You managed to roll post zero. Enjoy having the introductory post in your Role PM. You are a named Townie. You have no special abilities.
Welcome to the Deck of Astral Roles thread. This is a role list quite like Grand Idea Mafia that is going to be used in a 13-player Mini Theme I will be running. This will be more structured than the actual Grand Idea Mafia thread however.
The Deck of Astral Roles game is a custom Grandest Idea Mafia (Greatest Idea Mafia rules, but with a Grand Idea Mafia esque deck) with a size of 300 or 1000. For this game, the moderator randomizes a number from 0 to 999 or the last post if 999 doesn't exist yet (this specific range is known as the Deck of Astral Roles: Expanded Universe) three times for each player and gives role cards corresponding to the rolled post number. The player will then be asked to choose one card for their alignment, one card for their role, and to publically discard the remaining card. For the Classic Deck of Astral Roles, the randomization range is instead 0 to 299.
The Classic Deck of Astral Roles proper had a fixed alignment ratio. The ratio was 100
The target alignment ratio for the entire Deck of Astral Roles was 300
Ideally you should list the alignment / role split in your posts. This is being used for a game where the alignment / role split is vital.
You can view the wiki page for the Deck of Astral Roles here: Deck of Astral Roles
Balance is absolutely not guaranteed.
Shadowhydra, a role that allows an outside player to be in a PT (and the variant known as Brighthydra, which also can unavoidably add a player to their PT), is a role that exists in this deck.