Scummies Nominations 2021!

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Scummies Nominations 2021!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:23 pm

Post by Scummies »

Posts in this thread
count toward nominations
Feel free to submit
nominations in thread by making a post in the format linked above.

January 7th, 2022 will be the last day to submit nominations
(expired on 2022-01-07 23:59:59)

Hello! Welcome to the 2021 Scummies Nomination thread! This thread may be used for both nomination and discussion. The awards themselves are handed out during the winter season of 2022 during an awards ceremony!

Important things of Note:

- Group awards should be limited to 2-5 individuals. If an award goes to a group greater than that in size, they will not be given the banner that goes along with the award.
- Body of Work awards must include at least 2 examples in order to qualify for consideration.
- There have been changes to the Rube Goldberg, Mad Scientist, and Community Contributor awards this year. Please ensure you read them before nomming.
- The Master Strategist award has been discontinued due to lack of interest.

In addition to submitting a nomination, you can also submit an anti-nomination, speaking against a nomination. These will not be listed publicly, but forwarded to the judges who decide to judge.
See the post below on how to nominate someone for a scummy or submit an anti-nom!

The Awards
♩   ♫   ♪
Award Name
Award Purpose
Award Type
Eligible Parties
Award Description
Townplay Awards
Paragon of Mafia Hunters
Best Mafia Catcher
Body of Work
Individual Award
This award is awarded to the single town player who, across all of their games for the year, exhibited the best ability for nailing those dirty scumbags and bringing the bad guys to justice while playing as a pro-town role. The person who wins this award should have demonstrated exemplary townplay during the year.
Moment of Brilliance
Best Town Performance
Individual Game
Individual or Group Award
This is awarded to (an) individual(s) in a town who exemplified the best performance this year. The nominated players should be pivotal to their faction winning the game and who, if another player was in their slot, may not have had this effect on the game.
Scumplay Awards
Don Corleone
Most Cunning Manipulator
Body of work
Individual Award
This is awarded to a single scum player who, across all of their games for the year, exhibited the best ability to manipulate the town into losing. The person who wins this award should have demonstrated the best scumplay during the year.
Best Mafia Team
Individual Game
Group Award
This is awarded to 2 or more individuals who worked together to make a stellar performance as scum, ideally leading to a victory for their faction. The players who win this award should have demonstrated the best team scumplay overall.
Moderator Awards
The Modfather
Excellent Moderation
Body of Work
Moderator Award
This is awarded to the moderator who, over the past year, exemplified the best quality of moderation. Important things to take into consideration are timeliness and accuracy of moderation, game setup and mechanics, and any other flair which sets a moderator apart from the rest. This is the moderator who, when looking back over the history of the site, stood out as that year's premiere moderator. Who will people remember when the dust settles? Who runs games that you have to RUSH to signup for or else miss out on a potentially all-time great experience? This award is for them.
Rube Goldberg
Best Setup
Individual Game
Moderator Award
This is awarded to a mod or setup designer who has designed the best Normal or Open setup. Judges may consider the roles involved in a game, how those roles interacted, how balanced a setup was, how the setup interacts with a mechanic, or any other factors the judges deem relevant. How this award differs from the
Mad Scientist
Best Mechanic
) award is that this focuses setup design rather than mechanical design, and therefore is eligible to Normal and Open games, not Themed games.
Mad Scientist
Best Mechanic
Individual Game
Moderator Award
This is awarded to a mod or setup designer that designed the most ingenious change to the game of mafia in a Themed game. This may include changes to the basic mechanics of the game, new or adapted roles, how fitting the changes are to the theme at hand, and anything else which is deemed applicable to this category. How this award differs from the
Rube Goldberg
Best Setup
) award, is that this is that is focuses on mechanical design rather than setup design, and therefore is eligible to Themed games, not Normal or Open games.
Paperback Writer
Best Flavor
Individual Game
Moderator Award
This award is given to the moderator who wrote had the best flavor for their game. Did they tell a compelling story? Did their flavor make you laugh, cry, or make the game's world come to life? This award may be for them! Aspects of this may include presentation of moderator posts (VCs, day starts, OPs, role PMs) and how that presentation affected the mood of the game. Where appropriate, Judges may consider how well the flavor works with the announced theme.
Miscellaneous Play Awards
Rising Star
Best Up-And-Comer
Body of Work
Individual Award
This is awarded to the player that is a rising star in the game of mafia, showing great promise to join the elite echelon of mafia players. This award replaces both the Best Newbie award and Most Improved Player awards, and judges may consider elements of both those previous awards in deciding this award. This award is generally awarded to someone who has shown great improvement over the year or to a new face to the new that just started playing on site with great potential.
White Knight
Best Replacement
Individual Game
Individual Award
This is awarded to a player who replaced into a game and was able to make a sizable contribution to the game upon replace in. This may include turning around a slot that was previously doomed, jumping in and nailing the mafia team, pulling off a big play to save a scumteam, or maybe just coming in and taking a game from miserable to enjoyable. If someone put in the work to replace into a game and you feel it warrants notice, this is where you nominate them.
Hannibal Lecter
Best Third Party
Individual Game
Individual Award
This is awarded to the player or players that performed the most impressively in winning their game as a third party. Perhaps it was a serial killer masterfully floating under the radar, or a wacky new third-party role that required some serious chops to pull off. If they aren't town or scum, but you think they deserve recognition, then this is the award for them.
Kodak Moment
Best Moment
Individual Game or Post(s)
Individual Award or Group Award
This is awarded to the player or players who were involved in the most memorable event in a game of mafia. Fake claims, funny claims, awesome exchanges, etc. may all be considered for this award.
Site Awards
Player's Choice
Game of the Year
Individual Game
Individual Award
This is awarded to the moderator of a game. It is given in recognition of the overall excellence of a game. The Game of the Year award is a "catch all" award for the best overall game throughout the entire year. It should take into consideration all aspects of the game from moderator quality to the excellent design and composition of the game to the performance and cohesion of the playerlist. A Game of the Year is meant to be the game that we can all point to later and say "This game was the best game the site could offer that year in terms of Design, Playerlist, and moderating capability."
This is a PUBLIC VOTE.
Post of the Year
Best Post
Individual Post
Individual Award
This is awarded to a person that made a post. But not just any post. No, this post is important! Among all posts on site, this is the post which had the biggest impact on site culture. Maybe made you laugh. Perhaps it made you cry. Maybe it just made you blow air out your nose. In any case, this post belongs in a shrine to great forum posts.
This is a PUBLIC VOTE.
Community Contributor
Best Site Contributor
OOC Thread
Individual Award
This is awarded to the user who did the most to contribute to the overall health of the site. This person may have arranged an in-person meetup, evolved mafia theory discussion to a new level with their MD articles, ran fun contests or events for the site, or worked on a cool mafia tool in their spare time. Perhaps their actions put in place rules which will change the way this site is run. Whatever they did, if they worked to improve the site outside of the Mish Mash or Mafia games, this is where they belong. This is a unique award which may or may not be given despite nominations. The SSC may also award it to someone who failed to receive a nomination. We aim to honor those who work towards the betterment of our community, which is why we have this clause in place.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Post by Scummies »

Submitting a Nomination

Please use the following formatting when submitting nominations. There's more you can do after you filled out the form if you want to be nice and make our life easier, so keep reading.

Award Name
Date Nominated [dd/mm/yy] Nominator [This is your name]Nominee [The person you want to nominate]Full Name of the game ["Large Normal 20143: Blah Blah Blah Mafia" for example. Make sure you use codes such that clicking on the name of the game takes to the game thread or post in question.]Description on why this person should win this award.

