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Newbie 2061 | Views of Tallinn | Town wins

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:58 am
by lendunistus
Newbie 2061: Views of Tallinn


oh hey look a city from estonia. y'know, that one country in the baltic states

Moderated by lendunistus
Backup Moderator: Ircher[/color]

PlayersT3, replacing Toriiiiiiiiiiii
VFP, replacing Samawoodo
Lukewarm, replacing iN3krO
Not_Mafia (SE), replacing skitter30 (SE)
NorwegianboyEE (SE)
catboi (SE)

Spoiler: Alive
Living PlayersLukewarm (replaces iN3krO)

Spoiler: Dead
Eliminated Day 1 -
Vanilla Townie

Eliminated Day 2 -
Mafia Goon

Killed Night 2 -
Town Jailkeeper

Eliminated Day 3 -
Vanilla Townie

Killed Night 3 -
Vanilla Townie

Eliminated Day 4 -
Mafia Goon

Endgamed -
Vanilla Townie

Endgamed -
Vanilla Townie

Endgamed -
Vanilla Townie

Spoiler: Links/Deadline
LinksDay 1: Post #6
Day 2: Post #429
Day 3: Post #817
Day 4: Post #903

Deadline2021-05-10 16:00:00 +3.00

The game is now over. Town wins!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:27 am
by lendunistus

(Adapted from northsidegal)


-Adhere to all site rules.
-Always play to win.
-Remember that this is a game - heated discussion is allowed, but personal attacks are not.
-Pretending to break the rules will be treated similarly as actually breaking the rules.
-Do not quote any out of game communication regarding this game - this includes your role PM, any other PMs I may send you and any PTs you may have. You are allowed to paraphrase. Any specific timestamps also fall under this rule.
PM me if you are unsure of whether a post you were planning on making breaks this rule.

-If you need to get my attention, please include "
" in your post or PM me.
(#800080) is my color. You can use it, if you want.
-Do not use encryption, hidden text or excessively small text in your posts.
-Do not use any form of provable randomness. This includes dice tags, screenshots of, etc. Saying you flipped a coin is okay, providing some sort of proof that you did isn’t.
-The first day phase will last for 10 days and every subsequent day phase will last for 7 days.
-Night phases will last for 48 hours maximum. On any given night, if all players PM me that they are okay to speed up the night and all night actions are submitted, it will end sooner.
-Do not post in the game thread or any private topics following your death, with the exception of the dead thread.
-If you have the ability to edit your posts, do not do so.
-My decisions are final. If I feel you are violating any of the rules, I will take the appropriate action.
-As a general principle, whenever moderator action is required I will attempt to make the decision that has the least impact on the natural flow of gameplay. For example, force replacing instead of modkilling whenever possible.
-Have fun!


-Vote either with vote tags (VOTE: lendunistus) or with bold text (
vote: lendunistus
). You don't have to use the exact name, you can use shortened versions or abbreviations. Just make sure that I can understand who you're voting.
-If I think it's a vote, it's a vote. If I don’t think it’s a vote, it’s not a vote.
-Eliminations will occur when a majority (>50%) is reached. If no majority is reached before deadline, the day will end in a no elimination.
-You may vote No Elimination to not eliminate.
-Once majority has been reached, the game is in "twilight". Discussion may continue until I lock the thread but no further votes or unvotes will be counted.


-You are expected to make at least one game-relevant post every 36 hours. Players who go 36 hours without posting will be prodded.
-If you are prodded, you have 24 hours to post in-thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if I have to prod you 3 or more times, you will be replaced at my own discretion.
-If you're being replaced for inactivity and post in the game thread before I find a replacement for you, you get to stay.
-If you want to be replaced, send me a PM requesting replacement and do not talk about it at all in the main thread.
-Abuse of prod dodges will result in you being replaced at my own discretion.
-If you are going to be V/LA, please announce it in thread or PM me. If your V/LA will last 7 days or longer I may be forced to replace you.

