Mini 2206 - Deja Vu: Perpetual MELO IV - END!

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Post Post #4311 (isolation #0) » Thu May 20, 2021 4:28 pm

Post by unwnd »

In laymen's terms--More people just need to get over the idea that being scum means that you're not welcome. Town takes the exhaustive process and it becomes pretty much what skitter described with 'not being able to keep up.' This is a strategy that is very hard to break because the extended deadline was never to be used like punching in/out for work every day. You are not required to reach deadline before you decide to lim someone. That was always there so you didn't spend 5-6 hours in one thread just constantly dumping whatever. I would make a very minor note that I think the COVID Pandemic is proobably giving people more freetime because we're all inside but it's not the main point.

Mafia is inherently social. I think a lot of people who love being town end up drawing scum roles and believe 'oh, I can't enjoy this game with my friends.' I think meta is a misnomer in that sense, because it's not really meta at this point. You're just designating your own mindset to believe that the people who are town are having more fun than you. I personally don't feel this way, but that's the impression I get as of late.
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Post Post #4313 (isolation #1) » Thu May 20, 2021 4:42 pm

Post by unwnd »

And you know what? I have complaints for the other end too. Hyperposting wins are hollow victories in my opinion. It's not really rewarding. Good job for scum winning. Nothing taken from MT who had great reads on rep in or those who tried, but I swear some people just treat the thread like a fucking party or purely social gathering. I really do not like posting a lot but I just go 'well, everyone else is doing it.' I feel like my posts become less valuable and there's a lot of necessity lost from doing it. I get to the point sometimes where I don't even remember my reads and 100-200 posts I made were quantitive filler. Or worse, I'm just..reacting to stuff. No thought put into it send post. Town wins out though because they just outgarbage the scum or catch the vibe with another. Really hard to deal with when a dreaded soulread comes into play or two town have some kind of intimate moment.

How does scum fight that though? Open question.
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Post Post #4315 (isolation #2) » Thu May 20, 2021 4:58 pm

Post by unwnd »

Lingering thoughts/ideas are

- Fake your own intimate moment with your partner. Choose when to come in and observe town's own morale. I think scum get really defeated when it seems like town is syncing and it feels impossible. I don't have a definitive answer for this one.
- Play more actively null or try to practice restraint. I think too many people compromise. I'm a complete fucking hypocrite cause I do it too. It is again 'well, everyone is doing it.' Then I'm ending up just playing scum the way where it's almost like I'm trying to spitefully out-post town. Regardless, this one is harder for hyperposting town because I'm sure they get scared someone will think they're not posting = scum. Happens all the time but I think Hoopla said it that Town/Scum are two sides of the same coin. I legitimately think you can take away from both of them. They don't have to be different mindsets.
- Filter out conversation and try to meet in the middle with votes. I've always thought who you vote for is usually what matters. Posting and discussion usually just leads up to it.
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Post Post #4319 (isolation #3) » Thu May 20, 2021 6:04 pm

Post by unwnd »

I think people should learn to scrap more if they're not trying to produce the same effects. Literally at this point just try something and if it doesn't work out oh well. I feel scum aren't like, getting experience over time. I'm scum and I'm gonna probably not have fun boo hoo then they take nothing out of it until they get town.

The site still has decent retention rate but I think at this point mafia has become less of a perilous battle stretched to mental limit and more like a thing you do because it's fun and your friends are there too. That's perfectly fine and I get when people don't want that anymore, but I dunno. Putting your all into something can be fun too. I don't think it has to be entirely one way or the other
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