Tales from The Grid, Issue 1: Two Sides to Every Story (IC)

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Tales from The Grid, Issue 1: Two Sides to Every Story (IC)

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Mon May 03, 2021 10:13 pm

Post by roseheart »

Good evening. Tonight you will experience the trials and tribulations of a new group of wayward warriors. Don't expect all these tales to have a happy ending!

Character Bios will be revealed after the battle is completed, and edited into this post.

-|- Amateur Adventurer -|-

Sage Preston was an avid Pokemon GO player, often being told to be more careful. He almost had collected every Pokemon, he only needed one more. It was something that hikers had occasionally spotted in the hills nearby on Route 46. He impressed himself by how much more physical that playing this game had made him, he never could have imagined himself out in nature like this. Yet here he was, and there it was. His battery was low, he needed to swap for another powerpack. He had to be fast before he missed his chance, but he fumbled the pack into the wet leaves.

As he dug around frantically for it, he was totally oblivious to the ledge nearby. His mud soaked sneakers kept slipping and still he didn't notice the ledge while he searched for the battery. Until he saw where it was, and reaching for it, disaster struck as the ground beneath him gave way completely. His last conscious observation was of falling...

-|- Time Stream Slip -|-

Another failed attempt. Gideon Quinn could only watch as hell's fury had come to claim the souls of this timeline. It was time to try again. But this time things were strange... Had he gone too far back?

-|- Phantom in the Mist -|-

Lieutenant Riya Contreras was the rock in her squad. She was tough as nails to everyone under her command, but underneath her tough-guy facade she was full of pride, watching them become everything she always knew they could. She was obsessive with their well-being, always controlling the missions beyond her station. She spent countless hours in the simulations, going over worst-case scenarios. The AI began to adapt to her in order to increase the challenge, and even began including human opponents. There seemed to be one that was reoccurring, the file name for the entity was Aisha Welch, and she was fierce.

Contreras would often pull off the simulation goggles in a sweat, breathing laboriously. She took a break from the sims for a time. More and more the sirens went off, space had managed to once again produced some new kind of terror. One day while her squad was responding to an abduction, she had an encounter like nothing that had come before. With grim efficiency, the fighting was quickly over---she had finally given into her teammates' protests and gave them the space they deserved, and the results showed. But after everyone had reported in and were making their way back to the dropship, Contreras found herself alone. She found she had lost all communication with her team. The air was thick in the Bayous. The fog danced around the weird vegetation, and more and more Contreras became certain that the mist concealed one more invader. She called out to her squadmates, again and again. She grew more and more desperate...her pistol rapidly seeking a mark that surely eluded her. Then she saw it, and her heart sank...the limp bodies of her squadmates, and standing beside them was...was...

Was it a trick? No. It was her! It was pure spine crawling horror...Brought to life by some unfathomable dark magic, made flesh and blood. It was Riya Contreras! And by her feet was Aisha's beloved squadmates, forever still. The strange alien plants felt like they were closing in, and she couldn't breath. Then, in a blinding green pulse everything became nothing.

-|- A Thief's Reward -|-

Hugo Everett was a common thief. His friend Jimmy always said that he had no sense for his own safety. One day a gypsy came to town, and danced in the market like a pink pixie. She floated and swayed in her foreign dress, and she seemed to be dancing just for him. She was devastatingly beautiful, but more important to Hugo was that she was covered from head to toe in jewelry.

Later that night under a full moon he snuck in to her carriage. The threshold was marked by odors of exotic perfumes and incense. She was fast asleep, and he would not make a sound. As he hastily lined his pockets he took notice of the gypsy's many strange objects and talismans. He was just as surprised at how stupid his distracted state was: Of course a wondering gypsy would accumulate such baubles, it's in their nature to do so. Yet still his eyes lingered on them, especially a crystal ball. The last thing he saw was the gypsy's reflection...

-|- Prologue: The King's Bodyguard -|-

Two equestrians made their way through a valley. King Izabelle Horne and Madame Trinity Chandler, her ace knight number one, and monster hunting specialist. Among the sun bathed hills, they took in the rich air of the fields surrounding them, now far and away from the harsh desert where they had met. The desert where they had encountered the giant snake that had designed to make a meal of them. Instead, thanks to a hurried alliance, they overcame the beast, and escaped the slain serpent's domain. Then, they had traveled across the land together, crossing paths with wizards and merchants. They had continued on towards the lush mountains where they prepared themselves for whatever this cruel land had in store for them next...

As quickly as the thunderstorm had rolled in, the floods were upon them like a raging bull. The riders raced to higher elevation, but in the wind and the rain and confusion they had gotten separated...

/!\ In-Character Thread Rules /!\

. (Go to the Out-Of-Character Thread to join our waitlist. Or, join the 'SpoilSpec' for character bios and unit info.)

Out-Of-Character Thread: https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=86463

enclose dialogue in "" quotation marks. (As not all forums participating use color, this will not be a requirement.)
2. DO NOT discuss this battle with other players outside of this thread. (Keep questions for me in the Out-Of-Character/Sign-Up Thread, or send me a private message.)
3. DO NOT look at another player's spoiler.
4. YOU CAN request that your message be reposted on another forum: include the tag [@username] or [@forum] to request it. (Character name or abbreviations are also ok.)
5. YOU CAN read the game on other forums.
repost foreign messages (with their
) if you are replying to something I haven't reposted yet.
6. When you get your portrait,
include the image in your post at least once if it contains any dialogue.

I will start working on your character portrait after you post your spoiler. If you'd like to make your own (80x80 or smaller) tell me in your spoiler. Please follow all IC Thread Rules for the remainder of the match, starting

Tip: Your action will be quoted in the update, so consider if you may be sharing something you don't need to. Some players like to add commentary for me/spectators, but make sure to mark their action in bold, so I only quote that.
Last edited by roseheart on Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Mon May 03, 2021 10:14 pm

Post by roseheart »

Two doomed souls awaken in a thunderstorm. To the west at the foot of the hill a mist rises up from fast moving flood waters, what ever may lie beyond is obscured. To the south the sound of galloping comes to a halt. Neighing reverberates across the rain-swept fields. Flashes of lightning reveal the dim silhouette of a powerful creature rearing up on its' hind legs, and that of its' armored rider.

|-|- Turn 1a -|-|


0 = YLW Knight
0 = WHT Sniper
0 = BLK ?

