I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time. I will inform you if this happens during the course of the game. I stole these from Nahdia and modified them to suit my needs!
No quoting any private mod communication, including your role PM, or contents of private topics. This includes referring or alluding to specific time stamps on any private communication. You can paraphrase.
If you have the ability to edit, please refrain from doing so.
Do not discuss this game outside game related threads while it is ongoing. This includes contacting players of the game via Private Messaging or other outside communication.
Do not discuss other ongoing games in this game thread unless the mechanics of that game allow such (I would appreciate it if you let me know in advance if this is the case as well).
When dealing with rules infractions or other problems, I will always seek the solution that is least invasive to the game state. That said, infractions may result in anything from a warning to your slot being force replaced or you being modkilled, depending on the severity and nature of the offense.
Please be respectful of all other players as well as myself. I personally am fragile.
No angle shooting. Play in the spirit of the game. This shouldn't be needed to be clarified this further.
Spoiler: Game Conduct Rules
My color is in the form of
White ontop of a
so don't use that.
Questions for me may be made either via PM or in the thread. If you ask a question in thread, please ensure you bold your question and begin with it with the tag "@mod" or "@Alisae" or "@Ali" so we are more likely to notice it.
No ciphers, encryption, extremely small text, or other similar tactics.
Do not threaten to report other players in order to attempt to influence their actions. If you believe someone is doing something worthy of a report, bring it to the attention of moderators.
If you notice an error in my moderating, you are free to point it out in the game thread. However, please also message me privately so that I notice and can amend the error as soon as possible.
PLEASE do not make reference to meta formed in other games still ongoing, no matter how discreet you attempt to be about it.
Do not make reference in game to any sort of moderator communication with the exception of game mechanics related communication.
Spoiler: Inactivity and V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access) Guidelines
I prod after 48 hours of inactivity and begin seeking replacement after another 24 hours.
If you receive more than three prods, I will immediately begin seeking replacement.
Please inform me
directly via PM of any V/LA and put up flags.
. Bolding your V/LA in thread also helps Alisaes! If you don't do this, I am not responsible if I don't notice you're on V/LA and prod you during it.
If you have regular V/LA periods (such as being unavailable on weekends) please inform us pre-game and I will take this into account. Though if you can put up flags, this can help Alisaes a lot tyvm!
Spoiler: Gameplay Rules
All private topics have daytalk unless stated otherwise. You may use all actions you have access to unless stated otherwise. I may also give wolves a discord to chat in
If there is a conflict between a role and the rules, the role wins.
Deadline modifications not ordained by the mechanics of the game itself will be granted rarely, only to accommodate for replacements, or in other extreme circumstances such as site downtime.
Votes must be made with either
or VOTE: tags. Votes not cast in this way
will not be counted
Flips are based on majority. The day will end whenever Majority is achieved and a flip will be posted.
If it is Final X, your vote is locked in as soon as you place it.
In the tragic event I drop off the face of the earth, MathBlade will take my place.
These players are considered dead for all intents and purposes. They can post, but their votes have a weight of 0, and they cannot be targetted with actions.
These players can communicate with each other privately and this won't be released.
There are 4 scum and 13 town.
The Town stump picks how many masons they want up to three.
For each mason the town stump doesn't pick, they get a one shot normal role of their choice with any normal modifier.
Once the town stump has determined how many masons they want, they submit a list of that many players plus four (Ex: If the stump picked three masons, the stump would submit seven names). This will be their mason pool.
The moderator(s) will take this list and remove the scumteam.
The moderator(s) will then randomize the remaining names to determine the masons.
These player(s) will then get a private PT with the town treestump.
Scum will recieve a period of up to 48 hours to decide as a team who gets what role.
The Scumteam
Members of the scumteam are decided in draft.
First the scum selects 1 player, then the mod will select 2 players who cannot be scum. Draft proceeds until all scum have been decided.
The scum and their stump have a PT.
Before sign-ups, the scum treestump creates their team's roles.
The scumteam can pick most anything they want. The Mod may reject suggestions if they percieve that those suggestions would create an unhealthy experience for the game. The mod will design a setup that is balanced with these picks in mind.
The scumstump may also submit two rules the moderators must follow when designing the setup. (Ex: No cops/gunsmiths, All town must be joats). Any broken rules will be rejected.
Once the scumteam has their roles and the masons are determined, the moderators design the setup within 48 hours.
Before sign-ups, the scum stump designs the scum's roles.
The scumteam can pick mostly anything they want, and the moderators balance town around their pick.
The scumstump may also submit two rules the moderators must follow when designing the setup. (Ex: No cops/gunsmiths, All town must be joats).
Anything that was deemed by me to be broken, unfair, or likely to create an unhealthy game experience was rejected.
Balance was striven for.
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:27 pm
by Alisae
Role PMs are going out now.
Game will start once the following conditions have been met.
- 13/17 players have confirmed
- scum have distributed their roles to each of their players. They have around 24 hours to do this.
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:13 pm
by Alisae
----------- 0 ( No One )
War and Peace
------- 0 ( No One )
Sherlock and Watson
- 0 ( No One )
--------- 0 ( No One )
Gamma Emerald
------- 0 ( No One )
Morty and Rick
------ 0 ( No One )
----------- 0 ( No One )
----------------- 0 ( No One )
Rogue Squadron
------ 0 ( No One )
----------- 0 ( No One )
--------------- 0 ( No One )
---------- 0 ( No One )
------------ 0 ( No One )
Battle Mage
--------- 0 ( No One )
---------------- 0 ( No One )
Charlie and Snoopy
-- 0 ( No One )
------------- 0 ( No One )
Not Voting
---------- 17 ( nancy drew 39, Titus, Batsunami, War and Peace, Sherlock and Watson, Starcrossed, Gamma Emerald, Morty and Rick, SaraharaS, Fey, Rogue Squadron, Dunnstral, Clidd, ItalianoVD, Toogeloo, Battle Mage, Pyro, Charlie and Snoopy, Saudade )
With 17 alive, it takes 9 to Flip
Deadline is in (expired on 2021-02-25 20:01:00)
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:22 pm
by Rogue Squadron
First! VOTE: Starcrossed
-Rogue Three
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:26 pm
by War and Peace
Second. VOTE: Starcrossed
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:28 pm
by Gamma Emerald
VOTE: saudade
Took you long enough to show your face to me again
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:44 pm
by Pyro
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper. VOTE: Starcrossed
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:46 pm
by Batsunami
*noms on a sour punch straw* VOTE: Gamma
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:48 pm
by Batsunami
hello Ircher hi samantha hi Krazy hii Kanna hi Pooky hi Gamma hi mastina hi Auro hi Lunar hi Dunny hi clidd hi Toog hi BM hi Saudade !
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:49 pm
by Pyro
Why does Ircher get special treatment?
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:49 pm
by Batsunami
Omg I forgot clidd was here!
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:50 pm
by Batsunami
In post 11, Pyro wrote:Why does Ircher get special treatment?
did you think there was potential significance to variation within my greetings?
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:54 pm
by Pyro
Like my life, the question belongs in a perfect graveyard of buried hopes; designed to strike up a conversation, yearning for meaning, yet ... finding nothing but an empty void which will swallow us whole.
Pyro wrote:Like my life, the question belongs in a perfect graveyard of buried hopes; designed to strike up a conversation, yearning for meaning, yet ... finding nothing but an empty void which will swallow us whole.
hmph! alright then!
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:57 pm
by Fey
Hi everyone!! I'm so excited to be here, we're all gonna do great! ^_^
Hi momma bear! I told you I was gonna kick ur ass just you wait.
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:01 pm
by Titus
I'd wait but I do have places to be before my 90th birthday.
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:02 pm
by Batsunami
Momma bearrrrrrr I think you are very berry smart because if you chose me I would've called you totus forever and then you would've regretted it big time