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Post Post #112 (isolation #0) » Sat May 01, 2021 8:35 am

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In post 13, VFP wrote:VOTE: T3

Every post above me is town.

The quoted post is literally a scum claim. :wink:

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Post Post #114 (isolation #1) » Sat May 01, 2021 8:39 am

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I am still debating whether to play to the meta some (older) players know, or the one I want to revert to.

I also claim Macho Lover Encryptor (you can add self-aligned if you like)

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Post Post #130 (isolation #2) » Sat May 01, 2021 9:40 am

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Hey, everyone.. I have a confession to make: this player list is so awesome I dare not post as much as it would disturb the flow of my own entertainment. I am reading though, so don't think otherwise.

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Post Post #134 (isolation #3) » Sat May 01, 2021 9:47 am

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In post 117, Lukewarm wrote:I am actually a little confused how the psychologist role helps us in this set up.

If he can get a "can kill" result on the baby sitter, but gets a "not able to kill" result on the cowardly mafia + any mafia that has already committed a kill, then on day 1 wouldn't a "can kill" result be a 50/50 chance at being the babysitter or mafia. And then starting on Day 2, they will basically be getting "is babysitter" and "is not babysitter" results, right?

That makes me question this advice given by Bingle
In post 33, Bingle wrote:Optimal play is for baby to target Allen and Allen to aim for scrum.

We all pseudoclaim a psych inno D2 and maybe later day phases on the basis of how kills pan out.
psych claims immediately if has guilty
I do have to comment on this though:

; you should always treat Bingle's mech talk as gospel. It is accurate and indeed best play for Town. End of discussion.

Note: The above is not limited to this game. It does apply here but is a general rule of the thumb.

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Post Post #137 (isolation #4) » Sat May 01, 2021 9:50 am

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In post 122, VFP wrote:
In post 112, Almost50 wrote:The quoted post is literally a scum claim.
That's a good point, but the question is, what scum am I?
The "abrasive enough to double down on a scumslip to make it look like
too scummy to be scum
" one is my best guess. :P

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Post Post #139 (isolation #5) » Sat May 01, 2021 9:59 am

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In post 124, Gypyx wrote:
In post 112, Almost50 wrote:
In post 13, VFP wrote:VOTE: T3

Every post above me is town.

The quoted post is literally a scum claim. :wink:
pls tell me you're not serious
I am, actually. How do you know the alignment of a Teddy Bear from a single post with 3 letters: ego?? That's for instance.

Note that this comes from a guy who promotes the theory of "there's almost always -at least- one scum in the first 3 posters in any given game". In fact, gun-to-my-head I'd say one of them IS scum and then VFP was trying to paint his p as a townie. Now another-gun-to-the-other-side-of-my-head and I'd bet on you being the scum of the first 3 posters with this response. (Don't forget to submit my name as the NK if your team decides to NO KILL) :twisted:

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Post Post #140 (isolation #6) » Sat May 01, 2021 10:03 am

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In post 131, Bingle wrote:Could you do me a teensy favor and devote investigative energy at the other pirate? I am concerned that he's tailoring his play to appeal to me and I'm unsure how to read into that. Thank you.
I take it you're referring to Menalque? I think he's clear.. or at least he appears to be so far.

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Post Post #142 (isolation #7) » Sat May 01, 2021 10:08 am

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In post 132, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 130, Almost50 wrote:Hey, everyone.. I have a confession to make: this player list is so awesome I dare not post as much as it would disturb the flow of my own entertainment. I am reading though, so don't think otherwise.
So another words.
You Be Lurkin!
As my good pal Colin Hay once said: Sometimes I dunno.. which way tooooo goooooooooo

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Post Post #158 (isolation #8) » Sat May 01, 2021 11:31 am

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In post 157, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Good Post!
I'll take your word for it. I never read wallposts myself.

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Post Post #161 (isolation #9) » Sat May 01, 2021 11:37 am

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In post 159, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 158, Almost50 wrote:
In post 157, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Good Post!
I'll take your word for it. I never read wallposts myself.

Okay. If you actually tend to read me in the future. Don't make any BS claims. All reads I have posted is in that under Bingle's reads if you want a TLDR.

Stop being a passive ass mafia.
Wow. Much of the Dark Side I sense in you. Calm down you should. And -most of all- BEHAVE or I'll MAKE YOU.

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Post Post #162 (isolation #10) » Sat May 01, 2021 11:42 am

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My current solve is VPN, Gypyx, and that angry Gran'pa guy. (Who posts in red? SCUM DO. But
; why am I scum to them? BECAUSE I SCUM READ BOTH THEIR BIDDIES. Simple).