Game Notes

-For night actions, this game will follow Natural Action Resolution.
-If you do not send me an action for the night, I will assume that you are not taking one.
-The Mafia private thread will be unlocked at all times.
-Night actions may be submitted up until 10 minutes before the next day begins.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:28 am
by lendunistus
Setup Info

Newbie Setup
Newbie Setup

NewD3 (as designed by RadiantCowbells):

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Rolecop
Mafia Goon
Row 1
Town Cop and Town Doctor
Town Tracker and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Cop and Vanilla Townie
Row 2
Town Jailkeeper and Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Jailkeeper and Vanilla Townie
Row 3
Town Mason and Town Mason
Town Tracker and Town Doctor
Town Mason and Town Mason

Each Newbie Game will be given a setup that incorporates one mafia role from the top of a column, and then two town roles from a row below the selected mafia role. The remaining six roles will be filled in by
one mafia goon
five vanilla townies
appropriately, to create a

All Newbie games use the Natural Action Resolution system for determining Night action effects.
Mafia Roleblocker
action takes precedence over a
Town Jailkeeper
action should that apply.

Mafia are able to communicate in their Private Topic at all times.

Spoiler: Full Setups (click on the spoiler button to reveal)
Column A & Row 1:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Cop, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 2:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Tracker, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 3:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 1:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 2:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 3:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column C & Row 1:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Cop, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 2:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Jailkeeper, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 3:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5

Sample Role PM's (click on the spoiler button to reveal)

Vanilla TownieWelcome!

You are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no special abilities.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town JailkeeperWelcome!

You are a
Town Jailkeeper

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, if they have one, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town CopWelcome!

You are a
Town Cop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed if they are
. If you are roleblocked, you will receive "No Result."

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town MasonWelcome!

You are a
Town Mason

You know that [player] is Town-aligned. You also share a Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You have no active abilities.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Town TrackerWelcome!

You are a
Town Tracker

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed what player or players they targeted with their action, if any. If you are roleblocked, you will receive "No Result."

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town DoctorWelcome!

You are a
Town Doctor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town Friendly NeighborWelcome!

You are a
Town Friendly Neighbor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be sent a message informing them that you are Town-aligned.

You win when there are no longer any threats to town.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Mafia GoonWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Goon

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Mafia RolecopWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Rolecop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed of their role but not their alignment.
Vanilla Townies
Mafia Goons
will both return "Vanilla". If you are roleblocked, you will receive "No Result."

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You may commit the kill and perform a role cop in the same night phase. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.
Mafia RoleblockerWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Roleblocker

You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action, if any.

You and your partner share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You may commit the kill and perform a roleblock in the same night phase. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:30 am
by lendunistus
Introduction and Tips
Thanks to Irrelephant11 and others for their contributions to these tips.

Here are some helpful links (a lot of them from our helpful wiki):

-> Forum Rules and Guidelines
-> The Glossary
-> Commonly Used Abbreviations
-> The Newbie Guide
-> Articles on How to Play Well (be sure to check the dates these were written/updated, as good advice changes over time)

Key Concepts and Tips


Try to check in at least once a day.
Besides the activity requirements listed in the moderator's original post, it's just necessary for a fun and healthy game that everyone
. If you post very rarely, or only post a little bit at a time, you may get scumread for lurking. Even if you are not scumread for it, what's the fun in playing a game where multiple people are hardly participating?

Site Meta

Meta is the description of how people on Mafiascum like to play mafia. Things can be different on other online mafia sites, or if you play IRL, so it's good to know what's expected of you on this site. These aren't "rules", per se, but if you don't follow these guidelines it is likely things will go poorly for you on MS. Some examples are...

Random Voting Stage (RVS)

Games on MafiaScum almost always begin with what we call the Random Voting Stage (RVS). At this point in the game, we are in a low information game state (except the mafia, which know everyone’s alignment). As a way to provoke reaction, start a discussion, and try to determine alignment, people will usually vote for non-serious reasons. As the discussion progresses, we will eventually get the game moving and progress out of RVS.

Voting, E-x, and Hammers

E-x is a way to convey how far away a player is away from elimination. For example, you should always announce that you are putting someone at E-1 (1 vote away from an elimination) so that someone doesn’t come along and accidentally vote for that player's elimination. This also prevents Mafia-aligned players from coming along and placing the final vote to eliminate (“hammer”) and claiming ignorance about doing so. You may also see E-2 and E-3 (2 votes away from elimination and 3 votes away from elimination, respectively).

