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Open Setup Challenge: Sowing Temptation

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 11:12 am
by Isis
This is a design contest, similar to the monthlies.

There will be a couple differences from the monthlies:

- You can submit any number of setups
- there's no explicit deadline and instead I'll cut off submissions for voting at an arbitrary point (when submissions have slowed probably)
- you can only vote your favorite two setups. I think people get fatigue from even having the option to do more.
-I'll capriciously break some ties

The hope is to generate a good enough setup that it can be featured. I won't guarantee that the democratic winner gets featured but I will guarantee a strong correlation between ranking and getting featured. It should be reflective of interest in the setup.

And, for the parameters of this challenge..

Design a cult setup

-The setup must have a faction that can have multiple nontown players alive simultaneously, no other antitown factions, and the capability to convert town players to that faction.
- The cult can have kills, but it may be easier to balance of they don't.
- Game must be guaranteed to reach day 3 without a cult win

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 12:14 pm
by LlamaFluff
So something like...

1x Non-Consecutive Night Cult Leader
12x Vanilla Town

Cult has N0 Head-Start
Cult may never have more than three members alive

Non-Consecutive Night Cult Leader

You are a 3-Shot Cult Leader. Beginning Night Zero you may target another player. They will be recruited into your cult as a Cult Recruit. You may only perform this action on non-consecutive nights throughout the game, and the size of your cult may never exceed three players.

You have no standard factional kill, but cult recruits may sacrifice themselves to kill another player. You may not sacrifice a cult recruit and recruit a new player on the same night. If multiple cult night actions are submitted, you have the final say in what action will be taken.

You may talk with your recruits at any point HERE

You win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

Cult Recruit

You have been recruited by the Cult by XXX the Cult Leader and are now a Cult Recruit. (If applicable) YYY is a member of the Cult as well as a Cult Recruit

You have no standard factional kill. However during any night you may sacrifice yourself to kill another player. If you sacrifice yourself the cult will be unable to recruit a member for the night.

You may talk with your fellow cult members at any point HERE

You win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

If you want a Micro that has Cult-Type play though... just use Modified Mentor

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 1:56 pm
Would you like to join my cult?
8x Town Neighbors

2x Cult Lovers

Cult wins at parity.
Neighbors are shuffled across 4 threads with 2 neighbors per thread.
An elimination cannot occur on D1.
Cult has a factional recruit on nights 1 and 2. The game becomes nightless on day 3.
Recruit attempts fail if a target is the only town member in their thread.

The goal was to create a setup where you start with a partner you know is town and then become increasingly more paranoid of them as the game goes on. That's why I included the psuedo-nightstart. I also like the idea that cult gets up to pretty big numbers and town has to fight back. I don't know if this actually works but I tinkered with it for a while, maybe someone will run with the idea.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 5:54 pm
by Something_Smart
In post 0, Isis wrote:- It must be fully open, not semiopen
Why is this rule a thing

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:08 pm
by Isis
The most recent one popular one was a semiopen, and constraints breed creativity. Perhaps that is so directly linked to design space that it doesn't trigger the "constraints breed creativity" paradigm, though. Did you want to design a semiopen here?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:15 pm
by Something_Smart
I would prefer to, yeah. Semiopens occupy this niche that takes the best of both open and closed games, and I would like to design a mostly-normal setup with the cult twist rather than something that's mostly vanilla or something that's really wacky.

Constraints do breed creativity, but this constraint feels arbitrary and I'm not sure the creativity it breeds is all that productive. As an example, I did have a pretty creative idea, but it's also surely a bad setup-- it was 2 goons vs 11 one-shot cops, where the first cop to check a goon got converted to mafia. But I wanted to make each cop have a 50% chance of being novice and oops now it's a semiopen.

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:23 pm
by Isis
It's deleted. I do want at least one constraint besides cult, but there's still the day 3 constraint

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 2:15 am
by Cook
Divide And Cultquer
1 Cultist

8 Vanilla Townies

Nightstart. Culting is non-consecutive night and compulsive.