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Post Post #176 (isolation #11) » Sat May 01, 2021 12:50 pm

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@Grandpa: You SR me. That much I know is a bad read (let's assume you are a townie here). I don't know you from before so I have no other reference to evaluate the quality of your reads (like, are usually bad, or you usually have a 50% hit rate, or you tunnel, or you think in a different way than most do.. etc). Since this is the case; I can only ignore your reads (and the reasoning behind them) until further notice.

Let me give you an example: I know exactly why Pooky TRs my outburst. He was Scum with me before. He was Scum AGAINST Town me before. I was Scum against Town him before. We know what to expect from each other (well, aside from the usual 1-on-1 manipulation and what not).

I know to follow Bingle's mechanical advice regardless. I have appealed to him before -me being a townie
suspecting he was Scum- to give me the optimal mechanical play because
I know
he wouldn't lie about this one bit.

Hell, in TM2021 I appealed to him (through his teammate playing in my game) to give a read on me, knowing (and explicitly saying) I may appear less townie than the first iteration to many, but to Bingle I am even townier in the second iteration. (First iteration got abandoned and we played the game all over again).

You are one of exactly 3 players in this game who have not met me before (the other two being Luke & Prof), so I don't hold it against you to theorize what you will about my play.

As for not reading post walls, that's nothing personal. Everyone knows I don't read mastina's posts (one example of a player who likes to do wall after wall). Even she doesn't hold it against me. I hate walls and tend to lose concentration while trying to read them.

Bottom line: You are free to SR me all you wnat, and you can make all cases/assumption your heart desires. Just do it with respect. Thank you (and I apologize for snapping at you, but I didn't like the tone of your post directed at me).

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Post Post #178 (isolation #12) » Sat May 01, 2021 12:56 pm

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In post 168, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 167, ProfessorDrapion wrote:(A50 said he SR’s VPN not you, if that makes things more clear)

He put me as the solve. Probably just to see my reaction. My gamesolve is Lukewarm/A50/ >>> There is a world where A50 is paired with Pooky just because of openly defending. That means that would make Gypx and Darp both town which is a weird read honestly. I still need to get info.
This is what Flavor Leaf (another top player on this site) would call "surface level logic". Just because someone defends another doesn't necessarily link them in any way, shape or form.

And -on fact- it is contradictory to your theory about me defending TOWN Bingle (as per your own assumptions). So, tell this: How come Pooky is Scum with me for defending me, and Bingle is Town because I defended him? (Take a deep breath.. look at your own propositions.. then try to answer this TO YOURSELF).

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Post Post #179 (isolation #13) » Sat May 01, 2021 12:56 pm

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In post 169, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:mena better carry me hard this game or hes scumbag
You think he's strong enough to carry a bear??

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Post Post #187 (isolation #14) » Sat May 01, 2021 1:13 pm

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@Grandpa: I have no read -as of yet- on Luke. Nothing he said or did strikes me as AI (most of his posts could come from either alignment tbh). However -as I said- Luke is one of the players I haven't played before, so I don't really know what to expect from Town/Scum him.

Oh, and one more thing: I sometimes keep my read list "vague", so as to protect my strongest TRs. I may or may not list them in my TRs to begin with, and if I choose to.. I put "the whole pack" as a bulk (not ordered by strength). This me saying you shouldn't expect a detailed read list with reasoning from me anytime soon (at least for the entirety of D1).

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Post Post #188 (isolation #15) » Sat May 01, 2021 1:18 pm

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In post 186, Bingle wrote:
In post 184, VFP wrote:I think A50 needs to stop defending Town Bingle.
I would be genuinely shocked to find A50 was townreading me here.
Unless I talk in my sleep; I don't believe I stated a single TR on any of the players in this game as of yet.

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Post Post #189 (isolation #16) » Sat May 01, 2021 1:20 pm

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^Bingle and Menalque are the two players here most familiar with this tactic of mine. (Not giving read lists so as to protect my "suspected PRs" and Strongest TRs)

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Post Post #343 (isolation #17) » Sun May 02, 2021 11:30 am

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In post 313, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:how can pooky be in any solve when pooky is town af
Let ME be the judge of that. :lol: (Obviously referring to Open 807) :P

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Post Post #346 (isolation #18) » Sun May 02, 2021 11:59 am

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In post 326, ProfessorDrapion wrote:@Pooky
Can I have both of your Top 3 Scum and Town please. :)
I only have VFP as a
SR. I am still debating Gypyx, you, Pine & MWNN (the one that hasn't posted and seems to have flaked the site) as possible candidates. I also have Menalque in a "Menalque category" if that helps (that almost never changes today).