Before you hammer a player, state your intent to hammer (usually done in bold) and ask the player to claim their role. This is done to prevent power roles from being eliminated, and can sometimes get Mafia-aligned players to be caught (via counter claiming). It's best to then allow other players to react and discuss the claim before hammering.

Claiming Your Role

It is almost always best to not claim your role unless you are at E-1 and have been asked to claim as part of an “intent to hammer.” This is because, as a town power role (“PR”), if you out prematurely, you are likely to be night-killed (“NK’d”). As a Vanilla Townie (“VT”), claiming early helps the mafia team narrow down the setup and possible PR candidates. An exception to this would be if a mafia player claimed your role, claiming early to counter the false claim (“CC”) would out the mafia player, and would be a benefit to the town.

Do not fake claim a power role as town!
While it may help you avoid getting eliminated, you might cause a real PR to out themselves by counterclaiming - then the mafia will know who the PR is, and you will probably get eliminated for lying to town. Feel free to fake a claim as scum, though, if you think it would help.


ELo is the shortened representation of “Eliminate or Lose.” ELo in the Newbie Queue is when there are 3 remaining players, 2 of which are town and 1 is mafia; or when there are 5 remaining players, 3 of which are town and 2 are mafia. It is important in these situations that the town aligned players do not carelessly vote like is done during RVS or early days, as the mafia player(s) can organize and instantly provide the necessary votes to eliminate (“quickhammer”) and win the game.


Mafia is hard!
As town, it can be hard to figure things out, and stressful when people think you're scum.
That's okay!
Just share your thoughts on who you think is scum as they come to you, and don't be afraid to change your mind. As scum, it can be hard to lie convincingly, and stressful when people think you're scum. Don't let that scare you! Try to think of what you would post if you were town, and don't be afraid to "change your mind".

This is a game.
Have fun!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:30 am
by lendunistus
Role PMs have not been sent out yet.

Role PMs have been sent out. All players have 48 hours to confirm that they have read their role PMs. Failure to do so will result in replacement.

The game will start when 8 players have confirmed that they have read their role PM.

All confirmations have been received! Day 1 will begin in a few hours.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:23 am
by lendunistus
Not_Mafia replaces skitter30.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:01 am
by lendunistus
Day 1 has begun! You may now post.

The day will end when majority is reached or on the 17th of April, 8am EDT, 2021, at which point there will be no elimination.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:09 am
by Meuh
Good morning everyone! Time for us to catch all those scum :cool: gotta keep up my winstreak :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:10 am
by lendunistus
Newbie 2061 - Votecount 1.0


Not Voting (9):
Toriiiiiiiiiiii, Samawoodo, iN3krO, Meuh, marcistarl, Pearofclubs, Not_Mafia, NorwegianboyEE and catboi

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to eliminate a player.

(expired on 2021-04-17 15:00:00)

Vote historyNo votes yet

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:13 am
by Meuh

I was scared for a moment the host stole my voting colour but it's a different one :cool:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:53 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Let’s start by getting rid of the evil replacement.
VOTE: Not_Mafia

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:13 am
by Meuh
@Samawoodo - Are you mafia? :shifty:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:52 am
by marcistar
good morning everyone (: excited to play with yall but i got school today :cry:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:56 am
by Samawoodo
Hello everyone!
In post 11, Meuh wrote:@Samawoodo - Are you mafia? :shifty:
My my, testing your scum detector?

I could try mine later aswell :lol:

I'm not btw, are you? :P

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:58 am
by Meuh
In post 13, Samawoodo wrote:Hello everyone!
In post 11, Meuh wrote:@Samawoodo - Are you mafia? :shifty:
My my, testing your scum detector?

I could try mine later aswell :lol:

I'm not btw, are you? :P
ofc not i would never be evil :wink: :good:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:21 am
by Samawoodo
In post 14, Meuh wrote:
In post 13, Samawoodo wrote:Hello everyone!
In post 11, Meuh wrote:@Samawoodo - Are you mafia? :shifty:
My my, testing your scum detector?