Only a1s, Space Jawa, and dsjstr may post in the IC Thread at this time.
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Post Post #3 (isolation #2) » Fri May 07, 2021 8:00 am

Post by roseheart »

your action next time.)
a1s wrote:Move to F6
Space Jawa wrote:Move to E8, Activate Laser Pistol Overwatch
dsjstr wrote:I'll be moving north 1 space



Move Phase

The knight rides northwest.
The sniper walks south. In the rain, the south-most tree begins to...dance! It waddles northward a bit.

Range Phase

The sniper pulls out their pistol and silences their breathing...

|-|- Turn 2a -|-|


0 = YLW Knight
0 = WHT Sniper
0 = BLK Sudowoodo

a1s, Space Jawa, and dsjstr, please use your character portrait, above, if you wish to talk in-character, which will be shared on the other forums.
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Post Post #5 (isolation #3) » Sat May 08, 2021 3:33 am

Post by roseheart »

, but please use the formatting I showed you in PM, and your move wont be accepted unless it is posted here. Preferably in a spoiler.)
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Post Post #7 (isolation #4) » Sun May 09, 2021 5:22 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "What?"

Image "Now even my cover is moving on me?"
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Post Post #8 (isolation #5) » Sun May 09, 2021 11:18 pm

Post by roseheart »

"Where did my King get to?"
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Post Post #9 (isolation #6) » Sun May 09, 2021 11:18 pm

Post by roseheart »

dsjstr wrote:Move A6. Kill anyone in my way. Except if they have something to say.

GM Notes: 1) Conditional actions are not allowed. This will be interpreted as a basic attack on C6, before movement. 2) You cannot reach A6 with your movement, so you will instead go to B6.
Space Jawa wrote:Move to C8, Activate Laser Pistol Overwatch
a1s wrote:Move to D5
Melee Phase

The sudowoodo makes a frantic swipe towards anything hiding in the rain north-west of them, but as far as they can tell, they were the only one hiding this time.

Move Phase

fast moving flood waters
prove too choppy for the knight's horse to attempt to traverse, and the powerful animal begins to panic.
The knight's
shall not be interrupted. The rider begins to move away from the rapids that were upsetting the horse, but in the commotion the sniper fires a red-hot laser! The knight raises their
heavy shield
just in time, agitated. It seems they are stuck here with this opponent for now.
The sudowoodo begins frantically flailing its' arms in the rain as it moves northward. The sniper similarly heads north and ducks behind another plant, and one that is hopefully less...lively.

Range Phase

The sniper points their laser pistol over their cover in anticipation.

Special Phase

The rain rapidly begins to thin and then the sun finally breaks through the bleak storm clouds. Sure enough sign, that the flood waters and mist should also clear up soon...

|-|- Turn 3a -|-|


0 = YLW Knight
0 = WHT Sniper
0 = BLK Sudowoodo

a1s, Space Jawa, and dsjstr, this is your
last action
(and last chance to choose final positions) before we switch over to the other side and eventually join both sides.
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Post Post #10 (isolation #7) » Mon May 10, 2021 1:44 am

Post by roseheart »

Aisha glanced from her position at the two others nearby.

Image "So what's your guy's story?"
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Post Post #11 (isolation #8) » Mon May 10, 2021 2:55 am

Post by roseheart »

"I am a knight errant, but I have been separated from my king."
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Post Post #12 (isolation #9) » Mon May 10, 2021 3:30 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Game for some teamwork?"
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Post Post #13 (isolation #10) » Sat May 15, 2021 3:36 am

Post by roseheart »

Actions for a1s, Space Jawa, and dsjstr are now final. Any edits beyond this point will not be accepted.

Two doomed souls awaken in a thunderstorm. To the east at the foot of the hill a mist rises up from fast moving flood waters, what ever may lie beyond is obscured. To the south the sound of galloping comes to a halt. Neighing reverberates across the rain-swept fields. Flashes of lightning reveal the dim silhouette of a gallant creature rearing up on its' hind legs, and that of its' regal rider.

These souls collectively have an odd sense of deja vu, followed by a vivid premonition of some battle that took place...no...is taking place east across the flood rapids. But they have only a moment to consider this vision. The ground shakes and there to the sound of heavy impacts. Some of which splash-down heavily into the water at distant sites, and an electric surge arcs between them. These massive
power pylons
can be seen through the heavy rain by their cryptic soft blue gleam. Something massive to the north is standing up on four legs...

|-|- Turn 1b -|-|


0 = BLU Valkyrie King* (*benefits disabled until Knight is reactivated)
0 = YLW Assault
0 = BLK Thief
0 = WHT Boulder Mech

Forest Tiles (E3, G1, H3)
- Grants +25% evasion, unless attacks would have 0% chance.
- Reduce incoming damage by 1, unless it would be 0.
- When entering, SMALL units must end their movement, BIG units must end their turn, and MASSIVE units are unaffected but gain no benefits.

The thunderstorm is too loud to talk right now, please only post your spoiler.

Only Accrovideogames, NotAJumbleOfNumbers, TricMagic, and
Boohoo the 3rd
HadesTheReaper may post in the IC Thread at this time.
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Post Post #14 (isolation #11) » Sun May 23, 2021 5:21 am

Post by roseheart »

(HadesTheReaper replaces Boohoo the 3rd, NotAJumbleOfNumbers timed-out without replacement)

Quote from: TricMagic
Melee: Reload Plasma Rifle.
Movement: RUN&GUN Dashing Southward.
Ranged: Plasma Rifle: Target H3.

GM Note: Reload would end your turn. However your rifle is full so this part will be dismissed.
Quote from: Accrovideogames
Move to G1
Quote from: HadesTheReaper
Throw boulder to G1. Move ->A2->B2

GM Note: Throwing is a ranged attack, which happens after movement. So movement component will be dismissed.



Special Phase

Having just been discovered in their night errand, the thief was already panicked before his transport to this new alien setting. A setting where a loud thunderstorm now enveloped him, causing him to drop miscellaneous baubles and fine jewelry as their quaking legs threatened to give out. He looked around frantically as strangers were closing in on him with weapons drawn. Lightning flashed over and over like a blacksmith marrying hammer to anvil, and the terror rattled his bones. His jaw dropped as he gazed upon a menacing machine as big as a castle, lifting up a small mountain. It then clamped shut as he clenched his chest and doubled down. It was there that Hugo Everett, common thief with grand ambitions had succumb to a fatal heart attack, on a nameless rainswept valley in The Grid.