The other 6 are not exactly TRs either, but I don't have them in my possible elimination pool for today.

If you find this unsatisfactory I'd like to refer you to second paragraph

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Post Post #347 (isolation #19) » Sun May 02, 2021 12:06 pm

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In post 333, GrandpaMo wrote:and A50 being offended by me scumreading them
Mate; I thought we went over this and were done. I am not offended by your read on me, I was offended by the tone of your post directed at me.

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Post Post #348 (isolation #20) » Sun May 02, 2021 12:08 pm

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In post 334, GrandpaMo wrote:can we get a prod on the afk here? that could also be a viable scumslot that we haven't seen yet
MWNN I think has flaked. In fact I
he did (and that was well before this game ever started or even filled in)

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Post Post #349 (isolation #21) » Sun May 02, 2021 12:12 pm

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In post 344, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:what r u talking about a50

you did not catch me :3

I should've just pushed SS out like I pushed Arte out :<
Didn't I? I specifically made a HILARIOUS case on you as
the Traitor on D1!! :lol:

And I did fake a guilty on you the day before S_S shot you too.

You're just jealous of my superior intuitive scum hunting skills.


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Post Post #354 (isolation #22) » Sun May 02, 2021 1:04 pm

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In post 350, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:bro you locktown'd me after my reaction to your fake guilty lulz
It was my elaborate scheme to get S_S to shoot you. Duh! NEVER underestimate my GENIUS abilities. :lol:

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Post Post #367 (isolation #23) » Sun May 02, 2021 1:32 pm

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In post 356, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:watching him waver over hammering salsa as she hovered at L-1 at the end was excruciating lol
I was waiting for the hammer on either slot to decide that was the last Goon, ngl. :lol:

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Post Post #368 (isolation #24) » Sun May 02, 2021 1:34 pm

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In post 365, Dannflor wrote:Bingle, how are you reading A50 so far?
Why, Town AF, of course. :lol:

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Post Post #453 (isolation #25) » Mon May 03, 2021 3:21 pm

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In post 391, Not_Mafia wrote:252+ Atk Choice Band Miltank Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Drapion: 282-332 (100.3 - 118.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Um... erm.. I challenge you to retype that same post WITHOUT looking back at it!

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Post Post #454 (isolation #26) » Mon May 03, 2021 3:28 pm

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In post 410, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 408, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Drapion + GrandPaMo + Lukewarm HERO-SOLVE?
would u bus d1 if u were scum? is this how this setup would work optimally? sorry im new
He did it with stunning cold blood in the last game.

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Post Post #456 (isolation #27) » Mon May 03, 2021 3:47 pm

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IMHO, Drapion is more likely scum than T3 and/or Luke. I trust N_M's reads so I will reassert Gypyx as a scumster here. I no longer SR VPN. Menalque still has his own unique category in my reads.


For now. Let me take another look to see where my vote should be

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Post Post #493 (isolation #28) » Tue May 04, 2021 11:58 am

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In post 457, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 456, Almost50 wrote:IMHO, Drapion is more likely scum than T3 and/or Luke. I trust N_M's reads so I will reassert Gypyx as a scumster here. I no longer SR VPN. Menalque still has his own unique category in my reads.


For now. Let me take another look to see where my vote should be
t3 is way more scummier then drap. you can debate luke + drap because honestly u could see how luke is townier than drap. but mmh, can you tell me what drap has done thats more scum?

also you think gypx is scum too? i doubt in that interaction on page 13. i doubt that gypx shitpushes drap in that manner as of a way of bussing. just read that interaction... drap put them in a corner and now they never answered. gypx comes out way scummier in that interaction. this is giving me andante vibes in 2059 >.> where everyone + mafia just started scumreading this one person and i was the only one defending them and they flipped town.

As for Drap, I agree his questions (asking for reads) could be an elaborate way of hunting the Mason Lovers. You ask for reads, you try to find 2 people who TR each other for no good reason, and you probably found the Masons.

As for Gypyx, trust me.. NOTHING is outside his Scum range. (That's actually a compliment to his scum game, but I also understand it's an annoying stance as nothing he does can make me say "Yeah, I am convinced Gypyx is Town now")

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Post Post #494 (isolation #29) » Tue May 04, 2021 12:08 pm

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In post 483, Dannflor wrote:
In post 406, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 365, Dannflor wrote:Bingle, how are you reading A50 so far?

dann i need to hear from you. you ask this question then dip which is wack.
I had to work 8 hours and then study for another 8

what do you need to hear from me exactly
Are you seriously telling me that working and/or studying is more important to you than playing?? Mate, that's such a scummy approach to life.

