All MafiaScum Site Rules apply to this game. Please don't break them.
Respect others about out-of-game topics. If someone asks you or tells you that something is bothering them, try to respect that. Assume others are operating in good faith about out-of-game topics until proven otherwise. It's impossible for the world outside and this game to have zero overlap, so respect others when it happens. Try to be good. Try to assume good faith. In other words, "respect that someone might just have a terrible sense of humor, but also respect your sense of humor might be terrible and not appreciated and don't do it twice."
If you have a negative prior experience with a player, this is a brand new game, and a brand new chance for them to behave and play totally differently. Try to leave as much prior baggage from other games at the door as you can (you can of course use meta from finished games as much as you wish to). If you are currently in a different game with a player that is ongoing,
For in game topics, swearing, "being a jerk", ignoring others questions, telling them they're awful at mafia, and informing everyone that you're the living incarnation of Sherlock Holmes is not against the rules. On the other hand, it's also not against the rules for everyone to band together and vote you out of the thread, so if you choose to behave that way and you get yeeted, you can't be surprised. In other words, feel free to play the game of mafia as you wish, but others can feel free to vote you for whatever reason they wish (I'm not a mind reader, I can't figure out that they're "actually voting you because they hate you" I just tally votes).
If you really think someone is playing against their win condition, that's violating site rules, PM me etc. etc.
And obviously nothing in here gives you permission to break Site Rules. I literally can't give you permission to do that. So don't do it.
14 Day deadlines, 48 hour post before prod, 48/24/12 hour before replacement to respond.
Weekends get an additional 24 hours (so 72 hour activity deadline over weekends), slap a VLA banner up if you're VLA.
If I use a casual tone it's because we're all playing a forum game. It doesn't mean the rules aren't serious.
No mod colors or any of that jazz.
No truth tells. Players are free to lie about gameplay-related stuff as much as they want or need to. That's the point of the game. Someone is certainly lying to you.
If I do send you a PM, don't quote it in thread. Please. You are free to make up anything you want about any communication I may or may not have sent you, but I'm not going to send anyone permission to break any rules.
Don't try to toe the line near the edge of the rules to see if you can sorta break them.
If you have a question, you can ask me. I'll probably post the answer in thread.
If it's specific to a role you may or may not have I'll answer you privately. If you don't have the role I'll answer you as if you did. Don't abuse this.
If it's scum specific, post it in your PT, I'll answer it there.
I am not a player in the game. Do not invoke me as a threat to other players. If you have a concern, PM me. If you wish me to take action, PM me. Do not threaten other players with the idea you'll PM me. Do not use rules to threaten other players. You may ask them to abide by the rules or point out the existance of a specific rule (either MafiaScum Site rule or game specific rule), but only I or a site moderator may determine that rules have been broken. The actions you can take if you believe a rule has been broken are:
- PM me
- Use the report button (I do not see this! Only site moderators see this)
- PM any number of MafiaScum moderators (such as the list mod or red named mods)
I have been on mafiascum for over a decade, and have seen all sorts of games broken by moderator errors and broken setups. I have taken steps to ensure my game is not broken by moderator error. If you think you've found a flaw in my setup that lets you break the game, feel free to use it! That's on me. But I might have thought of that, and I'm not going to pop into the thread and tell you that you found something I already thought of and accounted for.