forum Rules and Guidelines. If there is a contradiction between these rules and those, please inform me privately so I may correct it.

The Basics
  • Days are 336 hours (2 weeks). Nights are 48 hours (2 days).
    Prod timers of 48/24 (hours). The timer pauses during weekends. Naked prod dodges will only be counted the first three times. Players who incur 3 prods will be replaced.
    Standard Majority-only elimination mechanics.
    Daytalk enabled for all PT's.
  • 1. I will be using
    for my mod color. Avoid using it.
    2. Play to your win-condition.
    3. You may not discuss this game in any capacity outside of this game until a win-condition has been met.
    4. Mafia can become a heated game. Some measure of insult is allowed. However, excessive insults, ad-hominim attacks, or targeted harrassment will be met with a warning. Failing to adhere to it will result in replacement. The use of slurs/insults/attacks that target minority, disadvantaged, or legally protected classes will result in replacement.
    5. Interpersonal disputes and other outside influences are to be kept out of the game.
    6. Do not quote or misquote private communications from the moderator. Do not quote or misquote any communications from any private topics you be in.
    7. Don't use encryption, tiny/hidden/unreadable text or anything that makes your post illegible in the main thread. All communication in the main thread must be in English.
    8. Images/GIF's are allowed as long as they are not excessively large. As a general rule, avoid using anything that is over 1000 pixels in any dimension. Excessive amounts of GIF's/Images on a single page will result in a warning.
    9. All replacement requests will be taken as serious, irrevocable, and effective once they are sent. Once you have requested replacement, you are disbarred from posting in the main thread. Similiarly, do not declare a replace out in the thread. Do not threaten to replace out. Do not tell another player to replace out, or say that you are considering replacing out.
    10. If you are eliminated from the game through any means, you are disbarred from posting in the thread.
    11. All pretended violations of the above rules will be treated as actual violations. Do not intentionally test the limits of these rules.
Activity Requirements:

Every 48 hours without a post will inquire a prod from me. Once you are prodded, you have 24 hours to post before you are replaced.
The prod timer is paused during weekends. Players who go 48 hours without posting while this is in effect will receive unofficial prods.
You may post naked prod dodges, but they will only count the first three times. Afterwards, posts must be game-advancing to reset the prod timer.
If you are prodded three times, you will be replaced.
Vacation/Limited Access: Declare V/LA by bolding Mod: V/LA until [date], if you have to be absent longer than 36 hours. The prod timer pauses completely during this time. If you are V/LA longer than 7 days (168 hours), you will be replaced. If you must be V/LA for that amount of time or longer, I recommend you simply replace out instead.

  • Game Mechanics:

  • Days begin with a deadline of 336 hours (14 days/2 weeks)
    Days end when one of the following occurs:

    The deadline is reached
    An execution (elimination) or no-execution (no-elimination) is achieved.
    A player of any alignment is modkilled.
    Votes should be made via the vote tag: ["vote]NAME[/vote"] or ["v]NAME[/v"] (without the quotation marks). Full-player names are preferred.
    When more than half of the living players (50% + 1 rounded down) are voting for the same player, that player will be executed (eliminated) and the day will end. Votes are irrevocable once a majority is achieved.
    You may vote not to execute by voting for "No Execution or No Elimination". When a majority is reached on this (50% + 1 rounded down), the day will end without an execution.
    If the day reaches deadline without a majority, there will be no execution.
    Votes must be recognizably the players name, or they will not be counted (e.g typing SpaceHospital when you are trying to vote for OutWorldER will not count.)
    When a majority vote has been achieved but not yet recognized by the moderator, then the game is in Twilight. All players, including the condemned, may continue to post in all related topics until I lock the thread.
    Under certain circumstances I may elect to extend the deadline. I will announce this in thread if it occurs.
  • Nights last 48 hours, or until all living players have given me approval to end it early.
    During the night, you should be unable to post in the public game thread. If for some reason you are able, doing so is against the rules.
    Mafia night abilities must be submitted in the Mafia's private thread. Factional kills must specify which mafioso carries out the kill.
    Town night abilities should be submitted via PM. If you have a Notes PT, I will allow it to be submitted there.
    Use of active night abilities is optional unless otherwise specified in the role PM; if no action is submitted, no action will occur.
Sample Role PM:

At least one player will receive the role of
Vanilla Townie
and the following role PM:
Sample Role PMWelcome to Mini 2195! Your role is
Vanilla Townie!

You have no active abilites. Your weapons are your vote and your voice.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Confirm by replying to this PM with your full role name.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:28 am
by OutWorldER
All role PMs have been sent out (in the order of the signup list so timestamps mean nothing)! We will start in (expired on 2021-02-15 10:28:00) or when 11/13 people have confirmed, whichever happens sooner.

The above clock and any others used throughout this game will be accurate from the time you loaded the page.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:51 am
by OutWorldER
13/13 Players have confirmed! Day 1 will start (expired on 2021-02-11 21:51:04) from now!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:49 pm
by OutWorldER
Day 1 Begins

Official Vote Count 1.00


Inside Habitat 67, Montreal

EliminationWith 13 votes in play, it takes 7 to eliminate someone.

Harumi Ayasato (0):
Green Crayons (0):
Lunar Martian (0):
Reformed Toxic Player (0):
Testarossa (0):
Andresvmb (0):
Elements (0):
ItalianoVD (0):
VP Baltar (0):
Datisi (0):
Dunnstral (0):
Duchess (0):
RLotus (0):

Not Voting
(13): Harumi Ayasato, Green Crayons, Lunar Martian, Reformed Toxic Player, Testarossa, Andresvmb, Elements, ItalianoVD, VP Baltar, Datisi, Dunnstral, Duchess, RLotus

(expired on 2021-02-28 21:49:12)

Mod notes: No notes needed at this time

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:50 pm
by Reformed Toxic Player
first VOTE: datisi

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:51 pm
by Datisi
oh boy, (almost) 3am!

VOTE: rtp

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:52 pm
by Duchess
I love your avatar, OutWorldER!

VOTE: Reformed Toxic Player

You should get one!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:52 pm
by Datisi
also whoever doesn't have an avi, pls get one because i am too lazy to read names, thank you

pedit: wow

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:53 pm
by Lunar Martian
first VOTE: datisi

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:12 pm
by VP Baltar

Don't believe you.

Also, what's a friendly neighbor?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:16 pm
by Elements
VOTE: elements

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:19 pm
by Dunnstral
VOTE: elements

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:20 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 10, VP Baltar wrote:Also, what's a friendly neighbor?
Is this a serious question, a jab at abr, or something else?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:22 pm
by Reformed Toxic Player
In post 10, VP Baltar wrote:VOTE: RTP

Don't believe you.

Also, what's a friendly neighbor?
thats me

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:23 pm
by Reformed Toxic Player
In post 11, Elements wrote:VOTE: elements

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:29 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 13, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 10, VP Baltar wrote:Also, what's a friendly neighbor?
Is this a serious question, a jab at abr, or something else?
Dealer's choice

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:52 pm
by ItalianoVD
Hello everyone!


VOTE: RLotus

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:54 pm
by ItalianoVD
In post 10, VP Baltar wrote:Also, what's a friendly neighbor?
State Farm jingle? :giggle:

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:33 pm
by Green Crayons
VOTE: Harumi Ayasato

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:35 pm
by Green Crayons
In post 10, VP Baltar wrote:Also, what's a friendly neighbor?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:42 pm
by RLotus
VOTE: elements

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:07 pm
by Andresvmb
So many familiar faces. This should be fun.

VOTE: VP Baltar

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:18 pm
by Duchess
Lotus is that a random vote?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:31 pm
by Reformed Toxic Player
In post 23, Duchess wrote:Lotus is that a random vote?