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Post Post #528 (isolation #30) » Wed May 05, 2021 11:47 am

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In post 500, GrandpaMo wrote:Now you get to me on using surface level logic. do YOU really think mason lovers will make it that obvious??? everyone here, I think, is experienced enough to not make it that obvious for mafia.
It doesn't matter how experienced
players are. If Drap's experience tells him it's possible then it's the strategy he will follow. It is
experience level that matters here.

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Post Post #529 (isolation #31) » Wed May 05, 2021 11:50 am

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In post 505, GrandpaMo wrote:im still waiting on pine's full reads

as well as NM + dann other reads
Waiting for other reads from N_M is like waiting for a kangaroo to lay an egg. It's never gonna happen. :lol:

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Post Post #544 (isolation #32) » Wed May 05, 2021 3:42 pm

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So, you are saying SCUM!T3 sheeped you TWICE into voting SCUM!Luke, despite YOU thinking earlier that it's not a good idea to bus on D1 in this setup?

OK, you're Town. :lol:

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Post Post #548 (isolation #33) » Wed May 05, 2021 3:46 pm

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In post 545, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i can't read something that long :(

a50 help me
I am colour blind. Can't see

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Post Post #550 (isolation #34) » Wed May 05, 2021 3:49 pm

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In post 546, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 544, Almost50 wrote:@Grandpa:

So, you are saying SCUM!T3 sheeped you TWICE into voting SCUM!Luke, despite YOU thinking earlier that it's not a good idea to bus on D1 in this setup?

OK, you're Town. :lol:

they don't even think luke is scum anymore lol
Does it matter? They voted them twice already, sheeping Town!You. Why on earth would they sheep YOU of all people? Why not sheep someone who SRs a TOWNIE? Why not sheep someone who is .. erm.. better known on the site? What do they get from sheeping someone fairly new to MS unto voting their Scum p??

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Post Post #603 (isolation #35) » Thu May 06, 2021 2:05 pm

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I would vote Drap, but N_M isn't online to hammer. :( (Actually :twisted: but the :( is to complete the act) :lol:

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Post Post #609 (isolation #36) » Thu May 06, 2021 3:20 pm

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Post Post #657 (isolation #37) » Fri May 07, 2021 12:34 pm

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In post 639, Menalque wrote:Pooky is probably scum if Drap dies and then there’s good odds I die tonight despite having done fuck all so far

So pls bear that in mind if I do die ... 863cfc.mp4

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Post Post #664 (isolation #38) » Fri May 07, 2021 1:13 pm

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In post 661, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:btw the fact that drap is dead but still hasnt shown up to give dying reads or w/e means this slot probly flips red
Well, here's how I see it: If he flips red then you're right. If he flips green then you're wrong. (No need to praise or applaud. It's not the first time you know how much of a genius this monkey is)

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Post Post #794 (isolation #39) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:14 pm

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In post 719, GrandpaMo wrote:Can anyone tell me what Cowardly modifier does or is?
Can't makr the kill themselves unless they are the last scum alive. (Sorry if it has been answered, but I always answer as I read, and if I'm going to read this gigantic wall you can expect me responding with several posts that have already been said by someone else beyond this point)

^^Worst English I've spoken in a while, but I won't be arsed to rephrase it.

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Post Post #795 (isolation #40) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:28 pm

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In post 719, GrandpaMo wrote:First approach analysis
Response: I usually brush off such cases and don't even care to respond (please write that down in case we meet in a future game and I do just that). But -since you appear to be either really tryharding or a noob- I want to say this: "I won't even go check the posts you refer to that probably link me to Drap. I'll just quote the one I remember saying:
In post 456, Almost50 wrote:IMHO, Drapion is more likely scum than T3 and/or Luke.
Question: Why would I pick my partner to shade over 1 or 2 townies? (They can't BOTH be Scum because that would be the whole Scum team and would make me 100% Town to begin with).

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Post Post #796 (isolation #41) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:38 pm

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In post 719, GrandpaMo wrote:Everything else
I am confused when you say Mann.. do you mean Dann or do you mean ManWithNoName? My confusion stems from the fact it appears you prepared all this BEFORE theD2 started, so Dann wasn't flipped, and you also refer to N_M by his name, so I am leaning that you meant Dann, but still I see you typed Dann's name correctly at least 3 times within these spoilers 9and a 4th time at the bottom), so I can't be too sure which is it.