Move Phase

The valkyrie king continued to ride north, turning to stop at a small patch of forest to the west. The assault
south, stopping to look suspiciously between two nearby patches of forest.

Range Phase

The assault raised their rifle and sprayed bullets into the trees in two volleys. The king saw the gun flashes from across the rainy plains that separates them. Above something impossibly big was moving through the air. The rider galloped
back to where they were
and out of harms way just in time. The boulder crashes down, the shockwave expelled a wave of various rock and wood debris throwing the assault eastward.

|-|- Turn 2b -|-|


0 = BLU Valkyrie King
0 = YLW Assault
0 = WHT Boulder Mech

Accrovideogames, HadesTheReaper, and TricMagic, please use your character portrait, above, if you wish to talk in-character, which will be shared on the other forums.

The THIEF was eliminated.

(Updates will continue to be posted for the benefit MafiaScum, even with no players as some have expressed they enjoy reading it. To be a replacement sign-up in the OOC thread.)
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Post Post #15 (isolation #12) » Sun May 23, 2021 6:28 am

Post by roseheart »

They look to the dude on the horse.
Is this a medieval world or something? Hopefully they can understand.

Image"Care to team up against that giant?"
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Post Post #16 (isolation #13) » Sun May 23, 2021 11:09 am

Post by roseheart »

The Valkyrie is amazed at the sight of that mechanized dragon.

Image "Yes, but have you seen a knight on a horse? I got separated from him after we slew a giant snake."

He flips a few switches, engaging the onboard speaker system.
these don't look like the aliens. Perhaps I can get their aid. Of course, they still need to hear me from all the way over here.

Image "You are not my enemy. We can work together, save humanity, even. I am running diagnostics on the stability of the temporal effects that brought us here. We need not fight."
Last edited by roseheart on Sun May 23, 2021 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #17 (isolation #14) » Sun May 23, 2021 1:17 pm

Post by roseheart »

The Valkyrie has no idea what the dragon is talking about. She's also curious about the strange weaponry her newfound ally uses.

Image "Sir, do you have any idea what this mechanized dragon is talking about?"
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Post Post #18 (isolation #15) » Sun May 23, 2021 1:46 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"Is that what it's supposed to be? Either way it just threw a rocks at us. And I'm far more inclined to trust a human than some alien. Even if the part of being warped to a strange plain is true."
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Post Post #19 (isolation #16) » Sun May 23, 2021 10:35 pm

Post by roseheart »

Smacking his head, he remembers that fact that this seems to be the past.

Image "I am not a dragon. In your terms, I am a paladin granted immense magical power. I was sent back in time before this to save humans from invaders. I had nothing to do with this. If we want to escape this, we must work together. The rock was a warning. I will not hesitate to stop you if you try to stop me."
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Post Post #20 (isolation #17) » Tue May 25, 2021 6:31 am

Post by roseheart »

TricMagic wrote:Move Up 1, left 1.
Accrovideogames wrote:Move to D1.
HadesTheReaper wrote:move A-2 -> B2
Move Phase

The valkyrie king continues north and the assault heads that way aswell, while the boulder mech walks southeast a bit. Their previously thrown boulder quickly becomes riddled in cracks from the trembling steps.

Special Phase

The assault
their rifle. The rain rapidly begins to thin and then the sun finally breaks through the bleak storm clouds. Sure enough sign, that the flood waters and mist should also clear up soon...

|-|- Turn 3b -|-|


0 = BLU Valkyrie King
0 = YLW Assault
0 = WHT Boulder Mech

Accrovideogames, HadesTheReaper, and TricMagic, this is your last chance to choose final positions before we join both sides.
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Post Post #21 (isolation #18) » Tue May 25, 2021 11:58 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "What kind of invaders? And if you're human, prove it by getting out of your—whatever that vehicle is. Show your face!"
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Post Post #22 (isolation #19) » Tue May 25, 2021 10:50 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "This thing doesn't have a fast re-entry system. Uh, it's hard to get back into the massive suit of armor if I get out of it. I think I have a display system somewhere in here... ahA! Got it! Alright, wiring helmet diagnostic feed into the 3d modeling program, uh... buffering?! What do you mean, buffer, oh, it's done. Alright, uh, wiring that to the external projector system, then... viola!"

A picture of my handsome mug displays from the legs of the mech onto the rock it's carrying, helping create the 3-d image.

Image "How do I look? Alright, ok, so, invaders. There's these nasty bug things that attacked Earth, uh, the planet, hmmm, the land and they came from... beyond the horizon. Now, bugs we can deal with, but these things were the size of castles, sometimes. I've never seen one smaller than a small building. And there were millions, or maybe even billions of those nasty bugs. Our tech guys, uh, scientist, wait, medieval era, WIZARDS! Our wizards couldn't divine how many there were exactly, but there were a lot. More than we had people. I can figure out what brought us here, see if I can still contact my wizard people, and maybe use that to bring us back to where we were, and use this new info to better fight the Vex. Uh, the Vex is our name for the bugs, since they were like the biblical plagues, so they 'vex' us. Yeah, I didn't come up with the name. Anyways, we can worl together. But, frankly, my mission is too important to just ignore it."
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Post Post #23 (isolation #20) » Wed May 26, 2021 7:23 am

Post by roseheart »

The Valkyrie doesn't understand many of the words she heard, but she thinks she understands the general message.

Image "So you call this massive machine a suit of armor?! Interesting magic you have there by the way, being able to project your image like that. I also know what a scientist and a planet are. Please, I'm not a caveman. So what you're saying is that the Vex come from beyond the stars? And here I thought you were the alien, those Vex sound much worse. Anyway, do you know what those strange pillars are?"

Out of game note: People in the middle ages and even way before that knew, if they received proper education, that the Earth isn't flat. The word alien also existed. It actually means something foreign and unknown. Until recently, it was mostly used to describe immigrants.
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Post Post #24 (isolation #21) » Wed May 26, 2021 9:06 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "Sorry, most times I go back to the past there aren't any people around. This is the first time I've talked to someone from the medieval ages. Anyways, yeah, we had to build suits of armor like this one to deal with the Vex. Also, those pillars seem to be the source of electricity my armor is receiving. They seem harmless, but if they are injured, odds are the containment would fail then a bunch of lightning would strike
Not much fun. Though, there is this one guy back at base who loved being electrified. Yeah, nobody really likes him. Regardless, I have a feeling this electrical storm will subside, then I can get a better reading on how we got here and how to get back."
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Post Post #25 (isolation #22) » Wed May 26, 2021 3:36 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Medieval? You mean my time is in the middle of yours? So you must be from thousands of years in the future, maybe even more. Anyway, I hope my loyal knight is alright. We met in a desert and teamed up to slay a ravenous giant snake. We then traveled together for a while until we got separated in that thunderstorm. It doesn't seem like that other man knows about him, but maybe you can help me find him with your futuristic magic powers."

The Valkyrie turns to the other man (YLW Assault).

Image "And you? What's your story? You don't look like you're from around here either."
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Post Post #26 (isolation #23) » Sun May 30, 2021 5:54 pm

Post by roseheart »

(Sylveone46 of Sufficient Velocity replaces dsjstr of MafiaScum)
a1s wrote:move to E7
Space Jawa wrote:Plasma Sniper Rifle Overwatch
Move Phase

The knight charges forward, closer to the flood stream once again. Strangely, the ground continues to shake from time to time even though the thunderstorm is clearing up.

Range Phase

The sniper holsters her pistol, and withdraws her sniper rifle, going into
. The distinct sound of plasma rifle fire can be heard through the fog...

Special Phase

These souls collectively have an odd sense of deja vu, and are then psychically bombarded by images of some battle taking place...no...that took place west across the dwindling flood stream. But they have only a moment to consider this vision. The ground continues to shake as the mist parts. Something massive is walking on four legs...

TricMagic wrote:

Move north 2 spaces. Plasma rifle the Mechtoid menace(the giant.)

GM Note: Will use 1 ammo for free as announced in OOC.
Accrovideogames wrote:Don't move.
HadesTheReaper wrote:Move down 1.
Move Phase

The assault and the boulder mech move in towards the valkyrie king. The boulder to the south shatters into rubble.

Range Phase

The assault raises her
plasma rifle
at the lumbering giant, and lobs a few green ethereal shots. The boulder mech's
shuffling armor
plates make it difficult to hit a vulnerable point. The assault is too
to threaten the machine while it is moving.

Special Phase

As the sun continues to break through the clouds the flood waters are lowering rapidly, and the mist is rolling away. And then there appears those souls from the vision before, like stepping out of a dream.

The knight and king finally spot each other.

Themed Challenge Complete: King Izabelle Horne and Madame Trinity Chandler have increased their support level to B! 'New' Ability: "Sidewinder" (details in OOC)

The XCOM Lieutenant looks across the way and sees her mortal adversary(the one that cost them everything).

Rivals: Lieutenant Riya Contreras and Lieutenant Aisha Welch cannot be allies, and gain double points for killing their counterpart!

And then you see it. Whether by local lore, or shocking readings on your instrumentation, you now recognize those glowing stars are exactly what you need. You just need to stay on them long enough...







|-|- Turn 4 -|-|


0 = YLW Knight
0 = YLW Assault
0 = WHT Sniper
0 = WHT Boulder Mech
0 = WHT Sudowoodo
0 = BLU Valkyrie King* (*benefits of the Knight's Oath restored)

Goal Zone (D4, D5, E4, E5)
- Grants +1 point to each occupant at the end of turn.

Puddles (B4, F4, F5)
- Impose -2 initiative to all actions for the rest of the turn.

Debris (D5, F5) and Blocking Plants (A8, C7)
- Can be moved on and destroyed by a massive unit. The plants are destroyed by melee attacks.

a1s, Space Jawa, Sylveone46, Accrovideogames, HadesTheReaper, and TricMagic, EVERYONE who is a player can post in the IC Thread now. You can switch between your old portrait and the new alt above as desired to emote. Please continue to use your character portrait(s) if you wish to talk in-character, which will be shared on the other forums.

(Additional details about victory conditions will be posted in OOC shortly.)

This is the end of the reposting of this session on MafiaScum. If you'd like to read further, you can at Bay 12 Forums, Sufficient Velocity, or GameFAQs. You can sign up to play in the OOC Thread. Thank you!
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Post Post #27 (isolation #24) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:24 am

Post by roseheart »

(MafiaScum has been reactivated. Catching up to current point...)

Image "Hey, you shot me!" my voice rings out of the speaker system and my projected face moves with the words, "I almost have the proper readings. I just need to get to a better location."

I notice the storm has now properly died down,Image "Huh. Wait, more people?! Where have you all been? This is the most people I've seen that aren't from Base. We can work this out and all get home safe. No fighting. The Vex are more dangerous than this. Please. I don't want this to be another bad run."

"The Vex? Who are you?"


"You know what, doesn't matter. You actually want to work together to survive? So do I."

"Though it would still be nice to know who exactly you are and what your story is."

Image Speaking to the paladin, the Valkyrie says, "It seems like that person who looks like our friend here mistook you for an enemy. I'm not surprised, considering we did as well. They seem like the type who fires first and ask questions later, like you actually." Speaking to YLW Assault, she adds, "Is that your friend over there?" She then notices the knight.

Image "Hey, that's my loyal subject! I'm glad you're safe!" Speaking to her two new friends, she adds, "That's the knight I was talking about." Speaking to the knight, she says, "Don't be afraid of this massive machine. There's a time traveling human inside it. He's some kind of paladin from the distant future who has come to save humanity from the Vex, an alien race that isn't even from this planet. Anyway, who are the two people with you? Wait, that thing over there, that's not a person, that's a monster!"
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Post Post #28 (isolation #25) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:26 am

Post by roseheart »

The Valkyrie recounts her story to the dark skinned woman with strange weaponry. She met a knight errant in a desert where a ravenous giant snake was eating unsuspecting victims. The knight declared the Valkyrie her King, despite the fact that it's a title reserved for men. They then teamed up to kill the snake. After saving the denizens of the desert, the two horsemen travelled the land together until a thunderstorm separated them.

Image "The knight on a horse next to you is my loyal subject. My name is Izabelle Horne, by the way."

Image "My story, uh... to make a long story short, I joined a group of people interested in stopping the Vex from destroying Earth. I get sent back in time to help fight off small areas of Vex incursions, and hopefully, in the end, I'll have gotten all of them. Now, normally I would get sent back with a couple other pilots. Remember that dude that likes electricity a little too much? Yeah, he's my brother. I love the guy, but he's struggling with that. The other person on my team is me and my bros overseer, captain, whatever. Anyways, I don't know where they are, but I still want to help you guys out."

Image "As for that first boulder, I'm sorry, but I needed to show that I'm not to be taken lightly. Otherwise, well, I've lost a run or two because I trusted someone too much. Oh, if you guys want to see what a Vex looks like, I have some files on known types I can display. The techies back in Home Base say it's in case it's ever needed. Never hurts to have a diagram on where to hit to deal the most damage."


"That's great, but use the Cliffnotes version next time."
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Post Post #29 (isolation #26) » Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:28 am

Post by roseheart »

The Valkyrie is still looking at the monster that looks like a calcified tree.

Image"Stop staring at me like that!"

Image "The monster can talk?!"
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Post Post #30 (isolation #27) » Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:51 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "What monster? My scanners aren't picking anything uuuuuuuu, yeah, I'm guessing that's the monster. It doesn't seem like a Vex. Like, at all. Maybe a leaper or a psion, but they're too... fat, for lack of a better word, for a leaper, and a psion would have a more bulbous head. Not to mention it's clearly not human."

I lean the mech closer, trying to get the strained instruments to pick apart their biological makeup. Techies said it would be handy if a new Vex showed up.

Image "Sorry, you can talk. Didn't mean to talk like you weren't here. So, uh, what's your name? And, if it not rude, what

Image"My name is Sage, and I'm a Sudowoodo, I think..."
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Post Post #31 (isolation #28) » Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:51 pm

Post by roseheart »

(Nancy Drew 39 of MafiaScum replaces TricMagic of Bay 12 Forums.)
Sylveone46 wrote:Move to D6, Use Rock throw on D5
HadesTheReaper wrote:move -> C3->C4->D4 then Repair.
Accrovideogames wrote:Move to E4.
Space Jawa wrote:Move to B7; Activate Pistol Overwatch
a1s wrote:Move to D5
Move Phase

Their powerful plasma rifle having been resisted by the behemoth that was now lumbering away, The Assault was looking rather antsy as the other side drew closer. She quickly composes herself, she's seen weirder stuff than this...? The Valkyrie King is forced to maneuver around the unallied Assault. The closest she can get is through the forest, slowing her down. The Knight rears up for a dash to the goal. The Sniper is ready, having waited long enough to find an opening past her shield. But the shot goes wide, and The Knight charges past, smashing through the debris. The Sudowoodo waddles down next to The Knight, his eyes are glowing... The Sniper hops to the other side of their foliage cover. The Boulder Mech stomps over to the goal zone.

Range Phase

The Sudowoodo does what ever it is he was planning to do, which seems to be to make rock after
rock throw
down on the goal zone, crushing The Knight. The Sudowoodo's eyes turn to normal, they look around and see the scraps of debris but also the killed horse and rider. The Sniper aims their pistol forward over the leaves.

Special Phase

The Boulder Mech performs a diagnostic to
but finds no problems. An inconspicuous yellow frog draws near...

|-|- Turn 3-4c -|-|

(a friend's voice) "You are always getting yourself in a pinch like this, I don't know how you have the heart for it."

As the electrified flood waters raged on, something rolled down to the river without notice... The waters were only high long enough to give the object a short strong shock . . .



(Pinxed of GameFAQs is now the revived thief.)


|-|- Turn 5 -|-|


2 = WHT Sudowoodo
1 = WHT Boulder Mech
0 = YLW Knight
0 = BLK Assault
0 = WHT Sniper
0 = BLU Valkyrie King
0 = BLU Thief

The THIEF was revived. (late replacement)

The KNIGHT was eliminated.


Frogger (A5)
- Destroyed if stepped on, attacked, or when trying to move on a player occupied tile. Alliance doesn't matter. Revives at boarder.
- Can move up to 3 spaces. Goes first.
- Can only say: "Ribbit!"

FROGGER MODE: ENGAGED: If Frogger ends the turn safely in the goal zone then the player will be upgraded to a random enemy unit (appearing at the boarder, weakest unit of 3 rolls) and can kill a player to revive their original unit. Even if not intending to play as them again, surviving a match and completing a unit's story will grant influence over the next new character roll. A player (or alliance) can also choose to revive a unit as their victory prize.

a1s can now control the YLW Frogger for a shot at coming back.
Last edited by roseheart on Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #32 (isolation #29) » Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:14 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"... That wasn't my original intention but okay then."
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Post Post #33 (isolation #30) » Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:20 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "... wait, what?! Did that... tree... sudowood, whatever, just kill them? Despite me saying to work together?! Ugh, right, well, you have earned monster ranking. As for you, Sniper, don't think I didn't notice that shot! One more, and I'll give you the Atlas treatment."

Image"How was I supposed to know the knight was going to run right into the debris I was targeting?! Actually how about this, stay away from me!"
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Post Post #34 (isolation #31) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:04 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "No! You killed my loyal subject! You'll pay for this!" The Valkyrie then notices the thief being brought back from the dead. "It's an undead!"
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Post Post #35 (isolation #32) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:44 am

Post by roseheart »

Image"... Okay, you know what? I'm confused, scared, and have no idea what's going on, but what I
know, is that these star things are important, so here's the deal.... Stay away from these Stars, they're mine!"
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Post Post #36 (isolation #33) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:36 am

Post by roseheart »

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Post Post #37 (isolation #34) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:50 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "That Sage monster is insane. I'll put it out of its misery."

Valkyrie proposes an alliance to Boulder Mech.
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Post Post #38 (isolation #35) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:56 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "Hey, lady on a horse, we're going to get through this together."

WHT Boulder Mech accepts.

Image "That goes for you too, Assault and new person."