After Cultist recruits a member, one cultist must neighborize three VTs and the other must neighborize four VTs.

An adaptation of Divide and Conquer. Kind of.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 6:57 am
by TemporalLich
2 Cultists

1 Marked Indecisive Tourist

10 Indecisive Tourists

Night Start. Cult's factional action is to "mark" a player. Players will know that they are marked after a cycle after they have been marked. The Marked Indecisive Tourist is marked and knows they are marked when Role PMs are sent out. The Cult doesn't know however, so WIFOM abound.

Indecisive Tourists are Indecisive Compulsive Visitors, each night they must target someone they haven't targets the last night (if for some reason this is not possible, they may not act).

If a Marked player targets another Marked player, they are recruited into the Cult and become a
Recruited Cultist
, becoming unmarked and losing their Tourist ability.

A probably unbalanced setup, results in chaos during later days.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 10:22 am
by Kerset
Isis decided to replace democracy with autocratic leadership. I like it.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 4:16 am
by Kerset
Deputy Cultists
1 Cult Leader

2 Prime Cultists

1 D4 Governor

2 Vengeful townies

5 Vanilla townies

Cult Leader
may only recruit, if during preceding day
Prime Cultist
died or no-elimination happened. Otherwise there is no night phase.

D4 elimination is being selected by Governor.
Players retain their power roles during conversion.

Town wins, if they eliminate Cult Leader. Cult wins by parity.

For people, who love swing.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 12:26 pm
by LlamaFluff
1x One Shot Cult Leader
1x Cult Mentee
1x Town Encryptor
3x Town Neighbor
7x Vanilla Town

Day start
Town power roles can be recruited
Town neighbors can use private topic at all points Encryptor is alive

One-Shot Cult Leader

You are a One-Shot Cult Leader with one devout follower, XXX a Cult Mentee. At one night during the game you may target three separate players. They will be sent to a separate Private Topic for "tryouts" where they will vote to eliminate one potential recruit who will be killed. The surviving members will join your cult as Cult Recruits.

You may talk with your recruits at any point HERE as long as the Encryptor is alive. You may recruit the Encryptor into your cult.

You have no factional kill.

You win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

Cult Mentee

You are a Cult Mentee loyal follower of XXX a One-Shot Cult Leader. If at any point the Cult Leader dies you will kill yourself in grief.

You may talk with your recruits at any point HERE as long as the Encryptor is alive.

You have no factional kill.

You win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

Potential Cult Recruit

You have been recruited by the Cult by an unknown Cult Leader as a Potential Cult Recruit, but now its time for "tryouts". For the next 48 hours you may talk HERE with the two other potential cult members, XXX and YYY. The first recruit to receive two votes will be deemed unworthy to join the cult and be killed.

You now win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

Cult Recruit

You have made the cut! Your cult leader is XXX the Cult Leader, other members of the cult are [Names] [Roles].

You may talk with your recruits at any point HERE as long as the Encryptor is alive

You have no factional kill.

You win if the cult makes up at least 50% of the living players

Interesting little thing. Cult Leader dying takes out a second cult player automatically (assuming they are alive) and the three potential recruits have to eliminate someone before they know who the remaining cult members are which can complicate things as town knows the name of one player who was attempted to be recruited.

If town goes D1 and recruit is used N1 (doesnt have to be) setup turns into a 7:4 nightless where scum basically got to choose their partners and a lot of D1 information gets reset/WIFOMed.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 3:24 pm
by Isis
Minority Report: Agatha's new family

2 N1 Bulletproof Precogs (cult)
11 N1 Bulletproof Citizens (VT)

Every player has a fully random other player who is their Grudge. This information is told to the citizen day 4 and to the precogs day 0.