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Post Post #797 (isolation #42) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:39 pm

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OK.. I guess this answers my question

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Post Post #798 (isolation #43) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:40 pm

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In post 724, T3 wrote:Dannflor kill? Thanks for killing a nullread :)
At this point I'm ready to assume everyone on Drap is not scum.
I haven't seen GM scumplay so idk.
Good vote.. (considering..) :twisted:

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Post Post #799 (isolation #44) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:42 pm

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In post 725, GrandpaMo wrote:A50 was on Drap
Correction: I actually wasn't. I wanted to, but I didn't actually vote because I didn't want the day to end just yet (and knew N_M would hammer as soon as he sees E-1).

Why I didn't want the day to end? I wanted to know WHO would put Drap to E-1.

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Post Post #800 (isolation #45) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:45 pm

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In post 732, Menalque wrote:I probably die today
I hate it when people say that at the start of the day AND with only 1 or 2 votes on them. I am not voting you today, so get your lazy ass working and don't you dare resort to ATE.

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Post Post #801 (isolation #46) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:47 pm

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In post 733, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i think you're scum because you're not even pretending to play the game.

you think that's not a thought town me would have?
Having seen Scum!Menalque in action I'd say Town!him is more likely to act disconnected than Scum!him, but I will settle for a NAI on this one.

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Post Post #802 (isolation #47) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:50 pm

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In post 737, Menalque wrote:I mean I think considering that I just beat scum you in two games back-to-back, it's not unreasonable to think that even with my diminished presence I would be a high priority NK for you ?

or just in general for anyone who knows me, like at all?
I hope we're not havong this conversation again, but if I was Scum I'd probably have ROLEBLOCKED you and shot Bingle (it's as simple as that. Bingle would have been my #1, #2 & #3 priorities for the NK)

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Post Post #803 (isolation #48) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:52 pm

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OK.. I'm skimming the rest of this Menalque-Pooky duel

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Post Post #804 (isolation #49) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:56 pm

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In post 761, Bingle wrote:Right. I received a psychologist innocent result on Dannflor.
I -hypothetically- have a GUILTY result, so I think I'll goo last. Thank you. :wink:

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Post Post #805 (isolation #50) » Mon May 10, 2021 2:01 pm

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In post 768, GrandpaMo wrote:because i got a guilty on you lol
That's very funny, especially considering your day start wall. :facepalm:

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Post Post #806 (isolation #51) » Mon May 10, 2021 2:04 pm

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In post 772, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I have no result due to being roleblocked and I targeted Dannflor

am I doing this right?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post Post #807 (isolation #52) » Mon May 10, 2021 2:11 pm

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In post 792, Bingle wrote:Hey, funky monkey. I don't have you as locktown yet. What gives?
Cuz I am playing as I would as a PR in an OPEN setup (I may or may not be actually a PR, but I am playing like I am one) :wink:

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Post Post #808 (isolation #53) » Mon May 10, 2021 2:13 pm

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I'll be waiting for hypo results from Pine, Gypyx & Menalque before I out my guilty.. my hypothetical guilty, that is. :twisted:

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Post Post #848 (isolation #54) » Tue May 11, 2021 11:54 am

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Still waiting on Pine & Gypyx to report in, but I kinda think my guilty is actually on the Babysitter, so I will announce a hypothetical guilty on T3 instead. ;)

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Post Post #874 (isolation #55) » Tue May 11, 2021 2:23 pm

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In post 869, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:wait are either of you actually considering me as scum?

cuz that's just ridiculous talk.

also I can't be bothered to read anything over 4 lines.
I scumread Pooky
I scumread Pooky
I scumread Pooky
I scumread Pooky
------------------------- 1st line
------------------------- 2nd line
------------------------- 3rd line
------------------------- 4th line

Pooky is the towniest townie that ever towned

Yeah, that should make me safe in case he's a traitor :P

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Post Post #876 (isolation #56) » Tue May 11, 2021 2:50 pm

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@Luke: You are Town!casing Pooky here, mate. Just check how he played scum in Open 807. Things to note: 1- Strong push on TOWN early on. 2- Late (but not too late) on the bus with a STRONG presence (for milking the Town!cred). 3- Lots of GIFs. Lots and lots of them. (This last one I only noticed NOW :eek: )

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Post Post #919 (isolation #57) » Wed May 12, 2021 6:56 am

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In post 882, Lukewarm wrote:@A50 Who is your top read if not pooky?