(Valkyrie King is the alliance captain, and is only one who can invite.)
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Post Post #39 (isolation #36) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:23 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Ugh... what's going on?"
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Post Post #40 (isolation #37) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:31 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"A lot of things, my suggestion is that you should run away before that idiot on a horse tries getting you killed."
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Post Post #41 (isolation #38) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:13 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image Upon noticing that the resurrected thief can talk, the Valkyrie says, "The undead man can talk?!" She then looks at the thief and adds, "You just had a heart attack a few moments ago. You were dead, but you suddenly came back to life. And that 'idiot on a horse' just witnessed that tree monster murder her loyal knight without provocation."
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Post Post #42 (isolation #39) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:35 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"Trust me, it isn't worth it, just run while you can, I have a score to settle with... Who even are you? All I know is that you ride a horse and look like a king,
who even are you??
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Post Post #43 (isolation #40) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:28 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "I already told you my story. I'm not going to repeat it."
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Post Post #44 (isolation #41) » Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:12 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"Right, I must have forgotten it already, perhaps it was about how your mother was a hamster? Whatever, go away! These Stars are mine!"
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Post Post #46 (isolation #42) » Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:25 pm

Post by roseheart »

(You are the unit at D2. You post your action in a spoiler. Like the other quoted actions this may involve moving or attacking a space. Your character sheet tells you what you can do. Please post further questions here, in OOC.)
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Post Post #47 (isolation #43) » Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:17 pm

Post by roseheart »

HadesTheReaper wrote:Throw Boulder at D6.
Sylveone46 wrote:Move > E6 > E5, Rock throw on D5
a1s wrote:move to C4
Accrovideogames wrote:Move to E5 and cast Excalibur on Sudowoodo.

GM Note: Ranged attacks require a target space, will aim at Sudowoodo's current space.
Pinxed wrote:Move to E4
Move Phase

The sniper aims at something small and yellow.
The pistol laser misses the hopper. The thief splashes through a puddle getting soaked on his way to the goal zone. The valkyrie king goes around the thief, riding under the legs of her boulder mech ally to also reach the goal zone. The sudowoodo shambles south, grabbing a pink gummi off the ground and eating it as he moves. He is blocked from the goal zone by the valkyrie king.

Range Phase

The valkyrie king withdraws a book...


As the sudowoodo is waddling along, green blades of air slash and impact behind him. He moves out of the way quickly.
The tomb burns up. The sudowoodo uses
rock throw
on the north-east side of the goal zone, but this time they don't catch anyone moving there. The boulder mech warms up their
rock accelerator
and launches a boulder into the air and it touches down to the east, shaking the ground. The sudowoodo is blasted south by the impact debris.

Special Phase

The thief wrings out their robe, drying off.

|-|- Turn 6 -|-|


4 = Royal Knight Errants (Victory next point!)
2 = WHT Sudowoodo
2 = WHT Boulder Mech {RKE}
2 = BLU Valkyrie King {RKE} (Bonus point reparation)
1 = BLU Thief
0 = YLW Knight {RKE}
0 = BLK Assault
0 = WHT Sniper
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Post Post #48 (isolation #44) » Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:35 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"... Fine, you can have the stupid stars, I know a losing battle when I see it... Just leave me alone, please..."
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Post Post #49 (isolation #45) » Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:36 pm

Post by roseheart »

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Post Post #50 (isolation #46) » Wed Jun 09, 2021 9:17 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "Hey, king/queen lady, I think we should help out that 'undead' guy over there. The more people we can save, the better."

WHT Boulder Mech suggests to BLU Valkyrie King to invite BLU Thief.

Image "And if we can get that assault unit to work with us, that would be even better."

WHT Boulder Mech suggests to Blu Valkyrie King to invite BLK Assault.

Image "Beyond that, I almost have the readings necessary to figure out what is going on here. Some temporal anomaly spiked up for me, but I'm almost done getting all the static and interference untangled. Some stupid spatial dissonance can't stop me!"
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Post Post #51 (isolation #47) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:39 am

Post by roseheart »

Image "Me, ally with an undead? No way! As for that other guy, he hasn't said anything in forever. He's hiding something.

(Yes, I'm aware "that other guy" is female. It's just that my character hasn't realized it yet.)
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Post Post #52 (isolation #48) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:36 am

Post by roseheart »

Image"... So being brought back from death is a deal breaker for you? ... I'm feeling generous, want an alliance Mister Undeath? Also maybe a name to call you would be nice."

WHT Sudowoodo proposes alliance with BLU Thief

Image "He's not really undead. Trust me. Plenty of people have been deemed dead, only to show that, no, they really weren't. Hate to break it to you, but I don't want to essentially murder people just because of assumptions. Now, if they shoot people, then those aren't assumptions."

Image "As for the assault, they might be, but we can't be too choosy. If people help people, then that's a self reinforcing cycle. People hurting people is too. I like the one where we all are better off."
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Post Post #53 (isolation #49) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:25 am

Post by roseheart »

Image"So are you also extending the olive the branch to me? At least enough to say, "you don't hurt me I don't hurt you"? Although, what I'm wondering is how my potential ally cheated death."

Image "Yeah, no. You killed a man. As for how he cheated death, well, odds are it was chance. Heart attack, lightning storm revitalize him, water moved him around a bit, then just now woke up."

Image"... Alright, circling back to earlier conversations,
Give me those stars.
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Post Post #54 (isolation #50) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:03 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"I am willing to accept, should I survive. I am very much alive, whether that be again or still, and plan on keeping it that way."

Thief accepts Sudowoodo's alliance.
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Post Post #55 (isolation #51) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:33 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"Actually, I want you to target the horse rider Specifically, I have a plan."

Image "Look, kid, this place can kill you. It already has gotten that knight due to your friend there. I... I have seen more people die than I care to admit. But, I'll tell you what, I won't harm you. I can't say the same for that plank of bitterness, but I wouldn't follow anyone who seems like they will do anything to accomplish their goal. Especially when they don't seem to care about life."

Image "The Vex are the end of everything. They killed more in their first hour of invasion than any other event. The holocaust, the cold war, the plague. None of it compares to the scale the Vex operate on. The holocaust killed 10 million. The cold war, even more. The Vex? We're still counting. And we are already at 6 billion 253 million and more. The Vex have a goal. And they sacrifice each and every one of their allies to get there. I get sent back to stop them. I have seen people skewered by chitin horns, families blown to bits from an errant oversized grenadier beetle, children torn in half by Leapers. And those are the more subdued Vex. There's also the Burrowers, which destroyed bunkers and infastructure. Fireflies which take out air support. Spiders the size of houses creating more Vex. Then there's the Psions. I'm not going to subject you to their horror."

Image "I know a monster when I see it."

Image"So what if
the monster? So what if I'm single minded? My goal is to get out of here, same as everyone else. Me pulping that knight was a mistake, but that doesn't matter. This is a ride or die situation. We have to make a choice.
And I already made up my mind.
Strike her down now, we can get out of here if we do this!!