Use this form for all awards
Body of Work awards

Code: Select all

[table][header=5]Award Name[/header]
[cell][url=game/post link]Full Name of the game[/url][/cell]
[cell]-insert your description here-[/cell][/row]

Use this form for Paragon, Don Corleone, Modfather, Rising Star, and Community Contributor

(Remember that you must include at least 2 games in the write-up for these awards, with the exception of Community Contributor)

Code: Select all

[table][header=5]Award Name[/header]
[cell=2]-insert your description here-[/cell][/row]


If you want to be extremely helpful, you can color the table and text so that its associated with its award category (Town, Scum, Moderator, Misc, or Site). I will leave a key below, but the key thing to remember is that when coloring a table background, you do not need to put a # character in, where as with text color, you are required to put in a # character at the beginning of the hexcolor.
for example table=1d232d and color=#d0e4f8
These are the corresponding colors to each category
Town Awards
: 232D1D
Text Color
: #e4f8d0
Scum Awards
: 2D1D23
Text Color
: #F8D0E4
Moderator Awards
: 1F1D2D
Text Color
: #D0D0F8
Misc Awards
: 2D271D
Text Color
: #F8E4D0
Site Awards
: 1D232D
Text Color
: #D0E4F8

Submitting an anti-nomination

Sometimes a controversial nomination comes along. If you wish to register your dissent, the judges will take that into consideration. You may do so privately by sending a PM to the current custodians of the Scummies Nominations thread (the worst and Aristophanes) with the following PM title: "Anti-nomination for [username] for [Award]". Please include detailed reasoning. Public or "empty" anti-noms will not be considered.

Declining a nomination

If you wish to take yourself out of consideration for an award, you may do so. Send a PM to the current custodians of the Scummies Nominations thread (the worst and Aristophanes) with the following PM title: "Request to decline [Award]". Please include a detailed reason why you think this is not your year. This is request is subject to a vote within the Scummies Steering Committee - if a majority of the SSC thinks you deserve to be considered anyway, the nomination will stand.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Post by Scummies »

Date Added
mastina PookyTheMagicalBear Warehouse 13

Draft Mafia

Two Day Penultimate Mafia
Pooky has been TEARING through scumteams this year, utterly decimating and eviscerating them. While the game ultimately ended in a scum win, in College Basketball Players, Pooky correctly identified
all three mafia
, being on the eliminations of the two and insisting,
the town to eliminate the third scum. (The town didn't listen, thus the scum win, but Pooky was dead by then so he did as well as a townie could do.)

He earned a N1 nightkill in Mini 2200, in part due to having 2/3 of the scum south of null.

In Warehouse 13, Pooky was singlehandedly the cause of the town win--while the playerlist was basically an allstar list of legends, no individual town player had every piece of the puzzle and were hard-disagreeing on the rest...but Pooky by sheer force of will alone convinced the town that he was correct on his piece, and then after being elevated to conftown status from this, went on to then help the town identify which pieces they had correct, guiding them to one of the hardest possible town roflstomps of all time (in a setup that was, if anything, scumsided, no less!). It started on D1 but was truly cemented on D3.

In Draft Mafia, he did it
, this time by nailing the Pizza hydra as scum and in helping eliminate both the remaining scum. He basically caught the entire scumteam, basically by himself.

And most recently, in Two Day Penultimate Mafia, an Open game with what amounts to a White Flagesque mechanic where the town only needed to eliminate one scum in order to win, where eliminating one scum on D1 would be an instant town win...Pooky NAILED one of the crucial scum players, not to mention correctly identifying a second scum player. While the game was ultimately abandoned, had it not been, the probable end to the D1 was a compromise elimination on Pooky's correct initial target of choice, which would've meant that had the game not been abandoned, the likely outcome of the game would be a town win, again, singlehandedly thanks to him.

Pooky is wrecking scumteams left and right; he is utterly DESTROYING them in basically every towngame he is in. Pooky is basically a one-person scum wrecking crew, able to singlehandedly win town after town after town the game. And the legend of Pooky is only growing game after game.
PookyTheMagicalBear Cabd Role-A-Pair Mafia

Tarot UPick: Deviant Moon Edition

Not Quite Normal Multiball

Yggdrasil - Stratum FINAL -
This dude is like really good at catching bad guys. Like seriously absurdly good. There's like nobody I'd be happier to sheep more. And it's the kind of merciless hunt down the entire team and leave no prisoners variety. Two of these games are Cabd in a Hydra but I included them anyway because he is a significant part of the hydra contribution.

In Role-A-Pair Mafia, Cabd replaced into a stagnant game state and immediately targeted two scum for death. After another day he had the identity of the last scum nailed down as well. And all of this was on Day 1, with no flips, no "info roles" and really no aids given.

In Tarot Upick, Cabd played Day 1 drunk and speed-limmed a scum player in less than three hours... Not satisfied with one scum death, our drunk hero then neighborizes another scum player and figures out not only that they are scum in the hood, but also gets the identity of their partner. This ends up turning into a town win by a mile - really unfair for the scum side - but Cabd doesn't really believe in fairness or making sure anyone else has fun. It's not because he's a mean person, imo he is probably one of the nicest people I've talked with, it's just he believes playing below his standards is disrespectful towards the opposition... which makes him take every game incredibly seriously ~.~;;; Seriously the dude has no chill button.

In NQN, Cabd/Fiery played in a hydra and their reads were very good and a strong reason for the town winning in a complete romp. Their first readslist is a work of art

All three scumreads are Mafia/Werewolves.

The other three main-scum are also all in the orange tier right above scumreads.

It's as close to perfect as anyone really gets on Day One of a Large Theme game.

In Yggdrasil, Cabd/Fiery also played together in a Hydra that hard carried the town because yet again all of their reads were pretty much immaculate.


All three scumreads are Mafia.

The last two scum are in the orange tier above scum - by the end of day they had narrowed it down to a (5/5) perfect solve for the entire remainder of the scum-team.
Moment of Brilliance
Date Added
Game & Link
skitter30 morning tweet Mini 2206 - Deja Vu: Perpetual MELO IV
Morning Tweet repped in mid-day4 with super on-point posting and analyses and managed to completely overturn the game. She didn't *quite* manage to eke out the town win, but she came ridiculously close, and I believe that if conditions were slightly different (if she had repped in a bit earlier, or if the game had dragged on a bit longer), she absolutely could have.

To set the stage: Perpetual melo is essentially a best-of-5 setup: if town manages to get 3 scumflips they win, and if scum gets 3 town misflips scum wins.
Scum got misflips on days 1 and 2, and the win was in sight. Day3 had became a bit dicey, and I ultimately decided to bus scum-mom, knowing that in doing so, town-infinity (or town-notscience) would be neatly set up as the final misflip day4. And indeed, when day4 started, infinity was in quite a lot of hot water, and her flip looked fairly inevitable. In my mind, scum had all but won the game at that point - all that was left was waiting for town to actually cast the crucial quickhammer-enabling votes.

I had to go v/la just then, but I was fairly confident that I would return two days later to either a win or basically the same situation.

Instead, I came back to the game basically being set on fire by MT's rep-in: she read the entire 150 page game, correctly identified all 3 living town, and more crucially, correctly identified the scumteam and exactly what we had been doing all game. She was actively trying to block infinity's misflip, and trying to get scum flipped instead. And she nearly succeeded too, getting the key town-votes to at least waiver and rethink the misflip wagon.

She single-handedly turned a scumstomp into a near town win. I give her massive props for her on-point analysis and effort she put into trying to turn the game around for town, even if she didn't quite succeed.