You too @pooky?
Hard to tell with 2 slots unaccounted for yet. However, of those who did weigh in I guess T3 is my top SR

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Post Post #930 (isolation #58) » Wed May 12, 2021 12:06 pm

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In post 926, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 848, Almost50 wrote:Still waiting on Pine & Gypyx to report in, but I kinda think my guilty is actually on the Babysitter, so I will announce a hypothetical guilty on T3 instead. ;)
I am so confused :dead: :dead: :dead:
I don't know how you could get confused reading the quoted post. It clearly says "I have a guilty, but I think it might be a fake guilty on the actual babysitter. So INSTEAD (of declaring my check target) I decided to claim a HYPOTHETICAL guilty on T3". I do NOT have a guilty on T3. I did not target T3. I targeted someone else and I'm not exposing them today. Ask me again tomorrow -if I'm still alive- and I might give you a better explanation.

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Post Post #931 (isolation #59) » Wed May 12, 2021 12:13 pm

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In post 929, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 925, Bingle wrote:He does not. He's electing to not partake in the hypoclaiming innos on the grounds that he thinks he found the babysitter and is announcing you as his main scumread. Or he's attempting to throw mud into the water that was fucked up by people not understanding my directions clearly. Or he's crumbing Babysitter to me. Or he picked up on a signal I sent to him that I'm the real psychologist. Or he's trying to pocket me into thinking he's acknowledging a signal I sent him and he's secretly scum playing on a level I haven't anticipated from him, which is nominally possible but not supported by prior experience.

Basically, 5D chess and not worth a CC if someone else is actually a psychologist, specifically because this is A50 we're talking about.

Because you seem concerned about people CCing his psychologist claim. But also state that you tried to signal to him that you were psychologist (I actually thought I saw something to indicate that in your earlier post, but then assumed I was wrong because you appeared to believe A50.) But... if you really were the psychologist signaling to Almost50, you would not have any worry about a CC happening.

So you were town, but not psychologist, and sent a fake sign to Almost50 to tell him you are psychologist, who in response, openly claimed to be the psychologist, but you don't think that that is actually true either, and are now worried that the real psychologists might out themselves over the 5d chess the two of you are playing?
Let me try to simplify things for you: I am either the Psychologist; and I'm playing some trick that Bingle has picked on and providing cover for it... OR I'm not the Psychologist and STILL playing a trick that Bingle has picked on and helping me drive it home. Whether Bingle is the true Psychologist in the second scenario is irrelevant, because if the first scenario is true then he is actually trying to help me still by pretending to be the Psychologist.

I want to say something else, but it could still confuse you, so I'll add it in a separate post

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Post Post #932 (isolation #60) » Wed May 12, 2021 12:16 pm

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What I wanted to add is many of you are way to easy to be manipulated by scum. Like, Luke's string of responses make it 100% clear he's not the Psychologist. I could add more about many others where I can point out X, Y & Z are not this role, A,B & C are not that one, and so on, and if I was Scum I'd probably have managed to guess all 3 PRs by now.

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Post Post #933 (isolation #61) » Wed May 12, 2021 12:24 pm

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Now, let me go one step further in demonstrating "my plan":

Proposition 1: I am the Psychologist, and I received a "guilty" on someone. I am choosing to not out it and will re-check the same target tonight. Of still get a guilty that's the BABYSITTER, because -as per Bingle's theoretical best-strategy post on D1, the 2nd Mafia should now do the kill. meaning I should get a clear on them tonight. If I do get a clear I announce them and we 100% caught SCUM.

Proposition 2: I am not the Psychologist. I am just trying to either draw the NK, or I am trying to get the Mafia to think proposition #1 is true and go the route I suggested, leaving one member exposed to a check by the real Psychologist.

It's WIFOM. Do they shoot me? Do they RB me? Or do they ignore me? Am I the Psychologist? Am I actually the Alien trying to bait the NK because I know the Babysitter is protecting me? Or am I the Babysitter playing it risky and hoping Scum think I'm the Psychologist so they leave me alone. OR.. maybe I'm none of the above?? Just maybe.. :P

NOW you are justified to be totally confused :lol:

Welcome to A50 101

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Post Post #944 (isolation #62) » Wed May 12, 2021 1:19 pm

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In post 942, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:yea but a50's scum meta is to pretend to be a tree
It's because someone once told me trees are GREEN, and I fell for it. :P

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Post Post #947 (isolation #63) » Wed May 12, 2021 1:33 pm

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In post 946, Lukewarm wrote:Am I doing this right now Almost 50?
Yes. Much better. :lol:

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Post Post #980 (isolation #64) » Thu May 13, 2021 10:39 am

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In post 978, T3 wrote:Pine is a terrible vote. Pooky voting Pine here is nai but VFP is a strong sr.
I personally hard disagree. It's true I don't have much on Pine to judge by, by I hard TR VPN.