(To the BLU Thief, 1. Use the longsword, 2. Stay still)
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Post Post #56 (isolation #52) » Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:27 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "For the love of God, lady, put aside your distrust of anything vaguely against your religion and let us help out that boy. He could be undead but he isn't evil! That much is obvious! He's just trying to survive! That piece of misbegotten wood that even a fire wouldn't burn is clearly not right in the head, or its equivalent."

WHT Boulder Mech
suggests to BLU Valkyrie King to invite BLU Thief.

Image "Look, kid, it out right admitted to being a monster. It admitted to being single minded. What more does it take to convince you that it is going to betray you?! Even Hitler and Stalin had the brains to know not to say that out loud. The Vex had that exact same ideology. The grunts were barely animals, but the leaders were sapient. Some tried to stab me, slash me, bury me, explode me, even mind wipe me. Right now, that monster is trying to kill that lady, then is probably going to try to kill me, then those two around us, then you. All in the hopes of getting out of here. How much do you want to bet that it can even do that? I can, and I have machines that tell me I can. Machines don't lie. They just take a bit. Look, I'm trying to save you. What more do you want?"

Image"... Make your choice, Partner, but let's face it. You can fight for freedom or lie at the feet of these two and

Image "There you go again. There is no, some may die, thing here. We can all leave. We can all get out, without anyone dying. Sure, those other two have taken pot shots, and they will be reprimanded for them, but you. You murdered a man. He could have gone home, lived his life. But no. It may have been an accident, but you are certainly making me think it wasn't."

Image "Look, kid. I... I want to help. I will help. I just need you to not follow that monster. I can't understand what you've been through, or what you are dealing with, but dealing with it is dealing with a hungry and injured wolf. No one wins and it'll likely kill you as much as help you."

(GM: To keep the game moving forward, let's respect the thief's decision to accept the alliance invite.)

Image "I'm really sorry to hear that, kid. I'll try to come back and get you out of here."
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Post Post #57 (isolation #53) » Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:50 am

Post by roseheart »

Image Speaking to the paladin, the Valkyrie says, "I presume your magic identified that man as not being undead. He also seemed sincere, which isn't something a undead would show." She turns back to the thief and says, "Listen to the paladin in the giant suit of armor. That monster is not something you can trust." The Valkyrie resumes talking to her ally. "I don't know about that cold war, that holocaust, that Hitler man or that Stalin woman, but those numbers are insane! By the way, my loyal knight was a woman. May her soul find peace in the afterlife."
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Post Post #58 (isolation #54) » Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:22 am

Post by roseheart »

Image[The Sudowoodo is just giving the Valkyrie and Mech the best death glare he can manage. It honestly looks more like cautious fury than anything else, but A for effort, buddy.]
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Post Post #59 (isolation #55) » Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:12 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Oh, sorry. It's hard to tell through the armor. Theirs, that is. Mine would be hard to tell as well. As for the kid not being undead, yeah. I got a lifesign sensor going at a 10 kilometer radius. Every person I save with it, is one more person the Vex haven't gotten. I can tell you all about the horrendous future of Earth after this, but first I need to unscramble this interference. These star things are making it
easier, but the static coming in is rather persistent. Almost like this place doesn't want us to leave. Maybe... no, theories are best served outside the battlefield.
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Post Post #62 (isolation #56) » Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:55 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Nah, this beauty was built in Germany before we got shipped out. It's amazing what the end of the world can do for making world powers play nice with each other."
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Post Post #63 (isolation #57) » Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:17 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"..." [Sigh] "My nerves are finally catching up to me... I guess I ought to do this before I don't have the chance. If their spirit is still around or something, I'm sorry knight. I didn't really mean to hit you in the first place. There... Isn't really an excuse for what I have done
and what I'm about to do,
so I suppose all I have left to give is an apology, for what it's worth." [The Sudowoodo has a sort of somber expression.]

Image "For what you're about to do? What about you've already done? Wait, you're about to go nuclear?"

Image "Get back, everyone!"

Image"I don't have a nuclear button. I'm... Apologizing for the fact that I'm going to fight you or whatever, and I'm under no illusion that this will end one of two ways."
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Post Post #64 (isolation #58) » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:01 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "You didn't need to. You don't need to. You are a monster, as is evident from your idea that you have to fight, but you don't need to. You can not fight, for example. Maybe when I come back for the kid, you'll... you'll have changed. Maybe you won't be a monster, then. Every life taken is one less to fight against the Vex.

Image"... I have to because if I give up now, all the bad things I've done will have been for nothing. I'd rather this end with me as paste on the ground than face that. How this ends... Doesn't really matter for as long as I leave here."

Image "Well, that is a shame. To see life as having only two paths, or two possibilities, is simply upsetting to me. My Overseer may be a stuck-up rule follower, but they did have this saying I rather like."

Image "If all you can think of is to follow one of the two paths in front of you, you haven't considered digging a third one."

Image "As corny as it sounds, that advice got me and my squad through several situations we wouldn't have otherwise. Now, right now I bet you wished it hadn't but, hey, can't blame my Overseer for doing her job."

Image "Sage is insane. It says it's sorry but then tells us that it's going to continue trying to kill us. That's the very definition of insanity."
Last edited by roseheart on Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #65 (isolation #59) » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:02 pm

Post by roseheart »

a1s wrote:move to D5
Sylveone46 wrote:Use flail on E5 Move > E6 > E5, Rock throw on D4
HadesTheReaper wrote:Move -> D5. Throw Boulder at F5.
Space Jawa wrote:Move to C6, shoot Frogger with Laser Pistol

GM Note: Ranged attacks require a target space, will aim at Frogger's current space of C4.
Accrovideogames wrote:Move to E6, then cast Excalibur on Sudowoodo on F7.
Pinxed wrote:Stand still,. Attack Horseman with knife.

||Use the Longsword||
Nancy Drew 39 wrote:Move to E3. Shoot F5.
Melee Phase

The thief pulls out their pulsing
, before flipping it in the air and quickly thrusting it forward. The valkyrie king is slain. The blade brakes off, destroyed. The sudowoodo makes no melee attack once they see the valkyrie king is gone.

Move Phase

The yellow frog bounds into the north-east corner of the goal zone. The sudowoodo teeters north and west onto the goal zone taking the rider's place. The assault enters the nearby patch of forest. The sniper heads over to the boulder and ducks behind it for
. The mech walks east, and below their village dwarfing form, the tiniest little yellow amphibian is, in the most "extra" of ways possible, squished. The shaking ground causes the boulder the crack up a bit.