Just some quotes from spectators in the dead-pt to show just how good she was:
In post 210, fferyllt wrote:
In post 209, Prism wrote:Morning is actually balling out holy shit

In post 222, Prism wrote:okay who PM'd her the scumteam

not only are her bulging muscles made entirely of extra brain tissue this is the bravest bat i have ever seen in my life
In post 227, petapan wrote:torn between wanting to win and the fact that morning tweet inarguably deserves to win and if she doesn't pull this off for whatever erason it'll be the greatest tragedy ever committed in a mafia game
In post 240, petapan wrote:morning tweet is glowing with energy right now
mastina morph the cat, Celestial Powerhouse, PookyTheMagicalBear, unwnd (maybe a fifth here?) Not Quite Normal Multiball
Game was a perfect town win--no town players were eliminated during the day, and a grand total of two town players died in the game. One, due to a strongman kill (they would not have died without the strongman kill which the town could not prevent), and the other being due to the town not being able to stop both kills (but still managing to stop one scum kill). Both vig shots hit scum; all eliminations hit scum; most scum kills were prevented. It literally could not have been more perfect a towngame.

However, the players I am nominating are the players I saw as the very core of this effort. morph basically nailed every scum in the game, and Celestial Powerhouse shared in that. Pooky and unwnd were both great in the majority of their reads and pushes and these four slots were the slots I would say were most influential towards the win and thus the slots most worthy of the award.
mastina Toogeloo, Sakura Hana, Romance (alt of Ydrasse) Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mafia
Basically the entirety of the town this game performed exceptionally well and literally all of them basically contributed heavily to the town win, but these three slots are the slots I would attribute the win the most to. The scum were not playing poorly; they actually played quite well. But between Toogeloo, Sakura Hana, and Romance, the scumteam as a whole was fairly boxed in mechanically and also by flavor. They were left with very little wiggle room and without the breakthroughs of Sakura Hana and Romance, and without the extensive flavor knowledge of Toogeloo, combined with pressuring the right slots (not to mention, a guilty from Romance certainly helped), they are the slots that I would say MOST won the game for the town and were MOST irreplaceable. While everyone contributed to the win, I don't think any other players could have contributed as much as Toogeloo, Romance, and Sakura Hana did.

But the whole town did in fact earn it. Again, it wasn't the scum playing incredibly poorly. They planned extensively (the scum PT is literally 60 pages long to give you an idea of how much time and effort they put into planning), they did fairly well to maneuver by play to be largely untouched for the majority of the game, and they even were in positions each day where (aside from the guiltied/first dead scum and the final dead scum) it genuinely looked like they could live.

...Except, by the work of Toogeloo, Sakura Hana, and Romance...they
RH9 Dwlee99,MafMen,Prism,Tammy,Wisdom,Ydrasse, Enchant,cool cookie,PookyTheMagicalBear,the worst Open 834: Trust Fall
I spectated the game with Gamma Emerald and it was modded by numberQ. Town won in three days with no Mafia interruption. Not a single Mafia got to do a Trust Fall. Neither of them, I think, even got trusted. I think that this was the fastest Town win, I ever witnessed. I think that this was kind of bad for the Mafia, who didn't get a chance to Trust Fall. I actually thought that Mafia would get a chance to do a Trust Fall. Sadly, for them, Town was too good. I would consider this the most interesting game to spectate so far. So that is why I'm giving all the Town members a nomination for managing to perfectly win a Trust Fall game in three days.
CheekyTeeky Toogeloo, Sakura Hana, mastina, House Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Mafia
The whole town played well, from all Vanilla baiting the NK N1 to obv towning throughout the game. I chose these players specifically as I believe the town win was made all the more inevitable because of their contributions.

Toogeloo had sound flavour knowledge that enabled town to discern between potential fake claims and obviously town roles.

Sakura Hana was able to filter down the game mechanics and actions to accurately PoE two scum PRs.

Mastina rallied the town around Sakura's PoE and pushed for mostly scum eliminations.

House (active part of a hydra though Yume could be considered too) played his role so well that he was never an NK target and he was able to successfully use his role each night so that a strong townblock was formed which narrowed the PoE considerably.

All of these players made significant contributions to the game outcome and used their roles well. Thanks for the game everyone it was really enjoyable ^.^
Lady Lambdadelta, PookyTheMagicalBear, Prism, honestly the whole town is worthy but the award requires me to limit the number of names to nominate, not sure who is most-worthy of the most-worthy but these three seem to be a good start.
Warehouse 13: The Mafia Game[/color]
The scum got
. Completely and utterly

On D1, there was a scum elimination--while this was semi-deliberate by the scumteam in order to save an important scum PR who was the other leading wagon on D1 (let that sink in for a moment:
both leading wagons on D1 were
on scum
), and the scum's plan was to have the D1 scumflip give sufficient towncred to keep the other D1 wagoned scum alive...the town ended up eliminating said scum on D3
, and once they did, broke the game open.

While no town player had
the answers, every town player had
of the answers, and when overlapping and combining their analysis, it ultimately led to them being able to correctly name and identify all of the scum and systematically eliminate them. It might not have been a perfect town win, but it was pretty damn close to one.
Last edited by Noraa on Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Post by Scummies »

Don Corleone
Date Added
DkKoba Dwlee99
I'll just dump the links here, but Dwlee has consistently won several games as scum this year and has even snowed players in very tough to win situations, such as in SCP Upick, where even when examined under close scrutiny in a mlimlo situation, they still pulled ahead. &
Anyone who has played with or against scum Dwlee will agree they are a force to be reckoned with. Their play is marked by looking ahead from the very beginning and making sure they have an endgame strategy. I do not think anyone else this year comes even remotely close to Dwlee's scumplay this year, and I'm someone who would have nominated myself earlier this year.
catboi PookyTheMagicalBear
Not one, but TWO utterly improbable come from behind wins where he survived losing his entire team early to win in F3, first in Gensokyo (as Sanae), then in Pokemon Large Theme, where pulled off a risky gambit by vigging his teammate on night 1 and rode the cred from that to endgame. A single one of those games would be a signature win, two in the same year is absolutely remarkable. Additionally, was part of the scumteam that bullied their way to a sweep in TENET.

"Pooky is very good at not getting limmed no matter how scummy he seems" - Infinity 324, Micro 1005: Help Isis, Scholarship Student at Noon
Prism petapan/catboi
petapan should be the first-ever two-time Don Corleone. He has absolutely torn it up all year across a variety of accounts. His scumgames are all hallmarked by both extremely strong and extremely flexible play, and he showed immense creativity in finding or inventing a variety avenues to win.

I'll touch on 4 accounts of his: petapan, catboi, Retti, and bloodhail.

First, let's hit on two of the marquee scumgames of the year from this player.

Happy Face Mafia (Retti): This game was absolute hero shit. Virtually every town player had nailed 3 out of 4 of the mafia players. Retti's response was to dominate the game through dayplay, strategically cutting lose his partners only as they became doomed, and most importantly using his role as the scum gladiator to
gladiate all three of his scum partners
, and willingly no elim the single time he gladiated town. He planned out a gambit Day 1 (lying about a reward for correct gladiates), followed it up with a plausible claim that put him in the clear, and correctly navigated my own role which threatened to put him in autoloss. Town got a million free elims this game from numbers, a vig, and mechanical clears...and Retti still managed to win the game. Easily one of the top 3 individual scum performances all year.

FGO II (petapan/Servant Alter Ego): This was a tough loss but one of the most publicly celebrated scumgames of the year. petapan once again drags a mostly dysfunctional scumteam to the finish line, doing his best to assist them but cutting them lose when it becomes apparent they're doomed. Town wins the election to gain a clear, eliminates two members of the scumteam back to back Day 1, and eliminates the third scumteam member Day 2. peta is left alone, and dodges a variety of mechanics, elims, and other obstacles to drag it out all the way to Day 6. At this point he has been mechanically confirmed after 2 suboptimal nightkills, and he
still nearly wins the game purely off the strength of dayplay
. Easily the best losing performance of the year.

Alright, sure, he can powerbus. What else has he done all year? It's easy to think petapan just powerbusses his team all game looking at the above, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Let's look at some more collaborative and inventive samples.

Large Normal 232: Sibyl's Elegy (bloodhail): A marquee team win where the team widely credited bloodhail for dragging them to the finish line. The scum PT shows why; bloodhail is constantly coordinating his teammates, seeking out the traitor, and arranging miselims, coordinated pushes, hammers, and the rote mechanics, coaching his teammates all along the way. Bulge sums it up best: "looking a lot better for scum today for sure. bloodhail definitely carrying in terms of strategy and level-headedness, i wonder who they're an alt of." Held together by bloodhail, scum cruises to the win with most of the team intact despite multiple members under threat early.

Open 812: Guardians of the Fortress (catboi): With catboi's minigame unresolved in a scum 2-0 victory, it would be easy to dismiss this game. It featured a strong scumteam working in concert, and Briar and unwnd played extremely well to clinch it. But catboi was still a force of nature, poised to win his own minigame if necessary, and focused on creating an abudance of interactions for his teammates to both distance from him and thrive individually. I think post 2006 sums it up, both setting himself up well for sheer effort and presenting several reasons to call unwnd town in the wake of Briar's scumflip.

Mini 2206: Perpetual MELO IV (petapan): petapan replaces into the game, and correctly realizes that Venus Fly Trap is having one of the best scum performances of the year on their own. Rather than trying to carry on his own, he leaves it to the team and sets them up as best as he can. He leverages the knowledge that he's in a scumread slot to help sink Nacho Day 1, exits using the built-in mechanic that night, and left interactions to set the team up well for the rest of the game. Spoiler, it works and his play complements VFT's perfectly and confirms her as a universal townread. Scum wins.

Open 817: Nightless Exploder Pandemonium (petapan): Short, easy, sweet scumwin in a meme game? Why is this relevant? Because petapan immediately identified it gave scum the best shot of winning, and quickly leaned in to help push it that direction. The result is an easy scumwin.

micro 1017: mystery: box of silver (Retti): Again, not just a power bussing one trick but an extremely creative player and master of mechanics. Worked well with Datisi, both planned mechanics indepth and right from pregame. Scum realizes they're in a dangerous spot if the game goes to Elo...and work together to put together the setup and bet it all on a triple kill N2. It works. Scum wins.

Mini Normal 2252: W;ldlife amd strange critters (Retti): Another day, another game of Retti getting widely townread as scum. He realizes that scum can't blitz because of a vig gambit, warns his partners,
watches them do it anyway
...and still wins after he immediately knows the game is still on, plays dumb, and gets Natalya voted out. Scum win from the brink of disaster.

Open 824: White Flag (bloodhail): Very basic game but an example of flexibility and team emphasis. He replaces in, sees he's getting bussed, and works with the team to set them up well after the flip. It works and scum wins.

Open 804: Popcorn Mafia (petapan): Bit of a circus of a game, but peta endgames essentially without even trying. Mostly sharp play but after he feels he's caught by Imperium, he switches just to running interference and keeping his partners out of the discerning eye. Not exactly as he planned but still works, scum wins.

The sheer variety of ways he played and won scumgames this year was just mindboggling. Ridiculous level of flexibility, adaptability, and extreme skill in virtually every category of scumplay. When you combine that broad skillset with with depth and level of strength he brings to any given one, nobody else onsite compares. He not only had the strongest scumgames onsite in 2021 but the most varied, and should run away with a second award.
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Game & Link
SirCakez The scum team of TENET (Cabd, PookyTheMagicalBear, Almost50, LadyLambdadelta, Spiffeh, Cephrir, and Gypyx) TENET
All you need to do is look at the OP of the game. It is a total town graveyard. In an extremely complex, arguably town-sided (I take responsibility for that) setup, this scumteam absolutely defied all odds to completely shred the town into a million little pieces. Mastery of day play and game mechanics led to this team taking total control over the game in BOTH game threads, resulting in a scum win so early that a planned game mechanic never even happened. These players all had incredible synergy and worked together constantly to coach each other as needed and to plan an impressive SIX-PERSON scum quickhammer at game end. I believe this is the most dominant scum performance I have ever seen in a large theme and they deserve all the hype.
SirCakez Petapan, Not_Mafia, Momrangal, Menalque, Ydrasse, Skitter30, Lilith2013 Mini 2206 - Deja Vu: Perpetual MELO IV
This absolutely ridiculous scum team snowed many experienced scumhunters and players with extensive meta with each of them. Many town players expressed feeling that this was the hardest game they had ever played. Despite Momrangal getting caught day 3, the final two scum players Disaster Cartel and Venus Fly Trap pulled out the win day four by totally manipulating notscience and myself with masterful posting and emotion manipulation. One of the best scum teams I've ever faced.
DkKoba Ramicus and
Gamma Emerald
Masochist Mafia II
These 2 stuck through a >3 year game as scum together and managed to pull off the win. While I personally pulled the trigger that won the game, these 2 dodged all the town power and such and didn't lose a single member. Both Ramicus and GE had high post counts in the game, mainly Ramicus, and they were controlling the game state fairly well. The perfect win was well deserved.
Last edited by Noraa on Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Post by Scummies »

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PookyTheMagicalBear Morning Tweet Slaughter Hour

Mini 2231: Radio Buzz
It's actually insane how much production value Tweetie puts into her games. It truly is a labor of love for her and the quality shines through and through. I was lucky enough to get into my first two Tweetie moderated games this year and it would be an understatement to say it has been an
. Mechanically things just
make sense
and are beautifully woven into the game to be fun and enjoyable for the players. It's like sitting in a perfectly designed car and things just go where they should - it feels
. There is beauty in simplicity and beauty in complication and Tweetie's mechanics just work perfectly. You can really tell she spent a lot of time ironing out the details to have the game be fun to play for everyone involved.