Twilight one, the precogs tell two citizens who their Grudge is that they are destined to try to kill N1. The citizen then sends in a Free Will choice.
Government Tracker Removal Surgery
- The destined kill is not cancelled, but the citizen gains Night One Strong.
Learn Forgiveness
- Join the precogs along with your Grudge. You must treestump a gamestart precog.
Expose the System
- Convert to the precogs' alignment instead of killing your target. It is publicly revealed that someone who is now aligned with the precogs was assigned to kill your Grudge.

Certain combinations generate special effects as follows:
Double GTRS: The precogs gain a permanent factional nightkill.
Double Learn Forgiveness: The citizens' grudges are adjusted to be eachother before the ability is resolved.
Double Expose the System: The precog faction becomes lovers.
Learn Forgiveness Expose the System: Instead of receiving forgiveness, the grudge dies. Instead of exposing the system, the other citizen dies (but does become aligned with the precogs).

The precogs win at parity, citzens win when all precogs are dead or stumped.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 3:20 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
Skin Dancer:

Hidden Alt Game


One Skin Dancer

Ten Vanilla Townies

Eleven Alt Accounts are distributed to the players.

Every 96 Hours or Two Consecutive Mis-Eliminations, whichever occurs first, the Skin Dancer may take control of an Alt Account - Players will be notified when this occurs.

Accounts Taken Over by the Skin Dancer are
and cannot recruit further unless the Main Skin Dancer is alive.

The Town wins when the Skin Dancer and all Drones are eliminated.

The Skin Dancer wins at parity

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 4:37 am
by Cook
Cult vs. Goons
1 Cultist

2 Anti-Cult Goons

10 Vanilla Townies

Cult gets a night 0 recruit and is otherwise Non-Consecutive Night.

AC Goons are part of the Town but unrecruitable until all Cultists die, then the Goons become Mafia members.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 2:22 pm
by Cook
Cult Train
Sacrificial Cult Recruiter

Backup Cult Recruiter

Vanilla Townies

Unrecruitable Townie

Cult does NOT get a PT. Cult members are informed of other living cult members.

When the Recruiter recruits, they die. Recruits become Backup Recruiters.

If the Recruiter is ever dead, the Backup becomes the new Recruiter.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
by TemporalLich
Super Snowball Society
2 Original Cultists

1 Town Alarmist

12 Vanilla Townies

Original Cultists have a Original Cult PT, and have a factional Cult Leader ability.

For each Night an Original Cultist successfully recruits someone, they are able to recruit another Townie the next Night.

In addition to an elimination vote, there is a Deprogram vote.

Deprogramming reverts someone to Town-aligned and also acts as an Alarmist, protecting them from cult recruitment.

If an Original Cultist is Deprogrammed, they revert back to having one recruitment but remain Cult-aligned.

Cult doesn't have a PT and is uninformed of each other.

The Alarmist can protect someone from cult recruitment each Night.

A chaotic meme shitpost setup.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 3:47 pm
by Cook
i think we should pick a setup now

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:00 am
by Isis
I came here expecting to post as much!

Please vote for your favorite two setups, preferably indicating which of the two you prefer. Please don't vote your own.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:09 am
by Cook
VOTE: Cultmark — TemporalLich
VOTE: Deputy Cultists — Kerset

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 9:38 am
by T-Bone
Llama didn't name it but I really like his first unnamed cult set-up.

Also like Deputy Cultists by Kerset.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 10:18 am
by TemporalLich
VOTE: Deputy Cultists - Kerset
VOTE: Divide And Cultquer - Cook

these feel good to me tbh

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 3:40 am
by Kerset
i vote pooky skin dancer and second llama

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 3:07 am
by Isis
4 isn't a shameful number of ballots but a lot of these setups excite and intrigue me so I sent out a "please vote" broadcast PM so I expect at least one more ballot hopefully more from that

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 3:36 am
I like VOTE: Divide and Cultquer and VOTE: Skin Dancer but I'm not sure they fit under my interpretation of the D3 rule (which to me means D3 should also be guaranteed to be reachable before a town win)