Range Phase

The sudowoodo doesn't have a clear shot on the stomping mech, and holds their throw. The assault peers through the thin trees and raises their hefty assault rifle. The debris south of the goal zone is all shot up into bits. Just after that the same spot is filled once again, this time by a boulder from the mech.

Special Phase

The goal zone begins to glow, all but the thief and sudowoodo feel themselves repelled by it. Some sort of vortex of light is forming, this is the victor's chance to go home. For the others, it may still be possible to rush into the portal, or you could flee for now in hopes of finding one that is more stable...

|-|- Turn 7 -|-|


5/7 = Alliance of Convenience (Victory!)
4/4 = BLU Thief {AoC} +2 +1 (+4 Victory Points!)
1/3 = WHT Sudowoodo {AoC} +1 (+1 Victory Point!)
0/3 = WHT Boulder Mech +1 (Survivor)
0/2 = BLU Valkyrie King (Deceased)
0/0 = YLW Knight (Deceased)
0/0 = BLK Assault (Survivor)
0/0 = WHT Sniper (Survivor)

Game Set - Alliance of Convenience Victory

Sylveone46 and Pinxed. Spoiler your choice. If answers are different, the surviving teammate with the most Victory Points will decide. Choose your fate:

. Boost: Choose a game world from the list to have an extra chance of being drawn. At least one teammate must retire. Boost may be removed by others in the future.
. Revive: Can be from this battle or any previous one. The original player must accept the offer.
. Progress: Choose a single teammate to gain 1 VP. Optional: Instead, you can choose to
your teammate to gain 2 VP. (You don't have to win the vote to sacrifice them.)

Sylveone46, Pinxed, Space Jawa, HadesTheReaper, and Nancy Drew 39, choose in a spoiler whether to
. The victors have made permanent progress towards a better ending. For those that were defeated, the points acquired may be useful for character upgrades (if your character has them) and can be used to remove games from being drawn in the next match if you choose to retire. If you choose to continue, you will be stuck with this unit next time you play.

Ending Costs:
Mediocre (Free)
Decent (2VP)
Happy (4VP)
Secret (10VP)


a1s and Accrovideogames can speak as a ghost using this portrait to request, negotiate, or accept a revival...aswell as ArchimedesWojak (Snake, Snake), Glass (Nomadic Trooper, FE7), and 0cra_tr0per (Nu Mou White Mage, FFTA).
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Post Post #66 (isolation #60) » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:35 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Another one?! Kid?! Why, why do you jump to violence?! I'm... I'm not going to kill you, kid. Someone or something failed you, to leap to join with... that. It may have a chance to survive and become better than it is now, but it is going to take too long and too much before it realizes exactly what it is. I... I wish you the best of luck out there. I need to get everyone else out that I can. See you on the flip side, I suppose."

Image "As for you, monster, I hope you end up in an isolated existence with enough time to figure out what you want out of life. Because if it involves friends, love, and fulfillment, you missed that train. People act as their true selves in a surprise crisis. If it isn't a surprise, that won't show it. But you seemed defeated and bitter. You accepted the status quo, and made it your fate. I didn't, and I want to get everyone out of here. No violence if not needed. You sprung to violence as a first resort. Again, you can be better, but not without resources we don't have."

Image "So long, everyone. If any of you care to join me on my apparently selfish goal of getting us all out of here, follow me. I can even give you a lift. And, kid? That offer extends to you too. You killed her and sided with the monster, but at least we do have the resources to help you."
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Post Post #67 (isolation #61) » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:17 pm

Post by roseheart »

(Pinxed: So what's the plan, partner? Anything that works well for you IC?)
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Post Post #68 (isolation #62) » Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:34 am

Post by roseheart »

(Sylveone46: sorry for taking so long, I was asleep. I'm kinda thinking about going for the revive option.)

(Sylveone46: to accro/Valk king, I'm thinking of reviving your character if you'd like your ghost to request such. I'd rather Sage get approached by the ghosts first than the other way around.)
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Post Post #69 (isolation #63) » Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:50 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "YoU aRe CuRsEd!"

A ghost is tormenting the thief. It looks like it won't be able to find solace until it can have its revenge.

(Accrovideogames: Yes, I'd like to have my character revived.)
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Post Post #70 (isolation #64) » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:15 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"... Is that a ghost..? You... Wouldn't happen to be the... The king we killed, would you?"

Image"And if you are, don't haunt him, if you're gonna take revenge on anyone I'm kind of responsible for this mess, so haunt me." [.... The Sudowoodo looks down at the stars, seeming to think about something.]
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Post Post #71 (isolation #65) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:05 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "Okay, whatever. I was told to attack, so I did. Next time don't write someone off for being 'undead'."
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Post Post #72 (isolation #66) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:17 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"I think I had a revelation just now. Alright Spirit, I have an offer for you! I think if we do this right, we can use these weird... Star thingies to bring someone back! So if you could stop pestering my friend, I'm pretty sure I can bring you back. Consider this a true apology for all that has happened."
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Post Post #74 (isolation #67) » Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:36 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image "I'm going to have to ask you don't kill each other. A bother, I understand, but please stay alive long enough to get back to your proper reality?
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Post Post #75 (isolation #68) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 5:18 am

Post by roseheart »

"YoU lIsTeNeD tO a MoNsTeR!! iF tOlD tO kIlL yOuR mOtHeR, yOu'D dO It?! YoU MuRdEr OvEr HoNeSt MiStAKeS. yOu'Re A dAnGeR tO sOcIeTy."
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Post Post #76 (isolation #69) » Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:28 pm

Post by roseheart »

Image"Stop yelling at him, are you going to accept my deal and let me try reviving you, or are you gonna keep floating there and badmouthing us?" [Annoyed Tree Monster]
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Post Post #77 (isolation #70) » Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:15 pm

Post by roseheart »

The ghost is completely unaware of its surroundings outside of its murderer.

Image "I'Ll NeVeR lEt YoU sLeEp AgAiN."

(Accrovideogames: You may revive my character, but its ghost is single minded toward only one goal: tormenting the thief for all eternity.)
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Post Post #78 (isolation #71) » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:04 am

Post by roseheart »

Image"..." [Sigh] "I'm only reviving you because I feel guilty."

(GM: Bios added. IC is now closed.)
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