Every aspect of the moderation was impeccable but Tweetie is not satisfied with just perfect - she goes above and beyond to deliver a truly memorable time for her players. Music selection, great cutscenes,
custom made art especially for the game
. These are just some of the things that elevate her games to another level.
Rube Goldberg
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mastina GuyInFreezer Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
The game was incredibly well-made start to finish. While the raid mechanic was a bit underdeveloped (had it been expanded more, I'd have a Mad Scientist nomination) and the game was imo
townsided, the overall setup was
designed and the execution incredible. It was genuinely fun and incredible.
mastina Jingle Triplicate
While I feel that the mini Normal was terribly balanced beyond an acceptable margin and not having information about the wagon analyzer as a serial killer is poor design,
, the setup as a whole was
designed. The game's mechanic was incredibly complex and had multiple layers to it, but ultimately, the setup was still brilliantly designed, with very few flaws. I hold far more praise than I do criticism for the setups and they ended up being quite well handled in my opinion.
Mad Scientist
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catboi Chara The Binding of Isaac Mafia
There were a lot of interesting roles in this closed smalltown setup, but I'm nominating this for the Eve role in particular. When eliminated, the Eve role opens a PT with the player of their choosing, designating them as her Raven. The game then enters a special twilight phase where a new elimination is chosen by the Raven. The elimination can be on Eve still if the Raven so chooses. he catch comes in that the Raven is not allowed to post in the PT. This created a fascinating dynamic where I had to read and evaluate the trustworthiness of the Eve player, Costello, while not being able to speak to them directly. We wound up communicating in veiled codes to get my intentions across. Having a one-way line of communication open was an interesting challenge and that it was tied to such a strong role, whose power was alignment-neutral, was a great invention that made the game a memorable experience.
mastina Gypyx + MURDERCAT Draft Mafia + Open Draft Mafia
This is a bit of an unusual nomination in that it is not one game, but rather both the original game for how groundbreaking the concept of it was, and then the first iteration of an Open setup using the original game's fundamental mechanics and making it repeatable. I feel like both mods should be given credit here as the mechanic involved is, frankly, brilliant. While there's been games with similar concepts, the execution was superb in providing a mechanic that is ridiculously fun and just mechanically rewarding for players, without being nothing but a mechanical puzzle to solve. Mechanical prowess offered an advantage, but was not mandatory.
mastina Jingle Triplicate
The triple-game mechanic was legitimately incredible. It's insane. But amazing. The idea of the three games in one was designed masterfully, and the mechanic is in my opinion, truly a revolutionary one which pushes the limit of theme mechanics and pushes the limit of mini theme mechanics in particular.
Paperback Writer
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SirCakez Penguin_alien Warehouse 13: The Mafia Game
Penguin wrote a whole book's worth of game-accurate flavor for this game based on an obscure SyFy TV show, including flavored roles, flavored game mechanics, and virtually every game message being flavored (even invitations to dead chat and note PT OPs!) The amount of work that was put in here is truly impressive and made this one of the most themed Large Themes I've ever played.
fferyllt penguin_alien Warehouse 13: The Mafia Game
penguin_alien outdid herself as a thematic writer in Warehouse 13. Which isn't easy! She's a deft and creative game flavor writer who always weaves the game events with impeccable, on point flavor. Not only was the event/flavor weaving amazingly well done, and not only did the role cards encapsulate each character's relevance to the game as well as to the theme. As players, we expect these aspects of a high-flavor game and some of us probably take that level of writing for granted. PA went so far beyond that, though. Each artifact (a fascinating game mechanic in its own right) was described in loving detail. Every communication - every death notification, every artifact transfer PM was lore-accurate and flavoricious. Even the private thread titles was built on Warehouse 13 lore -- not lifted from the series -- built upon it.

The game in toto was an extrapolation of the Warehouse 13 world in a mafia game setting. By comparison, many theme games weld pieces of flavor onto a mafia game format. In this game, penguin_alien melded the Warehouse 13 concept and mafia game frameworks into a captivating whole that I'm struggling to do justice to in this write-up.

The feature of her writing that impressed me most during the game was the dialogue. PA nailed the voices of every character who spoke in the game scenes. These weren't simply lifted from episodes. The dialog was crafted for the game, for the event, and served to further players' sense of being in the Warehouse 13 world, not just playing a game about it.

This is a level of writing that I think will inspire other theme mods to up their storytelling levels and strive to make their games equally immersive.
PookyTheMagicalBear Ydrasse Mini 2243: Chromatic Ascension

I am so happy that I got a chance to participate in this game.
Ydrasse created an entirely new world, a new story and a new dance format that was wholly of her own imagination.

Good writing has the ability to transport us into a story that comes alive.
Her writing is more than good - it grabs ahold of you and does not let go.
The tension in each moment is layered perfectly with the dance to create suspense and thrills that creep down your spine.
You read on and can't help but feel each triumph and defeat as vividly as if the stakes are real.

Good writing creates worlds that we would like to visit,
Heroes and Villains whom we might like to be,
Ydrasse made the characters in her story come to life,
She gave us a world to dance in and it was beautiful to behold.

Lukewarm fferyllt Shakespeare uPick
Every inch of this game was dripping in the flavor.

The mod got into character, changing her avatar to a picture of the great bard himself. Her posts were written in shakespearan English, even her short posts just designed to let her snag a page top for her vote count lol

The flavor of the game, seeped into the the play of the players more then any other game I have seen. Multiple players throughout the game would post in rhyme, or meter, or shakesperean english - not because they were required to by the rules, but just because ever player was buying in the flavor of the game. When most games have players largely ignore the flavor, or maybe use it to analyze pr claims vs flavor claims, to see every player get into the flavor this way made this game stand out!

Each and every role was a character or object in a shakespere play, with the roles tightly tied to the flavor. So far as for each ability name to be quotes directly pulled from shakespere's work. The flavor Mattered for play as well. Roles that were from the same play often had interactions between one another, and were placed into a hood together. Here is the mod's post game reveal of all role cards (link) just go see how much flavor effort went into just the role cards!

Most players of the game ended up writing shakesperean sonnets for crying out loud. The game had a gold mechanic, as each player were an actor being paid to play their role, and on day 3, players could get an extra gold by posting a sonnet about the mafiascum site. And most of us did!
Last edited by Noraa on Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Post by Scummies »

Rising Star
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DkKoba Anya Mini Normal 2199: Baseball,
Mini Normal 2205: RotITGBSMoD
Anya has crashed onto the MafiaScum scene with a roar, with outstanding performances from 2 games her and I both had the pleasure of being the same alignment in.

In Mini Normal 2199, Anya correctly had Norwee as a scumread, and took them down, utilizing their role efficiently. While her and I did butt heads early on, without her I do not believe that we would have reached the proper PoE that we did that won the game overall. Soft guiltying Norwee and clearing KittyTacky were 2 good uses of her role. Her nightplay was insanely good and town would have been in a much worse spot without it. When Anya became tied to Kitty, that shifted the momentum needed to eliminate flow trap which completely dismembered the mafia's chances of winning.

In Mini Normal 2205, Anya was on a scum team with Green Crayons and Osuka. Green Crayons ended up subbing out and I subbed in and tried to help hero the game with a fakeclaim. Where Anya steps in is that they played a distancing game so well that even if I were to get eliminated, they would have been able to endgame pretty easily. I personally am very reluctant to give this kind of praise to scum teammates unless I feel they have sufficiently played a good scumgame that can match mine, but the gamestate awareness Anya had with setting up the game for a scum win was definitely very good. While we did not get to see Anya fully shine because my slot did not end up getting eliminated this game, which was expected by us, it was definitely on track for Anya to help us endgame. If Anya was not part of this scumteam, I do not believe that I would have won this game.

Overall their play feels very strong, aggressive, and very good and from a new player that is very impressive and deserving of a Rising Star nom. I will continue to add more games if I feel fit as the year goes on, but being halfway through and having 2 strong games like these is already a very nice sign.
notscience Lukewarm Mini 2228- Isekai uPick,Mini 2230- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night,
So, I only have these two listed as these are the two that stick out. Every single game Luke has been in with me I have walked away impressed. In Isekai, Luke spent the entirety of day one pushing against a crumbed clear on scum, while multiple others were keen to let it resolve itself. While day one ended rough for town, he proceeded to end the next elim cycles with his vote on scum eliminations. He even had it on scum in the third, but fell on his sword to make MELO as easy as possible. His awareness of gamestate and how to help town best proceed to a win is insane for how new he is!

In Bloodstained, he was a constant thorn in Mafia's side. There was a unique mechanic where town was able to be turned demonic, and he managed to theorycraft a mechanical workaround which would have single-handedly won the game for town had more people listened. This involved a) Figuring out role interactions, b) Figuring out the exact amount of demons scum could make a night c) Sorting through flavor to try and identify the mysterious role a backup would receive. He caught me off my resistance to this, and was a hair away from turning the game to town's favor.