I could try mine later aswell :lol:

I'm not btw, are you? :P
ofc not i would never be evil :wink: :good:
Would you say evil doesn't fit you? :lol:

Actually i'd like to look for reactions aswell so


My first mafiascum vote!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:49 am
by Meuh
In post 15, Samawoodo wrote:
In post 14, Meuh wrote:
In post 13, Samawoodo wrote:Hello everyone!
In post 11, Meuh wrote:@Samawoodo - Are you mafia? :shifty:
My my, testing your scum detector?

I could try mine later aswell :lol:

I'm not btw, are you? :P
ofc not i would never be evil :wink: :good:
Would you say evil doesn't fit you? :lol:

Actually i'd like to look for reactions aswell so


My first mafiascum vote!
Evil doesn't fit me cause I've gotta be here to carry the town to victory :lol: Haven't rolled it yet though so idk if I'm good at it at all

Also nice job on casting your first vote, hope you enjoy your first game :cool: looking for reactions early is always a good idea

Any off-site experience, if you don't mind me asking?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:14 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 16, Meuh wrote:Evil doesn't fit me cause I've gotta be here to carry the town to victory Haven't rolled it yet though so idk if I'm good at it at all
Not YET? :shifty:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:18 am
by Meuh
In post 17, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 16, Meuh wrote:Evil doesn't fit me cause I've gotta be here to carry the town to victory Haven't rolled it yet though so idk if I'm good at it at all
Not YET? :shifty:
:lol: :shifty:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:33 am
by marcistar
In post 16, Meuh wrote:Evil doesn't fit me cause I've gotta be here to carry the town to victory :lol: Haven't rolled it yet though so idk if I'm good at it at all
I remember the one time we were both scum we sucked so much :cry: I think we're too angelic :good: :good:

You won't be able to carry if i'm the one carrying :cool:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:41 am
by Meuh
In post 19, marcistar wrote:
In post 16, Meuh wrote:Evil doesn't fit me cause I've gotta be here to carry the town to victory :lol: Haven't rolled it yet though so idk if I'm good at it at all
I remember the one time we were both scum we sucked so much :cry: I think we're too angelic :good: :good:

You won't be able to carry if i'm the one carrying :cool:
You won't be able to carry if you have several people scumreading you again :lol:

:good: ofc ofc we're too angelic to be scum, we're so angelic we accidentally become really obvious evils :twisted: that day after we were both essentially outed scum was so fun though omg being open about it and not caring anymore was nice

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:44 am
by Meuh
Oh I'm gonna say this rn so people don't get confused down the line, me and Marci are irl friends and we've played mafia irl, offsite and here
the game we're talking about is an offsite one

I don't know anyone else in this playerlist though so nice to meet you all! :cool:

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:52 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Heyo, you’re all welcome here. :D

Except Not_Mafia, he is not welcome. He needs to die.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:27 am
by marcistar
In post 20, Meuh wrote:You won't be able to carry if you have several people scumreading you again :lol:
:oops: :oops: lets pretend its purposeful

:mad: last game i carried so hard wdym :cry:
In post 20, Meuh wrote: :good: ofc ofc we're too angelic to be scum, we're so angelic we accidentally become really obvious evils :twisted: that day after we were both essentially outed scum was so fun though omg being open about it and not caring anymore was nice
:good: :good:
it was so funny, but it really doomed us so hard, but it was all purposeful!! :shifty: we just didn't know it was yet... :dead:
In post 21, Meuh wrote: I don't know anyone else in this playerlist though so nice to meet you all! :cool:
I haven't played with most of the people on the list, but I think I remember playing with a couple of these people before!! I was so hyped for this game, because from what I remember they were fun.
I hope everyone else is fun, but I gotta wait until they post to say everyones gonna be 100% fun. :cry:
In post 22, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Except Not_Mafia, he is not welcome. He needs to die.
why does he need to die..? isn't he just a jester or something?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:28 am
by Meuh
In post 22, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Heyo, you’re all welcome here. :D

Except Not_Mafia, he is not welcome. He needs to die.
I really hope you 2 are the team so we can look back at this post after the game ends :lol: