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Post Post #19 (isolation #0) » Tue May 18, 2021 6:30 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

Hi everyone. I learned about the no elimination on how much of a mistake it was in my first game here. Still need a lot more practice of playing Mafia hence why I joined another newbie game as I messed up big time last time. Welcome to first time players. Have fun.
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Post Post #30 (isolation #1) » Wed May 19, 2021 10:54 am

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 20, navigatorv wrote:Fair enough. Like I said, I'll trust the people with more experience until I've gotten the hang of things
Never feel afraid of asking questions if you don't understand or aren't sure on things, same with everyone else as well as I asked a lot of them when I played my first game here. It will do you a lot of good.

Got to say I've never heard of one vs one hundred, maybe because I'm not from America. Wonder what the game show was about?
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Post Post #61 (isolation #2) » Thu May 20, 2021 1:16 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

Yeah, that is very scummy to throw out a vote without a logical explanation for it, especially when there were no posts from anyone beyond that from the first proper post in this game. I completely agree. I thought that's one unwise move to make dude. I don't get the joke votes at all personally. Because of that rookie mistake, I'm going with this.

VOTE: Micc
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Post Post #84 (isolation #3) » Thu May 20, 2021 10:35 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 79, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 61, Fizz Raab wrote:Yeah, that is very scummy to throw out a vote without a logical explanation for it, especially when there were no posts from anyone beyond that from the first proper post in this game. I completely agree. I thought that's one unwise move to make dude. I don't get the joke votes at all personally. Because of that rookie mistake, I'm going with this.

VOTE: Micc
I don't like this. This is overexplained.

VOTE: Fizz Raab
I'm sorry, how does overexplaining stuff this class as a scum move? I think voting for me over this is absolotely ridiclilous. What's wrong with overexplaining something? Please tell me.
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Post Post #89 (isolation #4) » Thu May 20, 2021 10:38 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 86, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 84, Fizz Raab wrote:I'm sorry, how does overexplaining stuff this class as a scum move? I think voting for me over this is absolotely ridiclilous. What's wrong with overexplaining something? Please tell me.
so you agree, you're overexplaining?
So what if I am. It still doesn't classify as a scum move and a ridiclious reason to vote me.
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Post Post #150 (isolation #5) » Sat May 22, 2021 1:58 am

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 91, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 89, Fizz Raab wrote:So what if I am. It still doesn't classify as a scum move and a ridiclious reason to vote me.
What classifies as a scum move in your opinion?
For one people voting without a reason for it. People who just do short posts without a reasoning for it. I think this is one dumb vote on your part. Why is the guy your defending classifies as town?
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Post Post #248 (isolation #6) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:03 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

I want to know why I'm being scum when the humaneatingmonkey is playing really scummy. Half of the time, humaneatingmonkey hasn't really put in much contribution other than saying like this and that post with no logical points made. How is that not being scum and my long posts are? Please people, make some sense here. So yes you are being scum with your unhelpful advice.
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Post Post #249 (isolation #7) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:18 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 235, humaneatingmonkey wrote:why are you so on edge lol
i'm asking because you're the most active poster here (besides me, but I spam one-liners), yet you carry "tactical lurker" in your sig. It's just curious, and I do wonder if you would say it's AI.
This is the reason why I'm reading you as scum right now, more than who I voted at this point because of your one-line spam posts and I have no idea why you're being cleared as town from a few people, despite the activity. It's easy to be active when you only do one-line posts that you haven't helped anybody with your posts at all. Just asking questions when really I want to know why you aren't putting more effort into posting more than just one-liners. Because in the last game I played, I did catch a scum player by their one-line posts and were labelled with that. Why would I think differently with you?


VOTE: humaneatingmonkey
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Post Post #251 (isolation #8) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:23 pm

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 177, JamesTheNames wrote:
My opinions on Fizz Raab

In post 89, Fizz Raab wrote:
In post 86, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 84, Fizz Raab wrote:I'm sorry, how does overexplaining stuff this class as a scum move? I think voting for me over this is absolotely ridiclilous. What's wrong with overexplaining something? Please tell me.
so you agree, you're overexplaining?
So what if I am. It still doesn't classify as a scum move and a ridiclious reason to vote me.
I am not completely aware with the normal tone of this forum, this feels rather passive aggressive to me. I think the term is flaking? Acting suspiciously under any pressure.
In post 150, Fizz Raab wrote:
In post 91, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 89, Fizz Raab wrote:So what if I am. It still doesn't classify as a scum move and a ridiclious reason to vote me.
What classifies as a scum move in your opinion?
For one people voting without a reason for it. People who just do short posts without a reasoning for it. I think this is one dumb vote on your part. Why is the guy your defending classifies as town?
Humaneatingmonkey, run. Your posts range from 20 words to 64 words, I am curious how short short must be, this is seeing an 8 calling it an 8, then seeing an upside down 8 and calling it a 6. I wouldn't mind more clarification as to what you think is or isn't Alignment indicative, my personal opinion is post length isn't indicative but can be a nod in a direction with enough context. Very curious to see how JacksonVirgo responds to post 150, I don't expect them to be satisfied with the answer.

My opinions on orctin

In post 64, orctin wrote:This is total setup for me to hammer Micc - he's at E-1 i believe. At the moment he is high on my scum list but ending day early is generally a bad play. I'd rather allow him a chance to post before a hammer vote goes down

Aside from Micc i dont have much of a town/scum read otherwise really, it's just to early for me to draw those kind of conclusions. but some basic thoughts to help start people down that road.

Fizz Raab - playing the newbie card early
Salsabil Faria - seems knowledgeable on the game - countered to Micc's early push
Dum - new to forum game - able to speculate new opinion and pushed on missing player,
NinjaStore - Strong enough player to stand up for opinion
navigatorv - brought up a no-elim possibility which seems to be counter to most people here, strong enough to push back with some sound reasoning against micc
JacksonVirgo - Joke vote to myself just because we knew each other most likely - started out slow last time i seen him and seems to be doign the same - no read at this point
Micc - Seems quick to throw out heat to someone hoping to build quick attention on someone, pushed for someone to play a certain way but failed to back up his own simple reasoning
humaneatingmonkey-dsjstr - just replaced into game - simple post and vote - not much to read yet but was quick to throw a vote out there.
Why so many null reads? I apologise if I misunderstood your reasoning for voting Micc, but it is due to voting with not much justification and/or voting for the sake of voting. (I think this is how this works?) should alter your read for Navigator, should alter your read for Dum, and are you doing the same as what you are claiming Micc did, I won't stop you explaining why they are different, seems like feigning activity / lurking / voting for the sake of voting but, each to their own, and to their own each.

My opinions on Dum


I do understand the idea behind this, see who "hammers", voila we found scum. I don't like that I'm interpreting this as town lean. I really don't. From my perspective it doesn't make sense for Scum to do this. It ruins your late game claims I would assume, "if they were scum why didn't they go to hammer?".

Anyway that's been adressed a bunch already, the other issue with the post:
1-navigatorv. As of right now, everything they have done looks extremely townie to me, especially with the reads they have been posting (Wich i mostly agree with).
So you disagree regarding Jackson, Salsabil (myself), these slots aren't scum in your eyes, they are neutral. As of post 103 navigatorv viewed orctin as town, you didn't, post 80 implied (loosely) a town lean on Dum, both of these you view as neutral. I can't help but to see this as not helpful, if you don't have reads on somebody, say you don't have reads on somebody, or just make something up for content. Regardless the main issue at hand:

The Micc vote justification? You are suspicious of him because he is overexplaining things, you look at past games he has had a stake in, and your conclusion as to what is most likely, is that he is trying to help people "understand the game and have fun". I don't understand. I am confused.

My opinions on JacksonVirgo

I don't understand why their vote didn't move to navigatorv pre post . On the note of post :
Also I disagree with Orc, they will not defend themselves properly and we won't get any pressure reads until they get pushed on. Again not voting but throwing intent is meaningless.

Why didn't you move your vote onto Dum? You considered him to be "scummy" along with the player I replaced, they do something, overall seen as scummy, yet you sit back and don't vote? Instead the vote hovers around a player who wasn't around. As of this very moment I think you are the scum duo.

My opinions on humaneatingmonkey

I mean, he is clear about what he likes and doesn't like, posts for fun, I have no issues with this, he may not enjoy walls, but a "why" wouldn't hurt to have. Meh.

My opinions on Micc

Explains himself, nice. I would have preferred no , would've made the Dum gambit more useful for everyone, but being open has its benefits also. I also appreciate his comments on how people are playing, he said he'll catch up, I'm hoping when he does, he'll comment on the Dum comment, and the little quarrel between Navigatorv and JacksonVirgo. Basically he feels like what orctin was attempting earlier ^, but done with a much more town oriented aura.

My opinions on NinjaTools

Please post more. Why didn't you put Dum on E-2 in ? Why didn't you vote for Micc after your ?

My opinions on Navigatorv

It appears he is actually bothered by certain people's post quality and relavance, annoyance at lack of content being created, I'm not very experienced but this just feels towny to me

Individually, Fizz Raab, or orctin are the scummiest, but of course, there are 2 scum out there. JacksonVirgo and Dum as a scum duo makes sense to me, even though individually they aren't the most scummy, but when I consider them in conjunction, it makes sense to me.
This can easily change based on the response to this post, I don't want to be stubborn and cause issues.

This puts Dum at E-2.

By the way, if anybody really wants content just say so.
And you are wrong if you think I'm scum when I've been way more helpful than HumanEatingMonkey has. Tell me what is alright with HumanEatingMonkey doing short posts without any information or real contribution to the game? Please explain your thoughts because I rather give out full details with my overexplaining things than having one post liners which is ridiclious to think that's fun when really, it does absolutely nothing to help with this game. Are you scum I wonder as well if your sticking up for someone being clear on likes and dislike posts and one liners. How is that not suspious to you?
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Post Post #311 (isolation #9) » Wed May 26, 2021 9:46 am

Post by Fizz Raab »

Ugh, being placed as scum for no reason whatsoever is pretty stupid if you ask me with no clear evidence of my posts at all. What do I see is scum is someone doing one line posts without any contribution and it seems like the only time he has made more than one line posts is when I called humaneatingmonkey on it. Let's see you do more than that dude. Obviously, I don't see Jackson scum at all with his helpful posts. I don't know if you noticed humaneatingmonkey, but I'm not good at understanding posts sometimes. It takes me a while to fully get it. I have nobody else apart from you that speaks out as scum just at this minute. I have to go through all the posts to clarify a few more posts that aren't scum posts to me.
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Post Post #312 (isolation #10) » Wed May 26, 2021 9:52 am

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 297, navigatorv wrote:
In post 272, NinjaStore wrote:
In post 258, navigatorv wrote:What I can do though is put my money where my mouth is. I have a proposition that I'd like to make. I understand if you don't want to risk potentially falling into a mafia trap, so I'll stay silent on it if you'd prefer not to hear it, but if you're willing to hear me out, I'd gladly share, even if the consensus turns out to be a "no".
I'm curious. Shoot.
So we have about 3 days until the deadline for voting. While it seems like things have been narrowed down, we still don't have a consensus on who to vote for. My proposition is this: if we can't narrow it down so that the majority of town agrees on one person by 12 hours before the deadline, everyone eliminates me. Even though you wouldn't be eliminating scum, you'd still have a higher chance of finding scum on later days which is still a net gain.
Now obviously if I'm scum I could use this opportunity to try and convince everyone to vote for one of the three prime suspects, so if town agrees to this, I'll stop posting unless someone specifically requests a response from me.
Hm this post right here changes everything. Why would you admit about everyone eliminating you just because you think people will agree on you being scum. But it's funny you claim me as scum when you have no evidence of it. This right here speaks complete volumes with how nobody is speaking scum from this post and even hinting if you are scum. I don't know why you're coming out with this post that isn't something any player would say. So maybe I'll put you in the scum list as well just from this post alone.