@Luke: I appreciate your faith in me, but the problem is I don't have reads on Pine/Gypyx (I don't have enough content from either) and many of my other reads are not solid enough (leans rather than explicit TRs/SRs). But we still have time in the day so I won't rush things much

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Post Post #982 (isolation #65) » Thu May 13, 2021 1:01 pm

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In post 981, Bingle wrote:You should never kill A50. It's much more fun to convince the cop that the innocent they have on him is fake and get him limmed in XLO.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You won't let this die, will you? I had almost forgiven and forgotten, and you go to reignite my fire. (I still love you, and I'd be a liar if I said otherwise. Good play is good play)

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Post Post #1035 (isolation #66) » Fri May 14, 2021 10:26 am

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@Johnny: Hi there. I do recognize the name, but had to search my topics to find the game.

@Gypyx: I already said I'd vote T3 if the day was ending in the next 24 hours.

I don't actually know why Luke is SR'd. I don't have anything solid to argue against it, but I lean Town on him.

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Post Post #1036 (isolation #67) » Fri May 14, 2021 10:29 am

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I like Johnny so far. Town Lean

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Post Post #1045 (isolation #68) » Fri May 14, 2021 11:51 am

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OK.. now that you're all caught up; let's see...

Can you convince me why Grand over -say- T3? Actually, why Grandpa at all? Let me ask about T3 later..
ALSO .. why do SR VFP?
And finally: T3.. why is he higher than any if the 3 below him?

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Post Post #1181 (isolation #69) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:43 am

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In post 1112, Not_Mafia wrote:A50 vote Johnny the instant you see this
I don't think this flips red, my fellow animal-police-detective

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Post Post #1184 (isolation #70) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:45 am

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In post 1134, T3 wrote:Really not liking the replacement. VOTE: Johnny
If this is town the VFP is scum.

If this is green I'll still consider a red flip.

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Post Post #1186 (isolation #71) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:47 am

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In post 1142, VFP wrote:I think I want T3 eliminated tomorrow regardless of the flip.
I think I want that today, if you don't really mind.

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Post Post #1188 (isolation #72) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:51 am

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In post 1175, VFP wrote:The longer this takes the more I feel Johnny is flipping town.
He is.
In post 1175, VFP wrote:Someone just
Fixed that for you

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Post Post #1191 (isolation #73) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:55 am

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In post 1185, GrandpaMo wrote:I mean everything he really has done is anti town-- to my standards. (to me specifically)
Don't take thing too personal. You have a play/post style that is confusing to most tbh.

Now, aside from that, would you say T3's hop (and lining up VPN yeet next) was done in good faith? Cuz I don't think it was.

You said there has to be one scum between VPN & T3 if Johnny flips green, right? Well, I'm telling you he's flipping green. Now which of VPN/T3 is scum to you??

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Post Post #1193 (isolation #74) » Sat May 15, 2021 7:58 am

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Post Post #1196 (isolation #75) » Sat May 15, 2021 8:03 am

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In post 450, T3 wrote:I really don't see why prof is scum. I'm going to UNVOTE: for now.

ALSO, how you you go from
In post 69, T3 wrote:WTF VOTE: pooky
In post 75, T3 wrote:My soul is telling me the bear is scum.
In post 119, T3 wrote:The pooky read was half guess half gut. Lukewarm leantown right now.
To sheeping precisely Pooky on Johnny?? Not sheeping me, Bingle or Grandpa... sheepi9ng Pooky.

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Post Post #1197 (isolation #76) » Sat May 15, 2021 8:04 am

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In post 1194, GrandpaMo wrote:I explained this earlier idk if you saw but. But if Johnny flips green then it is most likely T3 as scum.
So, we can do it in reverse, and if/when T3 flips red we assume Ferrar is Town (except we would still have him alive)

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Post Post #1205 (isolation #77) » Sat May 15, 2021 8:11 am

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In post 514, T3 wrote:VOTE: VFP
Thin ISO, Drapion tunneling (who is a mild tr).
In post 590, T3 wrote:I see where the Drap wagon is coming from but at this point I'm just not feeling it.... I didn't like his defense that much though.
In post 591, T3 wrote:I just reread Drap ISO. VOTE: Drapion. It almost felt like he tried to make himself look way too godod after RVS and there was the:I'm town defense.
T3 accused VPN of tunneling Drap, yet admitted (later) he had yet to ISO Drap. What was the Town Lean based on then? And just before he decided to bus he had tried to defuse the wagon because he "wasn't feeling it". So, not feeling the wagon you voted in your very next post?? Why? Was it because you didn't read Drap's posts before? Then how come you accused VPN of tunneling? Tunneling = clinging to strawsd and pushing narratives that fit your own predetermined outcome, so you can't accuse someone of tunneling unless you did read the target's posts and decided they didn't mean what the accuser had made them look to mean.

In short, T3 is the scum ON Drap's wagon

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Post Post #1210 (isolation #78) » Sat May 15, 2021 8:18 am

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@Grandpa: As I said, you have a "non-standard" way of posting which doesn't make it easy for anyone to just trust you from the get go. One has to readjust their system to be able to scan your ideas without being thrown off by the posting style. (Don't worry, this will probably be a minor problem if we meet again, because I now -at least- know what to expect)

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Post Post #1224 (isolation #79) » Sat May 15, 2021 1:34 pm

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In post 1221, Menalque wrote:@bingle who should I be voting for
I -for one- am looking forward to see that catch up you promised. ;)

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Post Post #1241 (isolation #80) » Sat May 15, 2021 6:04 pm

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In post 1240, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:ok why does scum t3 shoot dann when dann is TRing him?
1- Low activity fooled him into thinking Dann was a PR?
2- He didn't make the call. The other Scum did?

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Post Post #1247 (isolation #81) » Sat May 15, 2021 6:18 pm

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In post 1245, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:also when does low activity = pr lol
To some this is indeed a PR tell. Trust me.

As for who was threatened.. I have no idea, but it sure didn't have to be that way. If Dann was Babysitter then it's 2 PRs for one shot (as per Bingle's plan). If the kill failed they'd know he was the Alien. Not bad a shot EVEN if they were not threatened by him directly but still thought he might be a PR.

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Post Post #1250 (isolation #82) » Sat May 15, 2021 6:25 pm

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In post 1249, Lukewarm wrote:[Professor, T3, Pooky] scum team?
If that's the case then Dann was killed for Pooky to use this precise defence.

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Post Post #1382 (isolation #83) » Tue May 18, 2021 1:45 pm

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Nice bloody play. I concede the game to the scum team.

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Post Post #1387 (isolation #84) » Tue May 18, 2021 3:41 pm

Post by Almost50 »

In post 1386, GrandpaMo wrote:@a50 why did u back down from pushing t3?
Where did I do that? I kept pushing T3 all day and I said Johnny was Town and still people piled on Johnny and then Bingle hammered. I can't even tell which is more scummy, Bingle or Pooky!

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Post Post #1388 (isolation #85) » Tue May 18, 2021 3:42 pm

Post by Almost50 »

^This is why I whiteflagged. You won't get it but they do. Whichever is Scum between the two has already won the game.

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Post Post #1390 (isolation #86) » Tue May 18, 2021 4:30 pm

Post by Almost50 »

They are going for a no lim. I did my best (reached my peak) yesterday. I am not going to consume more of my energy on a lost cause. If you feel strong enough, you can push T3 and I'll follow (i.e. I will vote him), but I am telling you right now that they are going to NO LIM today, and then I hopefully will get shot at night and you can do whatever you all wanna do.

P.S. Weren't you one of the people who voted Johnny?? Now -if you are town- take responsibility and try to make up for your own mistake. I don't like talking and listening to my own echo while people do just whatever they want to do and hand scum the win. This isn't something that relates to this particular game. The whole site is now turning into a circus and people have been stubbornly doing their own thing (or to be precise what the MAFIA tells them to do). I am obviously overly upset so it's better not to discuss this anymore. You have the same vote-weight as mine.

VOTE: No Elim

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Post Post #1485 (isolation #87) » Wed May 19, 2021 12:41 pm

Post by Almost50 »

In post 1391, GrandpaMo wrote:i dont think i voted johnny.
You mean you don't even know where your vote was at the end of the day??
In post 1347, lendunistus wrote:
Open 810 Official Vote Count - Day 2 Hammer

(6): PookyTheMagicalBear,
, T3, Not_Mafia, VFP, Bingle
(3): Almost50, JohnnyFarrar, Lukewarm
(2): Gypyx, Menalque

With 11 alive, it took 6 to shove someone's head into an energy core.

: Was the 20th of May, Thursday, 2021, 8am EDT

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Post Post #2406 (isolation #88) » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:26 pm

Post by Almost50 »

Yaaay!! I'm
:lol: :lol:

Just look at my stats for 2021 in my sig. I'm soooo proud of my own statistics

P.S. Stats do NOT include the games where I replaced in (I would look even
smarter if they did)

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