He is a fantastic addition to this site. I'm sure there's others who have more to share, but these are the two that stick out to me.
DkKoba Val89
Val89 has made a splash onto MS! And here, its primarily because of their scumplay - which was frankly, incredible to see in these 2 games: ,

The first game linked I will describe in a bit as I was their mafia partner. The latter game, is one where they managed to win as scum despite being put into a 5 way situation with 2 masons!! Incredible! No ordinary new player just manages to pull that off :)

Now for the game we were together in, Val and I both decided that a nice d1 hardbus would be great with this playerlist. I myself quickly identified that we were in a mason setup. I gave them 1 mason, yeezys that game, but unfortunately I was the chosen elimination. Now after that, it was all Val in the driver seat. And Val did NOT just sit back. They made a kill onto andres, with the logic that theyd be cleared if there was a cop and that the masons would become more obvious over time - which is totally fine. But then he managed to dodge 2 eliminations in a row and land into 3 way with ease - with only 1 player ever suspecting him. AND he got the 2nd mason that I did not expect to be a mason in fixer. An astute reader. And in the end, he got the 2 townies to cross eachother for the victory.

Overall I think Val has what it takes to be a great mafia player on here and fully deserves the award, as well as this nomination.
fferyllt Lukewarm
In the Not Quite Normal large theme game, Luke was a significant member of the town that pulled off a perfect win. The setup was advertised as multiball with a double traitor. He went through the entire game coming under only the slightest suspicion early Day 1. His arguments for the day 1 elimination were strong enough to move several players onto the werewolf's wagon. He was extremely concerned that he was in a monkery (neighborhood guaranteed to not contain werewolves) with possibly two mafia, but kept his cool, fake claimed bulletproof just in case he was the planned night 1 kill, and ultimately came around (correctly) to seeing his hood as all town. It's easy to get lost in the fog of a multiball game, but Luke stayed focused and, as I said was a signficant factor in the win.

In the first running of Guardians of the Fortress, Luke had the correct solve of his mini-game. Unfortunately, my heel-dragging led him to putting down a vote he correctly believed was wrong. This was a tough game with a very experienced player list. Luke used his prior experience with unwnd in his first newbie game to correctly call him scum.

One of Luke's strengths as a player is his ability to take all the role-claim jigsaw pieces and see which ones don't fit from a balance AND flavor perspective. That takes a lot of homework sometimes. As his reputation as a player has amassed this year, his solves are getting listened to more and more, and his influence on games is going to continue to grow. To me, this is the very definition of Rising Star. Potential and reputation combine and lift a player into "beyond the ordinary" territory.
catboi Roden
In a very short time on site, Roden has assembled a very impressive resume as a scum player. In Newbie 2066, he took the game to 3p ELO and only lost there because he wound up cornered by experienced replacements undoing his work. SInce then, he's taken his team to victory 4 times, in Newbie 2070, Newbie 2073, Newbie 2076, and Newbie 2080. Twice he's endgamed after losing his partner on day 1. He's already able to write smooth, natural-sounding posts and rarely encounters suspicion, which is even more impressive since he came to the site with no mafia experience. Normally learning how to post well as scum is a hurdle most new players take some time in overcoming, and he's already surpassed it.

I have less experience with his town game, but from what I've seen it's solid and he frequently ends up as a nightkill target for scum. Again, for someone with no prior mafia experience, he's good at making logical arguments and has decent instincts, often voting scum. I expect his town game is only going to get stronger with more time.
White Knight
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DkKoba MathBlade Open 809: Charge Me Up!
This game was a wrap as soon as day 2 rolled around, however I want to say that MathBlade's replace in helped shift momentum towards town incredibly and their view on the game was top notch.

On day 2, they replaced into the game. Almost immediately he is rereading day 1 and pushing good content into the game. They call out NDmath right away, who ends up as scum, and then later on quote a votecount and call out Robert as scum, and then several posts later, A50 scum! Damn he got the whole scumteam pretty fast on replace in. This PoE creation was a contributing factor in a game where people were chasing the LHF slot Yesiree and such, and put town on track to win the game.

While this isn't directly after their replace in, I want to also bring attention to their play on day 3 when NDMath fake guiltied me to take me down with them, MathBlade was able to actually read between us and call out NDmath as clearly fake, while other townies were just reading the guilty and moving on. They refused to get off track on the solve and ended up eating a nightkill for it, but since their replace in it shows they were on the right track and pushed town into the correct direction despite the town's insistence on doing otherwise. It also was enjoyable to have someone actually believing in me being town when I was fake guiltied.
skitter30 morning tweet Mini 2206 - Deja Vu: Perpetual MELO IV
Morning Tweet repped in mid-day4 with super on-point posting and analyses and managed to completely overturn the game. She didn't *quite* manage to eke out the town win, but she came ridiculously close, and I believe that if conditions were slightly different (if she had repped in a bit earlier, or if the game had dragged on a bit longer), she absolutely could have.

To set the stage: Perpetual melo is essentially a best-of-5 setup: if town manages to get 3 scumflips they win, and if scum gets 3 town misflips scum wins.
Scum got misflips on days 1 and 2, and the win was in sight. Day3 had became a bit dicey, and I ultimately decided to bus scum-mom, knowing that in doing so, town-infinity (or town-notscience) would be neatly set up as the final misflip day4. And indeed, when day4 started, infinity was in quite a lot of hot water, and her flip looked fairly inevitable. In my mind, scum had all but won the game at that point - all that was left was waiting for town to actually cast the crucial quickhammer-enabling votes.

I had to go v/la just then, but I was fairly confident that I would return two days later to either a win or basically the same situation.

Instead, I came back to the game basically being set on fire by MT's rep-in: she read the entire 150 page game, correctly identified all 3 living town, and more crucially, correctly identified the scumteam and exactly what we had been doing all game. She was actively trying to block infinity's misflip, and trying to get scum flipped instead. And she nearly succeeded too, getting the key town-votes to at least waiver and rethink the misflip wagon.

She single-handedly turned a scumstomp into a near town win. I give her massive props for her on-point analysis and effort she put into trying to turn the game around for town, even if she didn't quite succeed.

Just some quotes from spectators in the dead-pt to show just how good she was:
In post 210, fferyllt wrote:
In post 209, Prism wrote:Morning is actually balling out holy shit

In post 222, Prism wrote:okay who PM'd her the scumteam

not only are her bulging muscles made entirely of extra brain tissue this is the bravest bat i have ever seen in my life
In post 227, petapan wrote:torn between wanting to win and the fact that morning tweet inarguably deserves to win and if she doesn't pull this off for whatever erason it'll be the greatest tragedy ever committed in a mafia game
In post 240, petapan wrote:morning tweet is glowing with energy right now
petapan Dannflor Not Quite Normal Multiball
Replacing into a slot that had not only faked a scumslip but fakeclaimed a role that did not fit the setup, Dannflor amended the claim to his true role, vanilla townie, and seemed resigned to dying as his slot was being run up, only to post so hard and so townie that enough people started having doubts and decided to give him time, with him becoming a top townread of the masonry that took charge of the game. This lead to a turnaround into a day 1 scum elimination, and continuing from there, with Dannflor staying alive to endgame. Truly an impressive turnaround for a slot most would have written off as doomed.
mastina Dannflor Not Quite Normal Multiball
As far as replacements go, you literally cannot do better than this. Replace into a slot everyone was writing off as the automatic D1 elimination, near-universally scumread. And by the end of the day, become reasonably townread by the majority of the players, and end up living to see scum dead and help the town achieve a perfect game. Dannflor was everything a replacement should be and then some.
RH9 Cabd Mini 2250: Role-A-Pair Mafia
It was a secret alt game. Cabd replaced into the Color Green slot. He ended up leading the Town to the eliminations of the whole scum team and to victory.
Datisi DkKoba Mini Normal 2205: RotITGBSMoD
this game started off rough for the scumteam. some 36 hours from the end of day one's deadline, scum!Green Crayons was on 5 votes out of 7 needed to achieve a yeet, with the other two scum members trying to start a counterwagon. at that tense moment, he had to replace out due to irl. enter DkKoba. within less than half an hour of replacing in, they slam down a town weak vigilante fakeclaim, a claim that guaranteed to get them into trouble later due to certain public and mafia factional information about the setup -- everyone knowing that there's 4 roles with a gun in the game total, the twist being that none of the mafia had guns and that those were all town roles.

not only did DkKoba survive day one with the fakeclaim, oh no. they survived day two, despite there evidently being no vig shots. they survived an utter town implosion on day three that happened after massclaim, when it became evident there are 5 gunned role claims, but only 4 gunned roles total. and finally, they went through a final 7 on day four, at which point the scumteam won the game.

DkKoba replaced into a game where their slot was on the verge of execution, which would have left the scumteam in a pretty bad position had it gone through, and turned it into a clean scum sweep.
Hannibal Lecter
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Kodak Moment
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SirCakez Datisi Open 806: JK9++
Over the course of this game, I watched Datisi (in his notes topic) go absolutely insane over the course of 7 pages of hilarity and obnoxious popcorn eating gifs. This was possibly the funniest PT I have had the pleasure of following over a game and I HIGHLY encourage everyone read it because this was a true descent into the hell that is mafia.
Lukewarm Annie Edison, Here There Be Dragons, PookyTheMagicalBear Mini 2230: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Game Over
Everything I said about this moment in this game is still true. It was so funny, it cut the tension so much. Reading back through and seeing it in the isos brought a smile to my face every time.

For the entire rest of the game, everyone used their new pirate themed avatars

But it turns out that the ENTIRE thing was orchestrated by the scum team????

The first people pretending to be pirates, the scum team. The people offering to photoshop avatars for other people? The scum team. The people starting up the sea shanty's? The scum team.

Blows my mind, that they were able to orchestrate a moment that was my favorite moment in the game, and even all the way to post game, I was completely unaware that it was the scum team pulling it all together
Datisi DkKoba, PookyTheMagicalBear, InsidiousLemons, clidd Mini Normal 2205: RotITGBSMoD
this was a weird setup. it was public information that there is one mafia doctor in the game. a town gunsmith was informed of the fact that there were 4 gunned roles in the game total. the mafia was informed of that gunsmith's information... and the mafia team consisted of three doctors, meaning none of those 4 gunned roles were actually mafia-aligned, the town had 4 gunned power roles.

on day one, one of the mafia members fakeclaimed weak vigilante. on day three, the gunsmith was dead, meaning it was confirmed that there really were exactly 4 gunned roles in the game. that is when the massclaim happened. considering there were 5 gunned claims in a game that was supposed to have only 4 gunned roles, and presumably some of them are scum... it resulted in a shitshow. i did get heat for the setup post-game, and understandably so. but watching it unfold in real time, i can't help but nominate it.
Last edited by Noraa on Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:26 pm

Post by Scummies »

Game Of The Year
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DkKoba Pookythemagicalbear Squid Game
This game was an absolute trip and experience. With the drama around the group forming and the parachute activity, and all the fun little games that were overall fun, Pooky crafted a game experience that was amazing. It was truly a very well made spiritual mafia version of the show. I don't know what else to put here but I'm sure someone else who was in the game could add more but it was probably the best game of mafia I've played ever perhaps, and it didn't even have and PR roles.
Lukewarm Cabd, penguin_alien FGO: Mafia in the Lostbelt - 2
Most memorable game I was a part of this year, by far.

The game design and mechanics worked out wonderfully. The Day Zero mechanic was particularly interesting to me, giving both sides an objective that is unlike any other game I have been in, with Day 0 having a "vote for town" objective as opposed to a "vote out scum" objective. Absolutely jump started the start of game lag that can happen. In normal games you have so little to go on, but here you get to start with the decision "should I try to win the day 0 vote" - and this was a complicated question, but definitely gave us much to talk about and analyze.

There was not a single role that I would not have loved to play as. Each was unique, but powerful. By having multiple x-shot abilities, and no multitasking, each night phase for ever single player held important decisions. Despite the power each roll had, the game felt very balanced.

The flavor writing was amazing this game, and was the reason I am including the co-mod in the nomination, as she was the "flavorsmith" as she put it.

Both teams were very impressive at various points in the game. The town started strong, winning the Day 0 vote, followed by three consecutive mafia eliminations. Despite the town incredible head start, the final scum managed to run the game all the way to elo, and it was an incredible nail biter all the way to the end, before town managed to pull out the win. It was probably the game that I was most tuned into from the dead thread to date.
Cook Firebringer Masochist Mafia II
Need I say more? This game has spanned four calendar years and that's an achievement. To that end, that some of the people stayed in those slots
from start to finish
is alone insane.
mastina Jingle Triplicate
Legitimately the wildest ride of 2021 as far as Mini Themes go, and maybe one of the wildest rides of the year, period. The games all were incredibly crazy. The town did quite well in game #3, and while the town as a whole in both games 1/2 basically rolled over to die, individual town players who tried kept the towns having fighting chances. Ultimately, nobody won all three games (the best were winning 2/3), but while nobody did spectacularly across the board, overall, everyone at least did respectably well in at least one of the three games. Twists included the mafia from game 1 being treated as a town neighborhood (and, by coincidence, legitimately by coincidence, being 3/4 of the town's PRs in game 2!!!), as well as the surprise of the survivor claim actually being a serial killer (which only Jingle knew from the start, thanks to a misread of the role PM).

All in all, it was a blast, start to finish, and a rollercoaster of emotions overall, but genuinely a pleasure.
mastina May and Brendan (ManateeGal + Something_Smart) Manatee's Pokemon Large Theme
This game would, genuinely, have been a Moment of Brilliance nomination if it weren't for the town's sealing of its own eventual demise: on the first 4 days, there were 4 dead scum, and on the fifth day, there was a town investigative with a guilty on the final scum in the game. Investigative claims, game wraps up on D5 with five scum dead, basically a perfect town win, right?

Except there was a twist: the town speedlimmed the town investigative with the guilty, preventing them from claiming the guilty.

And then as a result, the game dragged on, with one scum left, to the mandatory end that required. It kept going until
Day Ten
, doubling the length of the game, where at last a legendary battle between Milobird (notscience + Bell) and PookyTheMagicalBear ensued, ending in the only way appropriate for the blunder of the town: in a karmic twist of fate, the very slot that had lolhammered the town investigative with a guilty ended up being voted on the final day.

This twist of legends means that the game, while the town's to lose (which they did), is legendary and genuinely will be a game that I feel will be remembered for
to come. I know I certainly won't forget it, because I developed a saying for the game, that I feel the sentiment of it will remain long into the future: NEVER. FORGET.

It is a game that I genuinely feel will be remembered for years to come, that the players of will always keep in mind and always refer back to, as well as a game that was filled to the brim start to finish with an endless fountain of memes. It has the staying power worthy of a Game of the Year.
mastina GuyInFreezer Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
One of my favorite games of the year. I don't really have much to say that can help non-players of the game understand why it was such a good game (hopefully more players from there can chime in with their experiences to flesh out my nomination of it here once I remind them of the game and why it was so good), but it was a bunch of fun. It was reasonably balanced, both sides did
good, the game mechanics were superb, and it was overall just a highly enjoyable, and memorable, experience.
Post Of The Year
Date Added
I realize that given the judging will be done around this time in 2022, people may have forgotten the context for exactly why this is so funny and POTY-worthy, so let me give y'all the context behind this:
During late 2020 and early 2021, there was a viral resurgence of Sea Shanties across the internet, with them sweeping across the internet as a storm. In particular, probably most famously, the tiktok smash hit was a sea shanty known as The Wellerman was everywhere with constant recordings of it.

During 2020, there was a rather notable series of events, detailed in last year's scummies thread. It revolved around the permaban of the user shellyc, and the circumstances leading to the escalation of them.

These two events from last year lead to the absolute gem of gems from this year: The WellyC. (EDIT: here's a link to the song itself.)

The song is not only drop-dead hilarious, but also ridiculously catchy a tune.

Sing it with me now!

There one was a player banned by UT
The name of the player was shellyc
The roles went out, she melted down,
So quote, my shellyc, quote.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

It had not been an hour or so
When shellyc refused to go,
Her alts signed up to replace her main,
Which made the playerbase lol

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post

Before the ban had hit the thread
A thought went through Datisi's head:
"She used that alt to cheat," he said
And permabans soon were doled.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

As far as I know the site has won
Shelly's not here, and the alts are gone
The listmods check the account IPs
To stop ban evasion from ShellyC

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.
Menalque GeorgeBailey this post in his chess thread with bugspray
I feel like very little needs to be said and I enclose the post below in its entirety. The only thing wrong with it is that it wasn't made in a space where more people were likely to see it.
GeorgeBailey HoldenGolden This video by Holden Golden
HoldenGolden, mspaint shitposter extroardinare, pops off with a sequel to their Micc adventure series with this amazing video. In this post
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:26 pm

Post by Scummies »

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:26 pm

Post by Scummies »

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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:42 pm

Post by Ythan »

Good luck all.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:58 pm

Post by Aristophanes »

In post 9, Ythan wrote:Good luck all.
May the RNG be ever in your favour!
Half meme, Half real, All Aristophanes ;)
- Jingle
Ari has appeared way too competent for me to even pretend to know what they're thinking
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:15 pm

Post by Gypyx »

In post 9, Ythan wrote:Good luck all.
1 sec lemme roll a dice to see who i'll nom then
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:29 pm

Post by Ythan »

I just wanted to ego this first really.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:25 am

Post by mastina »

Post of the Year
3/10/2021 mastina Haschel Cedrickson I realize that given the judging will be done around this time in 2022, people may have forgotten the context for exactly why this is so funny and POTY-worthy, so let me give y'all the context behind this:
During late 2020 and early 2021, there was a viral resurgence of Sea Shanties across the internet, with them sweeping across the internet as a storm. In particular, probably most famously, the tiktok smash hit was a sea shanty known as The Wellerman was everywhere with constant recordings of it.

During 2020, there was a rather notable series of events, detailed in last year's scummies thread. It revolved around the permaban of the user shellyc, and the circumstances leading to the escalation of them.

These two events from last year lead to the absolute gem of gems from this year: The WellyC. (EDIT: here's a link to the song itself.)

The song is not only drop-dead hilarious, but also ridiculously catchy a tune.

Sing it with me now!

There one was a player banned by UT
The name of the player was shellyc
The roles went out, she melted down,
So quote, my shellyc, quote.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

It had not been an hour or so
When shellyc refused to go,
Her alts signed up to replace her main,
Which made the playerbase lol

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post

Before the ban had hit the thread
A thought went through Datisi's head:
"She used that alt to cheat," he said
And permabans soon were doled.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

As far as I know the site has won
Shelly's not here, and the alts are gone
The listmods check the account IPs
To stop ban evasion from ShellyC

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.
Last edited by mastina on Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:40 am

Post by SirCakez »

Kodak Moment
03/18/2021 SirCakez Datisi Open 806: JK9++
Over the course of this game, I watched Datisi (in his notes topic) go absolutely insane over the course of 7 pages of hilarity and obnoxious popcorn eating gifs. This was possibly the funniest PT I have had the pleasure of following over a game and I HIGHLY encourage everyone read it because this was a true descent into the hell that is mafia.
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez! Newly updated!
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:47 am

Post by SirCakez »

03/18/2021 SirCakez The scum team of TENET (Cabd, PookyTheMagicalBear, Almost50, LadyLambdadelta, Spiffeh, Cephrir, and Gypyx) TENET
All you need to do is look at the OP of the game. It is a total town graveyard. In an extremely complex, arguably town-sided (I take responsibility for that) setup, this scumteam absolutely defied all odds to completely shred the town into a million little pieces. Mastery of day play and game mechanics led to this team taking total control over the game in BOTH game threads, resulting in a scum win so early that a planned game mechanic never even happened. These players all had incredible synergy and worked together constantly to coach each other as needed and to plan an impressive SIX-PERSON scum quickhammer at game end. I believe this is the most dominant scum performance I have ever seen in a large theme and they deserve all the hype.
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez! Newly updated!
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:56 am

Post by Gypyx »

small correction : the quickhammer was 5 persons iirc
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:47 am

Post by Alisae »

also i had some nomination i wanted to make but i now don't remember what it was
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:12 pm

Post by mastina »

Spoiler: Haschel Nom
In post 13, mastina wrote:
Post of the Year
3/10/2021 mastina Haschel Cedrickson I realize that given the judging will be done around this time in 2022, people may have forgotten the context for exactly why this is so funny and POTY-worthy, so let me give y'all the context behind this:
During late 2020 and early 2021, there was a viral resurgence of Sea Shanties across the internet, with them sweeping across the internet as a storm. In particular, probably most famously, the tiktok smash hit was a sea shanty known as The Wellerman was everywhere with constant recordings of it.

During 2020, there was a rather notable series of events, detailed in last year's scummies thread. It revolved around the permaban of the user shellyc, and the circumstances leading to the escalation of them.

These two events from last year lead to the absolute gem of gems from this year: The WellyC. (EDIT: here's a link to the song itself.)

The song is not only drop-dead hilarious, but also ridiculously catchy a tune.

Sing it with me now!

There one was a player banned by UT
The name of the player was shellyc
The roles went out, she melted down,
So quote, my shellyc, quote.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

It had not been an hour or so
When shellyc refused to go,
Her alts signed up to replace her main,
Which made the playerbase lol

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post

Before the ban had hit the thread
A thought went through Datisi's head:
"She used that alt to cheat," he said
And permabans soon were doled.

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.

As far as I know the site has won
Shelly's not here, and the alts are gone
The listmods check the account IPs
To stop ban evasion from ShellyC

Soon may the listmods come
To save the games on MafiaScum
Some day when the banning is done
In SGB we'll post.
Update on this nomination; I got permission from Haschel to post the link so I edited the nomination with a direct link to the song.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:56 pm

Post by northsidegal »

wiki | modded | Newbie NewD3 Stats | scripts

things fall apart
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:58 pm



Retired from playing, find me on discord
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:35 am

Post by SirCakez »

Paperback Writer
04/04/2021 SirCakez Penguin_alien Warehouse 13: The Mafia Game
Penguin wrote a whole book's worth of game-accurate flavor for this game based on an obscure SyFy TV show, including flavored roles, flavored game mechanics, and virtually every game message being flavored (even invitations to dead chat and note PT OPs!) The amount of work that was put in here is truly impressive and made this one of the most themed Large Themes I've ever played.
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez! Newly updated!
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:22 pm

Post by Isis »

i find it hard to think about scummies 2021 noms when the 2020 scummies aren't done :(
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:16 pm

Post by Alisae »

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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:16 pm

Post by Alisae »

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